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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Fellow wizards, as a 30 yr old virgin myself I sometimes wonder - If you somehow managed to stop being a wizard. What would your life be like? I have talked to ex wizards and they basically say they can't keep a gf for long because they get insecure that they are being cheated on and have no real experience to tell if they are being gaslighted or just from their own thoughts.


>you're still a virgin, you just think you're not.


youre video is bullshit normalcattle


They say those who move on don't go on to have a happy life after. Most go on to look for love and marriage out of loneliness but end up running into either crazy roasties or those who find out they have no real friends or past so they see no value in a simple man.


succubi want intresting men, I'm not


It's my fear as well. It will be like getting tricked for nothing in the end. Once the succ finds out you are a neet or wagecuck with no friends it's over. So one would have to constantly keep up a lie they they are normie with friends and a social life just for some roastoid not to lose all value in you.


>a simple man, no frens, etc
That's the filter. To be kept no matter how much situation changes from that.

Sorry to say, but sexual love is a business.


incoherent thread that seems to be unashamedly trying to create a discussion about sexhaving exwizards. It should be deleted


Incoherent to whomst? Maybe you are still too young to understand the wizard endgame.


Lol all that internalized brainrot


The video is stupid. You don't choose to be an crab, so you can't choose to stop being one. By definition it means someone who wants sex but can never get it from anyone.

That's like asking, how do I stop being short or asian? How do I stop having pointy toes?

Now, I *can* accept that it's a voluntary choice in the case of wizards who never wanted sex in the first place. But they are a minuscule minority who don't make much noise about themselves.
Though even then, it's only a choice for those wizards who are attractive enough for at least 1 succubus alive to want them (but the wizard refusing even that theoretical chance).


yeah this thread is weird delet it


Wizkid detected.


? I'm a apprentice


yeah he's just not MATURE enough for a relationship, he needs to GROW UP to a succubus


The word crab has morphed from meaning an "involunary celibate" to being a virgin who is a bitter misogynist. It is a complicated mess and I just dont give a shit anymore. I really shouldn't even cared about it in the first place


>If you somehow managed to stop being a wizard. What would your life be like?

I don't think sex would magically change anything about my life unless I also procreated or the sex involved breaking the law.
In which case I would have to deal with raising a child or deal with the legal system I guess.

Otherwise the main difference would just be that I didn't post here anymore.

That said this is all idle speculation. Who knows, I could get a taste for it and become a sex crazy degenerate, or hate it and preach from on high how sex is a abomination. Probably not but odds are I won't ever know anyway so it's whatever.


even wizzies wants interesting wizzies to groid with, that being said, im not sure if that is exclusive to succs. i remember mumbling whatever next to my godfather and he fake yawn'd, after that i remained shut. nowadays i simply shut myself out of any friendships like a good avoidant


they were each other's first, guy asked for it though, still surprising how a religious, virgin, and catholic succubus still have the audacity to run over the husband, who is also religious
remember wiz, the grass always seems greener on the other side, but the moment you cross the line, the spots become visible. its comfy behind the keyboard


>simply shut myself
wise decision. it also happened to me a lot, now days I try to shut my mouth and not speak too much


>even wizzies want intresting wizzies
true look at


>I have talked to ex wizards
There's no such thing as an "ex-wizard". It's literally no different from calling someone an ex-virgin. like no shit, nobody was born a non-virgin. Those guys were either late bloomers or just guys that didn't give a shit enough about sex to have it young. Wizardry is a choice to abstain from sex and to decide otherwise strips one of the wizard title.


The people who morphed the word weren't just normie succubi, it was also hordes of ashamed male íncels who hated that label deeply because it lowers their social status somewhere next to sewer rats and pedophiles.

Yet it doesn't change the fact there are hundreds of millions of men living in involuntary celibacy all their lives while bashing "íncels" online. It's quite comical if you think about the whole dynamic, and how these guys tried to pervert the word to mean "some
horrible misogynist womenhaters, not us! Don't look at us please!"

Because the fact is most íncels are failed normies, not wizards.
And the biggest humiliation and ridicule towards a normie is being outed as a grown man who is a virgin well into his 20s and 30s. That's why they rabidly and fiercely attack the label; To evade their own social status from vaporizing below zero.


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makes sense but normies also would be sus if you call yourself a wizard since they associate it with something like Bluebeard
it's better to just tell normies you're a crab even if you are a wizard


Better yet, just don't mention it to normies. Nothing good can come out of it except them lashing out or trying to insult you.


Yes please don't bring up your sex life or lack of it, it's disgusting


I think it's also a desperate attempt to get positive female attention. By bashing the bad evil misogynist crabs they get to group in with fmoids. "See? I'm on your side will you please touch me now??"
Something like that.
When normies bring up the topic you evade, hell, just say you're currently on a dry spell or whatever and they should let it go. Give them just enough self deprecation to satisfy their curiosity and need to feel superior. The only people who can get away with telling normies about their wizard status are sociable and charismatic wizchads.


