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We really can't stop winning wiz bros while dumb cattle who follow blindly the media fell victim to one of the biggest pharma corpo scams of the century and to this day, they keep losing.
They bought into the psyop, wore double masks, took the jab and got triple quadruple boosted, and even got into fights with people who did not want to take the deadly jab. These npc cattle shilled for it as well on social media, it wasn't enough for them to take it themselves, they wanted everyone to be vaxxed.

On the other hand, every intelligent wizard was able to tell from a mile away that it was fishy, you can just do a quick research and see that Pfizer CEO is a kike and kikes have a bad reputation, as liars and fraudsters. The kikes behind the media were pushing for this state of emergency and lockdowns due to a harmless virus that supposedly came from china, yet wizards did not fall for it because we knew it was bullshit.
Everyone that took the vaxx might as well be dead, because in their compliance for the powers that be their human freedom was gone as well. Their spirit to be free from mental slavery was not there, maybe it was never there in the first place.

I did not fall for it and wasn't afraid because I've been gifted with foresight. Now, almost 5 years later, the sheep have to admit they were wrong and got manipulated, that the vaccines were not safe and effective. That the science was more concerned with money than with saving lives.

>AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine, months after admitting rare side effect. The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide, months after the pharmaceutical giant admitted for the first time in court documents that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect

>AstraZeneca has insisted the decision to withdraw the vaccine is not linked to the court case or its admission that it can cause TTS. It said the timing was pure coincidence.

Stay strong, wiz bros, and remember: the biggest hoax is reproduction.
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>this dude is a fed trying to coax people into hate speech

i dunno it seems like you didn't read his post. he is clearly frustrated about things that he bothered to outline in a comprehensive manner. the emotions match the gravity of the injustices that occurred.

i don't agree with everything the dude said but if he was in a fight with you, i'd help him, not you with your retarded theater act. you're on the wrong side. people like you have overplayed their position and there is no way for you but down.


I'd probably joke about it saying that he is going to die due to it but that's as much as I'd do. He is quite smart and respectable so most likely he'd just apologize to me.


i pray every day all vax tard die from blood clot


I am actually happy that I never took the jab. Imagine being such a retard that you believe jew controlled media and take a jew vaccine from literal criminals
inb4 some nigger brained gullible faggots says:
>nah brah they are scientists they are good people these are health professionals that wanted to save lives
Here is some old news
>The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer agreed to pay $2.3 billion to settle civil and criminal allegations that it had illegally marketed its painkiller Bextra, which has been withdrawn. It was the largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine of any kind ever.

That's one of the largest criminal fines in HISTORY Why would anyone take a vaccine from criminals? how retarded can a person be?

>It was the largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine of any kind ever.

>“The whole culture of Pfizer is driven by sales, and if you didn’t sell drugs illegally, you were not seen as a team player,” said Mr. Kopchinski, whose personal share of the Pfizer settlement is expected to exceed $50 million. Mr. Kopchinski left Pfizer in 2003.

>Under the agreement with the Justice Department, Pfizer will pay a $1.3 billion criminal penalty related to Bextra and $1 billion in civil fines related to other medicines.

>In addition, a Pfizer subsidiary, Pharmacia and Upjohn, will plead guilty to violating the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for its promotion of Bextra.


Like, come on, you might as well inject yourself with a used needle of a crackhead.


I wish schizos like u got locked up so you would stop shitposting


Do you wizards know anything about removing metals from and killing pathogens or viruses in the brain? I am interested in whether this is contributing to personal issues I have at the moment and would like to try such an approach. There are many sources talking about detoxification, but I've yet to see one specifically talking about the brain.

my current speculated stack is
Natto - kills spike protein
Black seed oil - kills toxoplasmosis, broad spectrum antiviral
ALA - chelates some metals
DMSA? - chelates more metals

but I don't know much more than that. Sources, thoughts?
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Fasting and alkalizing diet, while eating all your daily food within a narrow interval (from 8:00 am to 2:00pm)

Remember that your detox systems are constantly working if you swallow starches and heavy protein. Also a mouthful of turmeric enhances liver functions before going to bed.


Killing pathogens? Mostly garlic, onion and ginger. Then you might turn towards advanced shit, like ivermectin and typical drugs.


>I can't see what else would produce long threadlike shadows when shined upon and would have a thick filmy appearance when observed normally.

hmm i can't think of anything. many people have parasites and fungus problems inside them but i don't know in what way they would show up in the urine.

