Normalfags like to think they deserve to have better lives than you, so they don't like to question their just world bs. Anybody have worse lives than them is because they deserve it so it's okay to also rub it in and talk down to the less fortunate.
normalfags made my life bitter
sorry but what was the question trying to ask, I didn't understand hehe (^_^')
Hollywood doesn't adapt this kind of sad stories, my condolences.
? what are you trying to say, I'm not a normalfag
>>219200return this mentality in full!
normies for whatever reason hate it when you do the same to them.
I don't demand that everyone has to like me, I just prefer if people would leave me alone. unfortunately normies don't understand the concept of live and let live.
remember just like they don't owe you anything you don't owe them anything in return.
>Don't be silent, talk back when you disagree>You don't respect me, then I don't respect you>openly dismiss people's complains about you if you don't agree.behaving like this finally got the nomries to leave me alone, so I don't need to hear their retarded nagging and babbling.
The correct approach is the hardest:
Learn violence and develop strong arms in order to become an immanent physical danger to other people.
No health or looks bullshit that is not how weights are properly lifted.
No grappling "submission holds," I do not care how many people are supposed to wash out or fail at a judo course, find a striking art not a grappling art.
>>219203You can't really be so divorced from the life and experience behind this sort of post. You will have seen it from one side or another. You know full well that it is about being treated without basic social reserve and below the minimum degree of decency required to exist in the same space without violence. Every imageboard is saturated with sneers and jibes that cross that line and every normalfag on planet Earth says "that's just the internet, turn that off because normal people are better because people get punched in the face in real life"–but that is only true if there is some level on which you are dangerous to a normal person. And yes, succubi are understood by normal people to be dangerous due to their automatic group inclusivity and automatic sexual value/partnering, which is why places where that particular form of social danger are removed such as anonymous internet boards are considerably less polite to succubi than many "dangerous" real life environments. And you know the ease with which numerically, socially and physically superior normals will make themselves happier by transgressing the line that would normally be drawn between conversation and violence. Having to live within that line is tiresome for everyone, they as much if not more than you, and so they will step over it the moment they see there are no consequences for doing so.
It is NOT HISTORICALLY NORMAL for men to constantly socially break each other down with no resort to physical violence. Oliver Cromwell had to forcibly invent the British culture of "taking the piss" through waves of propaganda and staged public behavior because the advent of guns meant that there was a demographic crisis among men of military age, including Parliamentarians, killing and maiming each other in duels over "mere" insults. It is NORMAL to need to develop your capacity for physical violence in order to engage with other people socially without nightmarish hell being rained on you constantly. This only becomes not-normal if you were to then actively and consistently exercise violence, since the mere presence of violent capacity is typically deterrent enough.
>>219493Even though I don't recommend braying about violence or exhorting "the image of violence", this is the correct answer. The only thing transgressors regard is violence, and if they fear someone with nothing to lose taking revenge in a suicide attack, it limits what they can do. They can't torture and humiliate the dead or those who stopped giving a shit and have already resolved to see humanity as a demonic race, which they are by all proper assessment.
Here's a tip - they don't really care about you threatening their reptutation or even their life, because by the rules of this society, you will never threaten their reputation. If you kill them or maim their body, they know the law will come down hard on you, while they are granted extralegal impunity and the right of unlimited transgression. But, if you attack their property, they won't be able to do much to you. Attacks on property are tricky, but it really, REALLY enrages them when you make it clear their property, the thing they stole from you, is easy to violate. It makes them confront the reality that all they stole from us was pissed away, taken away by the thieves above them, and they're just renting it, and they always go apeshit when they are threatened. I saw them panic far more when they merely thought I was going to cut their brake lines than when I made it clear I would come at them in a suicide attack when I found them down. They love doing what they did to destroy us more than they love themsleves, because they know they've always been filthy Satanics.
Anyway, these people have "solved" the society where people had dignity, and made it clear we would never have that ever again - nor would anyone else. This is a society of complete shamelessness and indulgence in every depravity known to us. There is no point in standing up for pride, for such thing are forsaken. But, the hatred of this demonic race of humanity, and the more demonic races among them who are rightly judged by history.
