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Look at those two beauties, with a brand new case. The XP looks awesome in that white case.

Ready to rock n´roll.

I switched the monitor back again to the asus monitor, since i´ll have to change the resolution in most games that have 1280x960p since the HP Omen doesn´t support that resolution, and i get an error in return. ( NFS Carbon for ex. )

What the HP Omen has is 1280x800p which is different, the asus monitor doesn´t have that one.

If i were to put those games in 1280x720p, then everything will be compatible when switching back.

Both monitors support 1280x720p.

That´s about it.

The other case is where i keep my Win10, which is 100% custom and offline. ( a pirate bay station basically )
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They can make more than enough money just keeping the prices at 5-10x forever because storing small boxes sitting on a pallet isn't hard or expensive. Crypto niggers and scalpers will keep buying all available cards at any price anyway. Meanwhile I see regular people fighting over trash, paying premium for second hand mid tier hardware that's two or three generations old, that was abused to hell by miners and is likely to fail shortly, no refunds. I don't see a way out of this when a shitty new 1650 costs more than a 980ti did back when I bought it at launch.
It's not even about money at this point. Nothing is about money anymore. Filthy proles like me who make close to minimum wage are supposed to be kept not only poor but completely miserable too. Unworthy plebeians will never again be allowed to have access to easily entered hobbies where any of us could save up for top quality gear and be content with his setup for years. Distractions from the horror of modern commoner's life are forbidden and that's the way it's supposed to stay. The virus panic is never going away, the elites and middle class want to keep us locked up, terrorized and miserable.


>They can make more than enough money just keeping the prices at 5-10x forever
You seem not to realize that retailers have to pay 5-10x more as well to obtain those cards.
The margense for electronics aren't anywhere near as good as you seem to think they are at the retail level.
> storing small boxes sitting on a pallet isn't hard or expensive
Yes it is. I can tell you know literally nothing about inventory of a even semi active location. There is no space to just indefinably store things to speculate on price at a retail location. A store isn't a warehouse, working around something not in rotation is actually quite difficult when the backroom fills up, and space is at a premium.

>Crypto niggers and scalpers will keep buying all available cards at any price anyway

This is also dead wrong.
Their intrest is directly proportionate to whatever the crypto market does. When it is down they are infamous for abandoning ship, to the point that it's part of the reason they keep getting kicked out of countries and counties.
They also don't demand just any and all cards avalable at any price. That is retarded and you are exaggerating.

Rest of your post is foolish doom and gloom with no relation to reality.


> second hand mid tier hardware that's two or three generations old, that was abused to hell by miners and is likely to fail shortly, no refunds.
most miners underclock and undervolt and are obsessed with low temps and cooling
most gamers overclock and run their shit hot in horribly ventilated cases and there are tons of temp fluctuations


fuck, good thing i don't live in the US


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OP here.
I shall update this thread in current year.
A lot of shit changed.


So there seems to be a "perfect" version of persona 1 PSP with the PSX soundtrack.
This is release is relatively new, about 8 months ago.

So my question is, will you be playing it ? And should i play it ? I have only played persona 3 and 4 up until now.

oh btw heres the link:


Oh btw i am unable to upload an image due to company proxy


I already played the psx version, what does the psp version add?


Nothing much if you played the Japanese version. An entire extra route if you played the English version, and a more accurate translation.


Maybe I'll replay it to see that extra route then

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I want to go get a playstation 1
How should I try to get one. I recently acquired a playstation 2 and I don't really care about having a playstation 2. So should I sell the playstation 2 and go buy a playstation 1 or do a trade off with someone. The reasons why I rather have a playstation 1 is childhood memories and I heard the playstation 1 is easier and cheaper to repair than a playstation 2.
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The playstation has the biggest catalogue of any console ever so or course it has a lot of garbage and shovelware, every developer wanted a piece of the cake. But there are plenty of great games too, saying it has some first person shooters and that's it sounds very stupid, like you're describing the xbox 360 instead.


playstation 2 I meant


why are you replying to me? i know what games the ps2 has. i dont care about that bozo's small collection. it is in fact mostly sports and racing and i'm not wrong and there's nothing wrong with that, all consoles likely have that as a majority.


not trying to be rude or mean also.


