Help with what?
Also therapy cost money. NEETs generally don't have money.
Public services are limited both in quantity and quality. The wait list are extremely long in places with social welfare for such services and if you don't have a actual reason to go then you will keep being put in the back of the line.
So again, the question needs to be asked.
Help with what exactly?
>>221020There is no Therapy because the Problem is Society itself, Society is extremely anti Wizard and engages in heavy wizcism.
Maybe Brainwashing or Hypnosis could turn you into someone who enjoys the jewy education system and the low wage shitjobs.
Like whats the point to be in "Employment, Education or Training" when none of this shit will ever get you anywhere anyway? shits a waste of time.
To be a NEET is the only reasonable thing to do, the only way to live your life pozz free.
no, therapy is practically useless in treating any kind of real mental disorders. if you read deep enough into the literature, you'll find out about a little thing called the "dodo bird verdict" which shows that all psychotherapies have the exact same effectiveness, despite having different methodologies or doing the opposite thing. how can that be? well, they interpret it positively as "everyone is a winner", there's something common in all therapies that "works", but in reality, it means that all therapies are equally garbage and that what you do in therapy matters very little, an equal amount of people report getting better, either due to placebo or essentially random chance. coincidently, the same amount that only get treated by drugs or therapy+drugs. it's like none of it makes a difference lol
here if you wanna read up on it: neets, probably the best help would be just giving them a job and then helping me them learn to be competent at the job. if you can't give them a job outright, then maybe help them with a cv and drive them to interviews, put in a good word for them. no therapist is going to do that lol, maybe a father or uncle, but if they had one of those, they wouldn't end up as neets.
>>221024>for neets, probably the best help would be just giving them a job and then helping me them learn to be competent at the jobMore like raising them in a condition where it's made in them a clear and concrete imprint that there is a reason to get a job.
>>221025Yeah. I'd assume you need to be raised the correct way, because just having a job after years of NEETdom must feel like hell.
>>221020I began therapy about a year ago in attempt to alleviate the emotional emptiness/numbness that I've been dealing with for a few years now. It started to affect me very negatively since I can't bring myself to care about almost anything.
>it's your responsibilityThat's like saying if you're poor it's your responsibility to gamble until you get rich. Finding a decent therapist, in my experience, is almost impossible. The therapist I saw for almost two years during my teens was useless, if inoffensive. Then about three years ago when I first started searchign for a therapist for the dead inside thing I was assigned to some quack weirdo who would try to interpret what I said in weird ways, felt like he was just trying to twist the words in my mouth to weave some narrative of his own. The therapist I'm with now is okay, she's helped me some but I'm tired. I realized that I'm more closed off than I thought and at this point I'm thinking that my 'condition' is just an inevitable side effect of seeing too much in this world. Not a sign of good health to be adjusted to a sick society and all that.
At the end of the day, who knows if a therapist could help you. A good one probably but finding those is already half the battle.
therapy can give you rose-tinted glasses at best, but the problem is with society and what it rewards, not with individuals who opt out of the rigged game
this world is ruled by emotions and feelings, not truth and merit
the problem is that we have lost the fairy tale and we see the world for what it is, and people don't like having such "creepy crab" reminders of reality around them
career, family life, children, all of this is just a different, more aggressive and more competitive, form of escapism
normies get horribly depressed when their fantasy is taken away, so they distance themselves from the unpleasant sides of reality as much as they can, and exclude the unfortunate from their circle-jerks
I've been to a few and I can safely say that they're a waste of time and money.
I'm not even autistic, just shitty childhood and trust issues, and still they weren't able to do shit other than 'take the fucking pills'
Like the other guy said, most issues lie in the premise of wanting to be competitive and ambitious, in order to be part of the system.
Since we no longer get shit from it, there is no reason to play their stupid games.
I've gone to therapy almost all my life, and I still see a psychiatrist. No it doesn't help. I'm still a mentally ill perma-neet and most of the time the therapy just makes me feel like shit cause I have to bring up shit I'd rather just forget.
