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I hate cyberpunk 2077, it failed at depict a cyberpunk. it mimics cyberpunk and looks like a gta game in the future they should have made the game based on the genre and not only mike pondsmith's table top rpg game.
It is lame compared to other cyberpunk games (example: deus ex).
I hate cyberpunk 2077 for another reason too; it is that when you type cyberpunk 2077 in the search bar, every results is about cyberpunk 2077. the results are 99% of the time about cp2077 (it completly broke the genre on internet). cp2077 was a mistake to me and a burdden for the genre.
But now that the game exist, it is good because now you can separate the bad cyberpunk media from the good ones (and cp2077 is a bad one!).
about cp2077, is now normalfags think what is cyberpunk is what they saw in cp2077 (neons, shitty rap music,…).
anyway, enough of cp2077. I only played 10 minutes of the game.

>What cyberpunk media (game, book, music,etc…) did you consum?

>Is your life High tech, Low life?

"The future is here. It’s just not widely distributed yet." William Gibson
there's some elements of cyberpunk in real life but cyberpunk is just far away from reality. just take surfing in the virtual world (cyberpsace) and using internet on the computer or even cyborg arms/legs. Or megacorporations, but yeah william gibson is right, we have cyberpunk things in reality.

-I like the neo-tokyo city in Akira. it make so much sense to me to build an artificial island on tokyo bay with neverlasting buildings.

-I also like Kowloon walled city. maybe the most cyberpunk area to ever exist. If I was about to make a video game on cyberpunk, I'd add a kowloon level haha!

-One thing I don't like is flying cars. when you see cyberpunk cities, they have roads but if flying cars exist, better make all cars flying therfore not making roads. I don't want to it to turn into the fifth elements. The cars must no fly. or only for ambulances, firefighters and police. so to me cars shouldn't fly

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Burn:Cycle and Dreamweb were pretty fair games for their times, and also loving Cybershadow and Ghostrunner.

But let you you know about the really noice Cyberpunk game who rang the bell:
>same franchise and timeline


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sometimes, I feel like my heart is heavy and it make me very sad and feel uneasy. It also feels like a sharp object penetrating my heart. Or sometimes, I feel like I have a big hole in my chest (where the heart is located). and whenever I feel one of the three situations, my energy is drained and I feel awful and empty inside my upper body. anyone who feel the same way?
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Lifting weights for building muscles are aesthetic purpose nowadays
>for health
Much more efficient based on your diet and amount of sleep
t. someone who exercised a lot and have unhealthy habits


>Men are inferior abominations.
This a male site, you disgusting faggot.
Lifting weights or doing calistehnics:

Improves heart health
Improves bone health
Increases your energy
Improves your cognitive function e.g., processing speed, memory, executive function, etc. All linked to memory and learning
Lowers your risk of injury
Boosts your metabolism by building muscles
Improves sleep quality
Boosts your mood and improves mental health
Reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types o cancer
Decreases your risk of falls
Lowers your risk of developing diabetes
Increases ROM, allowing for greater mobility and flexibility

Basically a better quality of life.


>Much more efficient based on your diet and amount of sleep
This and sun exposure. I wish I knew how to optimize these things when I Was younger.


It also helps you lose weight… helps with blood flow and lowers the risk of so many heart problems, bone problems and makes brain feel good.


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He means this:
>attached file
Not the first time I hear about keto being useful for generic brain issues.
Starches in general due to glucose peaks. Many non celiac intolerances are manifested in brains
>as explained further within the file attached here
It solves natural sarcopenia
See? This is a real wiz. Witty men, who strive from pure knowledge.


