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 No.291261[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
Previous: >>290006
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I once read: Avoiding conflict makes you start a war inside yourself.


>shut in NEET
>go to a nearby coffee shop at a gas station once a day
>literally the only social interaction I get
>the staff just constantly give me passive aggressive shit for not having a job
>"Always working, super busy, what about you, are you working? Do you have job yet?"

What the fuck is the problem with normies? I literally do nothing and they despise me. Obviously you could take one look at me and see I'm not mentally well enough to work.


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My life became more miserable after I turned 18. I want to change my lifestyle, but there’s always some kind of restriction to stop me. So I just gave up. Even the egg I cooked agrees with me for being shit


>I literally do nothing and they despise me.
Normies hate you for not fitting into society.


Tell them for each his own job. Your job is simply being better than them.

[Last 50 Posts]


I was at work and had to just fucking sit there and listen to this guy go on and on about how succubi constantly hit him up and fucked him. I normally don't react to this kind of stuff. But then he showed video after video after video and it eventually got to me. This fuck is the same age as me but his life just seemed so much easier. I legitimately didn't understand what it's like to have a fucking succubus text you. Want to see you. He even said "You're not ugly. How?" I just didn't have an answer. I just live with the cope that some people just have it easier and others like myself emit and anti succubus field. I am happier the further away from sex and relationship shit I hear. Normally I can just live around it and it doesn't bother me. This time was different some how. What the fuck.
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Failed normalfaggotry at its worse


>It's there where i realized females are not for me but still that faggot is just an NPC who buys the latest materialistic products and follows popular music
Pop music is literally designed to be popular. If you can't unironically and sincerely enjoy pop music, you are neurologically weird and shouldn't be surprised the succubi don't like you.
>I just live with the cope that some people just have it easier and others like myself emit and anti succubus field.
We are the social equivalent of someone born severely color blind so it shouldn't be surprising when there's subtleties of social "fashion sense" that we don't get that turns normgroids off.
That is what that "it factor" that you can't tell what it is, is. Of course you can't identify it, you are psychologically/biologically blind to it. To normans it's more apparent that you're missing something vital.


I listen to anything, don't try to label that bullshit on me, Still I think they have it easy because they have already indulged in many Relationships therefore it became something normal that's why their advices are all half assed and platonic, they do not know what's in a person or what's the real problem, They're dumb but Love isn't life, If we're color blinded then they're completely blinded you know why ? Because color blind means we see things atleast but they don't see anything, You know who's not blind ? Our ancestors who didn't live in a material society, We know, They do not know. Celibacy is to be more with yourself and above the norms


There is nothing to deal with.

Only if your mind is twisted and poisoned by your (Indian?) culture is there a problem.


>be american
>jew controlled media and culture
>bombarded with the ugliest and most degenerate possible shit and sexually charged propaganda and lifestyles, from interracial nigger on white movies and tv series, to music that has both men and female rappers who use EXPLICIT sexual language for their "lyrics", sexual ads everywhere, onlyfans, casual hookup culture, and literally succubi as young as 14 dressed like sluts, etc.


lmfao even

you might not want ANYTHING to do with it, but even at the workplace some stupid sex focused nigger will bring up sex and talk about it. This culture is focused on sex like no other culture I believe. This is why kikes must be killed.

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 No.289727[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

getting angry, getting frustrated edition

previous >>285492
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1. Buy Bitcoin
2. Shut the fuck up
3. Become fabulously wealthy


it is not dipping yet


>Become fabulously wealthy
Eh you make it sound easy. Would you consider something winning if there's no losing side?


>$45k not enough
Brother, I earn £12k part time in a miserable position.


Have any of you escaped low-level wageslavery into a decent-paying wageslave job?

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.286861[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Suicide general, - Discuss everything suicide related here.
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I plan to do it in the wilderness, in a small cave or something


dig a grave for yourself first or the animals will have your body


not a big deal


If you don't want people to be traumatized then tie yourself to something heavy and jump into a river or something like that.

Drowning is a very painful and agonizing way to die, but your body probably won't be found before it decomposes.


