The only real cope for this is escaping into nature and isolation, away from other people and their oppressive value systems. As long as you are forced to watch other people's lifestyles and be neurosuggested that you are inferior in comparison, you will naturally feel this way. Another possibility is having a strong internal value system that can reject modern values and cut through the psychic pressure, but if you were capable of this, you wouldn't be making this thread.
can you be more exact about what you wanted to do and no longer feel like you can do? you don't even need to respond. you will quickly realize how pointless your rambling is. I don't blame you for feeling awful. you just need to realize that it's not grief but a bittersweet pain you're supposed to be experiencing because life is shit no matter what you do, especially for a loner type person.
Don't get sucked into the rat race pal. Thinking that garbage is gonna make your life meaningful or something is a joke.
>>219448It most likely wasn't for you anyway, there was/is another path for you. Everyone misses out on something, even the people that have "lived life". You could've been anyone, you can either accept this role as yourself or reject it(rope).
Time is the most precious thing in your life and you missed out. Lost time can never be brought back.
You deal with it with distractions, what else? There are things you can only truly experience as a youngster such as the love of a father or mother.
>>219448>The 21st century offers so many possibilities and yet all I did was sit at home play video games and read inane garbage online.have the opposite regret of this. Spent my young adult years grinding in University and part-time jobs. while everyone else spent their youth having fun with travels and parties. I spent it being stressed out with studies and deadlines. Never had any peace of mind for most of the time. enjoyed gaming as a teenager, but didn't have time for it in my early adult years. now in my late 20s when I feel like I have time for it, it just don't feel as fun as it once did. The stressful period of my life ended about 2 years ago. but after living in stress for so long, I can't really feel the same level of happiness I once could.
>Now I tire easily and years of sitting made my body feel rusty.prolonged inactivity is the main cause for this. you can get rid of this fairly easy with walking and some basic calisthenic(push-ups, squats and crunches).
started with this in my mid 20s and it improved my mood a lot.
OP after reading your post, maybe the grass wasn't greener on the other side and you just end up with different kinds of regrets. OP you can still turn things around, it's not too late. Start with your physical health it will help you immensely. it will reduce procrastination, since you will be in the mood to work on your goals more often.
>>219472this. OP you might be unhappy about being an underachiever. Being an overachiever might had brought you valuable skills, but instead of video game eating up your time, grinding would. Did you feel happiness most of the time during your youth? now replace that with dread. always working, rarely having a chance to have fun. i don't feel any regret over the grind I experience, but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel bitter about mostly not having fun in my youth. The grind instilled a growth mindset in me, which helped me greatly.
>>219448I can only agree with everything others have already said here. I am someone who has spent pretty much all of age 20-25 with this struggle of "fixing myself" so that I could experience some promised wonderful life (uni, job, etc). While I ended up wasting a lot of time on games and mindlessly browsing the internet anyways, I also learned that the alternative wasn't that much more fulfilling by default. Just consuming stuff all the time isn't a great life I agree but you must find what you want for yourself. Trying to follow the normie template will not magically fulfill you. Seek out your own interests and pursue those with all that you have. Get out of your computer chair and take a walk in nature if you can, do some squats or push ups if you feel like it. Sleep and rest well, eat properly. Everyone will miss out on most things that they could have done and many people will end up with a mountain of regret no matter what they do.
"The only life truly wasted is one not lived intentionally".
Stop looking at a screen, have a life outside of media consumption. This habit of "consumption" was drilled into us by the shittiest education imaginable. It really does go away if we ask ourselves, first, what we would prefer to see. The shit put in front of our face is designed to demoralize and degrade us. Every movie, every television show, is designed to degrade. Most video games, designed to degrade. The good news is, there are efforts to counteract this, but there is an industry of culture slop designed to produce more and more rot, and there is a modus operandi. It is easier to produce rot and death than it is to create something that is worth seeing.