I just replied to the wrong post

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I'm really looking for another good rpg that is refreshing. I have already played games like Dark Souls, Skyrim, Dragons Dogma, SMT 5, ETC. What are you guys playing right now. Personalty I am playing through Persona 3. Its great so far. Still think SMT 3 is better though.
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YS isnt talked about much anyone here who looks JRPGs needs to play this series YS 8 and 9 are pretty good starting places.You might want to to also try YS Origins before going through either of these though to understand the story better.


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Falcom rpgs are generally overlooked, love their old platformer/rpgs


who gives a shit about the story in ys
seven ruined the series because of that and the party based gameplay. they're like tales of now - not that i have anything against it but the earlier entries are so much better


faxanadu was good, just wish you could duck


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The actvision blizzard ip is complete garbage. Microsoft is risking to go bankrupt buying a shitty ip with old washed up games, with the only main game that is decent which is call of dooty, redundant and gets pumped and dumped. There is no way in the pits of hell that garbage is worth 70billion. All of their titles are on life support. The story lines of all call of duty are autistic cringe after bo1 no way in hell that garbage is worth 70 billion.
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>soulless AAA trash is better
why are you defending triple A normie trash games? Especially cod games - the peak of soulless normie garbage
>well polished
i won't call all of that bloated buggy triple A garbage as "well polished"
>highly influential
yeah thanks to triple A trash trends, modern normie games had become parcatically a casino
>sell millions
So for a game to be fun it needs to sell millions? Typical normie herd mentality.


>It's popular therefore bad
What a bad argument.


>It's popular therefore bad
Actually yes, popular means it caters to the soulless normies, and wizards should think more independently of the herd trends


Wizened mage of sagacity.


fucking insane. for that amount of money they could fully fund 7000 solo indie game devs payign them 100k salaries for 100 years. surely that is a bigger recipe for success and way to obtain the next notch/minecraft random lottery jackpot

but no they hire a million indians to work on a single fucking title/ip

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 No.55671[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Back when I was a teenager I thought that I would be a PC gamer forever, because PC gaming was superior in my mind, probably had a little to do with 4chan memes too. But I am starting to change opinion, a console is looking more and more attractive now that I'm older. I don't really care about hardware anymore, it feels like things move so fast now, I don't even know what the newest hardware is and whatever it is it is way too expensive. I just wanna lounge on a couch and play games with a controller and not worry about hardware specs or compatibility or whatever, just have fun.

So the thing is, I don't know anything about console gaming, haven't owned one since the ps2. Is there anything I should know? What sort of gamers does each console cater to? What does each console offer? How long are console's life-spans these days? Is it too late to get in on the current gen? I would like anyone to describe their joys with console gaming.
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I'm too busy on fightcade. Modern fighting games are okay.


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>if Quake is so good then why is it dead

because Quake 2 is better


fake outrage trying to stir up drama again, back to kotakuinaction with you wild crab


That conflicts pretty heavily with my personal experience playing on pc.
It was exceptionally rare for me to come across someone cheating in elden ring online when I did pvp.


Everything I typed is true.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.49405[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Feel free to plug your own stream here, discuss channels, streamers and so on.

Currently active wizstreamers
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>what the hell is that thing at 2:56
its the VIP


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I'm gonna be playing/streaming this some times if any wizards are interested


streaming again later


Hey yawarr, are you still around by any chance? I sent you a msg on twitch but you vanished for a while now.


So this one is dead.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Anybody wanna play? I'm over at Lichess at the moment.

This is my profile if someone want to play: https://lichess.org/@/FL0CKA


now i can see when wizzie is playing games and i can develop a parasocial relationship

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Anyone here play ESO? I just bought the base game for $6 and it includes most of the maps seen in the elder scrolls series. It seems like a good game so far, way better than World of Warcrap at least. It's an elder scrolls game with an mmo format, and I think it's the best the series has ever been. They fixed the camera and you can play with it far behind your character, like any good mmo. What do you guys think?
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>It's a very shitty MMO adaptation.
Ok? It's elder scrolls with friends.


It's a shitty MMO with a thin coat of TES paint over it.


stop being such a redguard


You're retarded. The multiplayer mods for real TES games are "elder scrolls with friends." ESO is more like some trash like WoW or GW2. Played that shit and it's a waste of money.


Swtor is better

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