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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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do you refer as one (or more) of these group of people or you don't want to asociate with it because it is full of normalfags?
the categories of which are:
as you can see it is groups from pouplar activity in the twenty oneth century. Or do you prefer to call yourself a wizard only


>2020+ vaxx dead



Im vaxxed two times and still alive


I'm an individual and I reject normie concepts of identifying as part of a tribe.


ok but do you agree with 'ot being called a wizard but an individual wizard?


i dont need labels, dont need to belong


ok so were wizard but we only gather to share things but luce life as a loner and dont want to brag about 'Im from the group of wizard'


Until you quit being a good tax slave or Jeff bezos pulls the lever on you after you screw up at work


>Identify as
Zoomer, people labelled you as a nerd/geek, you didn't have a choice in the matter. Obviously now it's cool like the word nigger to call yourself that.


I just want a place free of sex-having normies


well, thats why we have wizchan


wizchan has been breached.


I call myself nothing. Low profile as much as possible.


by whom?

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