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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Since it is something I can't have, and it seems like the end purpose of life is to fuck and reproduce. I have started viewing everything from a very sexual perspective.

I am sorry but I am not able to explain this phenomenon properly but hopefully you got the gist of it.

Everytime I see someone, I know that they have sex, and weirdly in my head I start picturing them doing so. I absolutely detest sex havers. I have a weird inferiority complex with them, I kinda wish that they'd all die in an instant but then I realise that people in my family have had sex.

Whenever I go to a family meet, and see someone's kids, I start imagining how their parents have had sex. How the guy actually left pussy dripping. I can't help but feel anger, inferiority, and curiosity at the same time. It's a weird fucking feeling. It makes me wanna lose my shit and swallow a bullet.

I absolutely detest degeneracy and sex. Everytime I meet someone who is non-virgin, I feel like I am meeting someone from the enemy tribe, and that they are out to get me. Everytime I see them talk to me normally, I pretend to be normal and give normal answers but in the back of my head I feel like I am being subconsciously cucked as I think about them have sex with someone.

I especially hate this feeling when succubi are involved, when I see them do something that they are more skilled than me at, I immediately in the back of my head start seething internally like I am some stupid fucking kid throwing a tantrum.

Since I can't have sex. I feel inferior even to the wizards here cause if you guys are given the opportunity to do sex you will be able to do so, but if I was given the opportunity I wouldn't be able to get hard, do movements, or be able to cum.

All of this makes me feel like a cuck in the back of my head, I pretend to be a normalnigger, but in the back of my head, deep down inside, I am eternally messed up. Whenever I see someone wearing short clothes, partying, or being flirty. I feel an innate urge of great anger and defeat.

I hate that sex exists, I hate that I can't do it, I can't stand the people who do it, I can't stand seeing the fact that there are literal fucking succubi more successful than me at life. I hate it all. I want to burn it all down.


are you addicted to pornographie by any chance?


Not really.


It's either you are too sensitive to sex and sexuality or you just make being a wie a huge part of Your personality.


This is crab mentality, not wizard mentality. It takes merely a shift in perspective to free yourself from this suffering. Look into your feelings deeply and accept them. You are a primate with a brain rooted in social hierarchy and genetic propagation battles. Label the feelings, identify them, observe them and allow yourself to feel them instead of running from them, and disregard them as irrational animalistic manifestations. Your pain can be transformed into a gift that brings transcendent inner peace beyond what the sexhavers can achieve.


Dude, you need to find something else in your life as a focal point that you can feel proud of.
Something that gives you internal validation.

I think if you had that then you wouldn't obsess over sex to the extent you are. You will of coarse still have urges, but those can with ease be handled solo and are of no consequence.

I have seen what you are going through many many times over the long years I have been in such online spaces. When you dig down it isn't really about sex. It's really about validation and belonging as well as putting sex and succubi on a pedestal as some sort of ultimate expression of validation and belonging.
Well guess what, there have also been many failed apprentices who reported back when they actually managed to get sex and it didn't make them feel any better. The brief drop of extrenal validation felt hollow. They still felt they didn't belong. They still had all of their problems that made them suffer. They still weren't happy. You could say it removed the scales from their eyes, but alas it was too late as far as wizardom and this site is concerned. So after saying their goodbyes they were permibanned.


Your proposition is absurd, because nobody can cease and "choose" not to be an animal and primate with needs typical to that species, with "mental excercises".

It's like teaching a dog it should never bark, feel horny or wish to eat meat and beating it into submission until it accepts its fate.
Yes, it will stay alive, but with its' spirit crushed and mind severely depressed.


You're right that it's not a choice, but you read the words and now the idea is inside you so it might take hold. Dogs can be taught indeed. Some of them, i believe, do cease to bark (and never have sex) yet manage to be somewhat content with life, which is better than the alternative of violently barking in futility. This doesn't mean you need to be a slave like a dog. Even if you want to exert power and strike at society for what it has done to you, you need to master your emotions first. This is a long history of this in healthier past societies with stronger men.


you are a crab and you should get banned for this post.

but you feel this way because you lack any magic. crabs are as retarded as they are because they have absolutely 0 sense of higher meaning in their lives so they think that sex is everything.

you hate sex and 'degeneracy' but ironically you have no virtue yourself because you think sex is everything.

i really, really hate crabs and how shallow, status driven and superficial they are. you are a failed normie in it's worst aspects.

listen to a crab speak, how they complain and piss and moan about sex like it's literally fucking everything. you were born to be an NPC. one who would have a kid or two, work a 9-5 and die. you are the opposite of a wizard.