>>221029Just a short update. Had to make the decision last session of whether or not to continue therapy for another year or stop and I stopped, telling my therapist that I was tired of going there. She then told me that she agrees and that she doesn't think anything about my mental state will change unless I make a big change in my life, i.e. move out etc. Told her that wasn't going to happen, so I guess that's that.
Therapy or psychoanalysis could be helpful in theory- it's basically just paying someone to give a different perspective on problems or point out thinking/behavior patterns that aren't obvious to you. The problem I've encountered is that it's nearly impossible to find a "good fit". The personality and life experience of people who become therapists and people who become NEET/freeter/hikki are so far apart that they can form an ocean that can't be crossed. Therapy is also expensive, and it takes a lot of effort for a depressed or socially anxious person to reach out and make appointments to try out different therapists, so the process of trying different therapists to find the right one is quite difficult or even impossible. I've seen a few in my life and never really got much benefit out of them besides the temporary emotional catharsis of complaining to someone in person about my problems for an hour.
Also, as
>>221024 points out, the scientific basis for a lot of psychology/psychiatry is controversial at best. I wouldn't go quite as far as to say the Dodo Bird Verdict proves beyond a doubt that all psychiatry is nonsense- but there are certainly a lot of problems with their research data. I used to read a lot about the Replication Crisis: a phenomenon where many psychology experiments could not replicate the reported results when repeated. There are also several Anti-Psychiatry arguments from various philosophers, stating that psychiatry is a psuedoscience, a waste of taxpayer money, or a tool to pathologize and discipline people who aren't useful to modern capitalist society. With all that said, I still don't necessarily think the basic idea of talking to someone in a room and receiving their input or advice is necessarily bad- I would just temper your expectations. It's unlikely that therapy will "fix" you, but it might help a small amount just to vocalize your problems or realize a different perspective on some of them.
i went to therapy once. the guy didn't seem professional at all. he just sounded like a random gay guy. it was about as useful as talking to a random gay guy.
>>221020It was the worst choice I ever took in my life, and I wasted a small fortune over many sessions, but to be fair, he was so bad, I a sure most therapists are better than him.
>>221101As someone with severe depression and about 300+ hours of therapy during my lifetime:
The person who benefits the most from therapy is the therapist. His bank account in particular.
It's a conjob that exists to give those people a very cushy living. They can make up to 100 dollars or more per hour just sitting there and giving little to no input.
You may as well just talk to a random drunk on the subway if you need to vent. Therapy is a scam and does not solve the root issues of depression which for many people on this board revolve around lack of money, non-neurotypicality and physical issues all of which are either unfixable or require lots of money to fix.
All you're doing with therapy is giving that much needed money to someone who is already well off.
There's a college in my city that offers free therapy, done by last-year students under the guidance of their professors. I'm unsure if I should go, it seems that all students are either fags or succubi, and I feel that if I were to act honestly in there things wouldn't turn out well for me. If I had money I'd pay for an older man as a therapist, that might at least inspire a sense of trust and reliability.
>>221130If its free you should give it a try.
>>221192it would cost his time
if this was 40 years ago, I would do it because people actually took their professions seriously back then
now the young adults will just gossip and make fun of anon behind his back
I hated psychotherapy, whenever I had it in the hospital and now that I'm glad, that I don't have it anymore. I wouldn't even visit my psychiatrist, if I could, but I need to get prescriptions for my anti-psychotics, otherwise I would feel very unwell rather soon. I think everything, that a therapist can, can a real doctor also do, except you don't have talking therapy session or anything like that, just a little 45 session every month or two to get your medication.
