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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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File: 1733350024389.jpg (700.76 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_2024-12-04-07-4….jpg) ImgOps iqdb


Why do the feds waste their time profiling me over a stupid email I sent to Putin's office? I'm just a random Australian citizen with broken teeth stuck at home who got lost in the system.. in an average ass taxpayer. Three times I've been in a psych ward and there's always a guy or a succubus that quotes something from my search history to me… Do they think this is a good strategy to find nuclear launch codes? Why the fuck would I have nuclear launch codes?? Ridiculous. Wasting your time but enjoy the entertainment I suppose. Billions of dollars and wizard grade technology and they waste their time on me as if I was god or something.. lmao. Jesus didn't even exist the calendar is fake and gay. Morons. Positivity only gang gang. Have my exif I don't give a fuck I'm angry because you're wasting tax dollars on me instead of giving me my goddamn jaw surgery and dental implants. Think I'd waste my time playing around with acoustics and 432 resonance otherwise? Jeez.. and yesz they will see this. Feel free to comment some shit for them to see.

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