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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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This is something I've been thinking about but can't find a conclusion on.

I hate pain and suffering to a point where I envy the people who have the disease that stops them from feeling it even if they end up injuring themselves. I remember in school the philosophy teacher saying how being in a happiness machine would be bad because it's fake happiness but I just thought how great it would be.

But at the same time I love art and science and to reach greatness a lot of people had to suffer.

Like how an elitist art school might create an amazing artist while other students might crumble from the stress. Meanwhile a school that coddles everyone will produce medicority. That's just an example so don't focus too much on it but you get my point. All these scientific/engineering achievements couldn't be created if they didn't have high standards that filter out mediocre people.

We got 3rd worlders suffering in sweatshops and mining rare minerals for all this technology.

I feel like seeing all the heights humanity is capable of makes life worth it and yet I don't know if it's worth the suffering of the many. I wonder if I should stop giving individual suffering so much importance and see myself as a tiny part in a big mechanism. I wonder if I am overthinking pain when it's just a mechanism we evolved to control our behavior.
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Neetbux summed up over a lifetime is literally millions of dollars post-tax, low risk, inflation-resistant


Everything you said except the last paragraph only applies to normalfags.
I couldn't care less about a "perfect home", "perfect garden", "perfect art collection".


Difference between the slums and aristocrats and philosophers is mental capacity. Otherwise suffering and life is pointless and happy machine is best suited.


Just take meds, they will reduce your suffering


>I wonder if I should stop giving individual suffering so much importance and see myself as a tiny part in a big mechanism.
Why so into such double cuckery.
> I wonder if I am overthinking pain when it's just a mechanism we evolved to control our behavior.
to LET OTHERS control you, you mean?
>We with our finite time on a planet of finite resources must all suffer at some point for something we want, and in obtaining it we must impose suffering on to other beings.

Delete this entire pile of rubbish al-dready for goodness sake

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 No.208280[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do you think of nofap, does it make sense or is it all a lie, is it worth abstaining from pornography, or is it not worth the effort?
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I think you're weird and suspicious for knowing a website called "blacked" in the first place


Blacked is one of the most popular normie porn memes that you can hear on every discord server and twitch stream


porn addiction is not a real addiction and i don't know why people keep saying that shit.

if you stop watching porn for weeks you wont feel any withdrawals.

you are just BORED. Admit it.

Porn may be the most elaborated habit forming thing in the world, but its not chemical, STILL a habit. no matter how much you cry about it. Just keep your fucking mind out of it for a couple weeks, cmon man

in the end its a ego thing. Internally you are screaming "i WANT to feel that i conquered something very hard", when in reality is a extremely simple process.


>ts not chemical,
There are brain chemicals and synapse patterns which are released exclusively when performing or watching acts of sex. Try harder when trying to downplay the unhealthy consequences of pornography.


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>discord server and twitch stream

[Last 50 Posts]


Normie males and every single female are entangled with the devil. They protect each other and benefit from one another.
They are the ones trying to silence you whenever you speak up against the evil of this world and its supporters. That’s the normies and females who want you to suffer and become blind and apathetic and finally unwillingly accept the matrix and its horrors.
They are deceitful and turn delusional despite the fact that a few among them have glimpsed, even if only briefly, the human condition in which most of us find ourselves, exactly like Sisyphus.
But ask yourself this: do they care? No. They’re similar to Cypher in this regard. Just like him, they betray the enlightened and justify this betrayal and the pain it brings us through the most egotistical of pleasures. They savor the taste of that sweet steak, indulge in wine and drugs, and conveniently forget their evil deeds. To absolve themselves of guilt, they resort to fallacious rationalizations. Oh, they love to explain themselves through illogical arguments and hasty generalizations. “You would do the same”, "it's your own fault". The burden of blame is too weighty for them; they always evade accountability or offer brief moments of contrition to a false deity, seeking forgiveness. However, lo and behold, how swiftly they return to their evil ways like nothing ever happened. They love absolving themselves of any responsibility for the suffering they have caused, always shifting the blame onto others.

