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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Are you autistic?

Here's a free test: https://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php
Pic related are my results.

I feel that there should be at least some correlation between autism and wizardry. When I tried to apply for a job in military (since that's the kind of job that pays really well even if you don't have a degree) their psychologist told me to fuck off (in more polite terms) and that I could be autistic, but I don't have an official diagnosis or anything.
How about you, Anon? Are you on the spectrum?


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…did you mess with your score to get such a normie result? I'm really surprised how neurotypical you seem and altering that graph is trivially easy, pic related, it's just a matter of messing with the numbers in the url leading to that graph. The fact that you posted just the graph without written explanation makes it a slightly more likely possibility as well.


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>I'd say that autism has very little to do with wizardry.
…drats. I really thought I'm on to something here. Thanks for sharing, Anon.


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I'm not convinced autism is even real. It's just a category schools have for kids they find difficult for whatever (and I do mean "whatever) reason. Same with ADHD/ADD whatever.

"You're annoying/odd/indolent/whatever, something must be wrong with your brain, we'll put you in the social retard category. Take these pills maybe?"


…is this some kind of satire? Surely you can't be serious?


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i made this test for like 3 - 4 times in different timespans in 10 years span. i get the same results even the graps are the same even if i forget the test exists (i noted in txt for getting accurate results in long time span).
so im probably assburger, im an khhv, even not talked a succubus in my life irl.


i think this stereotypes changes a lot, it's about what assburger person's character and intelligence. so there's no limit of possibilities.
psychology is a soft science, they shift-deleted asburger term and they made it "level 1 autism" years ago. but symptoms are known (because there are obvious examples in society) so you can say "this person is autist". you can't say daily hallicunating person is "normal" so you need to diagnose, it's basically like this.
so there's no hard laws or something like gravitation law. there's stereotypes about how autistic person lives but it changes on person.
sorry for my england btw


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like this


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>surely you can't be serious?


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Can someone tell me what my results mean (not in terms of the reading of the graphic, but in terms of how that translated to my interactions in the real world)?


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Then what is "Autism"?

Seriously? The first sentence in wikipedia's article "Diagnosis of Autism" it states: "The diagnosis of autism is based on a person's reported and directly observed behavior. There are no known biomarkers for autism spectrum conditions that allow for a conclusive diagnosis."

Their explanation for autism, or even what it is, is basically "Just trust me this kid is autistic, that vaguely defined neurodevelopmental disorder we only noticed less than 100 years ago but in some areas half the males in the school district have it"


I could be from Angola… you never know…


>100% probability of being atypical (autistic/neurodiverse)


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Here are my results, somewhat similar to one other Anon in this thread. Probability is 98%.


Over half of poster here had a high probability of being autistic.
In the whole population autists make around 3% iirc.
While it's not a rule and sample size isn't big, I think that is a weak evidence that there IS an correlation between being autistic and posting on an anonymous imageboard for male virgins.
Interesting find. Thank you all for posting your results.

Look, if a bunch of kids behave in a similar, yet abnormal way (like avoiding eye contact to the point of having social difficulties, hyperfocusing on few subjects, being sensitive to sensory stimuli etc etc) and they need help in a similar way, then it's really convenient to make a name for that condition. And that's autism.

>vaguely defined

Google DSM-5 autism diagnostic criteria. It's not really as vague as you're making it out to be.


You should google DSM-5 autism diagnostic criteria as well. Autism isn't something that "annoying/odd" children get. I mean, sure, autistic children often are odd and annoying, but it's not the criteria used for diagnosis. You could be an annoying twat while being neurotypical.


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>guys let's do an internet test on a website to see if we're really autistic
>takes the shittiest website with glitched unicode and no CSS
>gender option 'non-binary' available, lulz
>ZOMG!!!111 guys i am definitely autistic based on this 20 year old autist test website
>wdym go to a doctor to make tests fag, i have the proof i need right here
>i'm neurodivergent oh god i'm so special
>the chart tells me i have talent, i'm too good to fit in society
>b-but anon i'm not autistic, i'm just… atypical/neurodivergent/non-neurotypical/variant/neurodiverse, that's a more suitable term in 2024 anon based on nu-SCIENCE!!!!

this thread honestly. i lol'd pretty good.


Do you have brain damage?

>>takes the shittiest website with glitched unicode and no CSS

Check the credentials of the authors of this test if you think it's not credible just because a website with a free test isn't as polished as your moms porn page.
>>gender option 'non-binary' available, lulz
There's a correlation between autism and being lgbt+. It's just another diagnostic criteria.
>>wdym go to a doctor to make tests fag,
Literally nobody have said that. And if you think psychologists don't rely on similar tests and questionnaires, then you're naively optimistic about state of modern psychology.
>>i'm neurodivergent oh god i'm so special
>>the chart tells me i have talent, i'm too good to fit in society
Again, literally nobody said or thinks that. You're making up scenarios in your head again, Anon.
>this thread honestly. i lol'd pretty good.
I once saw a retarded kid uncontrollably laughing out loud at a regular cloud, because he saw something funny in it. You're just like him.


