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I know they get no NEET bucks unlike first world autists, so it should be way tricker for them to survive, or maybe they can stay in their parents house easily as NEETs, since multi-generational homes are the norm in large portions of the third world, I barely hear anything about autists in the third world.


Suicide happens much more frequently. Survival isn't feasible long term when nobody will hire you and neetbucks as a concept don't exist.

Without a wealthy family it's game over in your teens or early 20s when people get sick of helping you.


Thanks for the input.


I am autistic, from Brazil and is hell on earth here. No one wants to hire me, and the working conditions are bad. I survive because of my parents.


are the job interviews harder to pass in your country compared to the developed world?
what about manual labor jobs that require no degree?


There is a major shortage of simple labor jobs as well. The root cause is too many citizens alive vs. the number of available jobs.


Yes. Manual labor jobs are also competitive here.


Because third world countries rarely "believe" in mental illnesses, there is little formal diagnosis. Most cases are self diagnosed using le epic internet so they should be taken with a grain of salt


Do they just view autists as retarded People or attention whores ?


No, it's more like they treat you as "lazy". And even if you have a serious condition like epilepsy that isn't instantly visible when they meet you, instead of helping you during a seizure they will slap or assault you for "faking to get out of work".

It really is stupid pritive apes with zero understanding of the world surrounding you at every step. A literal hell.


I'm really jealous of first worlders who can have their own 'groups' even if you're an autist.

Here in the third world, everyone acts and thinks the same.

They always put Asian countries as bug-like societies, but south America is far worse. If you dare to go even a bit against the mainstream you'll be isolated forever.


>The root cause is too many citizens alive vs. the number of available jobs
Too many non-citizens imported for cheap labor*


This. There is zero individualism. You are either a normie doing super vanilla and mainstream things or you get ridiculed.


I will not mention my country's name, But I am a low functioning autist from a backward brown nation
Level 2 here and I noticed most of the anons here are capable of proper speech and normal adult functioning.

> tfw extremely autistic speech impediment, can't even hide autism

> tfw incapable of getting a driver's license. I can drive just fine, uncle lets me drive his car but incapable of the gov bs needed to get an actual license
> tfw can't get a job because obvious retard
> tfw only thing I'm good at is math and computers but I can't get a job in either of those fields because degree requred
> tfw can't get degree because don't know how to apply or talk to the people there to enroll
> tfw friends sometimes treat me like an infant when I have meltdowns
> tfw can't enjoy any drug besides nicotine because they all give me panic attacks/bad reactions including alcohol

And high functioning fags think they have it bad because they can't get a girlfriend :P


*meant to say that most here are just level 3 autists


level 2**


Tell me more about these levels. You just made this up?



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A thirdie aspie wiz here, my family thinks there is something wrong with my brain because I am super intorverted, prefer solitary activies, and avoid social interactions at almost all costs, they can't put their fingers on it, they don't understand what autism is or what intoversion is, they just treat me like a mentally ill person and gossip about me, I hate the culture of gossiping TOO much, literally people talk about nothing other than gossips, (sports and politics too, to be fair) I am seen as worse than a freak.


We do appear mentally ill to them, which I think is very sad. Whereas in truth of course we are not so, but their brains know no other way of making sense of the observed difference, and just reflexively supply the assumption of madness. Really we were born to the wrong people. I can't figure out whether our natal placement was a targeted punishment from the demiurge or thoughtless neutral chance. In either case, it is extremely painful. There's a quote from Erasmus that I remember reading when I was younger where he discusses the difference in behavior between "normal people" and quiet pious monks, it is thus:

"Contra, vulgus sacrificium nihil aliud esse credit, quam adesse altaribus, idque proxime, audire vocum strepitum, aliasque id genus cerimoniolas spectare. Nec in his tantum, quae dumtaxat exempli gratia proposuimus, sed simpliciter in omni vita refugit pius ab his quae corpori cognata sunt, ad aeterna, ad invisibilia, ad spiritalia rapitur. Proinde cum summa sit inter hos et illos omnibus de rebus dissensio, fit ut utrique alteris insanire videantur."

Contrariwise, the rabble believes sacrifice to be nothing other, than to be present at altars, and it most nearly, to hear the rattling of voices, and to spectate other ceremonies of that sort. Nor in these things only, which merely by the grace of example have we proposed, but simply in all life, the pious man flees from those things which are cognate to the body, to eternal things, to invisible things, to spiritual things he is seized. From thence since there may be the greatest disagreement betwixt those persons and these persons concerning all things, it happens so that each may seem to be insane to the other."


What makes it more excruciating is around 25% of autists are high functioning and one or two fulll standard deviations higher in IQ than the general population.

Imagine a 5 year old who already reads real books and is interested in science and physics gets called a "retard" by his normie parents just because he prefers solitude to spending time with mouthdroolers who can barely form sentences.


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The phenomenon you described is called hyperlexia
even the part about spending time alone checks out
>The social skills of a child with hyperlexia often lag tremendously. Hyperlexic children often have far less interest in playing with other children than do their peers.

It's a double-edged sword - the parents might think their child is some kind of genius, as parents often like to think overly highly of their children. This might lead to unrealistically high expectations, which will come around and bite you if you're not really all that intelligent, just learned to read at an early age.

reddit alert lol


>Sensory HELL
"Autists" use this word to describe everything


>sit at the very back
thats me…whats a cryptid?


Because it is. You have no idea how painful it is to be outside talking to normies for 2 hours when it requires 2 weeks to get rid of that physical pain.

But it's well known empathy or understanding alternate viewpoints isn't the forte of normies.


a mysterious, semi-mythical creature rarely seen outside


oh ok thank you


At least collectivism works for Asian countries and are able to achieve great things.

Here despite putting that facade of collectivism, still stab each other when least expected.
For that reason, we'll never stop being 3rd world shitholes.


I see alot of advocates say "just get noise cancelling headphones bro!" What are you thirdies supposed to do?


I am an autistic from Eastern Europe (country of the 3rd world) my life is hell and groundhog day.

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