improve? holy shit we never thought of that. all these years hating normos and acting like evil cartoonish goons, when all we could have done was just… IMPROVE!!!!!!
nigga, most of us got incurable autism and/or severe personality disorders. we can barely hold down a job without getting fired for not being a team player (too quiet). shit, i can't even get a job in the first place because becky from HR has the non-team player detector and she sees right through me haha
if you think this place is depressing, that's the fucking point you stupid normalfag cunt. this is the only place where you can go and talk about being a subhuman piece of shit and have someone honestly relate.
also no one on this site cares about getting laid. most of us have given up on the concept entirely because a relationship of any kind just wouldn't work even if we somehow managed to IMPROOOOOVE enough to meet the minimal requirements to be some whore's beta provider.
Normalfags are always positive towards life, they mock you if you're depressed, I think this website is perfect as it is
>>219003>>219006>Just miserablemaxx bro!Stupid take, just looks to better Yi life inside of your circumstances, it's stupid to fuck your life up even more, case example is a NEET that take care of his body, instead of just rotmaxxing and destroy himself, learn to see the nuance of life, dumb NIGGERS
>>219007Self-improverbrahs are just crabs-in-denial. These are the guys who still have normies and mgtow as friends either online or offline and take their advice and repeat it here.
Only found 1 thing that does anything for me. Semen retention. I become a charming guy seems like. But what do I do with it? I'm still an alien that doesn't fit in out there, but now I'm a charming ayy
>>219000>have you never tried to improve and improve?Oh shit !!!! i never thought about that !
I'm gonna improve right now !
Why reply to an obvious tourist normalfag??
>>219016I've been on wizchan for 7 years.
>>219012I think leaving the straw is fine, but for health reasons doing it once a week is fine.
>>219007>maxxCan you faggots stop using this retarded terminology? The memes been raped to death, you sound like some tiktok homo
The crab in the bucket mentality sort of makes it so sharing positives are highly discouraged since you are just opening yourself up to relentless attack and trolling from someone who is bitter about you enjoying something in life.
As far as "improve". That means something different to a wizard than a normie.
My version of improving is improving in my chosen hobbies, making my life more comfortable, and staying reasonably healthy since if I get too sick to care for myself then it's basically game over.
To a normie improvement seems to be centered around making themselves a better prospect for mates to improve their chances of breeding healthy well supplied offspring.
I just do my own thing, man. It's why I originally came here. I'd hoped it would be a bunch of us just doing our own thing and not being consumed by this desire to chase succubi who weren't interested in us. Early on, this place felt like a really interesting place full of friendly people who weren't obsessed with "that feel when no gf" and it was nice. I think /hob/ is the only board that still kind of has that feeling, but it's quite slow. /wiz/ is in a weird place; the crab bucket shit has always been a thing but I guess it's escalated a bit. /dep/ has always been sad but that's the point of it. I don't know man.
Anyway, I try to run 3 miles every other day and I'm learning skills that I think are important like lifesaving medic shit. Took a basic life support course the other day and learned how to do CPR and save a choking victim. Feels good, man.
>>219000Do you tell people in wheelchairs to just walk?
Nice crab in bucket mentality
>>219003i know this post is fake, off topic, i will just say that letting succubi do these HR jobs is complete insanity. You are 19 year old, fresh out of high school, you just want to get some job to sustain yourself but keep encounering these HR succubi..I have been there..
Im not saying succubi should not have rights , etc, but letting succubus decide some mans fate, based on her logic is just too much. Of course this is companys business.. if they want HR or not…I wonder what are benefits of HR for company, why CEOs want this. I guess HR is make-work for succubi in some corporations, not every company has HR. The one where i work doesnt. I think this exists as part of mockery of males,
rant over take care
Yeah I was thinking about why I felt miserable over the past few days, and it is because of wizchan. I was feeling fine until I decided to visit this shithole again. Shut down the website already, wizmin
>>219180Well don't let us keep you from your happy life. You're free to leave any time!
>>219000>since the first thing someone outside will read will be threads of misfortune and miseryDon't care about what some normie cogs thinks. 90% of them are shitty people anyway, in one way or other. out do them? they try to drag you down. under perform? they treat you less than human and act superior. no reason to care for these people
>So I ask you, have you never tried to improve and improve?those who are improving are probably not the ones who post depressing shit. I just thought this place was for people to vent their grief with society. People post depressing shit like they genuinely don't want you to try to improve, just telling you it's pointless.
>you are a fatso in you 30s? bro don't try to lose weight, you are pass your 20s, there is no point now just keep living like a fatsoyeah it's not like being a 30-something fatty is much more suffering than being a 30-something fit guy.
it's like they wallow in their misery or want more people to be in the same situation as them so they don't have to feel bad about it and DO SOMETHING!
Even if some might have deformities, subpar IQ, health issues or whatever that could prevent them from improving their lives. It's still scummy of them to try to drag others down. that is normie behavior!
never crossed my mind.
((())) want it that way for a reason. Depressed people don't fight back.
>>219000I wish the internet had a community which:
>forbid any sort of normalfag behavior like gossip, flame wars, bullying, status, hierarchy>disallow any rants AGAINST normalfags (because it's the same shit, different flavor)>0 (ZERO!) talk about sex, succubi, masturbation (even criticism)>encourage ONLY the free discussion of ideasBut I've looked for this for so long and found nothing so far.
