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Reflections on height
My mother is 4.9, my father is 5.5.
In my school years, because my mother worked as a cleaner in a factory for 12 grand (RUB*) a month and my father worked in the same factory as an electrician for 15 grand, I had a disgusting diet and a closed way of life - I was forbidden to leave the house. I grew very slowly while my boy classmates in 13-14 years old were 5.2-6.2, succubi were 4.9-5.7. I was 4.7 in 9th grade at 15 (since I went to school at 6 (while the whole class was 7-8). I was hated for my height and for the fact that I was not a calm tolerant I was a hyperactive child with the character of an alpha kid most of the bullying was psychological mostly I was bullied by classmates and teachers who were also female. The bullying could be expressed in the following teachers constantly put me as a bad example or as an example of a stupid child because I was the youngest and smallest, they looked down on me while my classmates allowed themselves to communicate with them as equals and challenge their decisions my attempts to build a constructive dialog ended with remarks and F's in the diary. I could be forced to do class work because it seemed to them that I was the easiest to force and so they reflexively emphasized me. To wring out a rag, to wipe the blackboard, to put me at the first desk in every lesson, to call me to the blackboard every lesson, to take away my backpack for not having time to put my textbooks away before the lesson started, constant teasing trying to shove me into some ugly role in some ugly play for example I played a rooster in the New Year's play because I was threatened to get a D for the quarter after which my classmates and teachers laughed at me almost immediately after that I was tricked into the role of an eagle on teacher's day where I was scripted to peck Hercules' liver while I was pecking the liver on stage. From the outside it looked like an act of sodomy and about 100 people were looking at me, including teachers and students, laughing loudly at me and shouting "peck, peck" I still do not understand how and why in their heads these people had such a desire to mock me. In addition to this I suffered from overweight, acne, stuttering and social maladjustment. No one was involved in my physical fitness, so I never knew how to do pull-ups and push-ups, which in turn caused ridicule from others. Classmates never paid attention to my advances they every day laughed at my height and my appearance Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>I bet you are
So what about that? Show off, foid


we are currently experiencing dysgenics, OP. It shouldn't be like this but you're on the bad end of the spectrum due to it. Feminism ruins societies and harms males.


>my mother worked as a cleaner in a factory for 12 grand (RUB*) a month and my father worked in the same factory as an electrician for 15 grand, I had a disgusting diet and a closed way of life - I was forbidden to leave the house
And what do you feel towards the parents that damned you to certainly being so short.


There seem to be various methods for raising height by using growth hormone.


An example of someone who took (too many) growth hormones to change his physique is Sam Hyde.
>be 5'10 and skinny
>take HGH in conjunction with lifting
>became 6'4 and invincible
>keep using it and trenbolone
>6'6-6'8, constantly out of breath due to organs having no room to expand, permanent bloated goat because of it
>wearing also made his skull grow around the frame, giving him a peanut-shaped head
>looks like he will explode
If OP is still under 5 feet it will help to a certain extent but becoming 6 feet will make him a beached whale. Lengthening your legs will fucking destroy you in a couple years as well. You can't really change your skeleton without substantial consequences.

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 No.287439[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I hate wizards who got substantial inheritances, or lucked out otherwise while being unable to work. 99,9% of the problems related to being a wizard are related to a lack of money and the fact normies hate even employing a non-neurotypical, making life an infinite paywall torture simulator where you can only look but not touch anything.

My life would completely transform if I even had 10k dollars to my name. Yet there are wizards who inherited an expensive big house and hundreds of thousands of euros or dollars.

They cannot sympathize with someone who is in a perpetual cycle of shit tier labor->pay absolute necessities->have maybe $20 extra at the end of the month-> repeat infinitely…

Because they play life on heaven mode where everything is unlocked and stress levels go down by 99%.
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>I'm trying to understand the world
>so i'll say "cope" and use silly adhoms

You need a certain level of intelligence to understand the world, sadly.


I don't hate them, I just envy them a little. 🎩


It literally allows you to sleep at night KNOWING you can't go homeless. You can book any hotel you want, you can probably buy an apartment if you want to.

How is that "bottled cope" instead of endless possibilities and safety?
Do you realize plenty of homeless people post here on their old ass phones?


If I was rich I'd circumnavigate the globe at least once, just get plane tickets from one place to the next until I'm all the way around the planet, and mostly just get drunk on the plane and not even go see anything, just one plane to the next and just drink.


