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would any wizzies be interested in a sort of hidden cam livestream of a NEET venturing out and forcing himself to interact with neurotypicals? would that be interesting, I have various ideas for things to do but idk if people would find it interesting.
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Correct, using a specific sound or string of characters as a symbol for an abstract concept determines if you're able to integrate into society or not.


kino actually. if you do this you need to post it.


I can't stand these retarded slang words like kino, based, kek, etc. I'm 30, but I feel like 90.




You unbased swine! As kinotypical individual I shall sentence you to 30 years of exile in kekistan.

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 No.48726[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Recently I've been getting into photography. I've found that after doing so, I perceive moments in different ways. Things simultaneously seem more transient, yet more permanent. It's a sensation that's difficult to describe, except to say that I am more 'aware' of the moments around me. For obvious reasons I have avoided urban areas, but in terms of landscapes and natural shots, it is quite peaceful.

Any photography hobbyists here?
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Thinking of buying a Panasonic Lumix GX85. Anyone have one or thoughts on it or something better for a reasonable price?


Looks good. It has in-body stabilization, and there are a lot of good MFT lenses out there.


Yeah it it looks solid and reasonably priced. I honestly don't know much about cameras so i thought i'd ask.


this is really pretty

[Last 50 Posts]

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Post rare/interesting pdfs

Does anyone else have a huge library of pdfs that they have collected over the years?


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just got a new PC, here are my 2 saved pdfs for offline reading

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 No.33619[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Has anyone read 5e's fucking Ravenloft?
Just some of the horrid shit in it:
>Strahd's played off as what amounts to Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Angelus levels of edge, literally feels nothing and seemingly has no interests above the usual, though not for the same Bram Stoker's Dracula tier reasons, Literally just wants Tatanya as if a meaningless trophy on his belt
>These dumb faggots made it so that Strahd wants to turn whatsherface not into a vampire bride, or hell, even a true vampire, BUT VAMPIRE SPAWN (You know, sniveling wall crawling nosebleed assface monster vamps?)
>Tatanya's a nigger
>The reincarnation is a nigger
>Strahd's wives are niggers
>Nigger Mayor of a town surrounding the land
>Evil white "everything is fine man"
>Strahd's a Bisexual sodomite degenerate with two male consorts to boot
>Made Barovians "Diverse"
>Made Strahd's conquering of the land sound tyrannical as fuck and less just
>Made it so that Some have Barovians have souls and some don't because of 5e's ravenloft being in a private demiplane, stopping newborn bodies from getting souls, in a piss-poor attempt to mimick the Old demiplanes of dread thing where some residents are literally just NPCs made by the powers, even though this makes no sense to anyone who's had to deal with Gulthias in 3.5 and Ashradorn in the whole Soul font thing with the ban on unborn souls in lore, so these people should be getting souls, because otherwise the demiplane would have to deny all positive energy for this shit to even remotely work
>All done because they're too lazy to redo the demiplanes of dread just like before,
>Strahd now heals for 20 in his fast heal
>Mongrel Men are the results of Racemixing past the half-race stage suffer for it, check their description and it's fucking played off as a good thing despite them being ugly mutants beyond redemption in their racial descriptions, the self-unawareness is real

This is why warhammer roleplay and castle drachenfels will always be superior
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Our first adventure for the campaign is over. All in all I had fun. It's a little too combat-oriented for my taste but I can't really complain. The players were a somewhat flaky for the first couple of months but now everybody has been showing up consistently. It was a very run-of-the-mill adnd adventure, I can tell the DM just did a few tweaks here and there and based most of the thing in a published module. Again, I'm not complaining, that's the game. I lost my barbarian character out of sheer stupidity on my part but his death was cool (he was buffed by a couple of spells so I managed to kill two monsters at -2 HP before the char finally dropped, it was funny). We'll be exploring a more urban environment next adventure (I'm guessing it will be in and around the capital, we'll see).

