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RIP Toriyama. Thanks for making my wiz childhood a great one. All wizkdis tried to do the kame hame ha at least once and we thought that we could fly if we trained our ki long enough.
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It's having all kinds of effects on some of us..


Are you niggers finally gonna close the book on anime and manga? We're old now.


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Not that damn old.


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Didn't weep but i'm surprised that i got a little misty eyed for a moment. The only "celeb" that has or ever will get that kind of reaction from me. Figure DB is too 'normie' most wiz's here but i've always been a fan of Tori's art and silly story telling. Truly the end of an era.

>I remember the 4-5 times I tried earnestly watching the show as a boy

Not trying to sell you on it because it's probably just not for you but i've always thought the best way to get into DB is reading the manga. For a show that is notorious for it's padding the comic is maybe one of the most breeziest things ever made in the medium.


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I was wondering if this kind of appatments/house exist in america and europe, or it's japan only. You know satou from welcome to NHK lives in this kind of house too. could you please give examples (links)?
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does someone know the name given to houses like this >>40343 (pic related) I saw some on google street in japan, they give them a name but I forgot, do you know perhaps?


hum, did you lost your way? I don't understand the link between your comment and this thread, can you explain to me please?


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They seem to be just called 「2階建てアパート」 and their proliferation was driven by avoiding the additional regulations for 3 story housing


thank you very much! I wish we were friends and traveling both in japan!


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the problem with YouTubers who make videos about Japan is that they spoil Japan for you like someone could spoil a film for you. they show all the facets of Japan. everything is discovered, nothing is hidden so that once in the country, you will be amazed by things that you did not know about Japan. Japanese youtubers are worse than weeaboos.
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is english your first language by the way?


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Sure, Japan isn't perfect, but I've been trying to learn the language for years. I quit, but 9 to 10 years later I return.
Even if I quit now it is still verified I'll return to it a decade from now like I did anyway.

Otherwise I'll at least try to write 2,200 kanji (which is what is known by average) if not more.


>I would say it's worth it just one time or two, I was able to have some fun and paid for a little show of the succubi singing one of my favorite songs, and it was good, like a mini idol event, but the price is high.

….seems blasphemous for post-2014 wizchan.


Same except I quit only for a few months then try learning it again.
Made a lot of progress these two last years.


anyone who also hate these guys with guts

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 No.34725[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Maybe this belongs more on /hob/ and if the mods agree I would hold no ill will for them for moving or deleting it but I recently got around to watching Serial Experiments Lain and wanted to find some other wizzards with good reccomendations for /dep/ anime. The ones of course given are succubi last tour and Lain. I would personally not count Watamote as it seems quite shallow and everything turns out fine in the end and whatnot. So what are some other anime, manga or light novels dealing with actual depression or schizophrenia and not in the mainstream boohoo am so sad way.
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I remember the first Hayao Miyazaki film I wanted to see in theaters was Spirited Away. It was surely around 2002, fresh from its Oscar win, but I obviously only ended up seeing it a few years later on DVD. Since then the only Ghibli film I ever really saw in theaters was Secret World of Arriety, which was all right for the most bit. But yeah, pretty much every other Ghibli film I never really saw on the big screen.
Until now.
Sure it was worth it, but let's just say it was (ridiculously) almost as hard to access as the original Nosferatu last year, and that one was in the public domain (I technically had to sneek in despite at least REMEMBERING the code for the prepaid ticket I nearly lost access to). But I watched it, and so did millions of other people, so I'm sure a tiny percentage of them can give you a better opinion on it than I can (ESPECIALLY now that I've seen every Miyazaki film ever). What I can certainly say, however, is that watching one of his films for the first time on a larger screen leaves the kind of impression you'll probably never feel again even if you have a TV that takes up a width of your walls. Part Moebius, Part Tolkien light, part Pan's Labyrinth, there was even a scene involving a church-like interior which stretched a dozen stories high that had that classicly epic pre-Y2K aura which gives you a special kind of nostalgia that is harder to find nowadays. The rest of the film, however, is meh-ish compared to Miyazaki's more epic masterpieces. It has its moments, but at its best, it's as if the witch that cursed Porco Rosso cursed another guy into an egret and is essentially your guide to a cinematic greatest Miyazaki hits collection.
So I can see why some have had mixed opinions, but in a post-Made in Abyss world, I'd still say Miyazaki still had enough tricks up his sleeve to fill at least another film if not one more. And who knows, maybe time will allow us all to digest it a little better as has been the case with his previous works.


okay, and? do you dislike it yourself? Isn’t that more important?


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>pre-Y2K aura which gives you a special kind of nostalgia that is harder to find nowadays.

I hope you're not talking about a zoomer's impression of pre-Y2K nostalgia.


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Not really, I just mean that heavily creative aesthetic that breathes all kinds of life, detail, imagination, blah blah blah, on the animation and its mise-en-scene, as though the artist was inspired on too many levels to mention and wanted others to see that inspiration too.

But I'm old.
When I googled "50s animated movie backgrounds" I just got stuff from Disney or other USA related junk, instead of stuff from films like Johnny the giant killer or even Animal Farm.

Go figure.


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>When I googled "50s animated movie backgrounds" I just got stuff from Disney or other USA related junk, instead of stuff from films like Johnny the giant killer or even Animal Farm.
That is just google and most other search engines just sucking IMMENSELY for last 5-7 years? I can't remember exactly when google or any search engine was decent for that matter.

>Go figure.

It's intentional.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Not Complaining but someone asked me why is it 70 episodes long i simply thought it was because it was popular enough to get that many or maybe there's some other reason
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Of course but I’m on episode 43 an according to the show she’s almost “done” just wanted to know if there was some top secret production reason for the show’s length because google is useless these days


Great show, enjoy it!


