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/dep/ - Depression


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>Dopamine deficiency has been linked to neurodegenerative conditions in the body. If you have symptoms of low dopamine levels, you might feel:
Anxious or moody
Depressed or hopeless
Indifferent about the things you used to enjoy
Unable to concentrate
Unable to sleep
Uninterested in sex
>Dopamine and serotonin compete for expression in the brain, one tends to dominate over the other
>see also https://wizchan.org/wiz/res/211617.html#217192, high serotonin causes shyness and anxiety
>a high carb diet, IE typical western one for poorwizs, favors serotonin production


That's dope bro.


huh that's pretty cool. so where do i go to get my dopamine and serotonin measured? maybe i need to check my levels. you can measure it right? there is an empirical test or brain scan for it or something? a self-report questionnaire and a checklist? oh my science!!


all you have to do is
>training often
>cold shower
>stop phone/computer
>do not eat too much


There are indirect proxies you can check. Look for dominance and deficiency symptoms and then supplement with precursors to the opposite neurotransmitter. IE: L-tyrosine for dopa and L-tryptophan for serotonin. If you feel better within a short period on an empty stomach, you'll know.


this is correct, cold showers will acutely raise dopa levels. The thing is I suspect people are getting naturally an excess of serotonin because of bad dietary practices and a lack of awareness on this topic. Someone in a high serotonin state won't be able to do disciplined activities. Instead they should start by taking a probiotic such as bio-k and eat steak


These 'bro science' threads are indistinguishable from satire


none of this is bro science. Leave


If you dont have enough dopamine it is called parkinsons


that's damage to neurons in a specific area of the body


This is like googling symptoms of cancer when you have pain the area of kidneys. Whoever did that knows what I mean. OP is scam, fuck you.


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Aye sir, but this only serves for causing us more anxiety about our health.

What coconut oil helping against those issues?
>parkinson alzheimer and others
Ever read anything? Just saying, in case anyone has time to google it.


computer time, porn addiction, and depression will directly lower your dopa levels. I don't see your complaint as being valid, this is very entry level neurochemistry

Only think I know about coconut oil is oil pulling and ketones. Parkinson is the extreme end in old age when some guy's striatal neurons are damaged by pesticide exposure and other toxins IIRC


The only thing i have is high leves cope.

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