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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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It just dawned on me that I never really had any chance at a normal life. Despite THEIR careful planning of every detail and influences in the environments I was raised in, I was doomed from the start. I didn't go through the worst of situations growing up, other than the most basic levels of third world poverty and being unlikable and annoying to kids my age, things that for sure didn't shape me into what I am today, if anything they taught me a basic notion of hardships I use to analyze stuff. I always felt detached to everyone and everything around me, I knew ever since I was a kid that I wasn't "normal", and dwelling on that thought most likely reinforced it, but also helped develop my capability of insight which is my main link to this world. It goes beyond not being "normal" in that way as I don't have any real interests or hobbies, the closest thing I have to a feeling of self-realization is using pattern recognition, I used it to understand people growing up, connecting dots and developing a semblance of "adequacy" to have around the few people that liked me, and to use in lesser interactions. The only thing actually capable of stimulating me nowadays ever since people started to stare at me with disgust on the street, rendering me unable of most interactions, is breaking down THEIR schemes, I love it. I feel like I understand every single step of the way they go through with them, the way they set the world against us, they corner us, they kill us with anguish. I do enjoy malice, it's something intelligent animals develop, after all, maybe even the most primitive of intelligent behavior. And I can't help but feel like I was born for that, meant to orchestrate and pull strings to such a degree, if I were to fully succumb to malice. I just can't seem to find passion in anything really, dissecting humor maybe, but it's a rather basic way to employ pattern recognition. Maybe if I was born during a less shittier period of humanity, with an environment that actually helped with my developing, I could have done great things. It's just that way, nowadays they systematically set us up for failure, the only ones capable of fulfilling their potential being those raised outside their bubble of control.


Not being a normal person is not bad, on the contrary, by not being part of the system you make the rules and follow the world as you want it to be.


Putting the penis inside the vagina will not help the OP or anyone else, it is just premium masturbation. It will not help anything, it is just meaningless hedonistic pleasure.


It does make me feel better to think that, knowing that the average person can't even fathom or conceive of most of my thoughts, but it's also extremely isolating, I feel like it's such a big price to pay, being left out of such a huge percentage of the human experience. But even then, my stomach turns at the thought of being normal, the blissful ignorance it carries, I don't feel pity for them because they constantly make it clear that they're disgusted of me and my presence, but I find it quite sad to know this world is rigged to such a degree.


Happiness is in knowledge, not in ignorance. No one is going to exclude you from normal places, like vocational schools, sports, etc., unless you are very autistic and say things that not everyone might like.


>it is just meaningless hedonistic pleasure

Normies are very delusional about the most ambivalent thing, sex, many of them seriously believe that lack of sex causes neuroses and most of them look upon celibacy with suscpicion/contempt. The biggest sex-havers just view life as a college sex comedy just like in crab memes, a shy succubi with only several friendships would have a bodycount of over a dozen my mother told me she has had 15 sexual partners when I asked her and she says that's not much and she was always shy


Masturbation and sex are much closer than you think. In physiological terms, it's the same shit, one may be more pleasurable, but the act is the same.

>My mom slept with 15 guys

Damn, that's too much information.


More potent orgasm is physiologically different. I used to masturbate more than 20 times a day when I had OCD it wasn't pleasurable and made me more ill and I can create a tulpa and have pleasurable fantasies but then get back to reality and hate myself more than ever. Having a lot of sex with succubi makes you experience maximal pleasure and skyrocket on the normalfag hierarchy ladder ( fucking over 200 succubi will not constitute a man as a whore because succubi have access to sex almost without limitation ). It is all one living process physical and psychical . The fags are so delusional because they don't even know what the psyche is physiology they don't understand either


>attention deficit

A meme disease that only degenerate zoomer kids have. No.

>jack off while daydreaming

I never had a tulpa and I'am a no-fapper


No. Never.

