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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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everyone complains about lonliness and i just wish to be left alone, I am already a hard-core NEET-Hikikomori, but i still have to deal with family interactions, sometimes my mmm would come seat in my room for no reason and i start to get irritated and angry at her (i feel guilty about this, because she is not doing anything wrong or annoying whatsoever) my relationship with her is not even too bad, the fact she allows me to NEET is a thing that i feel grateful for everyday, i know i have it better than many if not most of the people here, i cannot explain why i am like this, i cannot stand the least bits of social interactions, i wish to be left entirely alone, i fantasize about living in a cabin in the woods with 0 human interaction for life (outside of what i get in the digital world)
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You fantasize too much. Without television, computer, or any other screen you wouldn't last 2 days.


>rotting with envy at the mere idea of that photo being minimally real
>kiwifarmer or similar was triggered successfully


what does biodecay mean? source?


I'm sorry they didn't teach you to not be conceited. By the way "fr fr" looks disgusting and degenerative.


No, it doesnt. Stop being a boomer.

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So, I'm getting closer to 30, like, couple of months alway, anyway, I got this "flashback" of from my life since 13 or something, and I realized how bad I'm with female, I always being bad dealing with succubus my whole goddamn life, I stopped trying around 26~27, and somewhat accepted my lot, but still I wonder why I was so bad with female? I don't harbor hate, like crab, or "le beta nice guy" too, I was just awkward, unnatural around them, it felt wrong. Does one had felt the same? Now I'm almost 30 and the feeling isn't that strong for succubus anymore, but I got me wondering why? Autism? Some form of strong shyness?
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>from my life since 13 or something, and I realized how bad I'm with females
>always being bad dealing with succubus my whole goddamn life
>I was just awkward, unnatural around them, it felt wrong
Sounds like a typical case of wanting to be accepted by them while also feeling a strong attraction to them.
> I stopped trying around 26~27, and somewhat accepted my lot
Somewhat, you say, but you've clearly repressed yourself from it due to your own failure.

My advice as a wiz is not to give up. It's better to pursue what you want in this life even if it's something silly, that way you have no regrets.


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> It's better to pursue what you want in this life even if it's something silly, that way you have no regrets
You still have so much shit to watch hitting the fan, boy.

I decided to listen to my awkwardness, and stay in line with it. Then females started coming, but I just hated them for how much they just cared about manhood without regarding many other certain tenets within a person. The best thing was to discover how cringe their tactics were, how weak, how pathetic, they are even worse at flirting than men.

That's why they play the passive role, which always gives the power. After they found my schizo stance against them, many started to try and make me regret and the best they could was to play with some other men to see if I just grew jealous or something. The moral here is: be watchful of what you wish, you might be just starving for mirages.


Thats because you are a low value Man. There is nothing about you that makes a Vagina tingle, you are just some loser at the bottom of society that nobody wants or needs for anything.
Thats why no Succubus wants anything to do with you, they can instantly see what you are and they see that you have no potential and that gives them the ick.
like why would they ever bother with what in their eyes is human garbage?
at their fingertips they can get access to Men that are at the minimum 10 times better, more attractive, skilled, smarter, more social, richer etc.
So why should a Succubus ever be attracted to you? what do you realistically bring to the table? nothing.

The most pathetic part perhaps is that you couldnt figure this out on your own when one look in the mirror should be enough to put 1 + 1 together.


Some people are meant to be celibate, Whether you try to fight it off or not you will never succeed and i'm not blackpilling you but it's the truth. It's just that


>le heckin tcrabs are going around groping succubi
did you just come from a vice article?

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Is there ONE SINGLE COUNTER EXAMPLE against the gnostic claim that the entirety of this reality isn't inherently evil?