As for my general mood towards tabletop gaming it's awkward, the night before and all the way up to the start of the session I feel like I don't want to play this shit anymore and I'm ready to quit and never talk to those guys ever again (they're fine btw, it's strictly gaming talk) but then, during the game and afterwards, I feel like this is really fun and I hope there will be more of it in the future. It's the eternal struggle between having to use a mic and deal with real people but also knowing tabletop gaming beats any type of game due to its virtually infinite possibilities and freedom of choice. Video games feel like connect the dots compared to it, even though I'm fond of several video games myself, it's hard not to see the difference when you play both.

The adventure ended very well btw, we beat the big bad, found the old treasure and returned safely to the duke's domain (the guy who hired us). Myself and two other players lost one character each and another guy lost 2. I felt like the DM might have pulled some punches in a couple of encounters in order to avoid a TPK but oh well, maybe he realized the fight was too hard a little too late and had to correct with some fudging. It happens.

We'll see how it goes from here.


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So two of the players quit today due to irl reasons, or so they say. Now it's only two players, myself and another guy, and the DM. I don't know what we'll be playing now but two players is not that great. Specially because me and the other guy are too comfort with silence, so we're running the risk of having one of those gaming sessions where nobody says anything and the thing keeps grinding to a halt. We need a third player but the DM said he prefers to adjust instead of risking fishing for another dude in roll20. I don't know, I would personally risk bringing in a new guy but fuck it.

Where do I even stand on tabletop games at this point. I've been enjoying a couple of video games as of late but deep down I can feel how empty they are and tabletop is the only type of game that still scratches that itch for fantasy. I might go back to reading books again and ditch video games, keeping the tabletop rpg as my only gaming outlet, we'll see. Also I've been posting pretty much alone itt for the past 3 years, is anybody even playing anything? Hard to believe I'm the only one.


playing games with other people is too hard. i feel like the part of me that could imaginatively engage in play with other people died as a kid. the best i can do is watch other people playing


If you have any interest at all for this hobby give it a shot. It's so much better than video games in a lot of ways. It's also a lot more fun than just watching other people doing it. I guarantee people posting their gaming sessions on YouTube doesn't make for an accurate picture of how things go in most groups. People on YouTube use cameras and generally know each other irl, so those groups are a lot more socially inclined and socially apt. Most times online RPG groups are made of introvert nerds and chances are there is always going to be 1 or 2 guys out of 5 that speaks maybe 10 words in a 3 hours session, so don't worry about having to talk much, or at all during most of the session.

All you have to do is show up on time and knowing what your character does. If you're playing for the first time make a fighter/barbarian and when it's your turn in combat simply attack the nearest foe. You just roll 1d20 to see if you hit and if you do roll damage. That's it. Keep hacking those monsters and the other players will be happy to have you.

It's really not hard at all. And if you don't like it for whatever reason just say you can't show up anymore due to irl stuff and quit, that's what everybody does.


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So yesterday we continued going deeper into dungeon number 182347819234. One of the characters got stabbed in the eye. Another guy had his hair melted. We found another secret door, and then another one. Investigated a statue, then a chest. Then another statue. One of the corridors had a trap in it. We disarmed it. Dispatched some monsters, I think it was Goblins (we began a new campaign, everybody is lvl 1 and 2). None of them had anything of value. They tried to flee but we shot them. Gruesome. Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc.

Seems like I’ve grown fond of disdaining this game. I only like it halfway through a session when I manage to immerse myself in that absurd situation. A bunch of mercenaries going down a cave just because it’s there. A monster under a flagstone spits acid in your friend’s face. There’s a room you can only access from the ceiling, and it’s an abandoned butcher’s shop. There are human carcasses pinned to the walls. Sausages made of human flash in a box, everything is rotten. Nothing quite makes sense, it’s dream world, it’s the escape through the absurd.