It's important to not do this as a matter of personal want. It's not about you or "me me me", whereas for a lot of them, it's always "me above all" or their abasement to an institutional symbol. When I say this, I don't say that this is about justice or revenge or what I want. I'd rather not live in a world like this. I say, this is our history and the history of the world, a history that their repeat transgressions created willfully and proudly, and these consequences have come many times before. If that is to be the world, then this is how it will be, because they could not stop themselves from doing what history and the world have told them will never give them anything, and they did it for nothing.
The better news is that I haven't had to do anything like this for many years, and by now, enough consequences have become apparent that I do not need to repeat this process or say what is already known. The damned have made clear that we really have no reason to go along with this, and I would gladly act against those transgressed another, who did this to the world. The active process is less relevant than the potential and holding what we have. Most people, it turns out, have always known this "game" is bullshit, and the people who insinuated that the game of projecting terror is good in of itself were able to do so because they were given permission by toxic and evil institutions. Those institutions have been shown for what they are, and so I spend more effort describing these institutions and how the favored are secured from all consequences of the rot they promoted, and what this really did. It's not a personal thing at all. It never was. It ceased being about "me me me" a long time ago. I had the misfortune of growing up around people who had this self-indulgent ideology rammed into them, and they couldn't help it, while I was too weak and stupid to say no to it. I wish I had found a way out earlier than I did, before this much damage. But, most people I encounter in life, they know this was encouraged and stoked by the Nazis in the woodwork. Now that the Nazis got what they wanted, it's not as common. They're all assholes for letting it happen. History has judged the people of the 1990s who aided and abetted this from every angle. Guilty.
this, get fit and intimidate and abuse normalfags. Turn them into your golems. Golemize them. This is the way, wizbros. Become warlock. Learn the evil magicks
>>220181based based based
They will rue the day
>>219200All of the normie points can be answered in the same way and reflected back. No-one likes them, no-one owes them anything, they don't need a reason to hate them, they're also not entitled to any friends, and - add on this kicker - they deserve to lose every single one for being an obnoxious twat.
>>219495>>219493DUDE just do PHYSICAL VIOLENCE
this is totally not a fed post trust me bros hehe
not how it works glownigger, normies will literally get you fired from work for standing up for yourself and if you're at a point of inciting violence it's jail time for the silent loner while you're recorded by cell phones and google street cams everywhere
I hate the increased usage of "narcissism" as a way of putting people down.
If you feel any kind of fear or anxiety or think anyone has wronged you in any way, now they say you're a narcissist for thinking anyone would ever care so much about you.
So now they can call you a faggot loser bitch, and then if you're like "na-nani, did you call me a faggot loser bitch?" they just roll their eyes and say "why would I care so much about you, you narcissist!"
And it kinda puts you down even further, since they're stating that they're so above you that there is no reason for them to attack you, and your questioning of that fact means you think highly of yourself or something. And you can't possibly defend yourself at this point without compounding the damage they do to you.
though i think if someone explicitly insults you with words like "faggot loser bitch", the proper response is "fuck you asshole"
but yeah, i understand the struggle, if you dare mention anything about yourself, if you use the unmentionable words like "I" or "me", the conversation then focuses on you, and god forbid you tell anyone about any of your problems, only narcissists expect people to care about their problems apparently, and being a selfish dick whose only concern is getting the dolla, is a praiseworthy sigma grindset
i mean, literally anything can be turned into you being a narcissist - are you shy? get over yourself, narcissist! are you in pain? your pain does not exist to me, you narcissist! are you so lonely that you are questioning whether any of this is even real, because rarely anyone even acknowledges your existence? we're not here to make you happy, you narcissist!
tldr narcissist is the new "innocent" and socially acceptable word for crab loser worthless manchild
>>220209>DUDE just never do ANYTHING EVER or else you're a GLOWNIGGER FED>Just be a complete coward like me who lets everbody step all over me!Fuck off back to your containment site you little pussy
It really makes you wonder, if no one owes us anything…then why do we owe the world our time? Our effort? Our money? Our attention?