Right now I can't help but think God made a huge mistake with this retarded creation, I basically resent Him for creating me. I grow even more resentful for the fact that He will never cease my existence, instead, driven by my own hatred, I will end up rejecting Him and condemning myself to Hell if I don't come to terms in time.
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the only part that i find absurd about what you exposed as gnosticism is that everyone has a divine spark, i still accept that we are weaker than God and angels and that me and satan are almost on the same page, except he would love to torture me too
there is too many idiots in this world and im one step away from locking myself out from the rest


satan must be laughin his ass off after watching you compare yourself to his inmortal, undrainably evil presence.


satan just hates everything, thats it, and he is probably pissed i still haven't subjected to his retardation
despite the bitterness, my intelligence is unaffected


Tbh Gnosticism is more so an attempt to create an abrahamic version of Buddhism. The idea that the world is evil is in line with the idea attachment is suffering. The labels of god being evil just fall in line with the Bible. It’s just an extension of a religion that already was established. Similar to how Christianity was an extension of Judaism.

Ultimately all mysticisms are about the same thing, connecting with oneness. This ability to connect with oneness is present in all of us but our egos keep us distracted from realizing this. We are attached to our egos and identifying with them rather than the true essence of our being, which is oneness. So attempts to reshape our relationship to our ego to nullify it are created in the form of religions, mysticism, etc.

A cool way to look at Gnosticism is that the demiurge is a metaphor for the ego. It should make more sense if you view it that way. Especially when you consider your ego is what shapes your reality.


I've come to the conclusion that this world is a prison or a place of punishment since everything here is centred around suffering. A lot of spiritual free thinkers eventually come to this conclusion one way or the other.

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it seems that im finally going through the mid 30s crisis, exposing some thoughts might bear some fruit

i remember being worried about having the groid hability of speaking and connecting to people with ease more for the sake of survival, to have a good life than anything, my hands sweats around succubi to this day so i don't see myself fit for such creatures. i also expected some happiness to come from a few friends irl because i have really strong avoidant tendencies (we often equate it to autism), if it was possible for me to stay within a bubble for the rest of my life, i wouldn't be happy, just like i am not happy now. as part of all this process i was exposed to this avoidant tendency being talked about in imageboards and how there is a bunch of lonely men fapping to loli, yuri, ponies and what have you to cope with the loneliness that accompanies it and how religious communities are the ultimate medicine against all of this. i later found out that people can be assholes to you, which i brushed off as some paranoia, until i was also exposed and learned about the quality of people who actually works in such congregations, it is an universal phenomena, their hypocrisy (which is a given) does not affect me, but i am thoroughly disappointed about the fact that a community of anything will never bring the potential to gather likeminded, sane individuals not to flaunt their superiority, but simply to enjoy and cherish the company of each other, to retreat from the insanity of this modern hellscape. or at least a community of people who improves themselves as people and im not talking about improvebrahs although it is a close concept. if there is anything good that came out of this illusion is my control of the urges towards the succubic body, i always felt shame about getting hard and i would fap like a maniac to make sure it never gets up at inconvenient times, nofap has zero benefits other than that. i cannot befriend anyone because eventually i will find that friend a nuisance or some other kind of craze will strike my mind. i had momentaneous joy when i was stuck in my bedroom with no job, wailing only about my excessive computer usage because i thought this brings me a lot of sadness. computer usage doesn't bring sadness, it is the existence of shitty people that does. i should have never left the bubble i found myself in, back to the bubble it is, despite the world shouting at me how evil such individualism that harms nobody is (except me, aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

 No.211512[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Wizardcel or Wizcel for short is neither a volcel nor crab
It's an ascended state of wizardry.
It's a wizard celibate who truly believes in the definition of celibacy, advocates for it, and follows this lifestyle. Not a degenerate who calls himself volcel but does drugs, watches disgusting porn, chats with camwhores, and masturbates his brains out and has female friends but thinks he is any different from a crab or failed normie or some unthinking pleb.
It isn't either an in cel who can't shut up about blackpills, dating app stats, and how over life is for him and the rest of ugly males who got the short end of the stick when it comes to looks.

The true wizardcel is something you attain after naturally getting rid of labels and going your own way beyond what internet memes and society tells you.
It's someone like Nikola Tesla. You don't see him often but he exists. You won't find him posting on imageboards less on any social media. He barely communicates with others, he prefers to spend his time by himself, alone, and unbothered. He needs no socializing, his soul is entirely dedicated to higher pursuits beyond the mundane. He lives in his own world and his world rewards him with a wisdom that satisfies even hunger because at times he won't eat because of how engaged in his own thoughts and studies he is.