That all said, if you have a computer and you don't have torturers breathing down your neck, you do have some space. I don't know an easy way out, because living under this psychological torture regime really does require someone to ask why they bothered living at all. Everything we would do or create in the world is siphoned off by the torturers to create more torture. This is intended and absolute in their design, and they laugh that they made us go along with this. There is only a limited ability to do other than this, due to their prerogatives to jump in front, intervene, and use violent institutional force for more strident noncompliance the moment they are given the right of transgression.
There are sources for this, some of which will go away in the near future, thank Heaven. But, they did a terrible thing by telling us to internalize it, and this too was deliberate and worked out as a science. It is difficult to undo without being able to step back from the media cycle. But, it is possible, and more and more people are doing this because they have to. The old lies aren't working.
>>219480That's the most brutal realization of all, time doesn't go back, just forward
Things get worse with age, that's why youth is so important
>>219502>Things get worse with age, that's why youth is so importantOnly if you didn't do anything to better yourself overtime.
was a naive unfit fat wuss in my adolescence. thanks to the gym, I became more confident and fit. Mentally I am in a much better state now compare to then. started teaching my self things I wanted to know back when I was young, like drawing and got good at it, did try when I was 20, but I gave up once I saw how shitty my art was. started again this year and just endure the pain, convincing myself things would improve eventually. Only wished I had been able to do this in my adolescence.
yes as you age your body and mind will break down overtime, but many people break down faster than they should. if you are in your 30-50s your mind and body is still good enough to do something. unless you have ruined both with alcoholism, garbage-food, bad sleeping and inactivity(not moving you body enough). If you have lived a lazy unhealthy lifestyle all you 20s and you are now in your 30s. You only need about a year of activity, good sleep and healthy food to set yourself back on track. don't know if it will be the same if you are in your 40s or 50s.
>>219526it doesn't matter how well you take care of yourself your energy at 40 is never going to be the same as you were 20. it is going to be significantly reduced. now that I'm 30 and even though I exercise regularly I begin to feel the difference. you can only mitigate the damage of getting old but it doesn't change the fact that as he said, things just get worse with age.
>how much time I wasted staring at a screen when I could be experiencing the world and creating things.
I tried, it's nothing special.
>but nowadays it feels like I was just the right self-help book and meds/supplement combination and some effort away from solving all these issues.
Insane copium nonsense.
>living in a multi-million dollar mansion with a beautiful view and driving a ferrari and eating at 3 star restauraunts
This must be a parody of failed normalfag desires, you can't be serious.
>>219502During youth, we're barely consciousness and virtually have no control. We're at the mercy of our family and environment. All of this shit feels random.
>>219528The gradual breakdown of your body isn't even the worst part in my opinion. Not having friends, family, and or support as you age is the most brutal thing. Imagine dying alone in a dirty room or in some nursing home. Life is just extra brutal for loners.
>>219530>This must be a parody of failed normalfag desires, you can't be serious.I agree some things just aren't meant for you.
>>219528yes peak form you in 20s is better than peak you in you 30s. too bad you weren't peak from in your 20s. so your now fit 30s self is both physically and mentally better than your 20s self.
>>219531>During youth, we're barely consciousness and virtually have no control. We're at the mercy of our family and environment. All of this shit feels random.You were naive, your parents tried to mold you into what they wanted you to be and school tried to mold you into what they wanted. it's only natural that you trust you guardians, even when the shit they teach you was toxic and only benefited them and not you.
>be agreeable, no one likes people who talk-back!(stop forcing us to prove what we do is right)>if you hit back you are just as bad!(be an easy target for us)>just be yourself, you are fine just as you are!(never improve your life, god forbid self sufficient so we have less leverage against you)>you can accomplish anything as long as you work hard!(waste your time doing things that is beyond your abilities, instead of building your independence form us)There are more but these are the ones I can think of now. either told out of malice(keep you docile, weak and easy to control) or insecurity(people don't want to admit their problems is caused by themselves and can be fixed by themselves). Government institutions seems to be on the malice side(if people are used to fighting back, maybe they do that to us one day?), while parents tend to be on the insecurity side(can't have my son talk back to me or out do me, I don't feel like the man of the house).
