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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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In today’s hustle culture, chasing ‘success’ is like a religious duty. People push each other to achieve, often at the cost of their well-being, leading to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Society glorifies “winners” and treats “losers” as pariahs, almost as if not achieving is a moral failing. But is this fair? Is being a “loser” really so bad?


Eh, this is highly location dependent. If you were lucky enough to be born in Sweden or Norway, you can just give up instantly at 18 and be a NEET for decades with a decent apartment, car, food and all kinds of modern high quality electronics and internet.

Now, say you were born into a hellhole like India or Nigeria. No such option. In fact if you don't start wageslaving as a teenager (or in worst cases, as a kid) you'll get physically beaten.
No matter how hard you work, you will be seen as low value and worthless if you were born into the masses of ordinary families (not oligarchs).

A lot depends on luck in life. Many western neets live 100x better than a poor person in Bangladesh toiling away 16 hours a day in a factory 6 days a week.



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