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File: 1736860378246.png (71.52 KB, 598x591, 598:591, 1709490751977298.png) ImgOps iqdb

478dc No.65215

i came back after a year and holy shit this is not the wizardchan i remember. it's been totally taken over by crabs.

posts are either talking about sex or regret for being a 30yo virgin. wtf happened to hating normies instead of coveting them? wtf happened to wizard pride? wtf happened to magic? this place is failed normie crab central.

ceda5 No.65216

theres a lot of -20 yo people

18908 No.65217

yeah I have a way to deal with that fact – I don't come here
i just happened to be bored today

d3937 No.65218

Sadly, the crabs have decided to take over this place and now they'll never leave. I still think all the actual wizards left and went back to 4chan. It's really gotten that bad here.

2c193 No.65219

If mods are corrupted, it is over

73259 No.65220

kiwifarm mods are getting tired of being jannies.

a2645 No.65243

It's the state of the internet. I predicted this. Once peak wizardry has been reached there's nowhere to go but down.

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