>for good or bad what caused this?
A significant amount of men throughout history have went their entire life without sex, especially if they died before seniority. It's normal. We're normal. Hollywood and similar influential institutions are owned by those who come from cultures where sex is everything. They inject their culture in to everything they can, which is why so much media is about sex and trying to get it. That film in particular is meant to appeal specifically to the demographic that obsesses over sex - a minority. To gauge normalacy by its existence is no different than seeing a slasher film and concluding that everybody on Earth ants to chop people up all the time.
>>220594You don't have sex because the feminist conspiracy made succubi not want to have sex with you? You are an involuntary celibate??? A CRAB?!?
My god do I hate that subreddit. It's full of sluts but unlike rest of the reddit which is politically correct its politically incorrect but somehow still manages to have same opinion as rest of reddit.
Somebody made a post on 'dep' about westernization of their country. But people in the West didn't like it. The fact of the matter is much of sexual liberty and outward thottery started from the west in the name of freedom. Prior to that there was another post by an Indian who posted a video of Goa and thots partying there were you literally couldn't differentiate whether it was India or the West.
I don't understand like why Western people here get so offended at slightest criticism of the West. (Although for more westerners being thotty is not criticism but a sign of freedom). Especially when they wish death and worse upon third world people.
Now people in my country India speak English, and Anglosphere has destroyed their minds, just like Japan in India marriages have started to happen between virgin guys and ran through succubi. Most of our succubi (Hindu succubi) dress mostly in Western Attire. Lose their virginity early on, have sex with multiple guys.
And by the way they pretend to not understand what modesty and degeneracy is. But they know full well and the intentionally do it. They defame Indian Men cause they love White Skin. The same way that East Asian succubi defame East Asian Men.
And let's be real most of us here know damn well that the reason East Asian succubi don't date East Asian Men has nothing to do with culture or misogyny but it has to do with the race.
Whites can kill and rape entire continents yet they will be judged individually but Indians are judged collectively. And no I don't hate Whites although they hate me. On the contrary there are a lot of positives of whites.
Coming back to your topic. No the number of crabs is literally very less. We've been suffering always and forever. Not just in dating but looks impact one's entire lives (i want to write more about how looks impact ones entire life but people here already know this I think)
>>220601Nah, in regards to your last point, succubi have higher standards nowadays thanks to social media and the fact they are a part of the labor force, they are not only less desperate but have more options, of course we are talking about insels here not volcels
>is male celibacy a sort of phenomena that become more common with the time?
Not to the extent that the media intends you to believe; they want you to look at recent phenomena such as the invention of tiktok dance video compilations and gatcha waifu phone videogames as principal causes instead of at the behavior of succubi. This is useful in using male celibates as a means to avoid the examination of undeniable socioeconomic trends that affect the normalfag population, in particular at birthrate decline.
It would probably be more useful to think of that decline as related to social and sexual changes over the past half century than to technological changes since 2002, such as the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s causing widespread adoption of prophylactic contraception which is sustained even during serious longterm relationships. Also the obvious matter of abortion (which has shifted between accounting for 1 out of every 5 pregnancies at highest year of use to at minimum one out of every 9 pregnancies in the United States every single year since Roe v Wade, and has undeniably altered the landscape of the US).
Abortion is almost entirely used as a form of birth control, you know it, I know it, every succubus on this planet knows it, an increasing number of younger feminists outright announce it and yet for some insane reason older feminists deny this obvious reality. I don't even mind that they kill Chad's kids. It's not like their hookup bastards were going to not be bullies. I just think that it's rude that they blame me for the fact that after they killed Chad's kids society wound up with fewer offspring to maintain the economy's reliance on debt serfdom and tax farming.
>>220605what does "killing chads kids" have to do with the increase rates of sexless men?
>>220606It doesn't, and that was the entire point. These opinionators want to paint a picture where sexless men are responsible for the consequences of the behaviors of sexually active adults wherever those behaviors cause any form of undesirable results.
>>220602This. They have their own money so providing financially has less and less value.
More and more emphasis is based on succubi desiring height, attractive facial traits etc. to pass onto their kids.
And these things are genetic, you either get lucky or you don't. Western young succubi of childbearing age have very little incentive to date or sleep around with geeks, average chumps, short men etc. because they can simply ring up a male model from Tinder and be done with it.
Tldr; The value of a physically average or ugly man in the west has plummeted in the last 20 years.