You hit the nail on its' head. Many of them are classic white knights.


Who just casually brings up the topic "yeah I fucked your mom this weekend", probably third worlders


I've never personally hung out with people like that either. But I have peripherally known those kinds of guys who openly talk about le epic sexxo and how many succubi they sleep with and inevitably they will turn that conversation to whoever else is in the group.


Cool, so when do you finish school


Without judgement here, how many wizard go on to finally lose the V card and attain some kind of normie life and stuff? 30%? 25%?


Read through the threads in this board carefully, putting aside the exceedingly short responses, and think. The normal life as you understand it does not and will not exist for anyone here. Normal anything is dead and its corpse is full of holes. This is the final -quite publicly accessible, anyway- frontier… so for 'here', the answer is 0%. You can go now.


Dude, the OP said the spoken with "ex-wizards", so there still a group of wizards that went to on and got it back to the normie life, or something close to it.


crab thread?


It's not a inckel thread, it's just about wizard that went on to live another life, that it, there's not obsessing over females or hating them here, it's more like about the insecurities and problems of a wizards that went on the be a ex-wizard.


ok, I wish we had actual former wizards from wizchan who left wizardry to know what happened next


Yeah, probably there are ex-wizards around here that lurk just to see stuff, I picture that if you lived a life of wizard for very long time, I think its very hard to truly leave that type of mindset and lifestyle behind, you may change a lot, but you still have the lived experience of being a wizard to "see" the world through the lens of wizard even though you don't really are a genuine wizard anymore. I know it's bad analogy but I picture like a veteran of war, a person that after going back from war, go to live a normal life, but never truly becoming comfortable being a civilian.



Those "ex-wizards" weren't really wizards in the first place then. Being a wizard is done voluntarily and is based mostly on your views. What you're describing is more related to the crab sphere and their version of "ascending".


>done voluntarily
indeed, thats why inkel can't be wizards


I don't think a person really chooses to be a wizard, the only big difference between a wizard and a inckel is that inckel are obsessed with succubus or make their central point in life, while the wizard just try to avoid thinking abour females in general or not obsessed that much.


I have no proof, but I do agree they probably exist now that you worded it in this way.

If they've been wizards for 38 years and then due to some freak accident have 20 seconds of sex with some drunk weirdo, they aren't just magically going to rewire their brains.
They're still the same person they were for 38 years and will keep frequenting the same sites and blogs they did as a virgin because it's been their life for more than a third of a century.


Yeah at best theyll have a short-lived catastrophe of a relationship and then be basically back in the same position


I'm in my 40s. Colleague at work is in his 60s, suspected to be brain damaged. Tax accountant for 17 years, and him for 33 years ( he almost got fired 8 months ago after refusing to talk to a new employee, an obese hag in her 30s who later herself got fired for getting caught in an an attempt to sabotage a report of his ).

The thought of something like a spontaneous bout of sex for either of us is about as likely as a sudden magical transportation to another magical super world. Let me tell you, if you live alone and isolated as a man until your 40s, your sexual, in fact your social interest altogether and appetite in anything will not only disappear, it will be as if your body repudiates it.

I can't understand how this freak scenario you speak of could possibly happen unless the person in question engaging it happens to be inflicted by a malady ensuing in mental retardation or some similar cognitive defection, at which point whether he is wizard or not, the point is moot. Like an animal with lust abound, he'd have probably molested someone someday.


Just because it doesn't happen to you, or you don't want it, doesn't mean it can't happen to another dude. You're a just projection you experience as if it was universal or all other dudes share the same outlook was you.


No way, if you have minimal social interaction for the majority of your life, you become a cryptid that hardly anyone can socialise with irl (ask me how I know lol). Sure, in theory, such a man could achieve le sex, but in reality, these things just don't happen. I imagine it's easier than it seems (if you lower your standards all the way down to STD battlegrounds), but why would you even want to, at this point? Surely by now, at this age, you realize that the effort and consequences far outweigh the momentary pleasure.


>if you lower your standards all the way down to STD battlegrounds

There's always the little gifts but after about 25 it's just something you'll have to accept in a relationship


This. Your brain will be COOKED after 40 years of isolation. Even if a fat bald hairy ogre succubus raped you for half a minute making you lose your virginity, nothing would change.


Well, I mean, you are not wrong, I too highly doubt that a person that reaches the 40s without experiencing intimacy will from one day to another have intimacy, but at the same time it's no impossible, it could happen, but it's very unlikely.


Then you get the cucks that have been married 20+ years that complain about not getting sex or intimacy lmao

A guy who's been independent for a long time has better chances than some subservient pussywhipped cuck


"Even if a fat bald hairy ogre succubus raped you for half a minute making you lose your virginity,"

It would appear that this, too, is altogether impossible just as the fantasies mentioned above. Sorry anon. The chastity of a wizard appears impossibly well guarded.


succubi have such low standards nowadays, if you can stand upright for an hour you probably have a chance

Except if you're brown or chinkoid maybe

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