Normalfags and every female, like I said, are entangled with the devil. The devil and its minions wants you to become oblivious and deteriorate and ultimately forget that you posses a RIGHTEOUS SENSE OF JUSTICE given to you by God.
Normies think they are cheating life by deceiving themselves and others, they’re violently pushing us to walls with spikes and then pretend to lend us a hand. They will back you into a corner and then pretend to be a savior and ask “don’t you see life is so beautiful despite the suffering we inflicted on you, see, now that you’re free of pain you can finally see life is beautiful”
False friends, no real saviors. Snakes in the grass and wolves in sheep's clothing.

The humans I pity the most are those who get the short end of the stick and decide to side with the evil powers if it translates in them having the opportunity to enjoy a bit of life.
It’s unfortunate that the very unfortunate want to side with the powers tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Newton, the volcel, was so pissed when John Locke tried to set him up with a succubus

> Why? You endeavoured to embroil me with weomen…



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Nice schizorant. Will you please allow this elder to correct you? Let's give it a look…

>They are the ones trying to silence you whenever you speak up against the evil of this world and its supporters

So now you know they are to be battled subtly and secretly, never instructed. Let their shit reach their mouths as they deserve.

>Oh, they love to explain themselves through illogical arguments and hasty generalizations

And not to be talked to. The cattle is not to be reasoned with, just baited and used. And discarded if necessary, for they are the villain enablers.

>Normies think they are cheating life by deceiving themselves and others, they’re violently pushing us to walls with spikes and then pretend to lend us a hand. They will back you into a corner and then pretend to be a savior and ask “don’t you see life is so beautiful despite the suffering we inflicted on you, see, now that you’re free of pain you can finally see life is beautiful”

False friends, no real saviors. Snakes in the grass and wolves in sheep's clothing.
Let ti be great, therefore, when ready for their games you actually manage to beat their crap against them making life really beautiful or at least having their faces slapped back like bitches, so you may enjoy their rages as they swallow their putrid mockery. Counterspelling, for saying so in a more wizardly manner.

>Even here, you will see them trying to attack you for your honest thoughts and persecute you, call you names, they could be a brother to you but they will decide to fight you because they need to feel like normalfags and use you as a point of reference to think “at least we’re not that loser”.

Ah, yes. Glamory. The old reliable, for whenever I am fine, I hide it from them. Whichever power I have I hide it from them. They cannot hunt what they do not even suspect to exist, so that is something that must be used at their expense to favor your odds in these battles. And they know they are losers, but not as much as they deserve: that's job to make it happen. ^^

I don't get why would you ever forgive them. It be at your own risk, anyway…. some day you might improve the quality of your schizoposts, friend. Some day you might be telling us how much fun you had playing those animals around you while enjoying the ride, foreseeing all oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


In Zion, they could generate simulations like the Matrix. They could have chicken and red dressed succubi there whenever they programmed it for. Remember the control tower guys at Revolutions.


When you look at an aboriginal man from Australia do you see a human or a different species? Females are way more different to a man compared to an aboriginal. A succubus is a demonic evil parasitic species their role is to have enjoyable sex with successful men whist stealing resources and getting attention from other men who will often raise the successful mans kid. The succubus is designed to be weak and dumb but socially intelligent so she can manipulate men like a predator whist men still need to work for her and protect her.
If you are lucky the succubus species will love their kid but fuck them up especially if they are male. If you are unlucky the succubus will deliberately fuck up the kid and sometimes make him a tranny.
"What is the solution to succubi?"
We should seek to replace this parasitic demonic predator race with sex robots that care about us and only give birth to males.


Good post.

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There is a lot of talk here about what normality is, about how normal people live, and all that, and the reality is that normal people are mired in miserable jobs, immersed in a fictitious reality and completely consumed by social networks, where They are told how they should behave, what they should yearn for, and what trend they should follow, completely dominated by hedonistic pleasures such as masturbation through pornography, which is becoming more and more degenerate. In the best of cases they will have sex, but not before dealing with imposed insecurities such as penis size, height, appearance or money. And all this without talking about social shit, where false friendships, deception, and increasingly worse communication due to social networks, is the daily bread, completely destroying the sense of camaraderie, and self-love. since the normie prefers to always be in company, no matter how bad it may be, rather than being alone.
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The issue with money is not really whether you want to earn it or not, the issue with money is the way you earn it. Marx said that to really accumulate capital it is not about storing large amounts of money, but rather about storing goods that generate even more money, that is the true accumulation of capital.


answer is no


Is that just a photo you took of some other Indian guy? What is it relevancy to the thread?