>>220608It's a classic logical fallacy in crab circles. If you just "kill off" the 6'4 chads with handsome faces, the succubi/succubi who were having casual sex or stray kids with them wont just magically resort to uglies, creeps and boring men.
What they'll do is choose celibacy if they can't find anyone that turns them on.
>>220619What I hate most is that feminism and succubi going their own way also makes it impossible for volcels to exist. When we are in a total matriarchy, and I believe this is where we are headed before a collapse, none of the males would even have a choice.
>>220622>When we are in a total matriarchy, and I believe this is where we are headedWe already are in a matriarchy. We've been a soyciety of pussy-pedestalizers for decades.
>>220599yeah, virgin men have always existed, maybe not that many compared with today.
Also thanks to the internet we are more visible.
I don't see it being more common, so much as the lies that have been told for generations are failing. For the first time ever, humans can speak to other humans without the barrier of distance, and increasingly without a language difficulty. They have found out that humans really don't like each other and the only reason for them to speak to each other is the menace that rules over them and has thrown away their lives like toys.
If you see that and see there never was anything else to humanity, it reinforces what we have always known. There is a large percentage of the male population that has been locked out of reproduction, and for the most part we are glad to be rid of it. The difference now is that there is a very violent ruling ideology enforcing participation in the orgy, since if too many saw how ruinous this was, they would circumvent the controls on mating altogether. They would not surrender their offspring to these entities that rule over us. It would end the project permanently, and so, the rulers punish celibacy more than ever and love to make examples of those they have always kicked down. In the past, we would find hobbies or something to do, and live out what life there is. It was never much, but there was a certain level of respect for the celibate life.
The rulers have certainly tried to crank up the celibacy rate and force as many out of the game as possible, but for all of their effort, the only thing they accomplished was to intensify the overall torture of living among humanity. The other thing they failed at is "positive eugenics" or encouraging the mating of the favored. You'd think as much as they bitch about being outnumbered by "stupids", the "smarts" would reproduce more, and this is entirely on them. They are given EVERYTHING and gloat that they will continue to destroy our life and steal our stuff, but that is not enough and they apparently can't figure out to put penis in vagina. They're fixated on this insane eugenics horseshit and a fantasy version of the future, because it was always nothing more than an excuse to torture us. That's all humans are. Now we know, and there is no turning back from the course we're on. So, the men who are becoming celibate are convinced more than ever that there is no redemption for such a monstrous race, and there is no "other system" or expectation that this should change in the future. Eugenics won, and this is what it creates.
>>220592I cannot validate this but I always thought that sex and casual sex are way less common than these propaganda movies and shows want to make everyone believe. It's obviously pretty bad nowadays with the progressive degeneration of people's morals but I don't think back then it was that bad. Maybe I was just too young to catch on.
>>221057There is so much of it going on it is unfathomable to a virgin.
There being 8.5 billion people alive is just the tip of the iceberg when you realize all sorts of birth control is also going on.
Yeah, it is not happening to us geeks or autists. But for reasonably athletic normies let alone chads, they are having sex with dozens of succubi per year.
romanticism used to be a thing. succubi used to dream about getting flowers now they want to get raped. in such barbaric environment too little men make the cut. so it's normal for dating to now resemble prehistoric times where the most aggressive ape had one sided victory.
>>221074>succubi used to dream about getting flowersi think these kinds of romantic notions were always just a male invention and male fantasy. succubi might have conformed to culturally prescribed values, but beneath they were always whores that fantasized about rape and being promiscious. it's funny but men are the ones that dream about love and getting married and having kids, while for wymen, the fantasy is about some rich sociopath takes up an interest in them and they can be part of his harem and have to compete for his attention lol
>>221075This. Even the royal family tree is polluted with succubi who chose to have sex with a hot butcher instead of their 65 year old king husband.
So it's only a royal family in name. Who knows what other DNA samples they will dig up in time from royal graves proving they're ultimately just commoners in fancy attire. that was in the "golden age of chivalry".
We are no better than the primitive apes living in jungles. Driven by the exact same motivators and bevahiors regardless of gender.
>>221075Back in the 17th century I know English succubi in towns used to swoon over renown highwaymen that robbed carriages, the exact same way they swoon over modern true crime serial killers. They'd exchange gossip about them, they'd collect newspaper articles about their crimes and they'd all be smitten with love as they watched him get hanged when he inevitably got caught.
I do think this sort of hybristrophilia has turned into overdrive in the modern era because well, psycho criminals just keep on getting away with it, and succubi are pretty coddled if they make the wrong choices. Getting with a dumbshit criminal before the modern era meant you'd freeze to death in winter alone with your baby after he got executed.