You should consider yourself lucky if you broke free from society's lies, even if it happen a bit later than you would had liked. Imagine living out your entire life without ever figuring it out. Don't be too hard on yourself, you were set up by toxic people to be railed rolled into something you don't want.
>>219536not sure if you have low IQ or a reading disability but what you responded to never argued you can better your circumstances. he clearly said it gets worse with age, and it objectively does, and there is nothing that can be done about that.
>>219538>You were naive, your parents tried to mold you into what they wanted you to be and school tried to mold you into what they wanted. it's only natural that you trust you guardians, even when the shit they teach you was toxic and only benefited them and not you.True, too bad I ended up an outcast and can barely hold on menial labor jobs at the moment.
>(people don't want to admit their problems is caused by themselves and can be fixed by themselves)Some problems are self-inflected, other problems are not.
> Government institutions seems to be on the malice side(if people are used to fighting back, maybe they do that to us one day?)The government acts like a vassal to the dominant class, this is the malice of the dominant class suppressing the lower ones. Their tactics are usually more covert than overt.
> while parents tend to be on the insecurity side(can't have my son talk back to me or out do me, I don't feel like the man of the house).They don't want their genetic investment "to go wrong" and want a semblance of control.
>Imagine living out your entire life without ever figuring it out. Most people live and die like this.
>Don't be too hard on yourself, you were set up by toxic people to be railed rolled into something you don't want.Yeah, I never wanted to be alive the best thing I can do is survive and try to enjoy the rest of my time on Earth if possible. Antinatalism, efilism, philosophical pessimism and absurdism altered my mind beyond repair.
>>219540>it doesn't matter how well you take care of yourself your energy at 40 is never going to be the same as you were 20Did you intentionally miss this bit? you were a fatslob in you 20s but I guess even if you are in peak form now in your 40s, your 20s self would still have more energy than you now.
I just don't agree with the statement entirely. so if your 20s were filled with misery and only started to somewhat thrive in your 30s. you are still suppose to view your 20s as the best days of your life?
>he clearly said it gets worse with age, and it objectively does, and there is nothing that can be done about thatyes the body breaks down, fate of all living beings. what of it? you just want people to feel more miserable as they age in parallel with their slowly decaying body? So OP should just keep feeling more and more miserable as he ages?
>it gets worse with ageYeah and now what? do all aspects of your life need to go downhill as well? You and the other anon just suggest OP should just lie down and rot with misery for the rest of his life? Not trying to achieve any form of happiness? your body and mind gradually breaks down it means everything else needs to break down along with them?
>>219545>They don't want their genetic investment "to go wrong" and want a semblance of control.then they are not doing a very good job.
>let's teach our son talking back is wrong, so he can be a massive doormat in the future who is incapable of saying no to people! >let's not let him make his own decisions because we think they are all stupid, surely this will teach him to think for himself!How can parents be so retarded to think doing these things will help their child?
>>219553>then they are not doing a very good job.A lot of parents are like this, want what's best for their child but are potentially crippling them later in life.
>How can parents be so retarded to think doing these things will help their child?We live in an anti-social neurotic world, parenting practices are just a reflection of that.
>>219484The normie template is the only thing that leads to money which is the key to not suffering in life.
I no longer suffer from the sensation of "wasted life."
I realized at some point, that the main reason why I felt bad about "wasted life" it was because I knew the lack of normie experiences would lower my value for succubi and normies, and that would lower my chances of finding a partner.
There is no "wrong" way to live and I had a shitload of fun playing games and laughing at memes in my room.
Life is meaningless without goals. The imrovebrahs on this site generally fail to understand that you can't just meme yourself into doing things for no reason and it will magically make your life better. There need to be reason behind everything you do. That's what gives you the motivation to do it. Without that motivation, it will just feel like a chore.