I keep saying to myself I’ll quit next week but I don’t. The GM and the other player are pretty committed to the game, it’s amazing. They never show up late, they never cancel, they’re reliable. If I quit I’ll never find people like that ever again to play with. I’ve been around in online rpg communities for many, many years now. Those guys are the crème de la crème. Believe me, I know. I can’t just ditch the game. So I go on. Dungeon number 182347819235. Oh no, some corrupted abomination lurking around the corner. Corner number 239572539820395. Secret door. It’s the 234235235th one. We kill whatever it was, it’s dead now. Some treasure. The mage will carry it, he won’t get encumbered and he won’t die in the front line too far for the others to loot his body. The duke is impressed with our efforts. Or was it the captain of the guard? Or was it the king? Someone important. Plot guy number 239485. You can create millions of corridors with the click of a button. Millions, billions of corridors. Castles and dungeons and inns, sprawling by the billions, enough to fill the entire universe several times. We keep going. Another character gets stabbed in the eye. He’s blind now, we’ll need a new character. Let’s get some horses. And a torch bearer.

It’s the Gm’s birthday. He bought himself another old module from the 80s as a birthday gift. He’ll appropriate the maps and Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

[Last 50 Posts]


Post youtube channels that are clearly made by a wiz, NEET or hikkis, and made for the same demographics and not for normies.
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Isn't this guy in a relationship with a tranny?


There was this one quirky seemingly kind-hearted caucasian woodsman in his 30s where he would discuss his social/relationships issues while innawoods, trails, by a night campfire. Fairly certain he deleted his YouTube channel. I really miss his content…


You sound like a fag, not gonna lie


>not gonna lie
Can't even ditch the habitually nigger vernacular when typing on an imageboard… Sad!


I will always shill Mr. Daggers.

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Here we don't primarily talk about our personal experiences (there's /dep/ for that) but post informative and educational videos and share interesting articles and/ or books about the topics.

Also feel free to discuss whatever topic regarding both disciplines comes to mind, from certain mental illnesses to the general merit of psychology and psychiatry.
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I don't think therapy is necessarily complete bullshit, I just think most of the dogma of academic psychology and the systems in which the field exists are. That the woke shit is stupid goes without saying, but the aspects of the field that subtly dehumanize people might not be readily apparent. Diagnostic labels/disorders are inherently imprecise, have tons of overlap, have very unclear origins and, in some ways, either blame the individual for their problems or don't recognize that it might not be their fault that they have them. The vast majority of mental health conditions are reactions to trauma mixed with whatever genetic predisposition cocktail they might have. Even if the way the person is behaving is unsavory and very erratic, they're behaving that way because people/society/life have fucked them and that's not their fault. It's true that, at the end of the day, you have to be the one to find the courage within yourself to face your problems, but it's ironic and sad that the mental health system doesn't actually help people do this like they're supposed to because the system is fucked to the core. Psych meds are crafted by ghoulish businessmen to make money not to help people, therapists are trained to view and handle things in a narrow way, the psychopathic health insurance system incentivizes mental health docs to be shrewd businessmen and put their profits first to get what they can to survive (can't speak for places with socialized medicine, but from what I hear, it has its own issues on this matter) and colleges/universities are staffed by either boomers with archaic boomer views on mental health or woke morons pushing their bullshit agenda. That's not even to mention how many people that go into this field are either just incompetent, bad fucking people or otherwise doing it for the wrong reasons (the stereotype of fucked up people studying psychology to understand themselves is a cliche but 100% true from my experience). On top of all this, it's a massive pain in the ass to navigate this system as a layperson in order to find care. Even if you're educated on this matter and know what to look for, it's basically just trial and error, if you can even afford it and have the time to make appointments.