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 No.309136[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

i present to you charming, morbidly obese eaters of factory food: latest deep vegan lore. this is a 40+ minute review of a new device vegans can buy for ~4000$.


it is a home appliance (slightly smaller then a dishwasher) that freeze dries your food inside a vacuum. you put fruits or vegetables on stainless steel trays, put them in the thing, the thing gets super cold plus creates a vacuum and then it gets heated gently. this then runs for 30 hours or longer and that way the water gently leaves the stuff without being liquid because in cold vacuums the frozen water changes into a gas.

they say it can make stuff last for 25 years in a sealed jar and apparently the astronauts eat like that.

very hard working vegans would bother to dehydrate their food to conserve it but apparently that way lots of nutrients get lost because it oxidizes the whole time.

oh also vacuum blending is a thing. makes me wonder about vacuum juicers…
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I ain't reading your bullshit rant, nor do I care.



caring to inform me that you do not care is still a form of caring. while i appreciated that you've bothered to reveal what little consideration you put into your words, i've seen the way you think and communicate and your face-saving theater isn't fooling anyone.

have i known you would turn out to be such a disappointment, i would not have responded to someone as dull as you.


Now that picture brings me way back.


>Now that picture brings me way back.

this is a rare meme i found 2008, i consider it years ahead of it's time.

memes have been getting way better in the last years and compared to the best current memes the old ones have trouble holding up, however this one is still up there for me.


i don't understand why i am not a fart-machine at this point.

i overeat on raw cabbage meals and i have maybe 2 farts throughout the entire day. one 0,4 second pfffrt in the morning and then one 0,7 second pffffffrt in the evening.

i have no explanation. i am eating what i believe to be some of the most alive food available. fresh, raw partly organic.

raw galic and spring onion and overeating, still nothing? maybe some of the other ingredients diffuse the fart potential? maybe the celery or the grapefruit that i put in the sauce? truly puzzeling to me.

also i am very much surprised my poop is the way it is. when i am in the truck i poop in trashbags, i don't have an actual toilet built in there yet. only a foldable toiletseat-chair that i put trashbags in that i poop into. and then when i am done pooping, i have a knotted up trashbag in my hand and i can take an actual look at my poop through the clear plastic bag that it is in.

i took a good look at my poo today and it all melted. the copious amount of raw vegetables they don't seem to leave any fiberous remains, everything melted into a smooth paste. where is the mass of half-chewed cabbage shreds? they should be speckled in there but apparently they just melt into my body. i am also surprised how little i poop, only once a day.

[Last 50 Posts]


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 No.35069[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are you watching?
What are you enjoying?
What have you dropped?
What are you looking forward to next season?
Previous: >>31249
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I wouldn't recommend any anime to someone who couldn't even write a single sentence outlining what kind of anime he enjoyed in the past and what general genre he's interested in now.




Odd Taxi



Does anyone know an anime that could make me feel regret for not enjoying highschool because I was a ghost who showed up rarely?

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>just be normal even though your mental state isn't

Kys and get depressed


I have a lot of pics like this in my folders
I like this meme. one day, I'll. my own meme like you did. also, mods may delete the image because it's an outdider meme


Pretty much the same, but I don’t have an ego, I’m not afraid of making a fool of myself in front of hundreds of people online just to make them rage, I guess I accepted everyone else is better than me


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poop shit


>takes arguments online seriously
You're a good person


That's just sad. I remember that. It will never do any good. Only make things worse.


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 No.312062[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

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Welp, did everything in my power to refrain from submitting this, but my American siblings came over and met enough of my expectations. Including grant me cause to fail.

Cheers and ttyl. =_=


There's no western hikkikomoris, never heard about a real western hikki, all supposed western hikkis go out and leave the house from time to time.


indeed, it's a japanese phenomena. that's what they told me


Nobody outside that kind of society can exist as a hikki, even with NEETbux.


>There's no western hikkikomoris, never heard about a real western hikki, all supposed western hikkis go out and leave the house from time to time.

the infrastructure to be a genuine hikki does exist in the western world.

also your way of thinking makes no sense. if someone were to be a hikki, how would you ever know about it? you think the dude becomes a hikki and then gets a big drum and walks around the neighborhood once a week yelling about never leaving the house so that even you fool end up knowing about it?

there are probably hikkis and they are probably glad you don't know em personally.