>I don't have liver damage,

congratulations, how do you know? i did a liver gallblader flush. i drank oil, grapefruit juice and epsomwalt dissolved in water. and yes, green stones did come out, i should make another one soon to see if there are still stones inside of me, or if my health ambitions have "melted" them all already.

>I am concerned about pathogenic or excitotoxic presences in the brain.

you must have some sophisticated detection mechanism i am not hip to. lol i can't imagine how you would detect that. maybe there is a smell coming out of your ear ^^, i dunno.

>Chlorine Dioxide just came in the mail, I'll be trying to use the MMS formula next.

i know literally nothing about what chemicals and pharmaceuticals can do.

What sorts of detoxification programs are you thinking of when we have this discussion?

naturopathic herbal essences and teas is what i have studied and used on myself. most sophisticated one i've done was a 1500€ 14 week herbal detoxification protocol. i ate nothing but fruit, drank healing tea all day and swallowed capsules filled with herbs and herbal extracts dissolved in water. first two weeks was mostly antiparasitic and antifungal and then the rest was mostly strengthening the lymphatic system while keeping the detox 'up'. the underlying idea is that the body can clean itself as long as the lymphatic system is kept well functioning and herbs do a little bit of helping. i do the work in exercises and foodchoice, herbal tea adds 30% extra, expensive herbal tinctures and capsules add an additional 15% extra.
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I have that book. Did you see improvement in health after trying the cleanse?

Anyways, for me personally I am trying to get at certain neurological problems which could conceivably be caused by excitotoxic or brain pathogenic substances. It's quite different than standard detox rationales, and I am starting to think that my immune response to covid may be at the heart of it all? Covid antibodies = spike proteins in your body for a long time. I am hoping it isn't permanent and the body does expel these things with time/loses immune system memory of the disease. But there doesn't seem much written on that particular topic.


>I have that book. Did you see improvement in health after trying the cleanse?

i can never be sure what does the difference and what doesn't because i do a lot of health related stuff and i already feel good by default.

having said that, i do suspect that i did feel a good chunk better from it. after i did it, it felt like a noticable curse was lifted (not a gigantic curse but also not a tiny curse). like some limiting barrier was removed. like the training wheels were taken off the bike and now i ride on a real bycicle while before i didn't. after i had done it i found all these new ways to keep momentum in movements going. my skating and dancing become more seamless, more flowing; the individual movements became connected into movements that waste less energy; though i had felt this lifting of limits before. when i first lost weight from bmi 21 to bmi 20 i could not believe how effortless moving my body was, how much faster i could get up from a chair.

i do believe it is among the more beneficial things. not as profoundly lifechanging as breathing exercise, maybe on the level as a netipot.

>Anyways, for me personally I am trying to get at certain neurological problems which could conceivably be caused by excitotoxic or brain pathogenic substances.

you probably mean get _rid off_ neurological problems? not sure what you mean by neurological problems. maybe like a feeling of slow response time from the brain, being forgetful, making mistakes.

my brain has been doing good lately because i stopped looking at memes so much. like a gambling addict in front of a slot machine i did not even notice that i was doomscrolling for hours every day. now i stopped looking at this nasty digital world so much and found the joy in tinkering, homeimprovement and using tools. i like it but because i am so inexperienced and slow, it makes me feel like i am 200 years old though lol. learning something useful is fun for a change. i make myself so busy, i can't even watch entertainment content anymore. i just wanna watch DIY stuff all day.

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 No.312062[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

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There's rich wizard? I only see broken and poor wizards, where's the trust fund wizard?


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I'm a trust fund wizard but I have to share the trust with two other siblings and hope my parents don't go to a nursing home. My dad nearly died caring for his demented mother so he didn't lose his fund to a nursing home. When God rolled my character, I got the wealthy family as part of my dice roll but he made me profoundly disabled and 5'9" to balance things out. Neither of my parents ever earned more than $25/hr.


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Welp, did everything in my power to refrain from submitting this, but my American siblings came over and met enough of my expectations. Including grant me cause to fail.

Cheers and ttyl. =_=


There's no western hikkikomoris, never heard about a real western hikki, all supposed western hikkis go out and leave the house from time to time.


indeed, it's a japanese phenomena. that's what they told me

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Previous thread: https://archive.fo/msC0D
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Look at the radical centrist over here.