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[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.286861[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Suicide general, - Discuss everything suicide related here.
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what's your opinions on using Steroids if ,like, you're a 80 year old guy who's really losing all his muscle power\ athleticism? under doctor control of course, but I mean literal steroids not just "TRT"


I don't know much about that area because I don't use contraband substances. They say cruise cycles won't harm you testosterone levels at all. Probably much too intense for an 80 year old, the usual thing they give aging men is DHEA which is a more permissible testosterone booster.


I have already started takin some of those including Ginko Biloba, B vitamins, NAC, some other anti-oxydants, zinc, etc. Also HBOT and biomodulation therapy, I just feel that whatever mild effect it has I will never truly be the same, to never have peace and be second guessing myself. Tinnitus is probably the worst. I never really researched about nootropics, I used to just take vitamins D,C, calcium and magnesium. I find this will all become really expensive with little gain. Might as well pull the plug and let close ones get the little possessions I have.
I am not even american, pushing drugs seems to be the standard. The worst thing is I dodged the vax and at least know some things about how pharma operates. Ive had depression and anxiety my whole life without any interventions, yet now I caved for the measly promise of neetbux and the outcome is that I lost the little sanity and health and now money that I have. A life filled with regret.


Also taking taurine for my liver now, but Im generally more cautious of synthetic supplements dont want to experiment some more with my brain and body. Im still skeptical about nootropics even though I know little of them.
I would also mention that I was subscribed Sertaline (Zolft) for 1.5 months 25 mg at first and then 50 mg. Then I was subscribed 25 mg Anafranil (Clomipramine) and they pushed me to take 50 mg, with that also Olanzapine (Zyprexa) 2.5 mg and 5 mg for a few times. Took the last ones for about a month.


the ones I'm talking about are proven effective for brain regeneration. I have taken Dihexa, which is a peptide, and the effects were dramatically positive. It's supposedly ten million times stronger than BDNF, and one of the few legal and effective ways to induce massive brain growth in relatively short periods. You have to take it with an anticancer agent (quercetin) and for a short period because many people are concerned about this regeneration being carcinogenic. But if you want brain recovery and growth this is the wonder drug.

I have had similar problems. One of the issues with AP's is that they alter brain neurotransmitter function. Nigrostrital dopamine and certain aspects of serotonin chiefly. I don't know how bad your issues are but defeating negative symptoms is all about getting back your dopaminergic system IMO. Olanzapine is a really bad one for damage, hope you are off it.

[Last 50 Posts]

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When I was younger, around 20-25 years old, I was highly driven, motivated, outgoing, hopeful and physically fit. I had even graduated college. Then, the year I turned 26, I destroyed my right shoulder, left leg, totaled my car, dropped out of the trade school I was in, lost my job, became an alcoholic, and was THIS close to killing myself. Obviously I didn't since I'm posting here now at 29. I even went back to school and graduated for the trade and got the "dream job." Also stopped drinking 3 months ago.

However. since that year I haven't felt that happiness I once had. All of the things I had built up for myself were taken away all at once. I used to enjoy doing multiple martial arts, running, swimming, gaming, and learning new things. I just don't get the same enjoyment or excitement out of any of that stuff anymore. I don't know what to do any more. Do I just keep living even though I hate it? Just so I don't make my mother upset that I killed myself? It's just not good any more. Hasn't been for years.
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You're gone. There is no fixing this. Your life will never have value again.


^ whom does he talk to?


This. I've also lost everything I had due to external circumstances, then painstakingly rebuilt it all back over years and years of sweat, tears and hard work.

It doesn't feel the same the second or third time around. All emotions and feelings of joy are very muted, it's like you're a dead zombie roaming the Earth in a living body.


This. This. And once again this.


I concur. This is exactly how I feel, or rather, don't feel.
But there must be a way back. I believe the damage is reversible.


I'm starting to get hints of back problems which means I should start exercising asap to strengthen my back. I've read the horror stories of back problems people share as a warning. And yet I don't do anything knowing full well I will regret it once it gets so bad I will be in constant pain and lose mobility.

Why? I'm like this with everything. I know and fear the consequences and yet I don't try to prevent them.
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Manic Depression Barrett Kosh Suffering from Guilty Conscience in DUbai after stealing more money.


