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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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What's the most harsh thing a succubus has said to you?
I was compared to a rat,
I was told I'm a loser not having a girlfriend,
I was told I was a victim
it hurts when it happened


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>I was compared to a rat,
Rats kick ass
>I was told I'm a loser not having a girlfriend
You can't lose a game that you're not even playing.
>I was told I was a victim
Only a victim to your own emotions and warped sense of self-worth. A dog barking at you from beyond a fence should have more of an emotional affect on you than some random succubus disparaging you to your face.
>it hurts when it happened
You were convinced that it should hurt by people who want to see you in pain. Try to rationalize. Try to justify in words why it should hurt. If it's hard to do so, then it probably isn't reasonable to be hurt by such words.

>What's the most harsh thing a succubus has said to you?

"No, sorry, not at this location" when I asked for Asahi at the beer store. I got Sapporo instead which is the same price thanks to minimum alcohol pricing.


>What's the most harsh thing a succubus has said to you?
Probably some string of foul curses during one of my sister's hyper emotional breakdowns.
Once she gets going I just tune her out so the details don't get remembered.
Stuff like how she physically hurts due to not being able to contain the amount of hate she has for me. Or how she rather everyone in the world die if it meant I died too, since I was too stubborn to die from something normal (this was a day after I was hit by a car and somehow ended up with zero injuries besides being scratched).
Or how she cried at my birthday because it meant she suffered another year of my existence. Like she was legit ugly crying over it.

Yeah, my sister was a bitch and we didn't get along.


I saw a few succubi glimpsing at my crotch this week, one time while I was waiting at a busstop, it makes me feel awkward

It's not about what they say to me, it's what they don't tell me


So since I am ugly and short quite a lot has happened to me. People don't respect me because I am short I can tell that by the language that they are using, you see in my language we have different words to refer to people based upon their age and respect, I never get used the polite language with but the others as old as me who "looks" like a little ugly kid.

In school when I used to sit behind succubi, and they used to turn back they acted as if they are scared and burst out laughing after being visibly disgusted. I don't have any photos of myself either. succubi teachers were also very cruel to me, in India it is fine to beat a child in school, but my teachers used to beat me up needlessly and excuse kids who looked better than me.

One time I sat near a succubus and she straight up asked me to sit somewhere else what's funny is I am a 3/10 and the succubus who told me to sit somewhere else straight up was literal 0/10. But that doesn't matter as no matter how attractive or unattractive the succubi were they always treated me quite harshly.

I have other stories as well, like how succubi treated me with disgust in hospitals, how nurses were harsh to me, like how I cashiers, servicepeople, and customer service was always hostile to me.


Why the fuck do so many Indians suddenly think they are welcome here


I think thats this one indian guy who posts here and keep giving example of his life as an indian on many thread. I may be worng tho maybe theres lot of indians on wizchan I don't know


Why the fuck do so many stormfronters think they are welcome here?


Well what I am surprised by is that there are so many white guys here who have the easiest with succubi and not many east asian guys.


Nobody has it "easy" if they are ugly, short and autistic regardless of ethnicity.

succubi from all cultures are creeped out in the presence of ugly awkward guys. Nobody gets a free pass.


>succubi from all cultures are creeped out in the presence of ugly awkward guys
But why care? Why is not getting positive attention from succubi something to be upset about? How does it make your life as a wizard harder?


actually nothing at all, Succubi have never been rude to me or insulted me directly and how could they?
I never even talked to one or bothered them in any way.
I'm sure plenty have talked shit about me behind my back but they do this to all people, but directly to my face? no, no Succubus ever said anything insulting to me.


We are hardwired to seek and desire validation from the opposite sex, that just biology, unless you are born as a genuine schizoid, odd are that you crave for validation from opposite sex even when you are short, ugly, autistic, but you can acknowledge those desire and work so they don't become too bothersome for you.


Rather Indians over jackasses.


I've never actually had a succubus do anything mean to me. I just feel such a strong negative presence around them that it terrifies me on a spiritual level.


Same. Except for a few snide comments from succubi, all I've had to observe was their disgusted look when I sat near them in class, transport, events etc.

It's kind of amazing how much they loathe a man just for being short with an ugly face.

My hygiene, clothing, manners etc. are impeccable. But I can't change who I was born as.


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>It's kind of amazing how much they loathe a man just for being short with an ugly face.

>My hygiene, clothing, manners etc. are impeccable


Elliot actually had a passable face. I'm at least 3 or 4 levels uglier than him and was bald by his age.

He was short though. And entitled. I don't feel entitled to succubi as an ugly short guy, I just don't want to be mistreated for having bad genes.

I had to put in the hygiene part so some retard doesn't claim it's just because I don't wash myself or my clothes.
Their disgust is with the way I look physically.


Passable as what


I am assuming he means passiblly not ugly.
Or something similar.


I was told that I will never be a man. And what do you know, I actually never matured. I guess 3dpd have an eye for those things. They can sniff eternal virgin on you.


In what way are you not a man?


I'm almost 30 and I was asked if there's any adults home by maintenance guy. I still don't have that internal confidence that people usually build by that time, so I'm easily swayed and discouraged.


Maybe he just joking or something.

Or you have a baby face. My mom constantly got mistaken for being pretty young in her 30s due to her face and being short.

Regardless being a bit young looking doesn't make you any less of a man.
As far as confidence and the like, that comes with life experience.
You just haven't grinded your exp up yet. Go adventure a bit. Do stuff. Challenge your self with stuff that is out of your comfort zone but is still within the realm of reasonable.
As you go through more stuff you will grow in confidence that you can handle most situations that come your way.

I think you will surprise yourself with what you can actually handle once you got a bit more experience.


I was mocked for stuttering in junior high.

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