Most of normies motivation in life comes from sex drive. They want to get married, have kids. It's a basic normalfag instinct and everything else they do in life is centered ultimately around that. If that's not on the table for you, you need to figure something else out. The most simple method is to focus on becoming wealthy. The more you isolate yourself from the world, the harder it is to find any motivation. Most people's motivation comes down to social interaction. Fatasses don't want to be fatasses mostly because of what other people will think rather than the health reasons. People want to be good at stuff so they can impress others with it rather than just purely for the sake of it.
This means there's 2 paths. One, stay isolated, have no motivation or drive for anything. Try to improove from time to time but never get anywhere. End up wasting time until you get older and die, but until then always living as an invalid and a leech on society. Or become a normalfaggot. Focus on earning money and wage slavery. Get material possessions with debt like a normalfaggot. Keep working off that debt for 30-40 years until you become too old to work anymore, then have an unspecified amount of time to wizneet it up.
To put it bluntly both options suck like hell if you don't get pussy and love and a family and all that out of it. Nicer material possessions, respect of others for being a "normal" and "functioning" "member of society", but at the cost of a whole lot of work. On one hand the work gives your life meaning, but on the other hand, it's a whole lot of work. You can always find a low effort wage slave position with shit pay and not even try to advance further. That is like the middle of the way road, but now the life you end up living has basically no meaning. You are just some cuck for a corporation and being the lowest rung on the ladder sucks and you will still end up in poverty and the respect you get from others will be marginal at best and worse, meaningless if you are isolated.
>>219615Some rat race for material possessions, "respect" among normies and keeping up with standards imposed by others is poor substitute for wholesome relationships and healthy life.
Also, consider that even for normies that have sex and "motivation" life can still suck, there is so much that can go wrong, divorce, your kids getting fucked up, sickness, soul sucking corporate enviroments and others. Hell, most normies are all fucked up with alcohol and prescription drugs.
Regardles if you work and are a "functioning member of the society" or not, if you have a family or not, I am convinced the best thing is to find peace of mind with your lot in life and enjoy what your can, in your own way (not chasing shiny things that others say you should).
>>219611No, not all normalniggers have money. High tier ones do.
>>219615>le normie life revolves around sex and attenton(sex) fuck normies bruh
>i can't even think about anything other than sex as a life goal >i have an iq of 50 so i can't even imagine a goal irrelevant to sex and societal clout>if you are an wizard that gives zero fuck about waman, your goals is meaningless
>classic "improvebrahs like that like this" shitstorm intensifiesyou can see from hundred miles away, this is low iq !ncel shit.
>you put your penis in a pussy or not so "This means there's 2 paths." it's all about pussy, if not pussi involved everything is meaningless fucking cancer crab
>>219656you are a retard. he's right.
>>219448You have to learn how to let the past go. Focus on the you that matters, the one that exists right now. The version of you that is sitting here reading this.
Take a break from reading this. Look around the room. Focus on your enviornment and get out of your head. Once you are back in your enviornment think about what you want to do right now. Not things that you wish you had done, the thing you want right fucking now. Then do it or start taking the steps you need to know how to take to get it done. Dont think about any bullshit what ifs or how you got where you are, the only thing that matters is what you want to do.
>>219663pray tell, wiz
have you ever eaten a really weird mushroom? because you sound like you have (in a good way)
>>219664Nope. Just meditation and living the wizlife
>>219663This, but with a caveat. You first need to resolve the reasons that create an ongoing severe depression or you wont be repainting your chipped room, you wont even be getting out of bed.
When you figure out how to make it mid level or low level depressin, you finally get some energy to get shit done.
My process lasted 4 years from deciding to get shit done to actually taking the first step.
It's not something you can just do in a snap if you're covered in a shroud of severe brain fog resulting from decades of loneliness and severe depression.
(My main cue was getting surgery to fix a severe deformity, which caused a snowball effect making my life gradually better and better)
I have missed out on nothing. Every experience I had shaped me to be exactly who I am now, and I'm eternally grateful for it. I regret nothing. What if I teleported myself into my 15 year old body? I would do things differently, sure, but then the new 33 year old me would not be the one he is today.