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is there a wizard here who work from home, has is own house/apartment and earn lot of money and NEETing all day long (almost becoming a hikikomori)?
what's your job?
how did you end up like this?
what do you enjoy the most?
more importantly, how do you get food? do you leave your house or get delivered from someone?


Neetbucks from the government, then on top of that around 500€ a month from parents and an extra 3000€ on every christmas.

Literally zero reasons to work. And I'm not from a rich family. Very staunchly middle class.


>500€ a month from parents
as a poor wiz, this is seen as rich parents


I think the only person I can think that is living the wiz dream lives on very generous NEETbux in some Nordic country


Rich parents buy their kids a house or spacious apartment when they turn 18, and they gain access to a trust fund consisting of stocks that earns them 6-8 digits annually without lifting a finger.

Giving your offspring some food money is not even in the same universe.


I think you don't realize that 500bux given in addition of neetbux and 3000 per year is a whealthy situation for me who's poor. do you live alone?


I know for you it's not that rich but for me it is because I'm poor


imagine getting 3000 BRL just to eat tendies while living in mommy's basement, house in the countryside of the united states of brazil… Life is good, life is good


living the life…


It just depends where you live, and if you have a tolerable family. I have no family, no residence rights in any cheaper country, and couldnt even pay rent with that income so it would mean i would be homeless and starving


ok fair


My only dream life is having money out of nowhere without effort… I have no further standards nor dreams beyond that.


>having money out of nowhere without effort
I had this dream when I was young


I live it every day. About €1400 a month in neetbucks and then 500-1000€ a month from my parents.

As a non-neurotypical, this is the endgame. It wont get better.
I have about €80k stashed away in case my parents die.


do you live alone? if yes how did you get a home without working?


Rent is around a thousand a month for what is 1000sqft (90m2).

The renter didn't ask for my employment status when I moved in, I just needed to cover the safety deposit of 2 months rent in advance which I did.


Your last line should be silent.
Take care.


can you tell us which country do you live in? please


why does it matter? its not like 3rd world wizzes can just immigrate into the eu at will in the current political situation which is very tense towards all foreigners.


you must be from scandinavia



I work from home (do fuck all at work), have my own house and been living the hikki life for about 7 years now.

It was a dream at first but I honestly regret wasting my entire 30s like this.


why do you regret?


For all the reasons you would probably call me a normie for. Idc, it is a dumbass philosophy anyway that causes you to waste away the healthiest, most attractive years of your life. Living the hikki life has done nothing but give me lonliness, made me lazier, and an unmotivated POS. I am trying to get back in shape now at 38 and it is WAAY fucking harder now than it was back in my 20s thats for sure. I can't push myself or i will injure myself and then I'll be out of commission for weeks.

If I could tell my younger self anything it would be to get the fuck off the internet. I had a ton of other problems too, but I probably would've fixed the organically if I just spent more time in the real world in my early 20s.


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while normalfags were out there partying I studied the Blockchain and ended up gaining a fortune in the millions (plural) and because some of these assets generate a yield I make several thousands a month doing literally nothing but hit the "claim" button once in a while. sometimes I even get six figure airdrops.
But of course as cursed as I am the Money isnt all that useful as I originally thought/expected.
its true money can buy a lot of things but there are many things it cant buy you.
For example, I'm lazy as fuck and the money made me even lazier. I never managed to become independant and live alone so I still live in the same room in my now elderly parents apartment. I cant even imagine what it would be like to own a house because of all the responsibility and work that it would bring, I already struggle with cleaning my room once a month.
I also never developed any discipline so I eat a lot of unhealthy garbage and I got fat from this.
when I had no money I didnt eat much and was skinny.
the money also brought me more isolation, I havent left the apartment in years now because everything I need I can order on the internet or my mom buys it for me at the store.
besides imageboards and talking to my parents for like 10 minutes a day I have zero social interactions and now I can relate even less to other people.
I have also zero interest in flashing my wealth to anyone (this only brings trouble) and didnt even tell my parents who think I work some online wagie job, I'd like to tell them the truth but I know the money would ruin them and it would also ruin the family.
there is also no place I want to travel to because from my wizard point of view (I'm 35) there isnt anything out there for me and I dont give a shit looking at landmarks that I can google in 3 seconds or watch them on youtube in 4k.
my day looks typically like this:
>wake up late in the afternoon
>browse internet, play videogames, do crypto stuff
I kinda wish I gotten rich when I was younger because maybe then I could have used the money to cultivate some interesting hobbies and skills but nowadays I'm too old, too bitter, too lazy, too fat, too depressed to do shit with it. I could have a billion and nothing would change fundamentally.
So is this what I'm living the "perfect life"? or did I just build my own golden cage/tomb?


