I spent a total of 7 years at university and that time amounted to nothing. It was a waste of time and a huge burden to my parents. I still live like a parasite, though I do have a job and eventually I learned all the chores. Of course my position is not exactly the same, but I get what it's like. My coworkers make cruel fun of outcasts and I don't even know whether they're alluding to me, or if I'm so good at concealing my loser aura. Either way, it really shows society's attitude towards people who are doing poorly. The worst thing is that I believe I'm capable of getting back on the right track, but I just don't have the motivation to do anything. It's like my body is a vehicle - everything seems fine, the fuel is there, but I just can't get the engine started. I can't get myself looking forward to anything, and the only thing I want is to withdraw, to escape from work and just hole myself up in my room - to get away from everything and just rest. But no matter how much I rest, I'm constantly tired and in my free time I only do things to make time pass faster. It seems like functional people have something to strive for, a goal they work TOWARDS achieving, whereas I only do things to get AWAY from life, if you know what I mean. Even my job is just a way to silence the nagging. I don't even spend most of the money I earn because I don't want anything anymore. Anyway, if you got to this point, thank you for reading my rant.
>>220030>My coworkers make cruel fun of outcastswhat do they say?
>>220031One time, one guy was telling a story about when he was working at a construction site and there was this worker whom he described as mentally slow. Guy was obviously new and had no idea how to do anything, and didn't know anyone, while everyone else have already formed groups and cliques. So they put him up to a humiliating and pointless job, think moving things from one place to another. They made him their mascot of sorts, an errand boy. He "let" them treat him like this, so they picked on him even more until he quit. But before he quit, he had to endure their treatment because this was a remote construction site and returning on his own would be very costly. The guys who listened to this story, concluded it by calling the poor guy a retard, and the moral of the story was "some people are just really fucking stupid". No consideration given whatsoever.
The real moral of story is that if you show weakness, that weakness will be abused. Also every normie is always part of some group, and if you're not with the group - you're against it.
>>220035damn it I hate normalfags. beware, wizzie, they may talk behind your back too
>>220036I'm sure they do, but I guess I just don't care because it doesn't affect me. Maybe this is a way to cope? Probably not a healthy way, at least not towards people you care about.
>>220029>Are there any people here in my position?Yes, minus the young-normie self-blame and despondency.
Get NEETbux and then you're good.
Start small and build yourself up.
Don't know how to do chores, well they are easy enough to learn. Start there.
Cleaning is pretty easy to learn, especially if you ask your mom advice.
Cooking a bit trickier but is more fun to learn and with a little practice you can make all sorts of tasty stuff to make it worth the effort.