[Last 50 Posts]


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 No.64932[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Book discussion. Tell us what you're reading.
Previous threads:
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Uploaded a video on YouTube with one of my favorite poems from Pessoa translated into English.


it's also a manga


I have The trouble with Canada… Still on my stack right now and am leafing through it. Boomer junk from the 90's rewritten for a new audience as if there's some stable continuity. I really have to stop picking up whatever book I see in the thrifter without deeply researching the authors or spending a few minutes seeing the quality of arguments. This guy wrote a 400 page book that reads like a boomer talking about whatever daily happenings hit his newspaper diet while codifying it in worthless, abstract philosophy. And of course… small government is the essence of conservatism! There's so much junk nonfiction in the world these days, like podcasters who really don't know much about a subject talking to a video with maybe a few hundred views.


What's the essential /wiz/ fiction and non fiction books?


we need a chart about it. I suggest the metamorphosis by kafka. the main protagonist get in trouble and became a burdden for the family. sounds like wizards that turn into neets/hiki who become a burdden for the family

[Last 50 Posts]


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Any fellow fuck up who have the unrealistic dream of living in Japan?
I'm thinking about saving to try to go to a language school for at least 6 months while maybe doing a part time job if I can. (I found that there are a lot of manual jobs post proposed to gaijin with no prior work experience needed)
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Japan is the people and government, as you will be among the people as part of the increasing amount of foreigners and the government who will test you to high standards if you will even be let in. And it is part and parcel, but can you take the blows of being the guy blamed for not disposing his trash properly or being accused of making too much noise or worse. And Japan has one of the most unfair legal systems in the world with a 99% conviction rate and forces you to fight tooth and nail to not get charged and sent prison, you can be detained for 23 days before you can make a phone call. These hypercapitalist societies have as much or almost as much mental illness as communist countries, lots of suicides and reclusive depression, bullying in schools that is harsher than you'd think, South Korea is even worse to the point where some North Koreans say their life was as miserable after a while or fled back.

I'm not telling you to not go, I understand and agree with your sentiment that you should go and see how it is for yourself, I think it's the only good first-world country left and what I like about it are pretty much the same reasons everyone else does, but it's not perfect and people who say they want to go think it's wonderland.


NTA but most of the things you mention aren't that bad at all, like
>the government who will test you to high standards if you will even be let in
I wish more governments would do this, and the challenge of it is honestly a bit exciting.
>blamed for not disposing his trash properly
I think I'm able to learn the rules and do it properly.
>being accused of making too much noise
Impossible, I love silence.
> And Japan has one of the most unfair legal systems in the world with a 99% conviction rate and forces you to fight tooth and nail to not get charged and sent prison, you can be detained for 23 days before you can make a phone call.
I don't do crimes.
>lots of suicides and reclusive depression
It can't get worse for me in that regard.
>bullying in schools
I'm too old.


>I wish more governments would do this
If you can pass it fine, I also like it but it's not cake walk to legally immigrate to Japan or Europe or somewhere that isn't shit.
>I think I'm able to learn the rules and do it properly.
>Impossible, I love silence.
>I don't do crimes.
My point is is that there's a fair chance you'll be blamed for something you didn't do despite diligently following the rules, legal or custom.
>It can't get worse for me in that regard.
>I'm too old.
These are problems for the Japanese. Even in paradise there is trouble.


Like every country in the world except USA. I suppose a lot of things that weebs are obsessed with about japan are like that


Try doing that in Mexico, Malmö, Moscow, Edinburgh, you name it, and see what happens. Japan and South Korea are the only civilized countries left and even that civility has come at a resentful cost.



