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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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I have now turned 30 years old. I have now attained wizardry. I spent years waiting for this moment and now I am witnessing the transformation before my very eyes.




It's over. Another year just went by. I am still rotting. Younger people in my family are earning 6 figures working as doctors and engineers in the West, they are happily married, and are raising their own kids. Meanwhile, I rot in India. Truly miserable existence. I don't know but sometimes I just wish that I could just transform into an attractive succubus. This is not to say that I support trooning out.


Yea, we get it, you're the Hindu who wants "status" and succubi to appease your streetshitter caste deities. Keep it in one of your several existing threads about it.


It's so obvious that people like us are different from the very beginnings of our lives, yet no one acknowledges this. We get blamed for being inadequate in so many way, and you would think that at least the family would realize that some things about us are unchangeable, but nope, they still expect you to just "drop the act" and suddenly become normal and successful.


True, becoming a succubus would make life easier, but so would getting a lobotomy. Forcing others to take care of you.
Trooning out is not a means to becoming a succubus. You are still a man, but with boobs and with your dick lopped off. The technology isn't there yet.


>The technology isn't there yet.
And I don't think it ever will be, I mean you would have to change your Y chromosomes into X, and even if you managed to do that to every single cell in your body, you're still too old for your body to transform into a true female body. You would need to transplant your brain onto your artificially grown female clone, and even then there are differences between the male and female brain. So the only way to truly become a female would be to take your memories, skills, your brain software essentially, copy them onto your female clone, and then somehow transfer your point of view onto that clone. Only in fantasies.


You were born aspie/autist and it can't be "cured" no matter how much family yells at you.


Closest thing you have is masking.
It's not really a "cure" as much as Linux trying to emulate being Windows.

That or just dealing with it and trying to make the best out of it as is.


Yeah, except the input lag is major and the kernel keeps bugging out and annoying anyone interacting with it.

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