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>There's a correlation between autism and being lgbt+
Didn't knew you were one, thanks for clarifying Anon! It makes more sense.
>Literally nobody have said that. And if you think psychologists don't rely on similar tests and questionnaires, then you're naively optimistic about state of modern psychology.
Very naive yes, although any psychologist would tell you that self-assessment 'questionnaires' are not in any way an objective means to diagnose something and are at best intellectual masturbation. You seem to be talking about something you don't know shit about because you're butthurt. I mean again if you're lgbt+ I shouldn't be surprised right.
>I once saw a retarded kid uncontrollably laughing out loud at a regular cloud, because he saw something funny in it. You're just like him.
Oh no! Wait was that supposed to offense me? Lmao.
>Again, literally nobody said or thinks that. You're making up scenarios in your head again, Anon.
Do I really have to explain to you the concept of greentext, lgbt+ Anon?


That image is good


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i was diagnosed when i was a kid but i identify with schizoid traits more.


>writing a whole paragraph of text
>gets criticized
>"i-it's just a greentext, Anon, I was only pretending to be retarded!"


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>"i-it's just a greentext, Anon, I was only pretending to be retarded!"
l0l so you can't even figure out anything from my post. It seems I really need to explain to a toddler on an imageboard that the post was unironic but that the section your gray-matter deficient brain quoted, was a metaphor, which is precisely what greentext is supposed to be about in this case. This wasn't me pretending to be retarded lol? The thread in itself was really funny, but I really think that your lack of comprehension of even the most basic form of logic is even funnier. I forget this imageboard is filled with zoo animals sometimes, one has to be patient with them after all. Try again maybe?


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I'm glad you liked it, Anon.


This picture makes more sense. There's so much variability it's really meaningless to say someone is autistic. You learn as little about a person when you learn he is autistic as when you learn he drinks alcohol. Obviously a whole spectrum there from light drinker to heavy drinker to people who are drunk in different ways whether they get violent, sad, jolly or just pass out. People need to be more descriptive if they want to use autistic as a term.



Can you fuck off back to 4chan braindead zoomer?


I still like using the term "Aspergers" for highly functioning autists. As you guys said, autism is a huge spectrum by the modern definition, so it's convenient to put the more able ones in a different category, to differentiate them somehow.

When talking to autistic people about it, some really disliked this term because Hans Asperger was a nazi, but that's such a weird argument. Political views of researchers shouldn't be used as the sole criticism of their research.

>someone points out that your behavior is obnoxious
>starts to act even more obnoxiously out of spite and lashing out with insults
You must be at least 18 years old to use this website, Anon. At least try to act like that's the case.


Not all aspies are high functioning. Many are inept and end up as unwashed geeks in the bronze leagues of video games.

I prefer the established medical term HFA (high functioning autist). These people are so intelligent they can mask their brain chemistry and successfully pass off as a normie to other normies.
They may even have children or multimillion dollar companies.

Pretty much every major invention, patent or breakthrough technology in history has been created by a highly functioning autist.
The remainder were created by ordinary autists.




Well, it turns out I might be autistic.


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Whoops, forget to attach the image


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Yeah. My diagnosis was a surprise to me as well. I mean, sure, I always knew that I'm a bit quirky and different than my peers, but I've spend most of my life without realizing that in some ways I'm basically disabled, despite my perfectly fine IQ and able body.

I wish I knew about this earlier, so I could do some research on autistic meltdowns and burnouts. Because of a really bad one I dropped out of uni. It could've been prevented.


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stupd idiots at the testing center though they could outmsmart me


5 normalfags and few barely wizards, only one guy here had a wiz result >>218351

this information is worrisome


>Wizardy is when social phobia and a delusion of being totally unique and quirky make the jpg lines point up and to the right


that's a autist test not a wiz test
try this https://dulm.blue/normie/index.php


Center lame normie.


that's all I have


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did i win


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Does it make sense to bring this up to my doctor? Not necessarily the site but the feeling that there might be something atypical as there are some very autistic things in my life that are not on the quizz.


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I imagine it would depend on your doctor. I wouldn't talk about it with an urologist :^)

Talking about autistm being a possibility and asking for an diagnosis would make sense when talking to a psychologist or your psychiatrist. This test could be enough to have some concerns. If they're worth their salt, they'll hear you out and take you seriously. And if they'll completely disregard your concerns (because, for example, "it's a childrens disease", "succubi don't get autism" or "self-diagnosis isn't valid") then it will be a sign for you to run. Win-win.

Yes! Here's a meme as a reward



Yeah obviously i would talk to somebody in the field haha.

Now the weird thing is that i have been to a Psychiatrist due to a very depressive phase and i feel like he is very reasonable and even suspected from the beginning that there might be something deeper but so far we have been focusing on the depression part and not where that might have come from. As i did got better i said "hey maybe lets do a break since everything is getting better on its own, maybe i just need rest" so my next appointment is supposed to be our last. Now the thing is that i am very socially anxious and i dont know if this is cause to pull our appointment which is quite far away forward and i still dont know how to bring this up. Sorry if this is a lot and confusing but is this hunch i have been sitting on for a while reason enough to do that and what can i do for him not to think that i saw some tiktok dancer pretend to have ticks and actually take me serious(which he has been so far)? How do i change the angle from the symptom(depression) to a possible cause like tisim?


