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When the average normie is afraid and shy, and they don't have the balls to talk to a succubus, or even for more important things like getting a job, or opportunities in life other than a simple vagina, they don't do it, Nor will they either, since they are locked in their screens, which covers them from their ridiculous fear. I am not a normie, I lack a complement of normality, too much time locked up posting on image boards rotted my head, my social skills are broken, but you know one thing I don't care, the world eats introverts, shy people, socially stupid people, and I'm tired of being one of them.

Even with everything against me, I will show that I can do it, I don't care if I'm afraid, if I'm not ready, and with multiple insecurities involved, I will prevail in the face of adversity, and I will show myself that I can.


Prove it.


>I will show that I can do it

uhh do what, champ? don't tell me you're planning on fucking and sucking…


Bro, normies are getting jobs and fuckin' n' suckin' all day long. That is kinda what it is to be a normie.

Has normie been perverted into a general word meaning "people I don't like" like crab was?


tired of failed normie ramblings.


I just need to prove it to myself.

Sex is overrated


Normie is a normal person. And normal people have shitty jobs, they fill their void with parties, alcohol, watching series and pornography. They are afraid to talk to succubi and put them at the top


>Has normie been perverted into a general word meaning "people I don't like"
It's been like that for years at this point, saw the absolute normalfags at work calling people normies


On the other hand, there is nothing else to talk about. Especially outside of /games and /hob


i think we're witnessing the obsolescence of introversion. Especially among men. It's one of the worst personality traits for the modern era. Idk if there is any solution aside from nuking the internet.


Normie is a mainstream word used in all sort of different places. Its meaning depends entirely on context of the community using it.

A crab has always been a sex-desiring misogynist without a succubus at that moment (celibacy is not well defined, it is not clear how long you need to not have sex for to be celibate). Its definition never changed.


no it's not, it's superior to extraversion


Muh misogyny.
Grow some balls.


Wrong, there are actual ideological crabs, and then the smear/slur crab used against men for basically any reason. It's often conflated with "loser" or "virgin" regardless of actual ideology. It's also used to discredit any contentious, less than glamorous opinion one might have about succubi (similar opinions about men are fine though) as milquetoast as it might be. Basically: "You don't know your place, shut up crab (nigger)." That's three different meanings depending on context. I've even seen gamers call each other crab for disagreeing over game mechanics.

Also they aren't misogynists. If they were, they would not literally kill themselves over not being with a succubus. If they wanted to "use them for their body" as you might suggest, they would simply use prostitutes - but they don't, because they want intimacy, not sex. They are, actually, succubus worshipers turned bitter and resentful. The concept of misogyny is as vague and nebulous as the word crab itself.

You also can't just say these words only have one true, *real* definition, and that's the only one that counts, because that would just be playing dumb. If you call someone a pig, you aren't literally calling them a pig. Most words have multiple meanings and use cases.


>Also they aren't misogynists. If they were, they would not literally kill themselves over not being with a succubus. If they wanted to "use them for their body" as you might suggest, they would simply use prostitutes - but they don't, because they want intimacy, not sex. They are, actually, succubus worshipers turned bitter and resentful. The concept of misogyny is as vague and nebulous as the word crab itself.
That's correct.

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