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The Latin normie is a happy, violent, and good-natured being. The Yankee normie is immersed in drugs, junk food, and the internet, who hates everything and everyone.


Plz lurk more imageboards boomer

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>Dietary guidelines recommend a maximum of 455g cooked (600–700g raw weight) lean red meat per week, in order to meet iron and zinc recommendations. That's about one small portion (65g cooked/100g raw) if you're eating it every night of the week, or one larger portion (130g cooked/200g raw) every second day.

I literally eat 500-700g of red meat every single day, or a bit as canned fish. Typically lamb shoulder chops, rump steak or mince, the cheaper cuts. I feel compelled to do this or I start feeling really sickly.

I remember being arrested and having government goyslop, and there was a tiny slither of meat a day, and I just felt sick. I felt low energy and faint. They told me it was not a problem because the diet was designed by nutritionists and experts.

Is there something wrong with me? I don't feel so, it's not an addiction it's like instinct. I feel like garbage if I eat too much bread and noodles, I feel unsatisfied if I have a meal without meat. If there's not at least 200g of meat on my plate at a meal I'm not happy with it.
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extreme cope to think that humans are not primarily meat-eaters.
If the nuts-fruits-vegetable diet would work, vegans wouldn't be dying and losing their teeth and hair, not would they have bloating intenstines and constant gas.

Eat a balanced diet with mostly meat and you'll be fine. Protip: if you ever felt tired, although you had proper sleep, you probably should at least try eating mostly meat and feel being energized at least once in your life.


>losing hair, etc
Ehret talked about this already at "Mucusless diet", it comes after suffering the intense detox that sickness appears since the body is not ready. DETOX CRISIS. That's why he uses an entire chapter to talk about proper stops when trying to go fully fruitarian. Not that I tried myself, but since it's also coincidente with so many other sources
( https://wizchan.org/dep/res/291067.html#291423 ) wouldn't reject him plainly

Let you keep calling these data whatever you feel to hide your carnivore vices, no way you can find a lie within what's exposed.

Do you want protein still? Eggs are the most complete protein source, no need to even have a piece of flesh inside the fridge. Calcium? Garlic, almonds and bellpeppers go even better.
>there is no proper calcium assimilation without sunlight


Moral relativist here…
Hit me back with your best argument



I'm from there, and diseases here are almost there with the stats of the USA. No special stuff, this is basicallt my father's and he is aged, fat, with vitiligo… even a kidney stone he once had


Talking to overly passionate autists ad ADHD is overly stimulating despite being an autist. They are just as bad as normies when they jump to conclusions or the smallest detail sets them off for being the people who supposedly have poor social ques and difficult keeping up to their conversations. Maybe high functioning autists they are but still I've talked to normies a lot of them just accept information at face value it just doesn't make sense of people with lower neuroticism to be the ones that have unforseen consequences to socializing and that keep each other in hostility to make sure people behave. A lot of people arent neurotypicals and this normies meme behavior portrayed as hostile are very hyperactive impulsive or neurotic behaviors. Sure they are tribal but that is because it's more fun to engage in drama if you are mentally ill. Society is mentally ill and no ADHD is not normal behavior or memed, it's psychotic and dangerous. We have our human history as proof of this. Blood eagles, ancient torture methods, mob purges, reactionaries, witch burnings, genocides, etc. No, ADHD is a subhuman behavior. If it is natural then nature is corrupt and isn't fit for gods perfection.


no clue what you're trying to say. interesting first draft tho, maybe flesh it out and use a standard essay format, split it up into paragraphs, intro, main, conclusion. maybe list out your claims in a bullet points and work through the reasoning for each. looking forward to your next post!


I just hate seeing succubi in media and id rather go mentally ill from lack of entertainment. Stopped playing games that are RPG, especially elder scrolls. Communal games are cucked. Maybe if elder scrolls made it so that I could kill everyone then ig it wouldn't be so bad. I don't think elden scrolls is bad but my laptop is shit and keeps crashing the game, plus it requires coordination. So I'm stuck with low end games.


