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 No.27994[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post good (spoken) books in this thread.

I'll start with the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. Such a good narration.
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I admit, my memory retention is terrible. But despite having bits and pieces of the audiobooks I've heard over the years while driving, I wouldn't say I have strong mastery of any particular one. There is lots of evidence suggesting multitasking is very bad for information encoding


Then don't multi task.
That doesn't mean you should shit on audiobooks as a format because you personally have a problem of shitty retention and instability to pay attention. That is a problem with you and your behavor. Not a problem with audiobooks.


lol. Don't make a thread if you don't want to hear my thoughts on the subject. Books are better, you retain much more and are using more of your brain in the process of encoding


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scrolls are better actually, the linearity of scrolls structurally retains the oral transmission that preceded their writing. books grant an illusion of greater density by way of reference to previous pages, chapters, and sections, but information encoded across these boundaries is lost


So you are basically admitting to just being a shit stir who has no actual interest in the subject and just here to troll.

Good to know, you can fuck off now.

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 No.64932[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Book discussion. Tell us what you're reading.
Previous threads:
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“Freedom is the possibility of isolation. You are free if you can withdraw from people, not having to seek them out for the sake of money, company, love, glory or curiosity, none of which can thrive in silence and solitude. If you can't live alone, you were born a slave. You may have all the splendours of the mind and the soul, in which case you're a noble slave, or an intelligent servant, but you're not free. And you can't hold this up as your own tragedy, for your birth is a tragedy of Fate alone. Hapless you are, however, if life itself so oppresses you that you're forced to become a slave. Hapless you are if, having been born free, with the capacity to be isolated and self-sufficient, poverty should force you to live with others.”
― Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet


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One of my favorite books now, it compelled and congealed out of me emotions I wish to not fully feel by the end of it. I had to get a physical copy since there wasn't a PDF I could find for free.


I have recently finished "King Solomon's Mines". This is an old book, one of the first to popularise the lost world/adventure genre in the english language. I thought it was okay, by today's standards it is quite average, but at the time I can see how it was quite ground breaking.

It is a proper boys adventure novel, just pure fun and adventure, no sex or excessive swearing that I've come to loathe in modern novels, and it is kind of a product of its time though I'm not bothered by that. You can see how it could have influenced future adventure writers, including Tolkien.

My biggest gripe about it is how little the characters prepare. For example, they knew they were going to cross a vast desert and the supplies they packed were a huge amount of guns and ammo and two days worth of water. How the hell was that a good idea to the leader who has spent most of his life hunting in the wilderness? Is this another product of its time thing when the Victorians believed in Divine Providence, or is it a lesson the reader is meant to pick up on themselves or what? Either way, I enjoyed it, a fun and easy read, a simple story but plenty of action packed into 250ish pages.


I'm reading Star Trek Vanguard, for now it's a ok reading, liking so far.


Uploaded a video on YouTube with one of my favorite poems from Pessoa translated into English.

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Any type of writing is allowed, from lyrics, to poetry, to essays, and anything in between.

Last Thread:

Some discussion starters for the thread:

>What are you writing right now?

>What's your favorite thing to write about?

>Is there anything important about writing that you wish you knew earlier?

>What literary devices do you implement in your writing?

>Is there anything that you're planning to improve on in your writing?
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>but it's so satisfying to get ideas out the head and onto the page in a coherent narrative.


Probably the best place to start would be to read a few light novels and analyze how they are written. I think that you need to have some understanding of the medium from the viewpoint of a reader. Just like to make good music you have to listen to music, just knowing how many notes per song is the most common isn't enough. (I assume just like >>67681 that you don't have much experience with LNs)

That said if you are a begginer I think getting feedback pretty often is important, you don't want to spend a few months writing an entire book just to find out that something fundamental is boring or badly done.