Yeah, "laziness" is a pretty vague, unhelpful term used for moralizing. It's much better to think in terms of barriers that hinder people from doing the work. If they are not practical like not having the time or tools to do a task, then it's usually internal barriers, but they are much harder to diagnose and troubleshoot. Often the person "just doesn't feel like doing the work" and we return a moralizing framework, well if you were a better person somehow, you would be willing to do the work, you would brute-force the discomfort, that's just how it's done i.e. discipline, banging your head against the wall until something gives.

You can't diagnose the problem from the outside because you don't have access to the person's private experience, so only the person himself can know what to do to resolve his issue and move forward. That requires introspection, being able to pay attention to their internal experience and what they feel, which isn't easy to do or train. What am I feeling? Am I overwhelmed? Then breaking down the problem will help. Am I afraid of failure? Uhhh don't be? Do I just not care about the task? Well, CARE! Turn it the caring, get invested…but how? Do I just not know how to do the task? Well, just increase your intelligence spontaneously.

Knowing that "laziness" isn't a thing and there is probably a real barrier that prevents you from making progress doesn't immediately solve or diagnose the problem. If the problem is external it would be obvious, so-and-so doesn't have a shovel to dig the hole and that's why he's procrastinating. If it's internal, then what? The person has to look inside themselves and through some insight, realize how to move forward by carefully observing what they feel, where they feel blocked etc.

Is there any framework that deals with that inner experience and sheds a light on it? I haven't found anything personally. Every time I hit against a wall on some task, it's a matter of luck or simply waiting before I can move forward with it, or giving up for a long long while until the missing piece is ready.


Exercising will ruin your health


Show off


low sertonin or dopa;
get off the computer and take supps. All your guys problems are varients of the same thing


Health - undiagnosed gastrological problems, lost half my weight, couldn't breathe normally for a year, NAFLD, IBS, schizoid personality, mixed anxiety-depression, all teeth dying, always in pain or unbearable agony or feeling like i'm dying, benzo addiction, exhaustion, inability to function, move, eat, work like a normal person, heart arrythmias, breathing problems, stomach pains, teeth pain, head pain, eyesight problems, heartburn, huge scoliosis etc. etc.

Money - after making a ton of money in crypto eventually I started losing it and giving money away due to depression and suicidal ideation, so after 2 years of psychiatry and therapy i went to the best psychiatric hospital where they scammed me out of 6 figures and said they can't help me. Rest went to physicians for normal health problems, nobody really helped, they misdiagnosed me and tried to treat non-existing conditions, spent a year going from doctor to doctor for my symptoms until i ran out of money, now i'm left with infinite tax debt. Dropped out of school at 18, can't work any normal job due to physical mental social problems and inability to do simplest things, not that anyone would hire me.

Social - my family is insane and insanely stupid, they don't care and won't do anything even if you writhe in pain in front of them, or start dying in front of them. I don't speak to them since years and I would do things to them I'd rather not write about. Never had my own room, and shared a PC with 2 forever unemployed mentally ill brothers till I was 20. Never had a chance to live or function like a normal person. Never had a single relationship, a friend, never felt love in any form for anyone in my family or otherwise. I am socially at a level of a 4 year old.

Oh, I also can't do basic chores and never learned how to function like a normal human being. And I lost all my hobbies and copes since there's no point. So why am I still here, you ask? No reason, apart from my cowardice. I first thought about suicide probably 12 years ago, drowning in my bathtub. But i quickly decided it was just a fantasy and I will do it via train. Nothing's changed, only available methods are brutal and scary and i'm the biggest coward you will ever meet in the universe. But, there is no choice. Suicide started as a comforting fantasy, then a choice, and then a necessity you beg for every day. I hope I manage to die today. There is no point in doing anything or thinking about anything or feelinPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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If you have money, health problems can be solved, mental problems can be treated, addictions can also be by going to a help center, of course you are going to suffer great withdrawal and want to tear your eyes out, and psychiatric treatments will have quite bad effects on your organism but in everything you would be fine. It won't be easy, and you will have many setbacks along the way, but if you continue you will reach a point where everything will be fine.

>I also can't do basic chores and never learned how to function like a normal human being. And I lost all my hobbies and copes since there's no point.

Life has no meaning or reason for being, the meaning is in what we give it. And now, voluntarily or involuntarily, the meaning of your life is to suffer, and live in constant agony. It may be different, but it depends on you.

>I've been alone since birth till death, nobody ever helped me or understood me or cared about me.

