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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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>be wizard
>wake up on a random day in your comfy pjs after a long sleep
>no faggot normies blasting your phone with text messages or missed calls because you have no friends
>comfily make some breakfast, some coffee, sit on PC and watch some comfy content like stock market videos
>play some comfy vidya for an hour or so
>go to the gym get a nice workout in
>go home and cook some comfy meals
>clean your room make it all comfy
>play some retro games on my Famicom and chill for the next 5 hours or so
>night time read some comfy books or manga or something until bedtime
>no spending gay time with gay normies
>no going out spendng money needlessly
>no normie politics
>no gf drama
I thought we were wizards because we liked this kind of life. Why do you fakewizards want to be normalfags so bad?




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i would absolutely love this kind of life, but living the wageslave life drains all the energy out of me and leaves little free time
>wake up tired
>speedrun getting ready to leave
>gotta bear the stares of faggot normies on the bus
>gotta avoid staring back because "staring is rude" only works one way
>navigate the minefield of social norms at work
>the bus on the trip back home is somehow even more crowded than it was in the morning
>pray not to meet anyone i know
>cook up some bland meat and vegetals because i just want it fast and healthy
>finally rest my shamefully weak flesh husk on the farted up throne of my pastime neet cave full of trash because i cant be bothered to clean it up
>too tired to perform well in multiplayer vidya
>too numb to immerse in singleplayer vidya
>regardless, push bedtime procrastination to the limit because i love waking up tired oh so much

and so it goes


Not everything in life is about just existing and consume japanese slop OP


life is Beautiful, everyday I wake up with a smile on my face knowing it's gonna be another comfy and joyful day, am I supposed to seek a G.F and an offspring to be happy?
I can be happy without normalfag-ish improovment bullshit, being a Wizard is the best choice I took in my entire life.


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Also, fuck pessimism, that worldview is for losers who like to wallow in their misery, I am so glad to be born alive and be able to enjoy retro vidya, music, cooming, food, and anime, even something as basic as going on a walk and enjoying the sun rays and the benefits of vitamin D, It's wild to think about, right? Out of millions of sperms inside of my dad's balls, I ended up being born to experience the one in a lifetime experience called existense, and having this conversation. It's like winning the ultimate lottery. Each of us is a unique combination of countless possibilities, and that makes every moment we experience pretty special. mife's a crazy, beautiful ride, and I am lucky to be on it, even if I am a NEET-friendless-virgin.


I have to agree, but it's not unconditional either. People say it's not about money, but I am in the third world and after I managed to get a certain amount of money my whole outlook of life changed. I don't live luxuriously, just enough money to carry a decent life. But still I became an optimist, I started enjoying being alive. It's bizarre how drastic the change was. I'm becoming religious even. I started coming less here because obviously I was not tuned to the rest of the userbase anymore. But was it always like this? My memory of 2012's wizardchan had people having much more fun and enjoying themselves. That's even why /v9k/ was created, and still some users wanted them out.


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good post

gratitude is king


>being a Wizard is the best choice I took in my entire life
You were pushed to be one and pretend otherwise.


Agreed, OP. I wish there were a site for true wizards like us. Reading posts like this helps me appreciate what I have. Gratitude and perspective needs to be cultivated - propaganda by normies does the opposite, by design


To live is to suffer, only normalfags enjoy life


you literally only think that way because you relate being happy to having a social life and god forbidden having s-x


No, what I actually meant is that normalfags are insensible to suffering so they enjoy life like nothing bad is going to happen to them. If you're self-aware you realize that life is nothing more than a curse, a painful wait to die, an infestation that plagued the whole planet.


no, he meant that only normalcucks take what they're given and live 'happily' with it.

Others question what they were given and suffer accordingly. It doesn't necessarily have to be with sex, but with the status quo.


I haven't fapped for two weeks, unintentionally, I feel no different, if anything I feel worse. You're dumb.


being a wizard says nothing about your lifestyle, a wizard is just a male virgin past 30.
what you are describing is the NEETLife. not even hikki shutin mode.


How dare you speak positively about being a wizneet, OP? You're supposed to be miserable like the crabs on /dep/ say you should.


Maybe working makes the difference between a happy wiz and a miserable wiz? Not everyone has the privilege of neeting. In most jobs you have to deal with normalfags, and their gloating and passive-agressive "just improooove brah" wears out on you. And even if you hardly interact with anyone while working, simply losing 8+ hours of your life, 5 days a week, on stuff you don't care about, that alone can bring you down and make you want to vent, even if you have the comfiest of jobs.



this is just normie mentality. you are not allowed to express yourself anywhere without this >>221033 type of insufferable faggot coming out of the woodwork to give you the shallow positivity talk with the accusing tone, insinuating I am wrong to think negatively about my living situation as if this piece of shit knows any better than me. not only that but I am a loser for thinking this way too. it's just normie patronizing, you are not allowed to feel negative emotions or convey them because it makes other social natured ones like this get the ick.

I don't know whether it has dawned on you retards but people who visit this board are people who live lives of financial and psychological dread because they exist in a state of constant discord with people surrounding them. that is by definition, this board is for virgin men who don't socialize. I don' t really care or want to know how in your retard logic you somehow manage to see this as a positive and amazing experience, but even if that was the case no one living under these circumstances visiting this board has to share your attitude.


never goon


well said
i especially detest the "le superior wizard supreme" who gloats and shits on losers on wizchan


crabs just bitch about not being able to get beyond their looksmatch


>i thought we were wizards because we enjoyed this lifestyle
There is no set lifestyle for a wizard.

The only thing that unites us is that we don't have sex.
For some this is a choice. For some it isn't.
Some are happy with their life, others think of killing themselves daily.
Some NEET and love NEETing
Some hate being poor or being at the mercy of others
Some have great relationships with their family and will live with them for as long as possible.
For others nothing is more precious to them then the solitude of living alone.

Some care deeply about the world around them for one reason or another
Others seek total disconnection and escapism from the real world.

There is no one single wizard lifestyle.
Each wizard is unique, special, magical even. This place is a gathering of individuals with only one thing directly relevant in common.
How a wizard lives their life beyond that is their business.


I don't like being a broken NEET, the freedom is definitely cool, but the lack of money is problematic.


do you recieve neetbux?


No, unfortunately, even if I could get the bux it's minimum wage.


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Wise words.

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