I was at work and had to just fucking sit there and listen to this guy go on and on about how succubi constantly hit him up and fucked him. I normally don't react to this kind of stuff. But then he showed video after video after video and it eventually got to me. This fuck is the same age as me but his life just seemed so much easier. I legitimately didn't understand what it's like to have a fucking succubus text you. Want to see you. He even said "You're not ugly. How?" I just didn't have an answer. I just live with the cope that some people just have it easier and others like myself emit and anti succubus field. I am happier the further away from sex and relationship shit I hear. Normally I can just live around it and it doesn't bother me. This time was different some how. What the fuck.
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>It's there where i realized females are not for me but still that faggot is just an NPC who buys the latest materialistic products and follows popular music
Pop music is literally designed to be popular. If you can't unironically and sincerely enjoy pop music, you are neurologically weird and shouldn't be surprised the succubi don't like you.
>I just live with the cope that some people just have it easier and others like myself emit and anti succubus field.
We are the social equivalent of someone born severely color blind so it shouldn't be surprising when there's subtleties of social "fashion sense" that we don't get that turns normgroids off.
That is what that "it factor" that you can't tell what it is, is. Of course you can't identify it, you are psychologically/biologically blind to it. To normans it's more apparent that you're missing something vital.


I listen to anything, don't try to label that bullshit on me, Still I think they have it easy because they have already indulged in many Relationships therefore it became something normal that's why their advices are all half assed and platonic, they do not know what's in a person or what's the real problem, They're dumb but Love isn't life, If we're color blinded then they're completely blinded you know why ? Because color blind means we see things atleast but they don't see anything, You know who's not blind ? Our ancestors who didn't live in a material society, We know, They do not know. Celibacy is to be more with yourself and above the norms


There is nothing to deal with.

Only if your mind is twisted and poisoned by your (Indian?) culture is there a problem.


>be american
>jew controlled media and culture
>bombarded with the ugliest and most degenerate possible shit and sexually charged propaganda and lifestyles, from interracial nigger on white movies and tv series, to music that has both men and female rappers who use EXPLICIT sexual language for their "lyrics", sexual ads everywhere, onlyfans, casual hookup culture, and literally succubi as young as 14 dressed like sluts, etc.


lmfao even

you might not want ANYTHING to do with it, but even at the workplace some stupid sex focused nigger will bring up sex and talk about it. This culture is focused on sex like no other culture I believe. This is why kikes must be killed.


Even if you go walk in an isolated forest, with your poisoned mind you'll start crying over constantly hearing birds' mating calls, bunnies fucking everywhere, reindeer fighting to breed with their heads crowned by antlers that waste calories to participate in sexual natural selection


 No.291261[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
Previous: >>290006
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>shut in NEET
>go to a nearby coffee shop at a gas station once a day
>literally the only social interaction I get
>the staff just constantly give me passive aggressive shit for not having a job
>"Always working, super busy, what about you, are you working? Do you have job yet?"

What the fuck is the problem with normies? I literally do nothing and they despise me. Obviously you could take one look at me and see I'm not mentally well enough to work.


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My life became more miserable after I turned 18. I want to change my lifestyle, but there’s always some kind of restriction to stop me. So I just gave up. Even the egg I cooked agrees with me for being shit


>I literally do nothing and they despise me.
Normies hate you for not fitting into society.


Tell them for each his own job. Your job is simply being better than them.


Doing nothing is like a crime to them. You need to *love* the system and serve it with your own labor

[Last 50 Posts]


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So, I'm getting closer to 30, like, couple of months alway, anyway, I got this "flashback" of from my life since 13 or something, and I realized how bad I'm with female, I always being bad dealing with succubus my whole goddamn life, I stopped trying around 26~27, and somewhat accepted my lot, but still I wonder why I was so bad with female? I don't harbor hate, like crab, or "le beta nice guy" too, I was just awkward, unnatural around them, it felt wrong. Does one had felt the same? Now I'm almost 30 and the feeling isn't that strong for succubus anymore, but I got me wondering why? Autism? Some form of strong shyness?
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> It's better to pursue what you want in this life even if it's something silly, that way you have no regrets
You still have so much shit to watch hitting the fan, boy.