>How do i change the angle from the symptom(depression) to a possible cause like tisim?
Well, burnout from excessive masking or an autistic meltdown can be fairly similar to depression: person may struggle with getting out of bed and going to work / taking care of themselves, they may default to eating only comfort foods and watching comfort shows, avoiding other people, being low energy all the time. So that's one angle of approach. Maybe you'll find this video interesting? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltbQZ6qDBhs

>what can i do for him not to think that i saw some tiktok dancer pretend to have ticks

I'm afraid that's a serious risk, sadly. People in the field tend not to care much about online tools for self-diagnosis (why would they if they have "real" tools?), so even if there are some legit tests (like the one posted in OP) he may not take them seriously.

That being said, if he was understanding so far, I'd take the risk? I don't think he'll think worse of you for taking your own health seriously. It's normal to do some research on your own and ask a professional for clarification on what you've learned in situations like this.


This gave me some confidence, thanks.


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> Do you realize hours later that somebody that you have a romantic interest for actually showed interest for you, and then feel bad about the missed opportunity to connect?

no one has ever had a romantic attraction in me either way lol.

anyway, i got 99%


No. I always score highly neurotypical with these quizzes, and I've seen multiple therapists who have assessed me for ASD.


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The great Aspergian race will rise again and reclaim this planet which is rightfully ours. Fuck neurotypicals.


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>Are you autistic?
Was diagnosed when I was around ~10 or so.
Took me until my late teens to actually fully accept the diagnoses though.
Back when they still called my particular flavor of tism, Asperger syndrome.
Now they lump everything together into a "spectrum", which seems less useful, but whatever. I ain't a shrink so it doesn't really matter what they call it in current year books.

>Here's a free test

Pic related is my results.
Had to read the detailed results to make sense of the chart though.


>terms like High and low functioning are harmful

Explain how exactly they are harmful.
I don't understand how such terms can actually be objectively harmful in any way shape or form.


the truth hurts


Lies hurt more in the long run.


im well aware of that, im just speculating the reason people make up these things is because the truth hurts to some. shit i wouldnt be able to live with an autism diagnosis


>shit i wouldnt be able to live with an autism diagnosis
For me there was a period of denial, but eventually I accepted it because it explained quite a few things about myself and my struggles so I was able to become more active in finding solutions to issues I was having and access to resources and information that helped others like myself before.
Accepting and then dealing with the truth was illuminating and helpful. A slight blow to the ego didn't hurt me as much as ignoring my weaknesses and not doing anything about them.


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I answered truthfully from my heart
Even though i consider myself as able to simulate normalfag social patterns and even "fit in" to a degree, it's a) extremely draining b) they can see through it in a matter of minutes


literally me


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What does this say about me in the layman's terms?


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Well I am a complete normie IRL except for being a wizard.


What let you to be a wizard then?


led* you


I do not know man.
Partly due to my upbringing with strict parents controlling every aspect of my life and with me doing everything possible to be seen as the "goog boy" who "does not rock the boat", which in turn led me to glorifying the "martyr" role I see sacrificing my interests/goals as my greatest achievement, also this lack of self interst makes me indecisive and I have to be told what to do like a racehorse. Then there are my insecurities. People like me for my professional capabilities, my reliability etc not anything that is inherently "me". There is the fear that once I stop delivering results and lose my utility people will have no need for me. Also lack of self-respect/self-love I want people to like me for who I am but also do not want them to know who I really am (wizard/coomer) so I act according to their whims but do not let anyone get close and lie as needed.
In the end I think what is wrong with me is evident with this fantsay I have since my childhood where I die fighting to protect my family, school fellows, colleagues etc and only after my death they appreciate and mourn my loss.


A-social, probably good at coding or drawing


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I don't know what this says about me as a person. I've always felt that I was a little strange, and I've always gotten on better with strange people, and people always treated me like I was strange, but I'm mentally normal. I don't know what the hell happened man..


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lol i put in all the information that is inconsistent with soycieties aspergers profile and then they denied me an answer! ha! test is total bs.


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95% seems a bit much.


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Glad to see i became so good at normiemaxxing while having every disorder in a book


Was diagnosed with the 'tism twice over. Once at 3 years old and once again at 18. Recently found out I also had ADHD and never realized it. Thanks mother.


Anyone in usa can give me their story of getting diagnosed for autism


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I don't like these tests because some questions demand that you know how people perceive you, and that's pretty hard to access sometimes. Besides, I'm not very confident that reporting based in self awareness is a good measure of anything, too. We, as human beings, like to fantasize and exaggerate about ourselves. I had to go with "I don't know" in some questions.


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im a failed normie nigger


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100% autism, i am not surprised


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heres mine, don't know what it means


my asperger score 123/200 (probably asperger)
my autostic score 86/200 (non autistic)


non autistic asperger … that's a wild combination


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Yes, diagnosed
>Your score: 130 of 200
>96% probability of being atypical (autistic/neurodiverse)


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does this mean am special or else?

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