Not OP but there's one thing I don't understand. You mocked the life where you work 9-5, have a family, but isn't this better than the position wizards currently are? I browse this website regularly and there seem to be people here who are stuck in their basement and can't get a job. Look how miserable the lack of money and being dependent on parents has made a lot of neet wizards here, a job (not that I like jobs) which pays is better than the current situation (if you're a first worlder, jobs in the third world are something else entirely) and lots (most) of wizards suffer from someone not caring for them. A family would most definitely solve it.

My point is how long are we going to pretend that wizard life is a good life as opposed to being a life that is full of hardships, depression, and sufferings. This isn't a good place that we're in


Would you rather be that wizard or his parents?


Hard to say honestly. On the one hand being a wizard or a crab is tough as it is. Being a parent and seeing your child struggling could be tough as well. I imagine that parents of (most) wizards only want best for them. But then again somethings are out of once hands and are destined to be not much can be done.


The point is that íncels aren't in their predicament out of their own will. They've been forced and shoehorned knto it by succubi due to their ugliness, general autism, bad hygiene and general lack of social graces.

There is a very thin, crossable line compared to wizarddom. I would argue based on the post quality wizchan has devolved into in 2024, that over 70-80%?of posters here are no longer voluntary virgins.

They're men age 20-30 who fiercely tried to get succubi and their attention for years but got nothing and are now very angry and bitter.

To be blunt, those escapees from .org and lookism have nothing to do with wizards.


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>I hate that sex exists
same but for different reasons, it really pisses me off that Sex is such a crucial part of every Humans life and its literally everywhere.
Like in the media its everywhere, in advertising, in videogames, in music, movies etc.
Sex is the topic that all normalfags (which make the majority of the population) talk about, its THE topic that all of them are obsessed about and that everything revolves around.
And this Sex shit decides everything and everything is about it one way or another.
you really cant go anywhere and do anything without being reminded of this Sex shit.
and as if this wasnt already annoying enough your brain is also "programmed" to think about it even if you dont want to.
and I dont even care that other people have sex but their obsession with Sex shapes society into something where someone like me cant participate because in any social setting, if you are someone who isnt part of the sex obsessed hivemind will always be at the bottom of society and people see you as a subhuman freak for not being obsessed with sex like they are.
when I was a kid and the first time I figured out what Sex means I knew I was in big shit and that my life would suck in the future because Sex is what its all about for them.


I feel you, and I think OP is just as obsessed with sex as the average normalfag. I suspect normalfags also unconsciously judge everyone against the standard of sex. It's really quite implied that normalfags internally mock us for not having sex, and they know we aren't doing it. I mean it takes one look for someone as socially proficient as a normalfag, one look at your posture, your facial expression, your hair, your clothes, everything about us. One look, try to imagine someone like me having sex, and it's blatantly obvious sex is not happening with the kind of human that I am. And don't get me wrong, I don't want to be bothered with sex, but it's really tiring to not be taken seriously because of things like that. It's like dealing with adult versions of the cringy teenager who "has had sex more than once". Makes me want to roll eyes.


Do you realize the reason why this happens is because humans are ANIMALS?

Primates to be exact. 99,9% of primates (including humans) are motivated by nothing else than sex, resources or status.
Reflect on that and everything you see around you will make much more sense.


>humans are ANIMALS?
from a biological point there are some similarities but the Mind of a Human is something else. No animal has the brain of a human, no animal puts as much importance on Sex like Homo Sapiens. animals want to breed sure but they dont turn it into a lifestyle and center their whole civilization/society around it.
no other Primate is as depraved, evil and retarded as the Homo Sapiens.