I decided to listen to my awkwardness, and stay in line with it. Then females started coming, but I just hated them for how much they just cared about manhood without regarding many other certain tenets within a person. The best thing was to discover how cringe their tactics were, how weak, how pathetic, they are even worse at flirting than men.

That's why they play the passive role, which always gives the power. After they found my schizo stance against them, many started to try and make me regret and the best they could was to play with some other men to see if I just grew jealous or something. The moral here is: be watchful of what you wish, you might be just starving for mirages.


Thats because you are a low value Man. There is nothing about you that makes a Vagina tingle, you are just some loser at the bottom of society that nobody wants or needs for anything.
Thats why no Succubus wants anything to do with you, they can instantly see what you are and they see that you have no potential and that gives them the ick.
like why would they ever bother with what in their eyes is human garbage?
at their fingertips they can get access to Men that are at the minimum 10 times better, more attractive, skilled, smarter, more social, richer etc.
So why should a Succubus ever be attracted to you? what do you realistically bring to the table? nothing.

The most pathetic part perhaps is that you couldnt figure this out on your own when one look in the mirror should be enough to put 1 + 1 together.


Some people are meant to be celibate, Whether you try to fight it off or not you will never succeed and i'm not blackpilling you but it's the truth. It's just that


>le heckin tcrabs are going around groping succubi
did you just come from a vice article?


Perhaps this isn't useful to you but I've begun treating these kinds of thoughts of succubi as I would any other intrusive thoughts. Obviously you haven't truly put them behind you entirely. So the question is why. As you go through your day and one of these thoughts relating them comes up ask yourself honestly how your life or situation or whatever you're currently doing would benefit from a succubus being with you. What I found doing this is that these thoughts are likely just a remnant of watching shows that contained romance plots and the like and that's why such topics bubbled to the surface of my mind sometimes. However I also realized that I am actually content with my solitary life and another person would only disturb that peace.
Best of luck in your journey.


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Previous thread: https://archive.fo/msC0D
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>implying i'm a centrists
normalfags of you lmao


Radical centrist is literally a joke.

It's like saying you are a Pastafarian. It isn't serious.


That's how I see it, yes. The only people I've ever met who use this concept in the real world are absolutely clueless



I avoided to watch this movie when it came out and just read a few reviews of it on /pol/

now im watching it since it's more relevant than ever


Is it really?


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 No.289727[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

getting angry, getting frustrated edition

previous >>285492
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1. Buy Bitcoin
2. Shut the fuck up
3. Become fabulously wealthy


it is not dipping yet


>Become fabulously wealthy
Eh you make it sound easy. Would you consider something winning if there's no losing side?


>$45k not enough
Brother, I earn £12k part time in a miserable position.


Have any of you escaped low-level wageslavery into a decent-paying wageslave job?

[Last 50 Posts]



everyone thinks japanese people aren't racists and will be alright with foreigners if they respect japan. but this video shows the contrary: japanese people are like the rest of human, they know what racism is and they are also racists
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>everyone thinks japanese people aren't racists
no you were pretty much the only thought that way also that's a good thing


why is it a good thing?


It keeps Japan Japanese, in language, in race, in culture, in custom, in attitude.


I can understand them. As someone who lives in a country with a lot of american and european tourists. I know how annoying and obnoxious these tourists can be.


what do tourists fo in your town that piss off the locals?



We really can't stop winning wiz bros while dumb cattle who follow blindly the media fell victim to one of the biggest pharma corpo scams of the century and to this day, they keep losing.
They bought into the psyop, wore double masks, took the jab and got triple quadruple boosted, and even got into fights with people who did not want to take the deadly jab. These npc cattle shilled for it as well on social media, it wasn't enough for them to take it themselves, they wanted everyone to be vaxxed.

