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 No.27994[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post good (spoken) books in this thread.

I'll start with the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. Such a good narration.
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Wouldn't by that logic mean that listening to the information in the form of oral recitation be the optimal method?
Which is why college puts a premium on lectures as the bedrock to their pedagogical method.


the optimal method is probably reading the books aloud yourself


You assert that but there isn't real world evidence of that, which is why learning institutions aren't structured around such a practice.

Instead from the lowest to the highest it's build around lectures or in other words listening to a instructor.


I'm not >>67741 but I don't think he may answer to such idiocy. trolling enough about the cuckery of sheeple compulsory "education"
>learning institutions taken seriously as reference
This is the type of mental failure when you people disregard conspirationist as "theorists" instead of giving them a serious look.


>bad faith and non-arguments
What was even the point of this post other then to make yourself look bad?

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 No.51836[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Does anyone here do deadlifts? I'm thinking about working to get a god-tier deadlift. My first goal is to make it up to 405lbs deadlift and then see how far I can take it from there. Right now I can do 255 for 5x5. Any wizbros here with tips?

Right now I'm 80 lbs overweight and need to stop eating so much food. The problem is I'm addicted to food and since I'm a 28 year old virgin, it's not like I have much else to do so it's gonna be hard to cut back on the food. Does anyone also have tips on how to feel full and not feel the need to eat food?
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also dont listen to the idiot telling you not to squat or overhead press. though when doing the OHP you really need to be strict and make sure you're not bending the hell out of your spine. shrugs are probably unnecessary though since the other exercises you have listed already are effective for back and trap strength


>get real fat
No way!


…and strong yeah


my form when deadlifting was always bad. I never see anyone else in a gym doing them and it's a bit of a hassle to set up just to do a couple of sets. Nice numbers though op


Facebook reels. Lots of techniques and posture tricks.

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 No.64254[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Get some hooks and hang them pots and pans from the wall


> cooked with poblano peppers
>just ripped the seeds out by hand because it's way easier and it's just poblanos it's not like they're spicy
>after dinner I notice my balls are burning a little
>wipe my eyes a few times and notice they start to burn
>realize I got a little spicy fingers but the ball burn was mild and went away so I just ignored it for a few hours
>fingers starting to feel a little spicier and I can't stop accidentally wiping my eyes so I figure I'll just take a quick shower and rinse it all off
>get out of shower and realize my fingers are now BURNING like I just scraped the backs of them on sandpaper or something
>fingers still burning 6 fucking hours since I deseeded them

wtf man, I thought poblanos weren't that spicy. Last time I underestimate a poblano, gotta wash that shit quick.


I've been grilling a lot lately because the weather is nice. It's annoying how good stuff comes out on the grill. Annoying because you can't always do it because of the weather. I've been catching stuff on fire by accident and it comes out good. I think being cooked in the fire from the fat of the meat makes it taste better and the higher temp makes the outside get a little crispy and charred without over cooking the inside.


There is no such thing s weather which prohibits grilling. Rain, sleet, snow, or locusts, eat will be charred



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Recently I've become fascinated with tessellation and spent the past couple of weeks collecting pictures of mosaics from around the world. Eventually just looking at them was not enough and I want to go deeper, understand the geometric shapes and its secrets better. Not even sure why but periodic tiling feels like a brain massage to me, like I'm about to fall out of bottom of how I usually perceive the world around me. So I picked up the book Geometry by Cambridge University Press. Feel free to give a hollow laugh: I honestly thought I could just skip the math part of geometry (yes I'm an idiot) and appreciate its resulting surfaces. While you can do that, if you want to appretiate geometry even at a surface level, you need to know the bare minimum of maths. The book suggested a good grasp on the basics of linear algebra and algebraic structure. I thought 'OK, I'll read the wiki entries as a lazy primer' and quickly realized I forgot even the basics of mathematical symbols. I guess it's true after all, if you don't use it you lose it.

Long story short, I'm currently going through Pure Mathematics for Beginners. The good part of being dumb is when you learn a single thing it feels like a whole new world just opened up and it feels really good.

So yeah, maths thread.
Previous one; >>30554
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Usually, most of the questions aren't 'unique'; if there are 40 questions, most of them are just differently stated versions of the same question.

