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Being skinnyfat is /wiz/ manifest on your body. It's through no fault of your own that it happens: you didn't overeat, nor were you particularly lazy. Rather, being socially and mentally deficient forced you inside, where you moved less and less vigorously than the average normalfaggot child would.

The normalfaggot child, through no skill, hard work, or determination of their own, built a genetically normal amount of muscle over a long period of time just by being outside and moving with their other normalfaggot friends. They ate more than you, they enjoyed the fruits of life more than you, and they worked so much less harder than you— and they were rewarded for it with physical desirability.

The normalfaggot, then grown up, grows arrogant, and thinks themselves special, even though they put no effort into the good things that life and their sociability gave them. With this attitude set, they spit venom at the lazy, ugly, disgusting skinnyfat people.

Fuck this condition.


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I'm skinnyfat


There is also scientific evidence that stress and social rejection causes fat to be distributed in the stomach. Similarly biology is observed with other primates that have social hierarchies


I think skinnyfat really is the result of overeating. I mean if you eat less carbs you'll just be skinny, which is better than skinnyfat imo.


Same I too am skinnyfat, short, and brown. God fucked me right in the asshole. It doesn't end there I also have problems with my dick, and ofc I am low IQ and poor. I could write an entire thesis about my condition but you get the idea what things are like. Even going to gym for 7 months didn't help.
Probably this.


why are we so unlucky?


Your body craves pleasure and has a reliable way of getting it through food. You would need an alternative pleasure in place of food, ideally one that is a result of losing fat. Normies get compliments from other people, and that is their positive feedback, that is what they look forward to when they refuse to give in to the cravings. Check this out:
>For a behavior modification regimen to succeed, the reward must have some value to the participant. Without a reward that is meaningful, providing delayed or immediate gratification serves little purpose, as the reward is not a strong reinforcer of the desired behavior.
Unfortunately I don't know of any healthy way to lose fat by yourself. I used to be obese and I lost a lot of fat to the point where I'm skinny now, but I did that by denying myself food as a self-hate thing, I basically traded obesity for an eating disorder.


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The thing said must be a compliment to the person receiving it or be perceived as such. The person being complimented must be able to remember the thing said because it feels good. It works a bit like trauma. Trauma comes by itself and it hurts us. We try to chase away the bad thought but it comes back. Sometimes we remember the trauma ourselves to comfort ourselves in our unhappiness. A compliment is the opposite, we easily let it enter our head because it feels good and we remember the scene because it feels good. In the end, there is always a thought to disturb our tranquility for a reason which is the following: our body and brain ask us to change (then we are free to choose)
but since I'm a lazy nigger, I'll never change
>Unfortunately I don't know of any healthy way to lose fat by yourself.
doing some sport? I'm lazy


Being skinnyfat is hellish because you don't have a frame of reference as to what your "real" figure looks like. All you know is the uncanny valley, "fake" version of yourself that comes from being qualitatively healthy yet categorically obese. You are aware that you look good in clothes and possibly have an attractive face, but that's a temporary illusion and literally just lifting up your shirt instantly breaks it. What's more, this schizophrenic dysmporphia is exacerbated by normalfaggots who assume skinnyfats don't exist and will continually chide or outright force you to eat more than you need.

If you want to escape this mode you either have to push yourself to the absolute limit and reach the literal fucking zenith of your inner potential, simultaneously achieving samsara and going SSJ4;
or cross your fingers and hope you can sustain a long fast until you're nothing but skin and bones. At which point, have fun starting over from rock bottom with somehow even less muscle than you did before.

If nature vs. nurture is to believed then skinnyfat bodies are the end result of societal neglect and chronic apathy. 仕方がない


I am strongfat.
Anime and video games as well as acting out my daydreams lead to me being very active and taking on unusual and unnecessary training regimes.
I also lift and did martial arts.
But I have a sweet tooth and low impulse control when it comes to food.

I can ignore the wiles of hoes with ease but a cupcake on sell or being given away is a temptation I can't normally resist.


Just go the gym, bro


I used to be just straight-up fat. I lost a lot of weight this year and I'm currently skinnyfat. I don't really look any better, it just made me find out that my bone shape is odd. Weight loss is a meme.


>my bone shape is odd
It almost certainly isn't unless you got super scoliosis or something that actually fucks with your bone structure, which you would very much have zero question about because it has many other effects on your day to day life besides looking odd.

You probably payed no attention to body composition and didn't work out, instead losing weight by crash dieting like a succubus. That is why despite your weight going down your still probably looks bad. You still have a lot of fat with no muscle to fill out your frame.
Recomposition through exercise (resistance training) is what is needed to bring out your best.