On the other hand, every intelligent wizard was able to tell from a mile away that it was fishy, you can just do a quick research and see that Pfizer CEO is a kike and kikes have a bad reputation, as liars and fraudsters. The kikes behind the media were pushing for this state of emergency and lockdowns due to a harmless virus that supposedly came from china, yet wizards did not fall for it because we knew it was bullshit.
Everyone that took the vaxx might as well be dead, because in their compliance for the powers that be their human freedom was gone as well. Their spirit to be free from mental slavery was not there, maybe it was never there in the first place.

I did not fall for it and wasn't afraid because I've been gifted with foresight. Now, almost 5 years later, the sheep have to admit they were wrong and got manipulated, that the vaccines were not safe and effective. That the science was more concerned with money than with saving lives.

>AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine, months after admitting rare side effect. The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide, months after the pharmaceutical giant admitted for the first time in court documents that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect

>AstraZeneca has insisted the decision to withdraw the vaccine is not linked to the court case or its admission that it can cause TTS. It said the timing was pure coincidence.

Stay strong, wiz bros, and remember: the biggest hoax is reproduction.
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I'd probably joke about it saying that he is going to die due to it but that's as much as I'd do. He is quite smart and respectable so most likely he'd just apologize to me.


i pray every day all vax tard die from blood clot


I am actually happy that I never took the jab. Imagine being such a retard that you believe jew controlled media and take a jew vaccine from literal criminals
inb4 some nigger brained gullible faggots says:
>nah brah they are scientists they are good people these are health professionals that wanted to save lives
Here is some old news
>The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer agreed to pay $2.3 billion to settle civil and criminal allegations that it had illegally marketed its painkiller Bextra, which has been withdrawn. It was the largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine of any kind ever.

That's one of the largest criminal fines in HISTORY Why would anyone take a vaccine from criminals? how retarded can a person be?

>It was the largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine of any kind ever.

>“The whole culture of Pfizer is driven by sales, and if you didn’t sell drugs illegally, you were not seen as a team player,” said Mr. Kopchinski, whose personal share of the Pfizer settlement is expected to exceed $50 million. Mr. Kopchinski left Pfizer in 2003.

>Under the agreement with the Justice Department, Pfizer will pay a $1.3 billion criminal penalty related to Bextra and $1 billion in civil fines related to other medicines.

>In addition, a Pfizer subsidiary, Pharmacia and Upjohn, will plead guilty to violating the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for its promotion of Bextra.


Like, come on, you might as well inject yourself with a used needle of a crackhead.


I wish schizos like u got locked up so you would stop shitposting


why, what's the matter? you don't like being reminded how your reflexive submission to authority and peer pressure resulted in harm to your health?

you only like when your reflexive submission to authority and peer pressure results in others being harmed, not you. you should be shielded from negative consequence because you complied with tyranny, right?


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 No.63672[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

All you need to begin drawing is a pencil and some paper

Feel free to post any drawings of yours in this thread. Illustration, doodle, traditional, digital - anything goes. Discussion on skillbuilding techniques and fair critique of other wizards' work is welcome.

last thread
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You still painting wiz?
I haven't posted in a long time but I still check /hob/ for you and >>67508 every so often. I was the wiz you did a NGE request for if you remember that. Perhaps youd be willing to paint Asuka in the style of painting 147 for me to update my phone home screen?


Asuka is a goddess. I wish she'd crush my throat with her foot and rip my guts to ribbons with a pocket knife. What is wrong with me


I want to learn how to draw, but too often I can't get over myself and get too frustrated the moment I make any mistake. Does anyone know how to deal with something like that? I won't quit.


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Here, I draw this from my laptop only using the touch pad not a long time ago. I was inspired after reading Crows and Shonan Junai Gumi


I really like this one and your style as a whole. I hope you keep drawing ponies. There’s something about the high effort non shitpost art pieces made after the initial wave of mlp died down and all the bandwagoners left. There’s no money left in it, the ones left are real fans and generally good people

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Is there ONE SINGLE COUNTER EXAMPLE against the gnostic claim that the entirety of this reality isn't inherently evil?