It has taken me a while, but I’ve gotten a bit ”normalized” now. I have gilbert’s so niacin is a no go. I only have access to mild HBOT. Never had schizo either.

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Now i don't know if this is madness but can a person like really just be vexxed or cursed to never have a girlfriend ? It's the fact that even when you try it always seems to not go your way, it always goes wrongly, It's fucking insane how much tries you try yet it does not work, it's almost as if there is someone stopping that shit because it's fucking insane how one can keep trying even in any way yet he cannot succeed with getting a succubus.

Do you think there is really some fucking paranormal background to males not having the chance to get a girlfriend even though they do everything that seems to be accepted by Social standards and even break social standards just to get a girlfriend yet with no avail, Even the most handsome yet cannot get it, I remember there was a thread about how people are bound to be lonely well this is a continuation, Do you think there are some who are destined to never have a girlfriend even though it seems absurd ?

Is there anyway to break from this cycle ?
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And if you ripped the face off that perfect anime cutie and turned her into a goblin hambeast, you too would lose attraction and feel no love.

The difference is, as long as there's a base level of attraction, men will love unconditionally, succubi will not.


Love probably only exists when men and succubi get in a relationship under a spiritual context. There needs to be a purpose added or it won't last. Without purpose its just a temporary attraction or a depenency.


I have never approached a single succubus in my life so I really don't know how I will do with females, probably bad. I am 30 years old by now.


First, what is your motivation to get a succubus to like you?
>Is it to start a family?
Make sure to be responsible for it
>Only for sex
Not worth it, my imagination tells me you'll suffer from emotional consciousness during the long run
>To have someone to talk with
This is one difficult especially if your interest doesn't align with her, I did had a small talk with a succubus very long time ago. She's the one who started conversation but lost enthusiasm when I couldn't catch up after she brings up e-celebs and current events
>So I can feel a sense of unity on this world because if every guys in a room have a girlfriend then I must too


From the last time I posted this post, I fucking gave up.

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>just be normal even though your mental state isn't

Kys and get depressed


I have a lot of pics like this in my folders
I like this meme. one day, I'll. my own meme like you did. also, mods may delete the image because it's an outdider meme


Pretty much the same, but I don’t have an ego, I’m not afraid of making a fool of myself in front of hundreds of people online just to make them rage, I guess I accepted everyone else is better than me


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poop shit


>takes arguments online seriously
You're a good person

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 No.282979[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How are we supposed to get used to loneliness and the fact that our life is fucked up?
Here's my resume: never had any friends, bullied during school, uni dropout but basically never went to high school, very poor (no income), obviously never had any gf, the last time I talked someone my age was since high school basically. I can't get used to the loneliness… I also have a very poor health, and no one to help me with it.

What's your life status and how do you cope with it?

I personally try to cope with video games, anime and a bit of drug (alcohol and opioid mostly). But that hardly works… Sometimes I'm into my game or I'm high enough to be ok, but most of the time I'm depressed or suffering or both. I wish I were dead since I'm 12, I'm 25 now.
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Nothing in his post suggested he was autistic. Social withdrawal in response to perceived rejection or exclusion is a common human reaction.

Social skills absolutely are learned. But failing to learn them in your youth doesn't mean you cannot learn them later in life.


Any neurotypical who goes through the whole 10+ year public school system with "basketball clubs" and all will learn. It is such intensive exposure that you need to have something like autism for it to not be massively oversufficient to learn.



Stop trying to paint everything with one big autism brush. If a kid chooses to not participate in social activities then they will not learn anything. That isn't autism, it is just social withdrawal.


How the fuck can you go through that much schooling without social activities? In my country there was absolutely no possibility.



Thinking back on it I did socialize and kinda made friends but I was depressed and constantly sleep deprived so I didn't retain shit. I didnt do any sort of reflection on my day, and when I went home I switched to online friend mode so I didn't reflect on anything in my real life with them like a teenager would normally do with their irl friends.

