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File: 1740422192239.jpg (178.18 KB, 2127x1413, 709:471, Gg8McwwaIAAimxG.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

2ff94 No.65253

i can prove this
>people use animes succubi as main starting images
>we have jp board which is mostly anime so in sense foid worship
so what is the solution to this problem it actually very simple
remove jp and ban anime but i think it needs more in short
>complete removal of jp
>a new rule to not use anime succubi as starting images or reaction images
>anime manga and other japanese culture can be talked as long it not foid worship
>watching moeslop or anything with cute succubi is mostly foid worship
this rules to be strict i am tired of every chan becoming a shitty 4cuck ripoff

2ff94 No.65254

fuck 4cuck
fuck that shitty faggot site

b4e85 No.65255

Shut up no one cares

2ff94 No.65256

a wizard is meant to be a being that has lost all in useless urge to be a cog in machine in this shit society on this garbagedump we know as earth

in short a wizard has to be
>sexless has lost all urges to get married or have relatship with succubi
>no longer consuming porn as it makes you worship a foid
>a wizard can be friends with foids as long it your mother or relative or if you are forced to

2ff94 No.65257

subhuman succubi worshiping niggers like you are the reason why wizchan is garbage

f671c No.65258

wouldn't make it gay?

2ff94 No.65259

Somewhat but still there is too much fond wors

2ff94 No.65260

Too much foid worship on here because of anime and japanese stuff and I am tired

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