So basically saying that you must be an ugly wiz to have some minimal reasoning. Proof that semen loss harms the brain.


>no argument
>instead name calling and snears

Using less common variations of words doesn't make a irrational non-argument any less invalid.
You aren't discussing anything of substance whatsoever. You are simply using dismissal tactics because you take umbrage with the format of embedded videos.


rad centerist is just a euphenism for liberal. I get really mad when I meet people in meatspace who identify as this, it's like a badge of complete ignorance


>implying i'm a centrists
normalfags of you lmao

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wizards itt i try to channel a spell. since i am a legit health wizard, my focused attention can manifest physically. there is surprisingly few magical activity happening in here but i am not willing to take example of that.

the spell i am humbly attempting is healing. these are the magic words:

>may every wizard who wants to be more healthy find a way to become more healthy.

the idea is i keep posting in the thread, having the thread serve as a reminder for you; of your power to create positive change in your life and not succumb to the general direction of decay. i intend to hold high the proclamation that you can be both the architect and the builder of a better life if you so choose, it is up to you. you can just decide to be more healthy, demand it from yourself and watch the gears start to turn as your intelligence comes up with ideas to improve your situation and then your muscles turning the ideas into actions.

i've said this before, don't mind me repeating it: the number one most important aspect of healing is the belief that it is possible to improve. everything starts from this positive expectation, this confidence and if you boil it down and look into why some people have it and others don't, it is that those who have it decided to have it. choose health.


I had a granny related to me who practiced psychic healing with her group every sunday. She was quite healthy even into her 80's


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yesterday i said the belief that it is possible is the most important. a doctor who does not try his best to let his patients know that improving is within their reach should not be a doctor and instead build roads.

once health has been chosen as a destination, what is the best way to get there? the best way is to take the smallest possible step as soon as possible.

why the smallest possible step? because when the step is chosen too big, the gravity of the habit is too hard to overcome.

imagine a fatty trying to lose weight. he might come up with something like this: "from now on i'll train 5 days a week, high intensity for an hour with the weekend off!" and then the first day arrives. the hour is often not even attempted i would expect but even if it is successfully attempted on day 1, then there is muscle ache and tiredness, and the uncomfortable loudness of a awakening lymphatic system that has been laying dormant. then the joints are complaining and the fatty might not even know how to walk, as many people don't. then there is sweat and smell and exhaustion. maybe the euphoria of finally using the physical body tips the scale in the other direction, exercising is such fun if done harmoniously. but i expect a novice fatty to then say on day 2 "i am too tired from yesterday" and the attempt has failed before it barely begun. i've done dumb things like that when i was younger. completely misguided.

better example: imagine a smoker. the smoker smokes 20 cigarettes a day. what is his smallest step?. smoke only 19 tomorrow. that's a step so tiny, it barely creates any ripples. that's the way to do it. and then hold the 19, let the 19 become the new normal, only then go for 18.

why as soon as possible? because positive habit pays interest. as you become more healthy and understand how to use your human body to feel good all the time for no reason, the only regret you will have is that you should have done this sooner. what is the best time to wash a moist dirty plate? now. because the longer you let the food residue stay on the plate, the harder it becomes to wash because it dries and sticks more. so it would take 10 seconds right after you eat and 40 seconds when you let it sit around for 2 days.

if you try to warm yourself towards these two principles
>seeking for the tiniest step
>taking the step as soon as possible
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What's the reason you became a NEET/wizard? Do you believe is genetic or life circumstances led you to your actual life?
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I only drank alcohol if I accidentally ate a food with seafood on it (allergic) to get rid of that itchy effect before it'll turn into a coughing phlegm. So far I never got addicted because I programmed my mind to use it only for medication reasons


I've consumed alcohol. It does not drive me to do anything that my father did.
I'm happy and carefree for a few hours, then I sleep. He would enter a near endless state of rage, remain drunk for days on end, piss and vomit everywhere, and God knows what else.
We are not the same.


Genetics is a bitch, don't overplayed your hand, stay away from alcohol, at least that what would I do.


A lot of people aren't violent drunks. The main problem with alcohol is the long term damage.


My father had yellow sclerae throughout the 2000s, and probably a bit before and after. He had more bad falls than i can bother to count, and provoked random people on the street several times, almost resulting in him being beaten up by a mob, were it not for him being rescued by someone every time.
When I finally did beat the alcohol out of him, he quit cold turkey and suffered no ill effects whatsoever. No tremors, nothing.
He defies all logic. He is indestructible, invincible, and immortal.