If you believe you understand the subject matter but still struggle with exercises, try looking up the answer to one of the questions you are having trouble with and attempt to solve similar questions on your own.


dont do them then, or just do a few.
Modern mathematics education is a disgrace because nobody wants to learn with dozens of tedious exercises. I hope you actually have good learning material


doing the problems is how you develop maths intuition tho?


I'm the person who started this thread. Since someone bumped it I might as well say I kept going until reaching differential calculus. I filled about 2 notebooks with exercises. After that, about a month ago, I stopped with math focused books and picked up a textbook on electronics. It's amazing how much math helps in understanding things like magnetic fields and just electricity in general. I could even predict some of the behaviors on the theoretical part of the text. I really feel I'm making good progress, can't wait until I reach the meat of the thing and start reading schematics and study electronic components.


Anyone got/read/knows Linear Algebra book from Peter D. Lax?

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Currently I'm learning python and already know all the basic stuff.
How to advance and become pro in shortest period of time?

For now I use these project things:

Reading them try to comprehend and change them. Is there anything better to do?
pls share such similar free recourse to learn program or better
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Some engineering advice for you:

(1) Don't try to over-abstract your code. Write what you need and if a pattern emerges frequently then you can write a general abstraction.

(2) Don't bother trying to optimize your code. Work on building the project you want and optimize when you run into performance issues.

(3) Avoid using every language feature. Every additional feature you use imposes complexity and increases the cognitive load of working with your software. This is also true of frameworks.

(4) Object orientated programming is mostly bullshit and will make your program into spaghetti. There is one exception though: encapsulation. Use classes as if they were related functions and state. This lets you build parts of your project as components that only have to focus on only thing. Avoid using every feature of OO programming if you want a program that's actually maintainable.

(5) You need to write tests to verify that your code works. At the very minimum you need tests to check that a feature you write can be used. Call this an 'integration test' if you will.

(6) There are some ways of solving problems that will only be suitable for toy apps and make it impossible to re-use in professional software. As a noob you won't know what these are but expect there to be a long learning curve.

(7) If you're trying to debug a highly complex error and you're drowning in complexity start adding assert statements everywhere. E.g. your function takes n. Assert n is within the range you expect. Assert all different variables for sanity checks. It can drastically reduce the amount of time you spend trying to guess what's wrong.

(8) Python packaging isn't great. If you want to make things easier on yourself try to avoid packages that have C dependencies (they need complication) and use only packages that use the standard library. Don't bother with Python 2 support. For building your own packages I recommend you just put all your source files in one folder with one init file. Trying to over-complicate how you organize your project will lead to you losing to complexity.

(9) You need to get serious about continuous integration across different OSes and versions if you want to release something to actual users.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Hey man, kind of in the same boat except I'm doing Ruby. If you want to become pro I'd try to use the best resources possible. They're probably books tbh. If you just jump around things on the internet you might not progress that much but a 400 page book is structured and edited for quality etc. You don't have to do it my way I'm just offering an opinion


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try leetcode and codeforce. This roadmap is organized in a way you learn techniques which you build up to solve more complexes problems. But the is a rule, after 30~60 minutes without solving yourself, read the solution and focus on similar problems which require that technique


a good post on wizchan? thats bullshit dont post here ever again


this seems very helpful, thank you

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 No.55235[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This year most of my plants (zucchinis, strawberries, cucumbers) got messed up with the heat waves, tomatoes are really the only thing I have left. I don't want summer to end, going back to eating store vegetables and fruit is soul crushing. Not much money so no fancy organic food.

Do you garden? How long? What plants?
How do you deal with having to go back to tasteless store vegetables during winter?
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greenhouse test. just to see how long it can extend growing season into winter. i want to see in parricular if it can keep my peppers alive. it sucks when perennial plants die from the cold


my peppers got some sort of pests burrowing through a couple of them. Probably because they're too mild. Apparently it's common to order pepper seeds for one species and receive seeds for a different species. That is what happened to me and I think they are anaheim instead of what I ordered. My cucumbers were similarly productive but succumbed to some sort of disease or virus. Eggplants grew a shit ton of leaves but few fruits and only a few got to eating size. I don't think we have enough light where they were.


