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I'm starting a thread about something that's good for the orbs, and that's old fashioned man-on-man violence. Big guns, robots, fast cars, and flying machines also welcome. Anti-masculine opinions NOTwelcome. In this thread, testosterone is good and depression only exists to be overcome.

Anime about nice school succubi being saved from tentacles by the isekai'd NEET wiz are cool and wizardly [fact], and such fantasies are good for testosterone production, but we need something else to discuss while the pressure of a thousand shoujos weighs too heavily on our shoulders.

Using streaming services is low-t too.
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>testosterone is good and depression only exists to be overcome.


When I feel down I watch Conan the Barbarian. There is something fascinating about the analogy of a man overcoming overwhelming odds and forged steel. Hell, Conan inspired me to hit the gym 5 days a week for 6 months now…


it's funny, i enjoy the humor and the gags and all the bits. the comedy style rides the line between homoerotic versus juvenile fun. has gym/self improvement/stoicism/masculinity/honor themes. one episode early on is wiz as fuck where momo rejects the succubus and leaves with his bros. they dont make stuff like this tbh


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Can't let this be posted without recommending Cromartie High. It's the same in concept but a much more sarcastic take on things that ends up getting pretty meaningful in some chapters. There's some feels that can resonate with guys who are either fired up or fed up. The anime adaption is great and even the dub has been hailed by the doritoist of neckbeards.


Oh man this is a good one. I didn't discover this one until a couple years ago. Criminally underrated show.


How much AoT fans worship Erwin amazes me

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Satou would about 37 if we base it around the time the original Welcome to the NHK book was published. If they made another book or series that revisited his life in the present day what do you think it would be about?
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that's break everything since the author itself moved back to parent's house and got to write the novel and now is NEETing out the royalties. I can't even get a job cuz not a normalfag and past Satou age


reminder satou got his appartement payed by his parents!! while he's not going in school at all and staying at home all day. what a lucky bastard having his appartment being payed by his parents while he was neeting all day


Some trivia: do you remember that satou and yamazaki were working on some awful eroge? That game does exist and was made by an actual eroge maker as a bonus for the manga

It’s not +18 though, but what a wonderful bonus.


wahoo the game made it into reality! next time would be pururin anime


I miss old anime communities. Used to be many of them. Now almost all are gone or abandoned.
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I saged on purpose and post was an answer to another, similar, post.


Mainstream companies like Google along with social media killed those communities along with the cultural shift of anime becoming an acceptable hobby. I used to be active in them in the 2000s. Back then it was a bunch of nerds talking about anime we pirated as well as any fun touhou games. The average normalfag with a social life wasn't playing the games we played or watching anime in 2006, he was going outside with his friends/girlfriend to do stuff. Crunchyshit killed most of the old anime streaming websites from the 2000s with chatrooms by making anime more accessible to mainstream audience and then capitalizing on it by charging people money. Now the free internet no longer exists really where everything is subscription based and of course anime has been normalized to the point that even Netflix has it.


What do you think goes through mind of a millennial normalfag who's jumped on the anime bandwagon? There's people watching I know who've never watched anime since school.


>Turn in to coomerbait
It's been that way since AT LEAST the mid 70s or 80s. I kind of see what you mean though. There's a difference between good storytelling with maybe a hot succubus with big tiddies and the whole anime just being fan service.


From what I understand those people like it ironically or only have a surface level interest. Then of course you have the trannies self-inserting as a female lead and spamming clips of that anime all over social media.

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>tfw Lucifer-san is my role model
thank you nippon.
kanpai biiru to a long NEETo life.
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should I move this thread to /b/?


if you have to ask, then maybe you should step down


Whaaaaat? Moving such a high quality thread that also got posted on 4chad before here? https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/242652916

Don't you dare!



Please do. This is barely anime or japan-related.

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Hey everyone, i've recently got into a watching loop of pre-2000s anime movies. There's of course the well known Ghost in the Shell, or Akira for instance but there's plenty of them that are actually quite good. I know a lot of wiz here are into animes in general, so what would you suggest? I'm espescially looking for hidden pearls.
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I liked "Stink Bomb" better.


You seem into cyberpunk like Patlabor 2, Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade or Bubblegum Crisis


old stuff is generally pretty bad in my experience. Ghost in the shell was an exception.


I think this is highly overrated. They couldn't decide if they wanted to make it episodic or serialized and the hybrid format sucks. The main story itself is just quite boring and undeveloped. There are a few good episodes but taken as a whole it is mediocre.


You should probably kill yourself.

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I'm a Canadian wizard, is this series any good? Is it at least historically accurate?
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>They did all the same for Heidi too, which is another essential Wizard read/watch.
Heidi is even better than Anne imo


How so?


Like true canadians, she says "Sorry" too much.


it have goat, so it's g.o.a.t


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>tfw we never got to see the fully developed Anne
What a shame!

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Best storyline, Best fights, Best charcters, Best villians, many people think that all the fights are the same and all the arcs are to similar when they're not, it sucks only with pacing and maybe it is long
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terrible, bloated series, also we already have a one piece thread on /jp/


Its literally one of the most popular series in the world, and known as one of the Big 3. I don't like using ad homs usually, but are you genuinely stupid, OP?


>maybe it is long
its over 1000 episodes


Welp, gonna be away from Wizchan for a while:

One Piece is the bitcoin of anime..


Netflix seems to agree with your opinion as it's mining the heck out of it. Haha.

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I fucking hate MAL for their treatment of digital-only written media. Anilist's been having better criteria for it and only now (after denying plethora of submissions FOR YEARS) they've decided to allow non-printed webtoons recently and still shit like pic related. Despite the fact of belonging to the notable franchise. It's part of one title and one-shots are allowed. WTF.

2 years and still some novel submissions are in queue.


MAL was always a site for normgroids and even groidnorms to earn coolkid points by showing how many anime they've watch.

Your watches should't be quantifiable to a number, but to a list of ways watching anime has bettered you as a person.

It's time to stop watching anime and instead start "watching" "anime".

Besides if you have problem with Website.com then go to Website.com/forums to complain.


There's no rules against discussions of sad current state of affairs. Culture in general doesn't change people and certainly doesn't make people better. Otherwise Hitler wouldn't succeed.


i use mal only for anime because it is synced into the thing i use to watch anime. i don't track manga, i used to just have bookmarks but over the years with pc changes idk where they are. i use mangaupdates to find manga though


Mal manga mods are terrible
I have submitted lots of stuff in anilist and they get it done in two weeks or two or four months at worst


Watch them all and decide for yourself…

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The websites were closed forever, the owners said.

I am so sad and heartbroken, as are hundreds of thousands of other people who loved the website.

Here's an article on it: https://geekculture.co/pirate-streaming-sites-kissanime-kissmanga-shut-down-permanently-as-japan-cracks-down-on-piracy/
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where do you guys watch anime?


aniwave, new name for 9anime




it's 2023 already


what about manga?

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I want to travel to japan, do you have tips? I've watched many videos on this subject but youtubers seem to forgot some points. If any of you went to japan can you help me; what you did and what is needed
thank you

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