>passive and emotional, those two traits define succubi

guess the MOST meme pd


just a norman reaction to much stress it's also meme now i am ok


Very interesting, this has a chance to be eye opening. You imply that excessive masturbation makes you passive, emotional and homosexual. I can sadly vouch for this from personal experience, but what is the reasoning behind this?


nta it lowers testosterone and increases prolactin that's the shit causing brain fog. I've been trying semen retention with varying success for half a year now and when I get several weeks in it's like a world of difference, it makes you wittier, it genuinely makes you smarter, your reflexes are better, when I play videogames it's like I play better than I've ever experienced, like I was retarded before in comparison. You're more confident, that could be for varying reasons. The biggest thing of all to note is the extreme increase in energy, you barely need sleep weeks in, you become a machine that's super alert, any goal you work on will be done 10 times faster because you could be doing it at night after only sleeping 2 hours and finding that was totally sufficient and you feel zero tiredness. You need less food too oddly, great for losing weight, you can barely eat and not feel hungry and then work out for many hours without feeling tired to burn extra calories. If anyone here's fat, this shit is the best weight loss program, just stop masturbating for a few weeks and put in 200% effort and you'll lose kilos per day potentially. People should just give it a shot, don't expect miracles, such an incredible boost for attaining realistic goals in your life.




We must make the best of what we have minimise regret


It's hard to make the best out of such a terrible hand, I honestly can't find genuine and lasting enjoyment in anything, and can't even gather enough interest nor the will to gravitate towards and act upon anything.


that's because it's very easy, which is why 15 is actually a very low number for them. If they have a different boyfriend every year for 15 years from 18 to 33 (when they meet Mr. Husband Material) then you get a bodycount of 15. Totally doable for a "shy" succubus (not that succubi can ever be introverted or shy but that's beside the point). Not that high. succubi can easily get it into the 100s, even 1000s

It's nothing special but normalfags like to philosophize the most idiotic things out there and turn them into something holy and special.


>don't expect miracles
>here's a bunch of placebo miracles

you've committed to a self-flagellation cult based on pseudoscience pushed by insecure crabs in a bucket men, naturally you want your sunk cost fallacy to pay off and are inventing whatever effects you (they) want to perceive. what you think and dwell on are much more important than never releasing semen (which you will eventually in your sleep regardless) and if you believe something to be true it will be. mind over matter - what you think about is much more potent than muh testosterone special sauce.

you could say the same thing about video games, "playing games gives an unnatural amount of dopamine spikes and gives you brainfog" or whatever, ok? even if thats true (which i doubt) does that mean you should completely remove and demonize it, making a community on every site possible to commiserate with other guys that yes, these effects are definitely working guys, and lashout at anyone who suggests otherwise - or just simply regulate your time spent playing (if you have other things you need to do).

ive tried nofap before, nothing changed, and it wasnt hard for me because i only fap a couple times a week at best. some days ill fap and the next day ill be an absolute god gamer with quick as fuck reaction times making hundreds of calculations a second, the next day, after not fapping, ill be a complete shitter. theres a hundred other variables you could consider before busting a nut - what did i do today? what did i eat? what did i drink? how tired am i? am i content? or am i sad and despondent? this stuff is pretty nuanced.

one day i went for a sunny walk in the park, everyone tells you the sun is so good for you, right? well they convinced me, i felt great and put it down to that. the next week i tried again, it didnt work, if anything i felt worse and i wouldve preferred rain. after thinking about it, it was actually what i did in the morning which allowed me to feel good on that particular day, the weather was redundant. life is complicated but also very simple.

almost all nofappers are low status men unhappy with their lot in life, who erroneously think not touching their dick is gonna give them superpowers (as you described here) - if you decide to wake up one day, subscribe to nofap, and get on the grindset, you're gonna correlate this as being down to not ejaculating when really you just started doing shit like studying and exercising. correlation does not mean causation.

naturally, if you spend more time working on projects, or complete a task, you're gonna feel better about yourself and more fulfilled (and your brain is gonna be perked up) so you'll play better. you'll make less mistakes and any mistakes you do make won't feel as bad, so you'll get less tilted and play more consistently. similar to how when facing a setback or disaster, where a wizkid understandably gets distraught and retires home, a normalfag would tolerate it based on their accumulated life experiences giving them a Norman Barrier (+50 Defence) buff.

maybe your entire frame of your own male sexuality is wrong because youve spent your whole life having it demonized? then you go on your 4turd /pol/ cesspit and everyone is calling eachother "coomers" and "coombrains" and telling you porn is a tool used by the da juice to turn white men into "passive, feminine beta cucks" etc. this naturally makes nofap very convincing, especially for wizards, which is sad to see, because it preys on typical male insecurities, and you can tell its these insecure guys trying to drag everyone else who enjoys fapping down with them. its actually very harmful and sinister.

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