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>Probably the best place to start would be to read a few light novels and analyze how they are written
I already read LN. I've read Welcome to NHK and I have goblin slayer manga and at the end they add an excerpt of the LN. what I guessed is the story telling is very smooth and got the right amount of description and event happenings.
>That said if you are a begginer I think getting feedback pretty often is important, you don't want to spend a few months writing an entire book just to find out that something fundamental is boring or badly done.
indeed I need feedback very often to know if what I've written is good enough.
here's the story/idea I have:
>30 year old japanese wizard hikikomori
>lives wirh parents (only child)
>he's a jerk and mistreat his parents
>all he does is playing bishoujo games and fapping to loli
>24th december, he got in a dispute with his parents, go in his room and breaks everything in his room
>fall asleep
>wake up in the middle of the night by a loli he sees in is favorite bishoujo game
from now it is like ' a christmas carol', with the ghost of past, present and future. after the three ghosts shows him his situation, he decide to go find a job


I'm no expert on writing but I think that's a good place to start. I think that the biggest problem with writing a story centered on hikikomori is that you have to figure out how to make an interesting plot about someone that doesn't leave his room, so introducing supernatural elements like christmas carol is a clever workaround to this problem. (I haven't watched or read welcome to NHK so I don't know how they deal with it)


I have more or less given up on the wizard book I was posting chapters of here.

I think I will try writing shorter pulp adventure stories for awhile to stay in practice. I ain't ready to write full on novels yet.
Besides, with the stories being shorter I will be more likely to get feedback and be able to post them more places.

Speaking of getting in the swing of thing.

Dude that was wanting to write a light novel.
How's it going?
Please tell me you are still working on it.

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 No.64254[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Get some hooks and hang them pots and pans from the wall


> cooked with poblano peppers
>just ripped the seeds out by hand because it's way easier and it's just poblanos it's not like they're spicy
>after dinner I notice my balls are burning a little
>wipe my eyes a few times and notice they start to burn
>realize I got a little spicy fingers but the ball burn was mild and went away so I just ignored it for a few hours
>fingers starting to feel a little spicier and I can't stop accidentally wiping my eyes so I figure I'll just take a quick shower and rinse it all off
>get out of shower and realize my fingers are now BURNING like I just scraped the backs of them on sandpaper or something
>fingers still burning 6 fucking hours since I deseeded them

wtf man, I thought poblanos weren't that spicy. Last time I underestimate a poblano, gotta wash that shit quick.


I've been grilling a lot lately because the weather is nice. It's annoying how good stuff comes out on the grill. Annoying because you can't always do it because of the weather. I've been catching stuff on fire by accident and it comes out good. I think being cooked in the fire from the fat of the meat makes it taste better and the higher temp makes the outside get a little crispy and charred without over cooking the inside.


There is no such thing s weather which prohibits grilling. Rain, sleet, snow, or locusts, eat will be charred



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Are any wizards interested in astrology? I've recently got into it and become very passionate about it. It's definetely true, and i've also started to developing my own theories that i'm hopefully going to refine with time.
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>But the issue is what I want is "All the stars that make up the asterism Orion, so that way I can draw all the lines in the 3D print. I guess I could look up a list of star names in the Orion asterism, then go one by one to find each RA/declination, but I'm trying to save myself a little time.
>Thanks for the response, though. Renko is life.
No problem, maybe you found something already but you could use this for the lines: https://github.com/Stellarium/stellarium-skycultures/blob/master/western/index.json (this is likely generated, but I couldn't find from where)

The "lines" array contains the hipparcos id for each star in an asterism, and hip is the second field of the hyg catalogue, so you could write a small program to extract the ra and dec using those arrays as an index. If you look at the triangulum lines array for example ([10670, 10064, 8796, 10670]) it describes a loop between 3 hip star identifiers. Good luck with your project wiz


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I don't really beleef in astrology, but I just found this book and decided to give it a go, for a while I've been interested in the mechanics of it and this one seems to cover the basics with some detail.


Man, I wish I could predict the markets with this shit.
Has anyone read W.D Gann books?


astrology is interesting, but i do not mean the weird soul, crystal, spirit stuff

i mean literally calculating the arrangements of the planets in accordance with the position and time on earth, it's neat being able to do this and come up with a chart

everyone beyond this stage is mostly nonsense however. trying to interpret why something is true for one person versus another. it's ultimately nonsense, but astrologers refuse to accept this and so everything has a hundred different meanings and interpretations

the initial calculation is mathematical and scientific, everything beyond that is worthless, although it can be entertaining and the subjective systems themselves interesting in a way


Get the human design app from the play store. You shall see that this science is more than mere speculations based on archetypes and planet positions.


starting with "Living with Wario"
senseless stuff you found funny across the net


Moved to >>>/b/982373.

