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I want to start saying I'm a college drop out and have been a neet for 7years long periods of isolation and now it's become noticeable that I have trouble doing basic arithmetic, short term memory issues, can't retain motor skills as well as i did when I was young
Other than dreams I can't visualize images in my head at all or think out logical problems.
I have a lot of difficulty with math even basic transactions counting smaller bills, I would be the type to get potentially ripped off if someone tried shorting me.
I have really shit slow inaccurate reflexes I found it impossible to do those rehabilitation exercises where you spin one finger clockwise the other counter clockwise I find tying knots or wrapping cables hard, can't remember shit in general and need timers and calendar marks for everything. When I did try to cope and channel my energy into normie shit like fps games and let me tell you I had been basically no lifeing the fucking things for about three years 24/7 through middle and high school I barely improved or could make it above anything but a near negative kd.
I'm low IQ in general (84) the zone where you aren't drooling from the mouth but know you are less competent than everyone else and can't name a single thing I've ever had come easy or been talented at.

Any other wizards expeireincing problems from neet life?


Train your body and mind, simples as, stop rotting away, but I'm not saying to get a job


>I'm low IQ in general (84)
How did you know it? Online tests or something?


you should NOT stay inside for so long it will distort your reality and have a negative effect in your well being


I started waging after a long multiyear stent of neetdom through the majority of my adult life, I'm miserable and I'm at my breaking point, I get insane violent thoughts I never had before and I'm full of resentment for the job because it's not optional for me, or I have to weigh it against options like homelessness or killing myself


I'm practically in the same situation as you. I have difficulty writing (I make a lot of spelling mistakes tho)


>Other than dreams I can't visualize images in my head at all or think out logical problems.
Damn, you bad.
>I have a lot of difficulty with math even basic transactions counting smaller bills
Same, so what? Whatever.
>I'm low IQ in general (84)


Emotional authority? It'd be a real fuck that you suddenly develop some illness with chronic outlooks only to end up as a hobo just to say "I wish I hit the road before this, at least I could do X and Y"…

Going against your energy sickens you.


I wrote about this in another thread an hour ago, Ages of NEETdom have fried my brain and deteriorated its muscles, I have 0 short term memory, and my brain's processing speed is too slow


>I'm low IQ in general (84)
You actually got tested? That's… really bad


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I'm in a very similar situation. I dropped out of my country's equivalent of high school and ever since I've been NEET. I do nothing, but browse imageboards and watch anime all day, even at those things that are ought to interest me, I'm clearly below average. It saddens me, because my interest in for example computers is genuine and I really want to learn about it, but I'm not making any progress with programming or anything like that, even though I've been doing it since I was a kid. With math I'm stuck with basic trigonometry and algebra, despite trying really hard to understand them. My IQ is around 80 as well (I got tested by a psychiatrist).
>where you aren't drooling from the mouth but know you are less competent than everyone else and can't name a single thing I've ever had come easy or been talented at.
Hah, same…I'm not a drooling retard, but not that much better either, as I suck at everything I do, despite really wanting to get better.
As imageboards are in their nature a place for social outcasts, I wouldn't be surprised that both ends of the bell curve are represented here as well. While certainly a lot of wizards are high IQ and I don't intend on insulting anyone, I think there is going to be a lot of people at the other end of it as well, just because that's how things are if you're an wizard or outcast or loser or god knows what. Normal people tend to have normal IQ, people diverging too much from the norm, tend to be not normal in other things as well or rather the other way around.


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>I'm in a very similar situation. I dropped out of my country's equivalent of high school and ever since I've been NEET. I do nothing, but browse imageboards and watch anime all day, even at those things that are ought to interest me, I'm clearly below average. It saddens me, because my interest in for example computers is genuine and I really want to learn about it, but I'm not making any progress with programming or anything like that, even though I've been doing it since I was a kid. With math I'm stuck with basic trigonometry and algebra, despite trying really hard to understand them. My IQ is around 80 as well (I got tested by a psychiatrist).

I relate a whole a lot, I tried to learn math 3 years ago, and I could not even get past the basics of algebra despite spending 4-5 hours each day studying, my memory is horrendous and it takes me forever to process the informations compared to the average person, I was basically putting 10x the time and effort of the average person for the same resulsts


You don't sound to have that low IQ, I guess you did a brief IQ test, not a compressive one like WAIS, probably would have low score in some parts of the test, high in others, giving a very conflicted IQ composition scores.


>My IQ is around 80 as well (I got tested by a psychiatrist
damn that's harsh. I didn't do a test but I'm sure to be 80 like you thos is depressing


Experienced similar during the pandemic.
Scrolling and lack of mental stimulation (eg. Via hobbies) might be your issue but maybe you are already avoiding scrolling and doing this.

Even if it's not the cause… reducing scrolling and adding hobbies is bound to help.

You did mention you used to perform better in your youth , impling some sort of degredation.

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