>I'm too old

You wont think that when you are 45.

>too bitter, too lazy, too fat, too depressed

You can fix those things. You know this but you wont do it until you are ready. Nothing is going to change until you are willing to admit that everything you thought you knew about the world is wrong.


I think if I had a shitload of cash lying around I'd at least make sure that my parents didn't have to work anymore, I'd probably buy a condo building or something and rent the apartments out to cover the living costs of myself and my parents

The rest I'd blow on dildos and games lmao


I would probably buy land and make a farm become independant from the system.


Nice humblebrag, normalshit


Damn, literally me, I live on my own but came to the same conclusions about money.
I'm not lazy but it allows me to isolate myself even more than being poor, where at least you're forced to socialize through work.

Also, what are your farms?


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This is one of those quintessential humans can never be happy posts. You won life and get to play on creative mode but are finding issues that aren't there. If you didn't get rich, you'd probably just be as lazy, fat and lonely + getting stressed about your uncertain future.

I understand where you're coming from - being immediately rich wouldn't fix my wizproblems either, but you're in the best position possible to fix them. Everything you listed are things you can work on and the benefit is you can do them completely voluntary rather than compelled to when your parents die as I might find myself.

Fat? Just eat less and walk more. If you wanna be independent, go rent a house in literally any city anywhere on Earth and live there for a few months. If you truly have millions there's literally nothing to worry about because as bad as things get you'll always have food and a roof over your head and you won't have to waste your life away working. You could start with a house in your town/city and see how that goes, just tell your parents you got a normal job or whatever.

Looking at beautiful places online is also no replacement for physically being there, feeling the wind and rain on your face. It's equivalent to a virtual fireplace versus a real one. Book a trip somewhere close and stay there for a day, then gradually expand out. You could go to Japan and just walk around, do anything, stay anywhere - larp as a wandering Ronin with infinite money glitch.

35 isn't old, you can still learn and do anything and the benefit is you have literally all the time in the world because you never need to work. You can study anything and never worry about whether it'll pay you back monetarily. I'm extremely jealous. Please learn to enjoy your life for all us unlucky wizards out there.


I don't understand people like you, who seem to think that their job is useless. You have studied a lot to earn this much money and figured a way to make a living, you aren't stealing nor murdering, you get to earn without dealing with rude customers who gets to force you to redo all the work (happens with devs, engineers, and artists all the time).

I'm not rich but I have my own house and you are right, I can't keep everything tidy and neat, but that is just because I have a lot of clutter and furniture, all of that disencourages me from cleaning, but the privacy is worth it. If I was in your position, I would buy a large land and build a tiny house (easier to clean) in the middle, and plant a bunch of fruit trees.

I don't understand this mindset on traveling at all, I don't recall ever having a kick out of going to different places


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I've never traveled but I like walking and exploring places and nature, providing they're nice looking places. When you find a cozy street and some cool building sits opposite a nice tree which frames the image in your vision like a well constructed composition, I appreciate that.

I can't drive either + don't have money so I'm very limited in where I can go, hence I'm jealous and slightly irate at someone with infinite money saying something as trite as: why go anywhere when you can see it online.


Since you start out with a meme format this is almost certainly a LARP post. The thing about the blockchain is you could prove you had wealth cryptographically. Seeing as how you "studied" it and you didn't do that, I'm incline to think that you're lying which is quite cruel. You're here flaunting your wealth in front of people who will probably never have anything. While claiming that you don't like to flaunt said money because you're too sensible? Makes sense.

Seems like rage bait to me. Though with no proof I'll just disregard it. You're probably just some dumb zoomer that heard about blockchain tech from meme coins. So from the council of elders: kys my man!

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