You feel alone because of the rejection from your family, from "society", and your problem is not understanding that the problem is not really you or your way of being, but rather them. That's why you do nothing but comment on your problems in an anonymous forum where there are more or less people like you.
You can tell from miles away that you just want to feel accepted, in a group, or in some similar shit, but you're never going to achieve it if you can't accept your past mistakes and sins, and forgive them.


is longecity just a meme, tho? or is it legitimate? is it related to either lesswrong or lesserwrong?


It's the elite biohacker brain, longevity, and health forum. Do not post if you're a new guy, almost nobody goes is active anymore. Lurk the archives and know what you're looking for to get some very detailed and handy answers. About x2.5 better than reddit


poland. you cant help me, even god couldn't, if he existed.
wow, you are a genius, just get infinite money and solve your problems. as if you missed the part where i explained im broke in debt and cant make money, in fact im in constant physical and mental pain that makes me want to blow my brains out. i wish i was born american.
and, even money doesn't always help. i had a lot of money and i was scammed out of it, doctors misdiagnosed me and tried treating non-existing diseases, etc etc. humans suck even if you pay them. you know nothing.
surely a broken life will be fixed by supplements. you should try going to church, at least praying is free and nearly as effective.


I tried various nootropics, supplements, and pharmaceutical drugs over the years to fix whatever is wrong with me, but it never worked. I think it's because the root cause of my problems was actually caused by emotional neglect in childhood. That has permanently fucked up my self esteem and caused irreparable social anxiety and avoidance.


Serious question for any wizcels:

Do you ever wonder how you got here…as in, how or why you "woke up" when you did, where you did, to the people (parents) that you did? It's impossible to make sense of. Just on one fucking terrible day, we took up consciousness, literally out of nowhere we are in bodies and tasked with learning the mechanics of entire material world. What caused us to be born when we were, to whom we were? I don't accept that it was random, or mere bare biology..I feel within myself that this life is a targeted punishment and that were I smarter I would have avoided being born entirely. What piece of shit god thinks he/it has the right to do this to us? We are born, thereafter we spend a few years simply making basic sense of things, go off to school, probably suffer a lot, continue to grow up, endure more sadness, and now through all of it we just continue to get older and weaker and sadder. This life is a crime against our souls and whatever caused us to come here HAS TO PAY. Really the only thing I fear is being forced to come back to this shitheap of a world to suffer again…and I do worry about this precisely because I don't know how I got here in the first place. I feel deeply sorry for all the new souls born to this world…there is just so much to learn, but even more there is just so much to suffer through…and I cannot understand what kind of god would force this sort of existence on tender helpless beings? The demiurge must be overcome.
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what level of confidence do you guys have that once we've finally died we'll be at peace forever from whatever the hell this wretched existence actually is?


Hello buddy, I see that your post was insanely subjective and seem to come from hatred of Life and God.

But don't worry this hatred is not absurd and you're right, But don't be hatefully ignorant, Life is trully a punishment but you must know beyond punishment that the life you were given is atleast better than what the other misfortunate person had.

Be thankful that you atleast see and live in a better place and can afford internet and electricity and water. I know this may seem as sophism but truly you need to be thankful that in this punished World atleast you had the advantage 60% didn't have.


It seems unlikely that we will be reborn in the same conditions, but since we don't know what consciousness actually is we can't say for sure that we do not live again. Things are always worse than imagination.


Zero. There is no escape.


false, ultra false.

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 No.283721[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

If my problems were purely emotional I think I could cope. But I have physical flaws that make me feel like a freak and hated by anyone who isn't family. I've got Seb derm on my face, and I've seen many dermatologists and tried every over the counter treatment possible, but nothing in the long-term has helped. It looks awful and the only option I have to is to wear cover-up (though I'm a guy), but that's noticeable too. I also have head tremors that look especially odd when I walk or drive a car. And on top of that i have a stutter, which can only be hidden when i don't talk (obviously), but is quite noticeable in most conversations. These things make me terribly anxious to be around people. I've tried to come to terms with my physical flaws, but I just can't. Every time I go outside I feel like everyone's eyes are on me. I'm jealous of people whose problems are just mental.
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a visit is expensive, yes. but you wrote:
> the most difficult thing to get besides an organ transplant
which is nonsense. you can get an appointment in one month.


Not that poster, but in Brazil you will pay USD 800 just to talk to a dermatologist, it's seen as a luxury service even if you have skin conditions.