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 No.311496[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

do beverages even make sense? do they deserve to exist? i don't think so. beverages are shit. i question the general concept behind them. when i see someone drink lemonade i instantly consider that person an idiot; that someone who is drinking sugary industry juice because they made it taste nice. that's someone who was tricked into selfharm to me.

myself i like to drink fruit juices. i very much believe in the juices i make myself from real fruit. a fresh juice from an apple? that's so nice that everything else compared feels like a waste. occasional get distracted and resort to buying in boxes from the supermarket. currently i drink nothing but water. drinking only water is fine too though. that's plenty especially when the food is as dense as modern food. that's plenty for the body.


people drinking alcohol is so funny to me. i use 99% isopropyl alcohol to dissolve spraypaint off when some asshole spraypaints my car. and the same stuff people drink for fun. that's just more self-harm. why they keep harming themselves.
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You can't resist responding to anything.


You can't resist responding to anything.


i'm still amazed how little i stink. i do cardio to the point of gently sweating every day, lots of working on the truck which is often hot so that i also sweat a bit and i am active all day. yet no stink. lololol some people stink 4 hours after they have showered because the pores of their skcrabls basically are tiny anusses secreting shit (the smelly, possibly fermenting, potentially parasite infected metabolic waste from trying to "burn" dirty energy from wrong food) all day.

their life is like this: they shower and then they watch a movie and another movie and as soon as the second movie is over they again smell like a trashcan of organic waste. maybe they have been sweating from being fat which constantly keeps the body in overheat mode (in effect gently trying to balance in the direction of healthy weight) and as the sweat passes though the skin, it drags along the oily stink residue and they stink.

meanwhile in healthytown where i live, washing myself is next to meaningless because i didn't stink before i take the shower and i don't stink after the shower and when i exercise i still don't.

partly this is from what i currently drink (coconut water, 1 liter every day, the stuff is expensive but when i can buy it, i buy it.). to me it feels like the coconut water is more liquid then water. it flows through the body more.

mostly this absence of stink is what i eat. currently all i eat is
>grapes or apples in the first half of the day (I'd say ranging from 400g to 1000g total swallowed food mass)
>fresh raw cabbage meal the second half of the day (I'd say ranging from 1000g to 2000g, the stuff is heavy.

this cabbage meal has so much fiber, feels like swallowing a broom that cleans out my entire insides. it is shreddings of cabbage, bell pepper and cucumber with a sauce from the blender on top. and the sauce is also raw: cherry tomatoes, fresh cilantro, half a grapefruit without the peel, cilantro, fresh garlic, fresh ginger, sesame paste *moan.wav* and spices that i like. i learned this so late in life, sesame paste + tomato + whatever in the blender makes a easy, delicious and healthy sauce i can put over everythang. treat yourself piggies.




one more thing i forgot to include in the textwall: my pee is bright highliter_pen orange.

if you are a whore and drink pee on camera, you better not be inviting any raw vegans to the gangbang because their pee is actually dangerous when swallowed, it contains toxins filtered from the body. if you drink the pee, you better invite industrially eating omnis because their pee is the least chance of being toxic, their lymph system most likely doesn't filter out the toxins, they choose to keep the toxins in their ridiculously ill-managed body and never get them out and then get sick often, die sooner, have less energy, get dumb from it, have their senses dulled, grow tumors and stink.


one more curious thing i can think of about my current eating habits: i eat and drink until my stommach is full and then i wait a while till i have more room and eat and drink more and i stay thin. if i did this with dense food i'd instantly turn fat.

in other words it is impossible to get fat from what i eat. lol these poor fatties restraining themselves without success meanwhile i can stuff myself with the good stuff. i probably mentioned this before but i still think many of them lost the ability to digest. their gi tract is nothing but an ornamental cave where food passes through slowly without much absorption, while the energy they sustain themselves with comes soley from the sugary soft drinks.

unfortunately it did not happen in this thrad, no fattie tried to make a genuine case for the addiction to stupid beverages. hearing idiots justify their bad choices is very entertaining. they don't want to be laughed at and considered losers so the most i ever heard one describe was this:

>oink oink well you know when you are between meals and you get kinda slow

no sorry i don't know that but keep going
>oink oink well what i like to do is treat myself to a mountain dew and then you know it kind of picks me up, gives a boost of energy to help me carry through the day
so you don't get energy from the food you eat
>phew that was exhausting, i think i have another family-sized bag of individually wrapped candy bars around here, i better eat a few after all this commotion WITH THESE PSEUDO SCIENTISTS! omnomnom nom nom nom you know these guys are such idiots mnooomnomnom they would rather be healthy, thin, light and full of energy mnomnomnom then to eat as good as i eat mnomnomnom that's how you can tell they are retarded mnomnomnom i mean cmon why would i want to be a pretty corpse and live one year longer nom nom if i could have this delicios sugar PFFFRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT my bad!

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Post ideas or guides to improve life as a wizard (ignore the modern bourgeois concept of personal development), calithenics at home, learn to draw, write, read books, quit porn, or whatever you think fits this topic.
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That's common knowledge my wizard brother. Optimal muscle recovery times are 48-72 hours. This becomes obvious when you train and want to reproduce the same workout routine with identical sets and reps and resting time on the next day and so on.



So are you one of those people who push one set till failure per muscle group twice a week?


I try to take it easy but still always end up injuring myself. I'm at the point where im so afraid of injury i suppose ill only work out 1 day every 1-2 weeks.
I have no issue with willpower and dont know what im doing wrong. I just do basic things like pushups and pull ups. I'm a healthy weight and all. It's so annoying.


>I try to take it easy but still always end up injuring myself.
okay, wizard brother. I'm here to help you. You seem to be suffering from a case of bad form. When I began training and was a total noob, I also was scared of injury because everything was new and unknown to me, that was 12 years ago. One time when doing pull-ups trying to increase my max number of reps I injured my shoulders and had to wait for a good 1 or 2 weeks to recover.

Thing is, you have to work on your form, there's plenty of videos that you can use and you can record yourself with your phone camera to see if you're doing the exercises right or if you have a mirror use it.
Also, try to warm up a little before exercises, things like scapula retractions while hanging on the bar before commencing your sets of pull-ups should help.

Doing body-weight exercises shouldn't cause you injury so if that happens you're definitely doing something wrong.


These recommendations are as follows: (1) Stay active mentally; (2) Be physically active; (3) Adopt a healthy diet; (4) Be an active member of the community, and (5) Take care of heart and other organs. We develop the topic “Stay active mentally” and recommend the following: (a) Be curious and engaged. Continue involvement in the workplace. Learn throughout life; (b) Read, write, solve crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles; (c) Attend lectures, readings, celebrations, and ceremonies; (d) Sign up for lectures (studies) in the nearby educational center (“university of the third age”) and colleges; (e) Sign up for 1 or 2 local groups targeted at self-help and self-development; (f) Play a variety of games such as chess, Go, and other board games or computer games; (g) Work in your backyard or community garden; (j) Try special methods of memory training; (h) Travel during weekends and holidays.


A clear, calm mind
How do you get there?
Obviously, the ingredients would be:
>Breathing deeply (proper air circulation)
>Letting go of thoughts and feelings, not getting entangled with them
>Accepting pains and annoying things instead of fighting them impotently
>Focusing on the present moment
But how do you get there? Also, are there other things to be aware of? Maybe proper food or avoiding certain things?

Currently I'm trying to restrict my conscious efforts to breathing and to observing. The result is that my body is moving on its own. I'm just observing it do it's thing, and making sure that I breathe properly.

How do you do it, if at all?
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he is a sad retard who says the dumbest shit on wizchan.


Are you at least freezing those starches to make them resistant? Also drinking vinegar before eating helps to control glucose peaks


supplements. Certain racetams with choline will produce a very smooth, cerebral experience especially after you've gained a bit of tolerance.


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monks across SEA have rice gruel everyday and are the definition of mindfulness (dunno about dying early)


the more you use parts of your brain, the more neurons are assigned to it. Meditation is like doing reps for your prefrontal cortex

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Post your results from the big five personality test.


I suspect that many wiz are high on neuroticism and low on extraversion
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it serms the usual goes like that
4 on the left and 1 on the right


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I am surprised at my disagreeableness though I suppose not being a normalfag means you are discordant in at least that sense.


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>hecking web 1.0 aesthetics


I'm extreme high openness as well. Conscientiousness and agreeability are pretty mixed for me. The high openness might have made college easier for me but probably also lead to me becoming insane.

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