>Recomposition through exercise (resistance training) is what is needed to bring out your best.
Too bad I'm too lazy and doing various things sitting in front of a screen is more interesting than endlessly repeating the same physical activity. Exercising feels both boring and like a waste of energy and I'm not gonna start playing a sport because that requires spending time with other people.


find a sport you enjoy, be it swimming, cycling, riding waves, mountain climbing, literally anything as long you take pleasure from it so you can be motivated to keep doing regularly


>society made me fat and and unhealthy by not inviting me to parties: the thread


>things no one said the post


First sentences

>It's through no fault of your own that it happens

Deflecting the blame of his own health choices away from himself (and projecting this absurd idea on to others as if we are just as cracked as he is)
>you didn't overeat, nor were you particularly lazy.
He did, and he is.
>being socially and mentally deficient
What constitutes social efficiency is decided by society as a whole. By blaming social inadequacy he is blaming society's social standards, and therefore blaming society as a whole.
>forced you inside
Nobody is forced inside. The prospect of being outside while perceiving himself to be socially deficient made the act of being inside more appealing than going out, so he chose to remain indoors.
>where you moved less and less vigorously than the average normalfaggot child would
As any lazy person would.

Sour grapes /r9k/ crab thread made as a joke to troll wizards and make Wizchan look like a site for pathetic caricatures of Gamergate era frogs.


None of those things sound remotely appealing.


I have two dumbells lying nearby, from now on I will lift them daily.


so will I, then
(im not OP)


Then find one you do find appealing or can just put on headphones and grind out while listening to something in the backround.


I have seen everyone suffer before their deaths like animals. No one get to escape that torture of decline before your death. No amount of health will save them. You can spend 70 years in healthy and you can still suffer a horrible decline. At least people with sick bodies are aware of their decline. But for healthy people it is slap on the face.

Don't it or don't it, doesn't matters.


*don't do it or do it



Don't know what kind of point you are trying to make, yes, eventually age will catch up to all. Healthy living is more about being able to enjoy life for longer without serious health complications.

I have 2 childhood friends in their early 30s who wrecked their teeth by drinking soda all their life. They often complain about tooth aches, which they easily could have avoided had they not been retarded. I was never into sodas much, I'm their age and my teeth are fine and probably will be for decades to come.

Should I start following your short term thinking of "Don't it or don't it, doesn't matters." and end up with health complications much earlier than they normally would occur, because fuck it, we all die eventually.


>only wizards are skinnyfat
most people (especially americans) are out of shape. theres no reason why you can't create a diet and exerscise routine unless you have no time or money. just because you are a wizard doesn't mean you can't walk a few miles a day and plan a diet.


Anyone is going to put on weight if they intake more calories than needed… Rarely is there ever some strange, foreign condition that makes a person fat than simple over-eating. Yeah, there –are– conditions that can cause over-eating. There's even meds that cause that as a side effect. But its still you that does it.

Why is OP trying to deflect all blame to "Normies" for himself being fat? What even am I reading?


I brush my teeth every damn time afte eating something, because dental problems are not only extremely painful, they are very expensive to fix.

I can't afford a dentist or a 12000 dollar operation on my root canals. I can afford a tub of toothpaste.


I was in very good shape (6 pack tier body fat and muscle gained with the aid of 4 times weekly training and some PED's that increase muscle mass).

Problem is, as a wizard it feels pointless to uphold and maintain. So I slowly slipped, started going to the gym once a week, then once a month, then I just started eating whatever.

And I'm no longer in shape. I was for 2-3 years, but it felt immensely pointless doing it "just for yourself" as a wizard who spends 99,9% of his time alone.


I dont have that problem because i simply find it enjoyable to work out and my body physically feels better when i do it. It helps me to avoid pain. I am still trying to improve my posture because it got really bad after 30 yaers in front of computer. I find it hard to relate to your perspective. I dont care how i look, e.g. i just buzz my hair and wear the same clothes everyday


>There's even meds that cause that as a side effect. But its still you that does it.
Dont you see the paradox there? External factors dictate our behaviour therefore we are not to blame for what we do.


Yeah, I acknowledge that not everyone is built the same. Some people are going to be in situations too where they only have access to unhealthy food. Still, its up to you how much you eat and exercise. It's a stretch to conclude that trying doesn't matter because things aren't fair…


Sure, but at the end of the day we're no different from animals. Dangle a meat skewer in front of a dog methodically trained to ignore it, and it'll still break character and ignore all his training if he's too hungry.

There are tons of people with fucked up dopamine pathways that lead lives so miserable only a portion of fat, carbs, salt, sugar can satiate.

Expecting those people to just ignore fast food that costs 2 dollars dangling in front of their face every time they pass the neighborhood store or bodega is literally asking for the impossible. After a few thousand days it's bound to happen to all of them.

I have self control not to do that, but then again I'm not those people. If my dopamine receptors were completely fried and the only joy I got out of life was from food and alcohol, I would be eating hamburgers and pizza daily just to feel *something*.


Actually it is through fault of your own. I have lived as a sedentary neet for many years and the only times I ever got skinnyfat was when I ate like shit. If you eat a bunch of sugar basically is when it happens. You're just a naturally skinny person who is eating the same trash that obese people do.


