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File: 1738377885558.jpg (388.3 KB, 805x2000, 161:400, Zettai.Karen.Children.full….jpg) ImgOps iqdb


I don't know why it's not popular. It had lovable characters, funny humor, and an interesting premise that never was fully realized. It had potential. I wanted a continuation.
No,zettai Karen children: the unlimited was a complete snoozefest. I'm not watching that shit.
It's been a decade and every new year the actor starts aging. The public consciousness start dwindling an already obscure anime. There's no hope.
Anyway had any anon seen zettai Karen children? What do you think about it?


I watched it after seeing unlimited.
While I preferred the darker more serious tone of unlimited, zettai Karen children was ok. Sometimes even pretty good.

That said if I remember correctly even the manga didn't have a decent ending so you are shit out of luck on that.

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