>>219006That's completely untrue. Normalfags have mental health issues, addictions, fights, conflict, mass chimpouts (wars) etc.
>>219007I agree with your worldview.
>>219011>mgtow invented every form of self-improvement known to man>my argument? I'll just make shit up! x is actually y, I win No.220193
>>219000Improve what, faggot?
>>220193Yourself, like any wizard or normalfag should.
Freaking R9K LDARs are back now with the email verification.
>>220177This is only possible on aspie and non-NT boards.
All the toxic behaviors you listed are basic cornerstones and pillars of neurotypicality.
best advice is to stop coming to this site, what's there for you to gain? Insight? fun?
there's nothing of value here for anyone.
>>219007You are correct, anon, but helping autists is harder than it seems. On top of being frustrated, they're bitter and resentful, so patience has to come in spades to help them
>>220216why would you want to help autists?
>>219000Yes. I've improved all my life and more or less met all my goals that don't involve forming relationships.
You're fucking normalfag. Fuck off and die.
I am cursed with Autism, this entire system existed to make my life rougher from the start
>>219000Seriouly OP, what you mean by improving? Most people here just don't care about the standards of suckcess everybody else is after, not because they are or think they are better or anything. It just doenst matter anymore.
Your mom is depressing.
>So I ask you, have you never tried to improve and improve?
I feel like you are trying to say something specific by using the word "improve"
Why you can't improve yourself, from a philosophical standpoint: No.220679
family that hates you
no dreams
failure after failure
no one to call a friend
of course it's depressing
>>219000The reason this place is depressing is because the people here are blackpilled, they know the truth, now they are trying to bluepill themselves and of course once you know the truth you can't un-know it. The thing is majority of wizards here would be happy if they got into a relationship but they are basically MSTOW. And also the number of users here is very less and surprisingly some of them are white, i say surprisingly cause JBW.
So that is the unfortunate truth really. People here have been sent their own way and now they are trying to embrace it but they can't because society, their looks, and their environment has dictated otherwise.
people are different kind of species
Fuck it, I'll bite.
I tried to improve anon. In many ways I did make myself better but for the most part I pissed away my youth trying to fix myself. I thought if I put in the effort, went to therapy and did the whole "look within yourself" sort of bullshit I'd figure it out and be normal.
I really wish I hadn't. Just before hitting wizard status I had this horrific drug experience where I realized I had completely lost who I was… and that at that point I had no clue who "I" really was. Because any time I vented or caused a stir I got talked down to and told to improve myself.
When people pull the "improov" bullshit I can't help but feel resentful. Like, holy fuck, go outside. Your average everyday norman isn't this great interesting person or upstanding moral individual. They just live their life and have a society they fit into. Maybe they up their style a little bit or pick up an instrument but this idea retards on the internet keep peddling about self improvement as some mystical journey everyone does is just a passive aggressive way of saying you aren't good enough and you aren't fine as you are.
I regret the time I spent doing it. My life would be better if I put time into my hobbies instead. I didn't need self improvement. I needed people and a society that cared about me despite being an anxious spergy mess.
>>220697>just a passive aggressive way of saying you aren't good enough and you aren't fine as you are. Except in the absolute worst of places online, the only times guys are told to "self improve" are after they've poured their heart out over how they themselves don't feel up to their own standards - how they're unsatisfied with who they are themselves regardless of other people's opinions on them. In this case, no, they aren't fine as they are. No man should have to play as a class he didn't chose, so if he can change it, then by all means tell him how.
>My life would be better if I put time into my hobbies insteadIf the kind of self improvement you were doing didn't involve your personal hobbies and interests throughout all of it, then it wasn't "self" improvement - it was social improvement; conditionng yourself to be an integrated cog in the societal machine as per the standards laid before you by others. And this is why you shouldn't be angry when you see men suggesting self improvement among themselves, because most of the time they don't mean "learn to socialize, pay taxes, pick up chicks, and have a firm handshake". They really just mean find something you enjoy doing, do it, and get your body and mind healthy enough to keep doing for as long and as good as you possibly can.
>>219000This place is depressing because it's full of rants about normies and succubi. People experience real stress and anxiety from going outside, and the rants are their way of releasing that pressure.
Self-improvement is not the solution to this because it would only put you a bit higher in social status, but anon would still compare himself to other people. The key is self-acceptance and admitting before yourself that you are comfortable living as you do.
>>220684I don't think the average wizard here is trying to revert back to being oblivious and bluepilled.
If anything, the general consensus is either desperation or accepting the awful circumstances that led to the birth of a wizard.
And like you said it was predetermined genetically, so no point to go mad over it. It's just a bad draw of cards, an unlucky situation in nature. Someone statistically has to bear that load of grinding through an unlucky life and this time it was us.
>>220697Based post. You make some excellent points here.
>>220697Atleast for me personally the best way to actually improve is to just improve at a hobby.
Your will naturally improve just to get better at the thing.
Tried doing the normie youtube recommandation feed self improvement stuff and got stuck in a loop for like 4 years before just shutting all the self improvement content noise and figuring out what works for me.
Maybe those foundational mainstream self improvement books are atleast mildly helpful but fuck if I know… haven't read them beyond some of atomic habits.
Might not work for all the wizards out here but worked for me
(I might have aspergers and/or some form of ADHD, no formal Dx tho)
>>219026>>220697>>220699Seems I am not the only one who figured this one out.
>>219012Found bullet journaling to be useful personally.