Right now I can't help but think God made a huge mistake with this retarded creation, I basically resent Him for creating me. I grow even more resentful for the fact that He will never cease my existence, instead, driven by my own hatred, I will end up rejecting Him and condemning myself to Hell if I don't come to terms in time.
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the only part that i find absurd about what you exposed as gnosticism is that everyone has a divine spark, i still accept that we are weaker than God and angels and that me and satan are almost on the same page, except he would love to torture me too
there is too many idiots in this world and im one step away from locking myself out from the rest


satan must be laughin his ass off after watching you compare yourself to his inmortal, undrainably evil presence.


satan just hates everything, thats it, and he is probably pissed i still haven't subjected to his retardation
despite the bitterness, my intelligence is unaffected


Tbh Gnosticism is more so an attempt to create an abrahamic version of Buddhism. The idea that the world is evil is in line with the idea attachment is suffering. The labels of god being evil just fall in line with the Bible. It’s just an extension of a religion that already was established. Similar to how Christianity was an extension of Judaism.

Ultimately all mysticisms are about the same thing, connecting with oneness. This ability to connect with oneness is present in all of us but our egos keep us distracted from realizing this. We are attached to our egos and identifying with them rather than the true essence of our being, which is oneness. So attempts to reshape our relationship to our ego to nullify it are created in the form of religions, mysticism, etc.

A cool way to look at Gnosticism is that the demiurge is a metaphor for the ego. It should make more sense if you view it that way. Especially when you consider your ego is what shapes your reality.


I've come to the conclusion that this world is a prison or a place of punishment since everything here is centred around suffering. A lot of spiritual free thinkers eventually come to this conclusion one way or the other.



Do you wizards know anything about removing metals from and killing pathogens or viruses in the brain? I am interested in whether this is contributing to personal issues I have at the moment and would like to try such an approach. There are many sources talking about detoxification, but I've yet to see one specifically talking about the brain.

my current speculated stack is
Natto - kills spike protein
Black seed oil - kills toxoplasmosis, broad spectrum antiviral
ALA - chelates some metals
DMSA? - chelates more metals

but I don't know much more than that. Sources, thoughts?
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Fasting and alkalizing diet, while eating all your daily food within a narrow interval (from 8:00 am to 2:00pm)

Remember that your detox systems are constantly working if you swallow starches and heavy protein. Also a mouthful of turmeric enhances liver functions before going to bed.


Killing pathogens? Mostly garlic, onion and ginger. Then you might turn towards advanced shit, like ivermectin and typical drugs.


>I can't see what else would produce long threadlike shadows when shined upon and would have a thick filmy appearance when observed normally.

hmm i can't think of anything. many people have parasites and fungus problems inside them but i don't know in what way they would show up in the urine.

>I don't have liver damage,

congratulations, how do you know? i did a liver gallblader flush. i drank oil, grapefruit juice and epsomwalt dissolved in water. and yes, green stones did come out, i should make another one soon to see if there are still stones inside of me, or if my health ambitions have "melted" them all already.

>I am concerned about pathogenic or excitotoxic presences in the brain.

you must have some sophisticated detection mechanism i am not hip to. lol i can't imagine how you would detect that. maybe there is a smell coming out of your ear ^^, i dunno.

>Chlorine Dioxide just came in the mail, I'll be trying to use the MMS formula next.

i know literally nothing about what chemicals and pharmaceuticals can do.

What sorts of detoxification programs are you thinking of when we have this discussion?

naturopathic herbal essences and teas is what i have studied and used on myself. most sophisticated one i've done was a 1500€ 14 week herbal detoxification protocol. i ate nothing but fruit, drank healing tea all day and swallowed capsules filled with herbs and herbal extracts dissolved in water. first two weeks was mostly antiparasitic and antifungal and then the rest was mostly strengthening the lymphatic system while keeping the detox 'up'. the underlying idea is that the body can clean itself as long as the lymphatic system is kept well functioning and herbs do a little bit of helping. i do the work in exercises and foodchoice, herbal tea adds 30% extra, expensive herbal tinctures and capsules add an additional 15% extra.
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I have that book. Did you see improvement in health after trying the cleanse?