As gay as it sounds, I think it's important to see nuance in this. For most people therapy is a scam and won't help much, in particular the crowd, that is chronically sad, because of their looks or because their are a (in their self-perception) a "loser", but I think hospitals, therapy sessions and medication can be very useful for people, who have psychosis and mania. This might sound arbitrarily chosen, but in my experience and encounters with those people (and with myself, as somebody with a psychotic illness) I think those things can be genuinely helpful. I am not pretending it helps everyone with those conditions, but you can see clear improvements in somebody with acute psychosis or mania, when they take their medication. Everyone, who out of principle is against psychiatry or claims those people are in reality not ill and "just see the world differently", or "see reality", or "are different from society and therefor perceived as ill", is completely out of their minds. Go talk to some bipolar 1 person or schizophrenic in their acute phase of their illness and you will see what I mean.
But I digress, in my personal experience therapy, medications and multiple visits in an institution were helpful and I feel much better now, but it might not be for you.
>>221192>>221193My fear is that as soon as I inevitably reveal that I'm a 30+ year-old virgin they will just think "he is one of those school shooting crabs, we need to let the authorities know".
>>221225yeah I hate that stigma too
interesting how media put a lot of attention to the crab aspect of school shooters
I think therapy gets a bad rep because most people think its just "talking about your feelings" and then ignore the progress of an entire field… But that's not what it means at all. There's many different kinds of therapeutic techniques– some are formal, some informal. Some useful, some not.
Have you ever had someone convince you to try something? I'd argue that this is therapy in a way. If I tell you that at the end of a rainbow there's a pot of gold it would be easy to refute that with basic science. But what would you say if I told you often the reasons people say they won't do something aren't rational at all? Your question then might be – well, what use is knowing something isn't rational – I'll still have the same problem. But that's the thing. Often the reason people choose to do things is based on irrational thought processes they're not fully aware of. When they become aware its very hard to continue the same behavior – because it makes no sense (emphasis on that line if I knew how.)
A perfect example of this is the zoomer word "cope." Imagine ur doing shit in a video game and raging out at your team mates. Despite your best effort: you lose over and over. Eventually, there it comes: cope. And you're pissed off but part of you knows that they're right. You can't go back to pretending that its "just your shit team mates." So you decide to have a break (good idea.) That was legit therapy in a sense. It identified an irrational and flawed belief, and resulted in a positive behavioral change (high return for a meme designed to insult you, l-lmao.)
This is a simplification of a certain therapeutic technique called CBT (cock and ball torture used by the wiz mods.) There's many forms of it and many other therapies. But basically, the general idea is that actually knowing what you're thinking and why you're thinking it can allow you to take control over aberrant behaviors. It goes deeper than that, much much deeper, with specialized approaches for things like insomnia, fatigue, motivation… etc. The remarkable thing about this is you're able to create such changes through the mind. It is worth looking into.
>>221020anyways, let us know if therapy had any better guides than Human Design.
>>221721Hello again, Violence-kun. Burst-fire as usual, I see. I will add Human Design shilling to your file.
>>221735In time you did, moddess.
>>221249You are right in a way, but that obviously only works for unintelligent people with no self-awareness. Though that seems to be a decent amount of people.
Ethically there is a serious issue with the fact that the "rational thought processes" are culturally defined. For example, I read a textbook for therapists, and it said that patients must get a job and have interpersonal relationships. It was stated as an absolute requirement. If they disagree and resist, then your goal is to teach them (manipulate them) to see how they are wrong, or even drop them as a patient because the therapy is pointless otherwise. I see that as a cultural wageslave belief. It is at the core of therapy that they want you to be a normie with a job and friends and relationships; it is not going to help you be happy as a neet wizard. I don't want to be manipulated by people that have a different culture and morality than me.
>>221249It doesn't work for sleeplessness because only melatonin can induce sleep, and if your endocrine system is messed up, it will not happen no matter how much you relax or meditate.
>>221738that must be an outdated manual, because the new post-modern therapies can't even agree on the definition of mental illness anymore. they ask you what you want to achieve in therapy and they don't push any kind of value system on you, they're just there to serve as a mirror for your own self-exploration. it's why you're seeing trannyism on the rise because the therapist can't deny your subjective reality, that would be unethical, if you say you're a gurl, it's everyone else that has to accommodate you and sex change surgeries (glorified body mutilation) are now the preferred treatment.
ultimately, i think there's needs to be a balance between societal values and the individual values, many people go to these schmucks for life guidance but they're not even trained to give you advice, for that you need a different type of grifter called a "life coach" who is much more concerned with practicalities of life.