At the end of the day, more shrinks should just stop being shrinks and just be people. I don't want to talk to a fucking doctor, I want to talk to a real human being who can actually listen, empathize and give input as needed. I don't wPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>daniel mackler
i have a hard time accepting his philisophy of
>everyone is good
as a fact and not just a cope


What if you have accepted personality disorder x? I am not even trying to change at this point. I am 31, I made this thread back in that day. And all that happened ever since is that I accept now that I don't like dealing with people, that I don't gain anything from it. I can interact with them if I have to, and sometimes I even do it more or less on free terms. But eventually I don't enjoy it, or I only enjoy insofar as I know it will end and that I'll be alone again. I am the happiest when in bed and alone with my thoughts and no upcoming duty around the corner. But I have learned to accept daily common tasks and keep order of some things. It gives me a sense of being a decent human being. I also stopped drugs except alcohol. That's great and all, but it didn't change me.


most people here dont need therapy or drugs they need people to invest in them, connection in community, access to resources, positive experiences to change brain up. what else said in this thread about it only being a money making industry and for profit of death, that's spot on. i would have had so much better of a life, if i hadn't been forced onto these heavy drugs early on in puberty. for no good reason either, a form of child abuse only. acted as puberty blockers, messed up hormones, brain development overall. then they got their claws into me again in my 20's and their drugs did a lot of damage. had i been left to figure it out on my own, i would have been profoundly better off. maybe a really good therapist that was invested in helping people and not just a job, but they are so rare as to not even exist.

my 20's and part of 30's disappeared to being on those substances which are there to keep you sedated and pacified and contented with your lot in life. they didn't make things better for me, they made my life a lot worse and took from me the energy and motivation i needed to be able to work on some things. it also was an easy excuse in that, the idea there is something wrong with the person instead of looking and admitting ok society did fuck up as a whole here, and didn't give this particular individual a fair shot. it's all more bullshit to justify 'meritocracy' while making money off the pain and misery of people.


I have a suspicion that treatments like hypnosis are probably better than many "traditional" therapeutic techniques.
Not because I think hypnosis is some magic cure all or has special properties, but simply because it's results focused and goal oriented, unlike far too many forms of psychological therapy.

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 No.50303[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

As the several traveling threads prove, there are plenty of wizards who are curious about the world. Here, we talk about our traveling wishes and interests in a more abstract and general sense. What countries have you visited? What were your experiences? What countries are you curious about visiting and why? Any particular place you'd avoid like the plague? It doesn't matter if your traveling ideas are realistic or not, just share what interests you.

I was personally always more intrested in the more obscure and mysterious places that you never see on TV, and how people live there. Some islands in the middle of nowhere, certain African countries with an unremarkable present but a cool history, the mountain villages of Tibet, stuff like that. I've travelled around Europe a bit and was shocked how big a difference in culture there is between countries so close by, in the countless details of culture, food, architecture, people's temperament, and so on. I'm hoping to save up enough for a trip to Asia and/or Africa. There's a lot to experience out there.
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Has anyone been to latam? If yes to which countries and would you recommend them?


no progress this summer, anon?


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>How many clothes do you pack?
Not a lot. Two pairs of underwear is plenty regardless of the length of the trip.

I cycled to the Black Sea in Ukraine and back in August/September. Took me six weeks. I also passed through every single district of Moldova along the way, including Transnistria.

Trip map if anyone cares: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1eaGwjJJAl3PMeKIQb5Xr-cKw8rPYWnU&ll=50.00171912772909%2C16.81645005988581&z=6


very cool anon, looking forward to your next update


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Hanoi is an interesting city. Feels denser and more claustrophobic than Bangkok. As with Phnom Penh, you can see the French influence. However, Vietnam is far wealthier than Cambodia.

It is the first openly self described socialist state I have been to. Lots of communist flags but also lots of foreign corporations and private enterprise is a ok.

Really interesting museums and things relating to the French colonial days as well as the American-Vietnam War.

Pic is of the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Pipe tobacco is a hobby, right? There's the element of collecting pipes and trying various blends, which resembles wine tasting in how elaborately some people talk about them. Any wiz pipe smokers here? Any favourite blends you'd recommend? Show me your wizpipe(s) (no homo).

