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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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I fucking hate normalfags. the worst is we can't fight back when we try to hurt them, they act smug instead and we're distraught. insultting them ? it will show you're above them and will spout some facts that shakle your soul.
We are losers, we are punchingbags for them, we're nothing just usless cattle


I mean under them, sorry


what's the game in the image


>normalfag criticizing normalfags
You need to fuck off out of here.


what makes you say im a normalfag?


The no are the normalfag, the problem is that you are a guy with low self-esteem who doesn't know how to defend himself against insults. Stop being such a faggot, if someone disrespects you just walk away from that trash, or smash their head in with the first blunt object you see.


like you said, I'm a weak man and get crushed by others. not my fault, some are born strong, some are born to be victimize


yume nikki


Your weakness is not physical, your strength is mental.


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thank you senpai


I meant that your weakness is mental.


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any wizards who can't fight back because they're too much pussies?


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Stop being such a faggot. It doesn't matter that you are physically weak, if someone where you are constantly humiliates you, you have to attack, show them who has the balls on the table. But hey, if you want to be a weak and useless faggot, there are some anonymous succubi's forums, reddits, and discords where you can find people like you.


Even normies seethe when another normie higher in the pecking order dominate them. They just have other lower ranking normies to bully or a good social network to comfort them or lower neuroticism that cause them to be less stressed from it. If you're a bottom of the barrel male there is nothing you can do to come out of the interaction not feeling bad. Just remove yourself from the stressor e.g. walk away.


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don't worry guys, I'll be ok 👍


Why are you such a faggot OP?


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Im not a fag (thanks god I like succubi), what are you on about, wizzie? I may be weak and maybe effeminate but not a fag


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I wish not


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>allows himself to be insulted and humiliated by anyone
>is weak
>is effeminate
>"I'm n-not a faggot I s-swear"


kys I like succubi you normal fag


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Faggotry is a spectrum. By rejecting masculine principles such as "Not proudly admitting to being a weak, shriveling, self-hating bootkisser", you place yourself closer to "faggot" than to "non-faggot".

OP CAN fight back. He can chose to not be bothered by them acting smug. He can insult them and not care if they feel that they're above him because of it. He can chose to not have his soul shackled by miscellaneous non-player characters not worshiping the ground he walks on. But instead, OP not only chooses to submit to his imaginary enemy (The Normalfag), but he projects his insecurities on to everyone else by saying "we" instead of "I". For this, WE say that OP is a faggot.



I bet you're such a faggot that you only entered Wizchan because you were afraid of them rejecting you.

It was to bother him a little, not destroy him.


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stop bullying me online wizbrothers (T_T)


Everyone bullies you, from your house to a forum where you thought there were losers like you.


are you implying everyone in this website aren't broke niggas?


5 x 10= 50
I'm not a fag


He enjoys art of young, healthy succubi? Must mean he wants to fuck man ass


wow, that's nasty. Imagine not even being a nice loser


Dont hate. Hate weakens your soul and your connection to God. Try to understand and love everyone and never insult or judge them


Hate heals. You should try it sometime. Biblical proverbs and passages about loving thy neighbor were only applicable when our neighbors didn't want to fucking decapitate us just for merely owning a Bible. You don't agree with the Bible - you agree with the bubble that you live in.


What kind of bullying are we even talking about? Straight out inults in your face? Making jokes about you that you don't like when in groups? Mocking you behind your back? Do they get physical?

Imo, its best to not laugh about their "jokes" about you, say that is not funny, leave and avoid them. Straight out figthing normies in certain situations (i.e. workplace, school, family) can be a loss, because you are probably outnumbered, they can twist the truth and sway your peers against you, even your family. Going in insult fights is kind childish too.


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>Hate heals. You should try it sometime


Couldn't relate. I usually end up getting their weak points even if I need several tries.

You must find the best reaction. Even if it's ghosting. Also expect to receive different attacks from them, like getting robbed or pranked.

>kinda kiwifarmer resenting not bewing a wizard cause this sad shitsite is still better than where he comes from

Go tell those succubi about you posting here. Go, go! xD

Ok, OP. Give a read to "The Art of War" while you are on your way.

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