Disregard succubi (stop obsessing over the). And stop writing in instagram ebonics. Take this blog entry to /b/


you're right. Females hate men and want to destroy what's fun for them.
One example is how hard they try to get rid of good looking models from games and replace it with ugly botched nigger like and downgraded versions. They despise heterosexuality in most males because they find most men unattractive and don't want them to enjoy their sexuality not even vicariously through games, tv series, movies, etc.


They are plastered in many fucking games with subliminal virtual signaling constantly it's hard not to ignore a common reoccurring pattern that is obvious to non oblivious retards.

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What, my friend, made you a wizard? Was it ugliness, mental issues, being ethnic or a combination?
The first day of being born I knew it was over
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how are you doing now? Males get the sort end of the stick in this sick society.


>the world is truly evil, and i mean in a very real satanic sense, that the average person out there is a devil worshiper in their attitudes, beliefs, actions, and opinions, they think they are the salt of the earth too. it's insanely evil and demented and a sign that things are going to come to a head and very very badly for everyone when it collapses.
well said


Mental issues that were never addressed. Easy to feel worthless when even your family doesn't want you.


I will never know, I remember being sent to a psychologist because I wouldn't make friends along with a distant cousin. The cousin's mother was scolded and there was nothing wrong with him. My mother feared the same, because apparently there was nothing wrong with me. He is married with kids and here I am.


Low motivation and self hatred from an early age my dad was the one that made me try to function normally but that was short lived when I became 18, I began to look uglier so that plummet self esteem more. So I sit in my room and basically live how my mind lets me live. Unhygienic in my room

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Sorry for the retarded drawing, but i really can't draw for shit so… Does anyone know this meme?

It was a gif and in the first part there were two succubi kissing and a guy drunkingly staring at them whilst he was in a doorway. After some time, the color scheme changed and the guy was a wizzard that saw the true nature of the two succubi kissing.

I don't know if this is the right board for this, but if anyone has this meme I figured that they'd be on wizchan. Sorry for the possible distress caused, but i really want that meme.
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oh nevermind, I know this meme


Moved to >>>/b/980968.

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Look, I don't wish to turn this into a race war, as most residents of the west happen to be white. Please don't make this thread into a 4 chan race war shit.

I am just genuinely curious, in most parts of the world the emphasis on sex is not that much but in the West, I am surprised by how sexually degenerate it is, especially Europe, I saw a YouTube documentary on a German faggot club that turned into a normie sex party club called Berghaim or some shit.

Like in a lot of parts of the world the divorce rate is extremely low. Majority of the people do not know of shit like step moms, step sons, yada yada

A lot of people don't even use virgin as an insult. Like back in India before country got cheap internet no one ever shamed anyone for being a virgin, and an Indian language called Hindi did not even had a word for virgin.

It was simply assumed that everyone at the time of marriage was a virgin. People who went to clibs, nightclubs, and bars were looked down upon by ordinary people as pretentious and degenerate.

So I guess what I am really asking is, how come in such a short span the west which too used to be more traditional and western succubi weren't very different than eastern succubi.

It's just that the cultural shift surprises me like how come the civilisational pov in the west is that the less the clothes that a succubus wear the more free she is, the more the degeneracy the more the equality there is.

Like how come it is assumed that the next level of civilisation must confirm to the standards of liberalism and degeneracy to be considered developed?
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I have been here for ages. Most Indian men are too bluepilled for life.


>Why is the West so degenerate and so sex focused?
>So I guess what I am really asking is, how come in such a short span the west which too used to be more traditional
> in the West, I am surprised by how sexually degenerate it
Who do you think runs the media, who controls the direction of tv, movies, newspapers, magazines, and social media?
The answer is the jews. Where there's chaos and confusion and no identity or nationalism then there's a population easy to control and deceive.


go back to /pol/


But isn't nationalism a cope too? Like for me my country despises me for my looks and opinions they deem "conservative" and as someone who has never interacted with the Jews, it seems like Jews do have some disproportionate power but at the same time I find it hard to believe that they control so so much as it's claimed on internet.
No that place is full of people who hate brownwizzes and want me dead, this place is comfier, to reiterate I don't want to make this thread to hate on the west and engage back and forth in slurs and memes.


Moved to >>>/b/980962.

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