Anyways, for me personally I am trying to get at certain neurological problems which could conceivably be caused by excitotoxic or brain pathogenic substances. It's quite different than standard detox rationales, and I am starting to think that my immune response to covid may be at the heart of it all? Covid antibodies = spike proteins in your body for a long time. I am hoping it isn't permanent and the body does expel these things with time/loses immune system memory of the disease. But there doesn't seem much written on that particular topic.


>I have that book. Did you see improvement in health after trying the cleanse?

i can never be sure what does the difference and what doesn't because i do a lot of health related stuff and i already feel good by default.

having said that, i do suspect that i did feel a good chunk better from it. after i did it, it felt like a noticable curse was lifted (not a gigantic curse but also not a tiny curse). like some limiting barrier was removed. like the training wheels were taken off the bike and now i ride on a real bycicle while before i didn't. after i had done it i found all these new ways to keep momentum in movements going. my skating and dancing become more seamless, more flowing; the individual movements became connected into movements that waste less energy; though i had felt this lifting of limits before. when i first lost weight from bmi 21 to bmi 20 i could not believe how effortless moving my body was, how much faster i could get up from a chair.

i do believe it is among the more beneficial things. not as profoundly lifechanging as breathing exercise, maybe on the level as a netipot.

>Anyways, for me personally I am trying to get at certain neurological problems which could conceivably be caused by excitotoxic or brain pathogenic substances.

you probably mean get _rid off_ neurological problems? not sure what you mean by neurological problems. maybe like a feeling of slow response time from the brain, being forgetful, making mistakes.

my brain has been doing good lately because i stopped looking at memes so much. like a gambling addict in front of a slot machine i did not even notice that i was doomscrolling for hours every day. now i stopped looking at this nasty digital world so much and found the joy in tinkering, homeimprovement and using tools. i like it but because i am so inexperienced and slow, it makes me feel like i am 200 years old though lol. learning something useful is fun for a change. i make myself so busy, i can't even watch entertainment content anymore. i just wanna watch DIY stuff all day.


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everyone complains about lonliness and i just wish to be left alone, I am already a hard-core NEET-Hikikomori, but i still have to deal with family interactions, sometimes my mmm would come seat in my room for no reason and i start to get irritated and angry at her (i feel guilty about this, because she is not doing anything wrong or annoying whatsoever) my relationship with her is not even too bad, the fact she allows me to NEET is a thing that i feel grateful for everyday, i know i have it better than many if not most of the people here, i cannot explain why i am like this, i cannot stand the least bits of social interactions, i wish to be left entirely alone, i fantasize about living in a cabin in the woods with 0 human interaction for life (outside of what i get in the digital world)
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>i was only pretending to be retarded

I'm sorry they didn't teach you real world English in your school textbook, champ.


You fantasize too much. Without television, computer, or any other screen you wouldn't last 2 days.


>rotting with envy at the mere idea of that photo being minimally real
>kiwifarmer or similar was triggered successfully


what does biodecay mean? source?


I'm sorry they didn't teach you to not be conceited. By the way "fr fr" looks disgusting and degenerative.



post cyberpunk musics in this thread. please don't go on youtube and post the first compilation you see on it because those musics are just generic electronic musics brought by the game 2077 who fucked up the cyberpunk genre and cyberpunk music
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A mere 15 minutes into watching gameplay footage and I'd already predicted the entire plot.


tell me what it is without watching and I'll go check to ser if it's true


cool music


ghostrunner. Watch till level 3 opening and see if you can predict the plot when you skim it on wikipedia. I have developed prescience


teach me the way master

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