Recently I've been doing a lot of clearing. I have been slashing down a bunch of native shrubs and trees that cover up spaces and many other plants that I've planted myself. I usually let them grow, especially ij spring, so that they create some microclimate during the harsh summer. Now that the days are getting shorter and the sun is less bright I can clear up these spaces, and open them up for the plants below. The leaves make for gold mulch and I can use the trunks and branches for firewood. Everythijg used to look so lush, now it looks a little empty in contrast.
I also want to bring in many new plants to fill up some of this space, as it turns there's a lot of it! I plan to bring some small trees and shrubs and hope that within the next 5 years they grow big and themselves cover the ground from the sun, as well as provide a lot of fruit.
I have also been broadcasting a lot of vine seeds, mostly curcubitae, such as pumpkin and luffa, but also others like passionfruit. I want lots of trees with vines hanging from them full of fruit, and pumpkin vines crawling along the ground.


well everything else has died from the cold but my peppers and everything inside the greenhouse are still alive, so i consider this a big success, even if it does eventually get too cold in a few weeks, it definitely extended the growing season and should let me start planting early also.


That time of year again. I really should have been out days ago, but the weather just will not co-operate! I can't really do anything until the weather stops swinging 10 fucking degrees in a single day!

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I have this hobby, I like to save pics I see, I have 1000~ pics for now but Its what I really like, then I go through my folder looking at my picturs I saved from internet
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The second picture is so dank, but the more you look at it, the more you see the flaws. The perspective is all off.


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indeed, you're right. I don't even know why I saved this pic I don't like it that much haha. here's some


ewwww kinkade…so kitsch


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What's wrong with a little kitsch every now and again


it uses a document-based database to store tags and metadata.
to add new stuff you can either drag and drop the things you want to add into the gui or if they already have record files made for them you can just mass dump them where ever you want inside whatever folder you designated to be your library.

the gui looks and works fairly similar to a booru. there's a search bar you can put your query into, currently the search system is strong enough to do a few different types of searches and handles a few different types of tags. after you submit a search, multithreading is used to rapidly dig through your libraries and display results as they're being found in real time.

what makes it less intrusive than hydrus, is that filebrary supports multiple libraries. it also doesn't rename your files into hash garbage. it doesn't use sqlite or mongodb, all the database records are indiviual files that are human-readable in toml markup.

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 No.56871[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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ffmpeg.exe -i video.mkv -ss 110 -crf 30 -preset veryfast -vf subtitles=video.mkv:si=0 video.mp4

i had to hard encode subs to make anime playable on my old phone, this is what i used
ss 110 skips the first 110 seconds, skipping the intros
crf 30 is really low quality but significantly reduces filesize
preset veryfast just speeds up encoding
-vf subtitles=video.mkv:si=0 is a filter to hard encode the subtitles from video.mkv, using the 1st(0) subtitle index (english) - you look at streams by via ffprobe

the problem i had was trying to map select the video, audio, subtitle streams while also hard encoding them with a filter, in one pass. i still dont know how to do this, but this seems to select the right audio and video streams without specifying it, leaving only the subtitle stream necessary to specfy, which lets you filter it since no mapping is done. it is simple but i spent an hour figuring it out. i really wish someone posted this to the stack overflow thing regarding converting mkv to mp4 and retaining subs


what am i even supposed to do with programming

i learned a language (atleast, the fundamentals of how it works) and thought it was gonna be a great hobby for an autist like me and i could put all of my time into it, but i half assed what i finally wanted to do with it in the first place and now i cant even get the motivation to even do any more of it. 90% of the time youre just staring at documentation and googling stuff and i cant be bothered when i dont even know what i wanna do with it anymore.


you write programs

>what programs do i write?

you use your computer and when you notice a problem/inconvenience that you're having, you write a program to address it


what if you make 2 node types, one for hosted instance and one for central authority?


learn to draw pixels in a window and play with graphics algorithms anon, graphics can be amazing

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 No.41819[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Favorite comic?

Favorite author?

Favorite cartoonist?

Favorite character?
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Yeah it was all right, though Abandon the old in Tokyo was slightly better (unless that's the one with the slightly evil facially deformed lady, as far as I can recall).