Might as well post this here:

Currently on day 20+ of lifting and getting fit. I want to do intensive workouts for a year and see what happens. So far I'm really enjoying the training. I have dumb bells in my room and lounge room that I do basic exercises with 4 times a week, and recently started bar bell stuff too. For cardio I have an exercise bike and a treadmill. I'm starting at a low level of fitness so I'm not trying to do a bunch of shit starting out. Just honestly enjoying the befits to this so far like:

- Reduces pain to nothing
- Makes me feel more awake (pwn noobs in my games ;))
- No stress
- Body feels amazing

Have some muscle tears from grow muscle too fast tho. lmao. I have many other ambitions but the state of the world mostly mostly makes me think 'fuck it.' But getting fit like this actually seems worthwhile. Next time I shop I'm going to drop my old diet (mostly just snacking from being lazy as fuck) to something where I can meal prep. The funny thing is I'm usually starving because I never want to cook and buy the right food. Yet when I do eat its usually high calorie shit. So not that optimal.

Anyway, I am getting started and I've seen progress already so would recommend / 10


>Have some muscle tears from grow muscle too fast tho. lmao.
lmao xD

be afraid of getting injured, thats what always happens to me when i have that level of enthusiasm


I have to train to kill normies. Going to try quit caffeine now. I did multiple months in the past and it was a profound improvement to my life but my motivation never came back. Maybe it will work if I actually do "everything you're meant to do" tm alongside it. I have to train my body to kill normies.


the day our suicide thread is filled with this attitude, we might as well celebrate


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high cortisol is basically the antithesis to being healthy in a lot of aspects lol, sometimes i wonder if some of the worlds best natural powerlifters have some kind of way to manage their stress really well. Also read somewhere once that its hard to get out of being skinnyfat due to low test all the fat causes.


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wizzie, update: I have made it over a month. Almost 2+ months now since I started lifting. Wiz bicepts have put on significant muscle. I admit I'm only now starting a full body work out though and I'm starting to train like all day.

Last year was shit for me and at the end of it I made a plan for what to do this year. Part of that was to start lifting. But I was scared I'd never be able to stick to it. I'm now taking a photo of wiz body every month to have a log of changes. I will go for a whole year and see what happens.

Here's a cool photo I thought was interesting. It details how much space 2 kg of fat takes up vs 2 kg of muscle. The insight from this is that even if you don't "lose weight" if you reduce body fat % it has the same effect.


The goal for wizards isn't "losing weight" but as you said, losing body fat %.


I lost over 35 kg last year with intermittent fasting and a ketogenic diet (=high protein, high fat, little-to-zero carbs, absolutely no sugar or processed crap.)

I started with the standard 8-16 schedule (you eat within an 8-hour window, then fast for 16 hours, which can be easily done by just skipping breakfast). Once I got used to it, I switched to a 24-hour schedule (one meal per day). The fat melted off my body like wax off a candle—about 200-300 grams per day. I was so excited about it that I even fasted for a month in December to lose the last bit of stubborn fat. This really dried me up, and people started to comment on how skinny I looked. For the first time in my life I could see my cheekbones, at that point I decided to stop and switch back to a 24h schedule because I was starting to look like Skinny Pete from Breaking Bad, lmao.

I don't necessarily recommend my somewhat extreme approach, but it certainly worked for me. I have the kind of personality that finds it easier to eat a lot once and then fast for a while, rather than eating a little several times. Now, I just have to gain some muscle by lifting weights, but the obesity issue is pretty much solved for me.

If any wizzie is interested, I highly recommend Dr. Fung's lectures and videos. They explain the why and the how behind the whole process.


I lost 30kg on keto in my mid 20s.

Now that I'm in my 30s and my dopamine levels crashed to zero, I can't do keto.
Carbs and chocolate are some of the only things I get brief joy from within any given 24 hour period.


I read your posts on wizchan at a few places and wanted to say I found your experiences interesting. Did you find after you lost that much weight it left saggy skin every where?

I remembered recently your posts and was considering if I'd have to do this too. Because I'm trying to reduce my body fat %. I am doing an insane amount of exercise, literally as much as I can stand. Going to see if there's any changes after the next month and decide whether or not to start it.

I'd just be worried about losing too much weight too quickly.


>Did you find after you lost that much weight it left saggy skin every where?
Luckily no, I was very overweight but not morbidly obese like, say, Francis (boogie2988), so my skin retained its elasticity. But I do have some faint stretch marks on my sides.

>I am doing an insane amount of exercise, literally as much as I can stand. Going to see if there's any changes after the next month and decide whether or not to start it.

80% of the job is done in the kitchen. Exercise doesn't burn as many calories as you'd think, unless it's some very intense, sustained whole-body exercise like running a marathon or rock climbing or Nordic walking or whatever. A one-hour strenuous weightlifting session will burn maybe 300 kcal, which is good (bigger muscles = more calories burned at rest) but ultimately ineffective for weight loss if you don't adjust your diet accordingly.

>I'd just be worried about losing too much weight too quickly.

You're going to lose a lot of weight at the beginning, that's normal. Most of it will be water weight as your body depletes glycogen stores. Eventually the weight loss will slow down and you'll start losing visceral fat (the stuff wrapped around your organs), which is more metabolically active. The last few kilos of subcutaneous fat will be the most stubborn, and that's where a stricter fasting regime might help you the most.

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