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/hob/ - Hobbies

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This thread is for hobbies that misuse oppressive infrastructure for fun. This includes skateboarding, climbing stuff, exploring, parkour, graffiti, train hopping and street skiing, but it's not limited to these. The point is freedom, which goes hand in hand with creativity. This stuff is often dangerous or illegal, even worse it can draw attention, but for us with the souls of cats and raccoons it's the only way to live.


I thought it would be nice to have this thread here to collect the crossover between raccoons and the extremely introverted to share tips, stories, musings, whatever. Personally I only go out after dark, and my impulse for freedom is always fighting the fear of being watched and talked to. I especially wouldn't know what to say to a cop, the one time I've had trouble from one I nearly talked him into arresting me.

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