No. Taking influences from ancient texts of any kind is fine, blindly following them is very low IQ.
Most people follow whatever ancient text their region produced due to peer pressure and indoctrination since birth.
If I had to choose one ancient belief system to take influences from, it's likely be buddhism. It is at the core very humane and rational.
Feel free to ignore the ape bastard above me, OP. I follow my religious text of my own accord, having naturally first thought of it a great deal, for well over 11 years in fact. Buddhism was the first I marked out owing to its half-truths, and deceitful nature, a machination made so likely by the same retard above in times long past.
Anyway, you'll probably come to do this yourself. Eventually. It's inevitable after 40 ( I'm 44 ).
You only end up following or you don't. Believe fully or not. Anything otherwise is midwit retardation. The charlatans touting some in between sit in the latter, and others with certainty in the former. That's all there is to it.
>>221736I really like what is described in the Teachings of Don Juan
>>221755putting 100% faith into a fantasy text is the real midwit move, which suits you
My path is rational atheism, my personal belief is that life is unnecessary torture.
>>221791yes! every justification for life is an unfounded fantasy, wishful thinking
I've read a bunch of books on alchemy and the one I really liked was The Metamorphosis of the Planets, it's good but I feel that it'll take maybe a lifetime to absorb or realize all the knowledge
>>221793do you have a pdf file or where can I download it please?
I have read a lot of books but most of it hasn't been helpful for me. Buddhism has been to some extent but something seems off about it, especially that it has a strong positivity bias and rejects suicide for reasons that are not convincing to me.
I remain lost and craving some sort of direction or intellectual stimulation.
>>221797thank you best wizzie 👍
>>221797But, does this have a deeper meaning or is it just a bunch of stories=?
I'm agnostic, pretty much atheist because I don't believe in a "divine person" God and pantheism seems like a cop-out. All religions are dumb in their own way and are mostly just collections of ancient memes that evolved into elaborate societal control structures.
Esotericism and the occult has more value, because it can show you the power of the mind, but it is simply that. Stripped from any metaphysical baggage, occult techniques are means to systematically manipulate the mind, especially the senses. The theology and symbolism is there to prime the consciously affected senses to manifest in a specific way, in the way that reinforces belief in the theology. So really mysticism is the perfect way to get people to believe in religion because it attacks the empirical senses directly. This is why Evangelical Christianity and Buddhism (especially Tibetan Buddhism) are so convincing to people; Evangelical prayer is literally creating a tulpa of God that talks to you, and Buddhist mediation you cut off the senses and the very sense of self. If you are uncritical then it would be convincing that you are speaking with God or you don't have a self.
Reading secular philosophy is a waste of time I think. Most people's "philosophies" seem more like their personality, informed by their life experience. I think philosophy readers need others more intelligent or eloquent than they are to agree and reinforce what they already believe. People who radically change their worldview because of a book; idk I kind of look down on that like you are a crab falling for the written down equivalent of social media self-help grindset gurus.
My path is what is obvious to me as a asocial loser with no use to the world: sustain myself, avoid normalfags as much as possible, don't fall for anti-escapist pro-"productivity" rhetoric that watching anime and playing video games is less worthy than slaving for people who hate me. Settle the mind to be somewhat content, have nice dreams, and "magically" control the senses to have a pleasant waking experience. If there is an ultimate goal for myself it would be for the body to be on autopilot while I have immersive vivid daydreams on what I have taken good from the outside world as inspiration.