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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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I realized something about myself, I am actually afraid of work. Not like work, but just afraid of getting a job. In the small town where I live (I'm from Eastern Europe by the way). I can't get hired anywhere and I have developed interview anxiety and feel useless knowing that the next time I go to interview I'm going to be sent to hell. I'm just a fucking NEET at 28 and I can't do anything and I don't want anything else in life. I'm so desperate that I don't even go to the store, which I used to do successfully. Normies are the ugliest creatures i hate my life but most of all i hate fucking people


same, 27 NEET, fear of working and getttig scolded on or doing mistakes or being bullied at work




Ok, but what does any of that have to do with the image you choose with the very weird looking succubus?


I put it there for fun. she is dressed in work clothes, the kind worn in my country by people working in heavy industries or other. physically demanding jobs. People like her will never work for such jobs.


Plus this is a photo of a man who changed his face with the help of AI and he is male

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