Just because we have to? Or is there a way to just live our lives without giving the world a damn thing because we don't owe them shit.
>>220234No one owes anyone anything by default. But even if you become homeless and live off scavenging what you can find, you will still be feeding off society, even if it's just society's waste. You would still be taking resources and not producing any, and this is what makes people angry. People work hard to maintain and improve the standard of living, and from their perspective, a neet is a parasite. Unless you live in a shithole like America, where many jobs are fake bullshit office jobs, then those people, usually HR ladies and their cuck colleagues, get angry that you don't participate in the bullshit.
>>220234We owe them our fist on their faces
>>220234America is such a shithole where low status men are such low priority, i LDAR just to spite this demonic realm
>>220234it's to pay off society so you can live freely
>>219200those kinds of things are usually not targeted at people like us i think
sometimes it is, but its important not to make everyone out to be the devil
they usually have actual narcissists in mind when they say that, people who use social leverage and manipulation to get people to like them
good people will go out of their way to see past your issues and try to not leave you out of things, you just can't expect total strangers to treat you that way
>>219200This is happening on ERP forums and imageboards now. The so-called dregs of society are as full of pride as the normalfagscum cattle they claim to ally against.
>>219200I wonder if it's to suppress people's individuality
to make people reluctant to stand out irl
>>219200>"succubi are not ATMs where you insert kindness coins in exchange for sex"Yeah but most of them ARE ATMs where you insert jerk and asshole behaviors which are rewarded with love and affection.
it's a modern disease. another new one is the refrain "I'm not your personal therapist". It's a diseased narcissistic culture.
>>220428but narcs are usually the subhumans who use others are emotional trashcans
Where do normies get these phrases from: media. TV slop and self-help books. And we all know the people who control media…
Get everyone at eachother's throats and be divisive as possible to create war and distress amongst the mice. How do mice solve their distress? Hedonism and pills of course…$$$
>>220401Kindness among neurotypicals is seen as a weakness. Unless you have power to back it up (lots of wealth, being very handsome etc)
It's sad, but we really are primal animals. Normies prefer strength for survival purposes and despise kindness.
>>220234Because it's not about any real or imagined ill you've brought into the world. It's a very passive aggressive form of social violence that attempts to shame you into changing your behavior to please others. It becomes more apparent when you blow the problem up. If nobody truly owes anyone anything then I'm fully within my rights to attack strangers. Bystanders are fully right to ignore it and the police are right to arrest the victim, because after all, that police officer doesn't owe anyone anything.
People who actually believe this sort of thing earnestly are terrible people because truly embodying the attitude would result in the worst kind of Machiavellian scheming. I don't think many people would want to live in that kind of world.
When I was a wee lad I used to try and fit in with normies more. I'd often get told the reason I struggled with friends was because I was too self centered and I needed to cater to other people more. Popular books like how to win friends even emphasized this and the entire thing just seemed gross to me. Like it was telling me to lie in order to fit in.
I don't the your average neurotypical realizes the amount of lies and manipulation they employ to get and maintain their social circles. I mean just watch them. They eat eachother alive over minor differences and somehow they talk about socailly avoidant spergs like we're some grave menace to society.
>>220234What do you think you have to give to the world?
"No one owes you anything"
I literally do not know how to explain this, but whenever that phrase is uttered, I get unbelievably angry. Maybe it's because I am still looking for a helping hand. I will say this though this ideology of "no one owes you anything", this is going to generate a hell lot of trouble, a hell lot.
>>219200The phrase "You are not owed anything" is a weapon of cruelty, masquerading as wisdom. It spits in the face of every human struggle, invalidates legitimate needs, and absolves society of its duty to care for its members. It is a lazy, smug dismissal of pain, designed to gaslight people into believing their suffering is a personal failure rather than the result of systemic neglect or exploitation.