>>221078Napoleon III is apparently the result of cuckoldry. Lmao at how famous people from the past are being revealed as cucks due to genetic testing. Really takes the whole romanticism away from the royal lineage.
>>221082It really helps, and makes life easier, when one realizes how animalistic and primitive we are as a species.
Humans are base animals who can talk and use tools. Nothing more.
>>221084>Humans are base animals who can talk and use tools. Nothing mean normies
some humans are conscious of being conscious if you know what I mean
the awareness of your thoughts being formed allows you to catch your mind before you act, and step outside of the scheme of auto-pilot
it's like thinking before thinking, an awareness of intentions and the ability to amend your inner monologue as it happens, and even before you put your thoughts into words
I'm sure that is a manifestation of free will
>>221088Most conscious people are non-neurotypical and do not fit well into society (unless born into a very wealthy family like Elon Musk).
>>221113The article looks interesting, I don't have the time to read it in full now, but from what I understand just from skimming through it, people are getting fed up with rampant promotion of sex, which is good. Though it also seems like one of those "controversial" and "offensive" websites catered to crabs and other misanthropes. I doubt it will make any impact outside of who already consumes this kind of content. Preaching to the choir.
>>221114this article is a pretty deep analysis of a female psychology and expains why most men don't have any sex now (and not only crabs).
I recently started reading on the period of Great Depression on FDR presidency (I'm not a burger, so it's all pretty novel to me).
Anyway, one thing I discovered that "male loneliness epidemic" is not novel. It's at least a hundred years old, maybe more, dating way back to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Or maybe it was always there.
Those were called "bachelors" in the old days. Men who never married, had dead-end jobs (even by the older standards, I'm not even talking about a factory job, no, I mean some night shift janitor in an asylum or something), lived in some dank one-room urban apartments. That sorts of people.
They were always there, a silent portion of population, but they were never visible. They just… existed, men who slipped through the cracks of society and never recovered. Maybe they were mentally ill or disabled, maybe they didn't have support from their families, or maybe they just lost their jobs and never recovered from unemployment.
I don't know if there are just more of people like that now. I saw a graph once that showed that the amount of unmarried men always was the same throughout the 20th century, around 20% or so, it grew only marginally.
My theory is that now, with the Internet, wizzies and men like that are more visible since they have more exposure and can connect with each other. Think about it. Nobody knew about Henry Darger during his lifetime, but now a guy like him can gain some exposure on the Internet.
I wonder how the wizards of old fared. Many of them were just some boring sobs but some created interesting outsider culture. Some were ridiculed and became circus freaks due to their illnesses. They lived pretty sad lives, since they didn't have neetbux before, but I wonder what knowledge we lost.
>>221789Must've been boring back in the day, imagine not having games and a computer
I guess they amused themselves with stuff like early electronics, steam power and radiation and other such interests and ideas
Pretty cool, now I can play minecraft and other survival games to experience the joy of being a primitive caveman again
>>221790It wasn't all gloom and doom before. Surely, escapism now reached all time high and there are whole industries catered towards providing addictive escapism (anime, vidya, AI girlfriends, pornography).
People before didn't have grade A escapism, but they still had means to entertain themselves.
Men before were interested in collecting (stamps, newspaper cutouts, rocks, all sorts of stuff), literature (like pulp fiction and adventure novels), radio shows (those were HUGE in the beginning of 20th century), a lot of events existed like amusement parks, circus performances etc.
Religion also was popular. Wizzies of old were highly religious, partly due to autistic obsession with religion and partly because churches were good places to meet people. Now, not in a sense they were accepted in the church and were able to form some meaningful relationships there (unlike what some tradguys would tell you), but because they weren't kicked out. There was still social stratification in the church (my great grandmother told me she was excluded from a lot of church events because she was dirty poor), but "bechelors" attended the Mass almost daily since they didn't have anything better to do.
And last but not least: just day to day survival. A lot of domestic chores took more time and effort before. Now we have vacuum cleaners, washing machines, all sorts of kitchen utensils etc. An average single man who wasn't married and couldn't afford a maid probably spent a lot of time and effort just doing basic chores like washing and ironing his clothes or even grooming himself.
>>221790>experience the joy of being a primitive caveman againBut quicker and having guides and not risking your ass
>>220592This world of humans is just like "universe 25" and we are the dodgy mice
>>221801No I play on hard survival, always max difficulty