Lately I've been binge reading the legendary mechanic. The basic gimmick, being sucked into a VR video game, has been done a lot, but it's a decent base gimmick imo and they add additional stuff on top of it to make it interesting.


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Just finished reading A Drifting Life after having a positive experience reading The Push Man and Other Stories by the same author, Tatsumi Yoshihiro. This is a very long book, at almost 900 pages long and it tells the story of the author from 15 to his mid 20s. It’s a quiet and introspective autobiography about the author’s obsession with manga. This is an interesting book on several levels, one of them being his drive and passion for the media. This is something that always feels amazing to me, being a person without a great passion for anything, reading about people that have one great love that serves as the foundation of their very existence in this world. It's so odd and comforting in a way. The author himself is impressed at times at how deep he is into his own manga world bubble and how the world is changing around here without him noticing it.

This is an autobiography and a historical document of the development of manga in Japan in the 50s and 60s. If you’re interested in that at all, you’ll have a great time with it. If you’re not interested in the subject matter, this can become a slog. Like I said, at almost 900 pages, most of it is dedicated to the conflicts between the magazines and the mangaka, trends in artwork and script, important publications, important authors at the time and so on. Fortunately for me I’m interested in the world of comics and manga, so I had a great time with it. It was very interesting to read about manga before the great magazines, how they came to be and what they destroyed to become the hegemonic method of manga publication. There’s a bittersweet tone to the whole thing, and the feeling of longing the author has for the past is very evident. It’s like he’s trying to capture as much as he can from his young years and the events that made those days so important to him. I was very moved in many places during my reading of it. I say longing but there isn’t a sentiment of nostalgia, or a combative stance of ‘the good old days’ vs now. The work has a quiet peace about the whole thing, even in the moments of struggle. Like the previous work I read from this guy, I have to recommend this one.

This is a little more demanding than most comics/manga just due the sheer amount of pages. It took me 3 days to finish it but I was going purposely slow with this one. You can read it for free at archive.org. Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I picked up Monsters Are My Business while perusing new stuff coming out. The cover struck me as the writers and artists have a fondness for the good old schlocky comic booky fun and I was right. It’s a comic that doesn’t take itself seriously, mixing some fun modern fantasy tropes and artwork that is giving me a sense of nostalgia for something I can’t quite pin it down. Perhaps the Comix Zone game for the Genesis, and also a smidgen of Metal Slug, I’m not sure.

This is a fast food type of comic, fast pacing, lots of action and likable characters. Not much to think about but super fun to go through. It does a very good job at establishing its characters right off the bat with minimal text, which I love. It’s the sign of a good comic book writer right there. The plot is simple and it’s piece together from well known tropes. Basically an evil cult in the best Lovecraftian tradition brings about some demonic rain that wrecks the planet and now you have all sorts of abominations walking around. The rich are all walled up somewhere but our hero, Tanner "Griz", his mute koala companion Cuddles and a necromancer named Hillary live in the Flooded Zone, helping people in need. If you ever watched the movie Cemetery Man and you like that sort of thing, this book will be a treat for you. It’s like that movie but without the eroticism and a lot more humor to it. I’m very happy to have picked this one up. It’s very refreshing in a way, which is weird because there’s nothing particularly new in this book. The art and the writing have this enthusiasm for the medium that is contagious in a way and I had more fun than I expected. Looking forward to the second issue.


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corto maltese. read it. it's like a daydream

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I honestly haven't put any effort in gardening this chili plant, I just placed the seeds in the pot with dirt and this how it turned out a few weeks later. It's pleasuring seeing it growing day by day and im looking forward eating the chilli once its red.
It has such incredible calmness to it..

What are the small things that gives you some joy in this 'life'?
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I kinda feel the same way about clicky mechanical keyboards.
The feel and sound of using it is satisfying in of it's self to me.


tiny solar panel in the window and LED grow lights.



> to calm myself and relieve the loneliness

Check out Bonsai. It's the whole point of it and it looks beautiful.


> calm myself and relieve the loneliness

I think you're expecting too much out of gardening. Unless you have a shit ton of plants there's not really much to do.


Vulgar normalfart. Plants are the only friend a druid needs, and one is often enough.

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