Here's my pipe and some tobacco I'm currently smoking. The one in the tin is Old Gowrie
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> its not about how long you live its about your quality of life
exactly this is why you don't smoke at all especially not tobacco. It's as much a hobby as watching paint dry.


>I do drugs because I can't take life without pussy
that's pretty much this post


what i was only addressing the single vs married question. i dont even smoke or drink. it doesnt make sense what you said anyway because heaps of sexhavers smoke and do drugs, way more than wizards. they're doing it because they can't take life even with poon? what?


Your point implies that the anguish of not having a partner is diminished by your hobby. You arbitrarily set up romantic partnership as a form of ultimate wellbeing, that I can only conclude was derived from your own yearnings, to the point of you producing an "unequivocal" answer. It's unequivocal only in relation to your own mental state at best.


youre discussing something different that im not. its ok. its not easy to always be understood. i didnt do what you said either, you would do well to learn the difference between implication and inference. its as though you are projecting a bunch of stuff onto me its strange kind of but that's ok too. most people here are going to be a little messed up at least.

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 No.41822[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

what language are you learning and what tools do you use to learn it?
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For maximum smoothness you can use a translator (picrel not fully translated) and after some time the auto translated and the English subtitle will get cached and automatically turn on when available. It's good enough to the point I lost the motivation to learn Japanese.



>what language are you learning
>what tools do you use to learn it
netflix,music and google translate
im now b2 and i consider myself pretty fluent this is the easiest and the most enjoyable way to learn languages


I learn japanese and I use https://jpdb.io/ to learn it. I also used anki for one year but jpdb is better since you automatically learn the words from a vast ressource of built-in decks from various medium:
Live action
Visual novels
Video games
Web novels
Books (non-fiction)
YouTube videos
Audio works


read the book, fluent forever by gabriel wyner(sp?) will help a lot.

different language require some different approach, you generally get good return on building vocabulary though.

biggest mistake people do trying to learn a language is they try to learn by latching onto their native language with those ideas, words, thoughts. you need to build an entirely new language from the ground up, that means not associating your new language words to your old language words, you need an intermediary, a translation and interpretation layer far more powerful for the mind, that is imagery and emotion. you need to build your language up from thinking the target language word, and first thing that comes into your mind are images, and not the translated meaning in your native tongue. that is the crux and major stumbling block/paradigm shift required to be proper successful and where most fail with their language learning.

find a movie you know really well, all the dialogue, get the sub and dub for it, play it in background or on another screen. listen to music in that target language, watch videos. have an actual physical good dictionary for that language next to you, do this as a habit you hear a word, you randomly open up and try find it, try find what it means.

language acquisition is making all these little easy habits that add up and require almost no effort, for years, culminating into almost effortless. or you can train hard all out for a couple weeks.months then forget about it and never pick it up again. i tried both, i made the mistakes, and learned, then got better. maybe this can help you if you try it. that book fluent forever check it out.

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any wizards into chess too?
it's quite interesting with its unlimited options. a way to escape the bitter reality, as well.
what's your elo rating?
your favorite openings with white and black pieces?
how much time do you dedicate for chess usually?
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play longer
i was 900 a year ago
but when i play longer (= think more) i'm 1000.
i'm likely 500 now.


Queen takes knight forcing rook takes queen. White rook takes black rook mate


idk if its right or wrong as I am new to chess and only 700 elo but what if bishop takes knight then if king moves then he loses the rook or if it captures the bishop then rook can move horizontally to g6 and then king will be in check then you can move your rook to g8 and then black's rook can only move horizontally as its own pawn is blocking it from moving vertically so it has to capture that rook which you can take with the pawn and promote it to queen.


Rg7, Qf6, Qg5 if king captures bishop idk the moves if king moves to the corner of the board

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