So many Sakura threads.


It makes no sense to me. Might as well be my little pony threads. Why are y'all watching this garbage made for little succubi?


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thinking of becoming a luxury long distance bus driver in Japan for Le comfy feelz

how fucked is my imagination or is it actually feasible?

related vid:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lToLTrFnPrw
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Europe doesn't need immigration.
Europe doesn't want immigration.
Europe was never asked.


If you want it, do it.


Virtually not feasible at all. There is no situation in which a Japanese bus company is going to trust such a role to some random ass gaijin out of country.

Now if you lived in Japan on PR, had conversational Japanese and were already a bus driver (also very unlikely) then maybe but there's no chance of any of that happening for you, let's be real. Get a similar job in your own country. Getting a job in Japan is very difficult unless you work for an international company willing to transfer you or you want to be a teacher working the equivalent of minimum wage in Japan.


I saw that getchu was hiring both part timers and full time employees, for easy shit as repackaging stuff.

I would be ok with a job like that, packaging and sending eroge and dakis to people similar to me from all over japan, but they would never hire gaijin to do this.


Being a legal resident is such a massive blocker, ironically the easiest way to be legal would be to marry a japanese citizen.

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does nayone else like madoka magica here? i think the charcters are amazing and shit. idk what else to say otherthan go watch it
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The older I get, the more I appreciate and end up loving it.
Curious as to what message you and others got from it…


there is a lot to this anime. much more than any of you can possibly imagine. its a deep esoteric work which explains some of the machinations of reality. it's a work of allegory. forget shapeshifting reptilians, this is the real deal. i have a link if anyone is interested which goes into this is some detail.


Yes please!


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Yes madoka magica is amazing, 10/10 anime


Madoka is probably one of the very few genuinely retarded characters, as in she is actually a disabled person.

The anime was ok, not much more.

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After being bullied out of anime for 4 years , I've just got back into the genre, my favorite thing I've watched in this current come back is madoka magica, does anyone have recommendations for animes I should watch next?
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waiting to see your list…


If you like Madoka i would Recommend
Ojamojo Doremi there very little alike but they are both Magical succubus shows and can get a bit "dark" as the Youtubers and cool kids say


how can legend of the galactic heroes be right next to naruto on a recommendation list? lol i want an explanation from you


it was a fair question. what do you recommend?

you know, we do need more to go on to make recommendations. >>41793 had a point when stating anime is a diverse, and if you want good recommendations we need more to go on. madoka magica is popular with massive amount of people amongst whom there are a spectrum of different anime preferences. its like saying you want a metal recommendation but only mention you like slipknot.

i recommend you watch sousou no frieren. like madoka magica, it has broad appeal but it is also well made and is a rare instance of a show that is both good and very popular. like madoka magica, it is also an anime that "feels like anime" unlike something like LoGH.


Naruto is great. It's not a masterpiece like LOGH which is a deeply philosophical work, but it has really good fantasy as well as some of the best fighting application of said fantasy. Basically the jutsus are cool as fuck, the fights are cool as fuck. The concept of these hidden ninja villages which provide military support to the nations is cool as fuck. Even the writing and overall plot and stuff was good. Naruto is a good hero, an outcast class clown character. Sasuke has a decent backstory and I don't mind him being an edgelord. He clearly had trauma and was pushing away people who were trying to forge connections with him with the reasoning that he had to cast them aside to seek power to exact his revenge. It actually is a realistic depiction of the fucked up thinking that comes from trauma. Overall it's just good and solid with few flaws. I do have to admit that I never finished shippuden though. I will someday probably.


SpyxFamily is genuinely one of the best things I’ve seen in some time, is probably one of the few shows that I would watch with my family and recommend to anyone.

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 No.26161[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is getting a dakimakura body pillow with an anime character on it sad? Pic related.
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not him but if you live with your family isn't it kinda awkward to have mum wash your daki or do you wash it yourself..?


This is only tangentially related but every once in a while I wonder what it must be like to be some guy who works at a factory in some third world country producing cheap sex toys like sex dolls or that 20 lbs of ass and pussy thing. You know your entire existence is dedicated to helping random men cum. You are just a cog in some corporate machine dedicated to jacking off weird and lonely men everywhere. imagine you're the guy just packing silicon pussies into boxes all day long, one after the next in a seemingly endless line of identical pussies you know soon some dude somewhere will be cumming in, and to cap it all off your boss will be taking most of the profits while you do all the actual work. You must take the deal because you will starve and have no money which renders you completely helpless and unable to do anything or access any resources in society.


I mean, it's a paying job that puts food on the table and pays the bills. That being said, I'm sure the employee's there probably make jokes about their work to brighten their day.


Once saw some youtube documentary about a sex doll "doctor", a man who fixed those top expensive sex dolls, and he said some where too hot and he ended up fucking them.


No it isn't sad, I want one too

[Last 50 Posts]

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I see a lot of people being hyped about this anime. what makes it good? what males people watch it?
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>i know! - i'll spite them by depriving myself of fun!


i just don't like the corporate artstyle


> (haven't seen any CG so far)
I have bad news for you, the cg is so good now its in all anime. The high budget ones have it so good that you cant realize it until you have an eye for it or dabbled into 3d animation yourself. Fucking ALL of the shows have it even for main characters often.


what does that even mean? Can you tell me the hallmarks of the "corporate" artstyle?


I haven't watched the anime, but I really enjoy the manga. I like the casual adventures, nice art and good pacing.

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