>>221741It was written in 2017. Wageslavery, sexhaving and integrating into society isnt seen as a value system to them or is seen as a practical requirement for living in society.
>>221738It doesn't apply to the elite who farm people like you financially either. They can live off their dividends carefree on a yacht and not talk to anyone but their personal chef over whatsapp for months.
In fact the therapists suck up to these people and believe they are just fine, despite having no job or interpersonal relations.
Do you now see how it's just one huge game of hierarchy and trying to shoehorn you into being a slave for those who do not work, yet collect the fruits of your labor?
Ancient civilizations were no better. Spartan citizens were banned from working. It was seen as demeaning. 90% of the population consisted of illiterate non-citizen slaves who did all the work.
Therapy is only useful for uber normie you-know-who to "unpack" their romantic relationships and vent about toxic exes and be prepared to jump head-on towards a new dick. I'm not exgregating.
usually therapy goes like this
>normie goes to therapy>therapist does pic rel with eyebrows and asks "inquisitive" questions>normie releases emotional diarrhea>normie mental state: gosh the therapy helped me so much fr fr now i found myself and know what to do the therapy is really just for normies to get external confirmation on what they already know, they just want a stamp of approval from an official professional
Some therapies may work, but usually if you're have something mild, now many NEETs suffer from form of genuine mental illness that only medications can help, medication that actually change your brain workings, also there are other NEETs that don't have mental illness, more like a personality thing, and personality according to modern evidence is mostly stable through people life, your personality change very little, so therapy really doesnt help too.
>>221748>>221750True, and that's why the dodo verdict problem exists (all different types of therapy statistically produce equivalent outcomes)
Therapy helps but you have to be in a certain bare minimum mental state for it to work. If you aren't in touch with your feelings and aren't receptive to be malleable enough to get in touch with your feelings then therapy is going ot be useless
>>221072She was right. Your environment does have a large impact on your mental state. If you are too stubborn to even try to move out then yeah, nothing is going to change.
>>221761In Sweden we call those small unrepaired apartments with decaying 1960s kitchens as "suicide cubes".
Nobody exists in a vacuum, everything you look at and spend time daily within, taxes your mental being or nourishes it.
There is a reason why rich people filled their homes with beautiful architectural elements and furniture for thousands of years.
>>221763beauty is a distraction and a lie
in decay there is truth about entropy and the nature of this world
I'd rather accept the ugliness of life than throw glitter over it
>>221020If you work and get money or benefits to go to therapy, or someone pities you enough to pay for it, it just becomes a form of humiliation and mockery for you. A therapist will tell you everything is fine when it clearly isn't, they'll try to convince you of various feel good lies, they'll give you a framework to perpetuate all the systems that failed you in a way that benefits them and not you, all while draining yours or someone else's resources.
Therapy is a waste of money and time, at best they will give you normalfag advices like "eat healthy" or "exercise more", at worst they call the police and you become a psychiatric patient for life.
>>221764It's a distraction, but it's not a lie. Even old beautiful furniture from the 1800s has shapes and curves found only in nature. No ugly bulky boxes and MDF.
What you see daily, directly affects your mind no matter how much you try to visualize a better reality.
I tried therapy once, and went in and saw my doctor was a strong, black succubus. I just left immediately. How can such a person possibly help me?
>>221020probably not, if you speak about anything serious youre going to get medshilling
Honestly, it depends, if you have just a mild form of maldaptive thinking process, then probably with some good therapy you can change your behavior, or more accurate, you can change your thought process. Now, if you have a genuine mental -organic- disorder, a illness that is born -because- your brain doesn't work well from the get go, then no, no amount of therapy will cure you, may help you cope better with the illness, but only medication can actually change your brain biological process in a way that fundamentally effect how you brains works.