To quote, the biggest Wizcel of all time Nikola Tesla:
I recognize the importance that sex plays in the life of man. Nature has made its attraction irresistible to ensure the perpetuity of the race. As for myself, I have found that the thinker is confronted with the problem of perpetuating either the species or the mind. It is almost impossible, at least in certain realms of high endeavor, to do both. This has been recognized by the Hindus, whose adepts practice complete sexual abstinence, and by many of the great religions.

Before I produced the rotating magnetic field, I concentrated all my powers upon my experiment. The strain would have killed a hundred oxen. I certainly could not have survived it if I had permitted my energies to be diverted into the channels of sex.
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Grigori Perelman, the russian mathematician who proved some conjecture I forgot the name of. He refused 1 million dollars and prizes and lives a secluded life. You can look him up, he is peak wizcel.


The greatest thing is when you just let things be demonstrated by theirselves upon those who usually laugh at claims. They seethe like rotten shit.

I didn't reject lots of succubi, but yes, ghosted many. I spit upon these games and… they had not much tolerance for losing their own games, you see.

Suspicious. A schizoid is himself deattached and avoiding normie bullshit.

>bluepill seethe
/pol/acks welcome, overflow this place!


Kek the IQooo of the white race is declining. Sexual selection has outdone natural selection.


>Kek the IQooo of the white race is declining
Can you post a source to back up that claim? And in that case, is it just the white population whose iq is decreasing?


You're a sheep in this life, Seek to be a wolf.

[Last 50 Posts]


Guys do you know any underground websites for crabs or wizard or volcels or whatever the fuck there is that have some advices or informations about life or discussion places or looksmaxxing or whatever there is


How is it people create something so warm and complete while my shit always ends up cold and soulless.


He's talking about shit, how he's shit is so soulless and cold, not warm and complete


Embrace your gift, find its usage and improve it as it is, not as you would like it to be.

Otherwise, you do not have much choice. See the way it is a gift.




I'm not an edgelord but I genuinely never seen someone's crying or anger as something to take seriously to me it's like a game I must exploit and observe closely, or something to brush off, or for the most part they are joking about their emotions because I don't see it as necessary to deal with which caused me to do very horrible things. But there are moments where there is a weird feeling or thought where that person's emotions are genuinely felt. Like as if it's not a game anymore. That I was somehow expecting a prank that was never admitted and that's when it messes with me causing me to feel what they feel. My brain is messed up.


Dont be too hard on yourself, you learned it from somewhere, or were somehow encouraged to be this way in the past.

EMotions are a pretty vital part of the human experience so embrace them. Sure people may try to manipulate you, but that really isnt anythign to worry about if as long you stay true to your values and don't put others well being over your own.


Check if the emotions are useful or just coming from inner corruption. Also check where they head to. Use Thinking to evaluate Feeling, that's how you get balanced Judgment as cognitive function.

If an emotion comes from corruption, then it's like wound that must be opened to death, countered, disobeyed. This is how I make do


i get angry a lot and i cry a lot but i also don't take emotions seriously. Its something that comes and goes, just like taking a piss, you need to do it sometimes, just dont overthink it. Emotions, generally arent there to help you by any means, its just something your body needs to do to regulate itself


corruption is a abstract concept. i have no idea what you mean



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369 from Tesla is just saying AUM so hum with a spoon in your mouth and your tongue touching the roof of your mouth. Do this laying down and nose breathing. Congrats. Tesla coil. You are now a genius. Nice trick.


There is enough treachery, hatred, violence,
Absurdity in the average human being
To supply any given army on any given day.
AND The Best At Murder Are Those
Who Preach Against It.
And The Best At Hate Are Those
Who Preach LOVE

Those Who Preach GOD
Those Who Preach PEACE
Do Not Have Peace.
Beware The Knowers.
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