That is before a single procedure is done on your skin which costs thousands or tens of thousands.
So most just suck it up and live with their horrible skin, except the rich. The wait times to talk to a dermatologist can be very long because there are so few of them.


Could you please post what you did try?


> in Brazil you will pay USD 800 just to talk to a dermatologist
that sounds really fucked for brazilian wizzies


In the US they are just normal doctors. Insurance won't cover it though unless you have a serious issue like melanoma or something.

[Last 50 Posts]


Why are there female apologists here, on the only website dedicated to wizardly endeavors, the only place on the internet that defends and respects male celibacy of all places?

Females are the origin of all our suffering and all the suffering of the collective human race, proven by the irrefutable fact of their unique role as stinky fuck holes that shit out children for their personal selfish enjoyment, desire, status and primal urge.

To them in their self serving justification, children should be grateful, but in reality females have to carefully conceal their sadistic, uncaring and casual indifference in their role of throwing a baby into this evil society to be logs of worthless shit, helplessly abused, used up and treated like disposable trash to be thrown away once they no longer have value.

Females are the bane of all wizardly existence, the origin of all wizardly suffering, the origin and the beginning of unquenchable wizardly desires, the dawning existence of the humble unsuspecting wizkids with aspirations of deserving their fair share of basic wizlet happiness.

Wizkids are naturally pure, innocent, busy with wizardly endeavors, wand enjoyers who love to conjure magic in their rooms, some evolving into wizardly figures recognized as a lively house ornament with unending loyalty and as a silent background figure always providing company for the house occupants to stave off their feelings of loneliness, some wizzies composting and blossoming into wise loyal hermit oracles, some a cared for sheltered recluse that has invaluable wizardly virtues. Some having to partake in the dog eat dog normalfag world of cliqued up social hierarchies all orbiting around female gynocentric pussy worship. The wizkid is a rare treasure in the modern world and must be protected.

The wizkid serves as a naturally innocent benevolent force of objective moral good, the entire existence of the wizkid stands in complete contrast to the naturally wicked existence of the human female, creatures that are unashamed in their sadistic self serving primitive impulses, unashamed in their vile intentions to scheme, lie, cheat, manipulate and swindle, but are instinctually smart enough to keep it hidden deep within, but eventually the infectious bio-waste that fills their souls leaks out in subtle almost unnoticeable slip ups that stupefies you into disbelief witnessing their casual cruel intentions. Once you finally learn how to notice thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>why are they here?
They might be needing some bitchslap or to get laughed at for their cuckolry.

Where are they?


I don't trust them either. it's a sign of being an npc after all.


all stinkccubi are the same tho, like the basic principle is the same everywhere throughout nature.
A stinkccubis has to shit out more of its race and in that position they pretty much control all social dynamics.


OP is just another obsessed crab that pretends to be wizard. If he was wizard, the OPpost would be shortened to "Why do we tolerate normalfags, failed normalfags, crabs and females on a site for wizards?" Granted, of course, moderation agrees with the definition of a wizard as of a volcel, who tries his best to be happy without being involved in neurotypical social life.


>all stinkccubi are the same tho, like the basic principle is the same everywhere throughout nature.
feminism has truly destroyed this world, wizard.

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You always make threads of "I will never be pretty enough", "I will never have a job because I am ugly", "I am horrible :(". Everything related to physical appearance, and complexes. The truth is already unpleasant, and pathetic that men , and especially chaste men, give importance to something as trivial as appearance.


This is true.. I wish men would be like men again, powerful protectors of their species and taking what they want, not fucking babies crying how ugly they are.


It's not just something about wizchan, it's something that happens in most social networks regardless of whether it is a forum, an IB, or a normal social network.
It is really unpleasant, it is understandable for succubi to want to be prettier, or have better attributes, so it is not unusual for them to spend so much money on makeup, hairdressing, or things like that, since they consciously or subconsciously seek approval. masculine, but in men this does not make sense, and even less in chaste men.

>not fucking babies crying how ugly they are

Society is becoming more and more feminine, and with the submission and weakness that this implies. Completely or partially dominated by the female gender.


Being ugly sucks whether you are a man or a succubus, especially in today's age where there is so much competition in every aspect of life and ugliness is a huge handicap. People complain about anything that makes their personal situation harder.


If you're a man simply be fit and get money, thats all people expect from a man. To be a provider and a healthy individual, but lots of men are not doing that and dropping out because the juice isn't worth the squeeze no more.

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