This phrase thrives on hypocrisy—those who utter it almost always benefit from countless societal structures where they are owed respect, wages, and rights. It dehumanizes the vulnerable while protecting the privileged, enabling apathy and selfishness under the guise of "tough love." In truth, it's not just wrong; it's a moral failure, a cowardly excuse to avoid empathy and accountability.
If you don't look physically deformed, normies assume you're no different from them and your misfortunes are all your fault. They don't understand that a brain can be wired differently and that you may have a different perception of the world. They think of mental disorders as hallucinations, hearing things, and retarded stupidity. They are unable to grasp the idea that the same stimulus may trigger a different reaction in you than it does in them. Normies literally believe everyone's brain works the same way, and when they think about why you are the way you are, they project their own reasoning, and what would bring them to be in your situation, and the result is: "you act the way you do because you want to be special."
Also with their vast social lives, normies surely met many pretenders and they think you're just another one of those.
>>220521I believe this is at the heart of the extreme ostracism autists and non-nt's have to endure.
Normies are extremely visually driven and generally dumb as fuck.
If they can't *see* some kind of physical deformity or ailment, they think there's nothing.
You can't talk sense to these animals, because they automatically think an episode having autistic kid is "misbehaving" or a schizoid teenager "just needs to go out and do more sports" because they don't LOOK different.
What they don't understand is these people are neurotypically _nothing_ like a normie. Many need heavy sedative medications just to be able to study or be in public.
>>220520>absolves society of its duty to care for its membersMost people don't feel like members of their society, but rather that they just happen to live next to you, or work with you, or even speak the same language. Nationality, culture, history - these things no longer mean anything thanks to globalism and individualism.
>>220523True. Even monocultures like Japan have fractured due to modernization. Tens of millions of people in megacities sitting 20 feet away from each other in cubicles never once talking to each other in decades or even knowing the name of the person living next door.
The amount of hikikomori, depression patients and suicide cases are rising rapidly.
It's extremely unnatural. Their ancestors lived in villages of 50-150 people and knew every single person by face and name, in addition to participating in their efforts every single day of their lives.
>>220526>Their ancestors lived in villages of 50-150 people and knew every single person by face and name, in addition to participating in their efforts every single day of their lives.And because people HAD TO interact with pretty much all people of their village, they would naturally learn to get along with all kinds of oddballs. Now big corpo is pushing the diversity bullshit, but it's fake and gay. Normies are virtue signalling their inclusiveness, but their idea of diversity is tattoos, piercings, wearing retarded clothes and prostration before succubi. While people who really need inclusion are quietly shuffled away.
>>220527I have held bitterness over stuff like what you brought up for years.
I grew up with the message of tolerance being shoved down my throat, but almost no one tolerated me. If I dare complain about it I was simply informed that life isn't fair and I just have to deal with it.
>>219200>>"No one owes you their kindness""You're not under any obligation to be a dickhead either."
>>219495>Here's a tip - they don't really care about you threatening their reptutation or even their life,
>I saw them panic far more when they merely thought I was going to cut their brake lines than when I made it clear I would come at them in a suicide attack when I found them down.Reminds me of this show shoveling fatal incident where a guy kills his two bully neighbors with a gun and they show absolutely no sign of fear from the beginning till the bitter end, even while lying down their bodies perforated by heavy ammo they still insult the guy like before which made them look almost demon possessed. That's also my experience with people in general so we most likely have not much to gain by engaging in human vainglory of the sort. But it's a double edged sword and people might crush you for not being aggressive enough.
>people beside your breeders own you anything
Grow up, kiddo.
>>220537It's not a matter of owing anyone anything, retard. It's about them using therapy speak in this Kafkaesque way to put lower-status people down.
>>219209Just World Fallacy.
>>220537>expecting basic decency from other people as part of the social contract we all sign upon birth = immaturityPlease die, normalfaggot.
>>220536Oh man I remember that video. Grim.
>>220536>>220815I saw it too, the man actually did realize he fucked up and tried to run away but it was too late and the succubus just survival instincts which is common in spoiled white suburban succubi