[Last 50 Posts]

 No.285599[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I've been on finasteride for 2 years and I just lost my job and had to move back with my parents and I noticed that my hairline is receding it looks bad, my hair is thinning too, even the back and sides are thinning so I will never be able to get a hair transplant. I've always been anxious about going bald because I have a really bad head shape and I just don't look good without hair, or well, i look worse than with full head of hair.
Balding young is fucking brutal and I don't feel like wearing a fedora or beanies it will make it all more obvious, i feel a pain in my chest and all this stress is causing me to lose more and more hair im in my early 20s but i look now like my male relatives who are full in their 50s.
I can't hide it and I don't want to be that bald guy everyone mocks.
Why it had to be me, wizards? I'm short and now balding, fucking life sucks and did nothing to deserve this.
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The internet has afflicted men with the all the mental illnesses that succubi have had for decades.


You wouldn't think that, but succubi are contagious. That's pretty obvious if you observed a typical family, though. Internet intermingled succubi and men and now men get afflicted by succubi's presence. A sane community always prohibited presence of succubi. Now can't even do that.


>it's le internet
No, it isn't. The real problem is feminism. You have to deal with niggers and females on the workplace as well and now they have an online presence and think their retarded opinions matter.

I'd be fine if it was the internet, one can just avoid frequenting foid places, that is, most social media since these whores are addicted to the attention they get from there. I'm on wizchan for that reason but when you have to deal with females in your job on a day to day basis then you realize soon enough that feminism destroys societies.


You're the type of sperg who manages to even be unlikeable on wizchan. I'm convinced that youre a do nothing fag yourself and just look at the issues of others to give away your useless advice which is just pure retard projection by a dumb fag with no self awareness. Don't act like you have any life experience and stick to the faggy shit you're doing because you don't know shit.


I'd say feminism overlaps with internet only partially, because even with no feminism I doubt anyone would bother prohibiting succubi to get internet, so their presence could be even larger online than it is now. Good point anyway.

[Last 50 Posts]


i have strange urges when i watch lights flicker on the screen. they do it so smoothly and nicely. i feel like i want to flicker with them but i can't. what the fuck, jesus christ

I went outside again today.

It's amazing how fake everything looks. I mean, when people use the word "fake" here in Los Angeles; they're usually referring to the superficiality of the city's culture.

When I use the word "fake" here; I'm actually referring to how unusually artificial the world at large feels now. It's difficult to describe. It's not a pleasant feeling. I can spend most of the day outside and it doesn't stop feeling fake.


>i have strange urges when i watch lights flicker on the screen. they do it so smoothly and nicely. i feel like i want to flicker with them but i can't. what the fuck, jesus christ
that's copypaste of my old post i made a very long time ago. the rest is not mine. are you trying to gaslight me about my insanity or did you forget to quote or what the fuck?


Are the lights in your screen flickering right now?


are you vaccinated? the aggressive satanic falseness of the last 4 years has changed people in a possibly permanent way. the world's identity has been made to hinge on a massive lie for over a thousand days now. many people have been seriously affected by the weight of this lie, by the weight of having to live in a world that is intentionally estranged from the truth. this must necessarily seep downward into all the littler parts of life. until we correct the deceptive habits of our (((rulers))), the emptiness, fakeness, falseness, scattered feelings of disassociation, will remain.


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Stop spaming schizo threads with schizo ai art.

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This is what gets left on your doorstep when you tell your grandparent you got diagnosed with autism.
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woow can you read originals of ancient Greek texts?


no attic greek may as well be a foreign language


I side with your grandparents, not that they aren't callous and self-conceited (maybe you're just like them and your parents), and the other people in this thread who say that autism is overdiagnosed to sell people pills. Autism is surely prevalent among people relegated to imageboards but what is also just as prevalent are >>291923 and >>291937, people who became maligned and arrogant navelgazers. You know yourself better than anyone, at least be honest with that guy if you can't be honest with your folks, us or anybody as to if you're truly stuck as the person you are.


who the fuck comes to wizchan just to tell posters they are lazy, stupid, and arrogant for being wizardbrained?

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