>Everytime I see someone, I know that they have sex, and weirdly in my head I start picturing them doing so
That used to happen to me, too. It was (still is!) strange to me to think that people do have sex, at all. For me it's so alien a concept that I can hardly imagine that happening at all. Part of the reason for this is, of course, that people act as if sex was a completely non-existent thing. That is only half-true, of course. People talk about sex with their friends all the time (not that I would know, right? as time passes I know less and less just how people behave with each other), and ultimately a lot of what people do reduces to their quest for sex. And yet, when I see them interact I see no traces of any acknowledgement of their engaging in sexual activity. Of course, I may just be blind to it, and that is perhaps how I ended up belonging here, as I am told there are many interactions that people do sort of "in between the lines", non-verbally and non-explicitly. But straight out talking to people about sex is an awkward thing, and the responses you get in turn are of complete bewilderment. Maybe I have a sort of negative sex-appeal, as that is kind of exactly the reaction I would always get from those of the female persuasion.
My point is that I just don't see people having sex. If I feel physical attraction for somebody, if it is sexual attraction I do my level best to avoid any interaction with such a person, I shut myself off from attractive females altogether, and I can just interact with people with whom I have no sexual attraction whatsoever. The most attraction I ever feel towards somebody is mostly non-sexual. This is not to say there is zero sexual attraction for these people, but rather, that everything else about them attracts me, for whatever reason. The way they dress, their personality, their gait, whatever, something, a bunch of these and other factors, and sexual attraction is but one of them, or rather, a secondary result of the precise combination of these. It's not that I would even know how to get anywhere near these people, despite them being so powerfully attractive to me that I can't stop thinking about them for a little while. But even as I may get aroused thinking about them I can't for my life thinking about them when I jerk off, or think about them in a sexual way at all. What is more, it disgusts me to think of them that way even if I do know that I do feel sexually attracted to them, perhaps even more strongly than I am to merely physically attractive people I see on the street.
I think I sound like a crazy person, writing like this, writing out my weird thought processes, I realize I am not a well-adjusted person, sometimes I wish I were able to adjust better, and at least enjoy some company, not necessarily in bed or anything.


oh yeah, the whole all mighty wizard mentality is to never get angry, just suck it up and take it.

I hate how even among wizards they gaslight you into never show emotions like anger, and pretend to be happy all the time so no one sees you as an evil inkie.

I will get angry, i will hate sex-haver. You can cope all you want about pretending to be above their 'animalistic' ways, but truth is that you're just another asocial outcast who was left behind.


crabs are rejected by the crowd while yearning to be part of it.
wizards reject the crowd because they don't want to be part of it.


sure, whatever helps you sleep at night lol


They do. Chimpanzees even fuck for fun every 1-2 hours.


Yes, i will enjoy it while you pointlessly hurt yourself with your anger


lol at this level of delusion
who have you rejected socially exactly? Nobody is looking for you less want to associate with you, you're posting on an anonymous imageboard.
You're in for a rude awakening, kid.


Dolphins literally gang rape female dolphins. You think only humans have sex for pleasure and not necessarily only for breeding?


I was going to mention dolphins as well but didn't bother since my post focused on primates.

There are other species as well which just have sex for passing time or out of boredom 5-10+ times a day.


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Improving your endurance might solve something. Gooning, I mean. To know that you could do better than any of them due to some proper training.

Your cuckery, have it present, is not due to them having it… but probably due to some subconscious traits within you that were collapsed or mistreated under the promise of sex. A cuck is someone giving up something in exchange for unworthy responses, do you relate? Take the gift away, if you can find it.

I cannot relate to you, since my cope was to RENOUNCE to what I couldn't have so my sadness would be beaten from inside, instead of consolated. this is how I stopped being a failed normie. I subverted the values of the sexual market because I rejected succubi out of pure dissappointment about them and rejection the very same normie standard you seethe to fulfill.

the more you delve on how green the neighbour's grass is, the more you forsake your own garden, whose issues might something quite different. Not even plants at all, they might be.


It be your sex the one which must be craved, it be them who must seduce you into it… not you trying to fit their schemes. FLIP THE OMELETTE, exert social pressure back, deflect it.

Be to the puss what the puss is to you, instead of getting lured into games that are purposefully planned for you to lose. Be the gamemaster. Get ripped, shun normies, shun succubi, glow up and set the standard. Criticize the standard, swap roles. It's all about mindframe.

It be them who must seethe for thine cock. You are indeed falling for a trap!

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