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 No.65514[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's the last movie you've seen?
What's the oldest film you've seen?

The last movie thread has surpassed the bump limit. >>>/hob/60753
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i didn't know jim kelly was in this movie


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Mr. Vampire is my favorite movie.


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Recently I've become fascinated with tessellation and spent the past couple of weeks collecting pictures of mosaics from around the world. Eventually just looking at them was not enough and I want to go deeper, understand the geometric shapes and its secrets better. Not even sure why but periodic tiling feels like a brain massage to me, like I'm about to fall out of bottom of how I usually perceive the world around me. So I picked up the book Geometry by Cambridge University Press. Feel free to give a hollow laugh: I honestly thought I could just skip the math part of geometry (yes I'm an idiot) and appreciate its resulting surfaces. While you can do that, if you want to appretiate geometry even at a surface level, you need to know the bare minimum of maths. The book suggested a good grasp on the basics of linear algebra and algebraic structure. I thought 'OK, I'll read the wiki entries as a lazy primer' and quickly realized I forgot even the basics of mathematical symbols. I guess it's true after all, if you don't use it you lose it.

Long story short, I'm currently going through Pure Mathematics for Beginners. The good part of being dumb is when you learn a single thing it feels like a whole new world just opened up and it feels really good.

So yeah, maths thread.
Previous one; >>30554
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Usually, most of the questions aren't 'unique'; if there are 40 questions, most of them are just differently stated versions of the same question.

If you believe you understand the subject matter but still struggle with exercises, try looking up the answer to one of the questions you are having trouble with and attempt to solve similar questions on your own.


dont do them then, or just do a few.
Modern mathematics education is a disgrace because nobody wants to learn with dozens of tedious exercises. I hope you actually have good learning material


doing the problems is how you develop maths intuition tho?


I'm the person who started this thread. Since someone bumped it I might as well say I kept going until reaching differential calculus. I filled about 2 notebooks with exercises. After that, about a month ago, I stopped with math focused books and picked up a textbook on electronics. It's amazing how much math helps in understanding things like magnetic fields and just electricity in general. I could even predict some of the behaviors on the theoretical part of the text. I really feel I'm making good progress, can't wait until I reach the meat of the thing and start reading schematics and study electronic components.


Anyone got/read/knows Linear Algebra book from Peter D. Lax?

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Currently I'm learning python and already know all the basic stuff.
How to advance and become pro in shortest period of time?

For now I use these project things:

Reading them try to comprehend and change them. Is there anything better to do?
pls share such similar free recourse to learn program or better
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Some engineering advice for you:

(1) Don't try to over-abstract your code. Write what you need and if a pattern emerges frequently then you can write a general abstraction.

(2) Don't bother trying to optimize your code. Work on building the project you want and optimize when you run into performance issues.

(3) Avoid using every language feature. Every additional feature you use imposes complexity and increases the cognitive load of working with your software. This is also true of frameworks.

(4) Object orientated programming is mostly bullshit and will make your program into spaghetti. There is one exception though: encapsulation. Use classes as if they were related functions and state. This lets you build parts of your project as components that only have to focus on only thing. Avoid using every feature of OO programming if you want a program that's actually maintainable.

(5) You need to write tests to verify that your code works. At the very minimum you need tests to check that a feature you write can be used. Call this an 'integration test' if you will.

(6) There are some ways of solving problems that will only be suitable for toy apps and make it impossible to re-use in professional software. As a noob you won't know what these are but expect there to be a long learning curve.

(7) If you're trying to debug a highly complex error and you're drowning in complexity start adding assert statements everywhere. E.g. your function takes n. Assert n is within the range you expect. Assert all different variables for sanity checks. It can drastically reduce the amount of time you spend trying to guess what's wrong.

(8) Python packaging isn't great. If you want to make things easier on yourself try to avoid packages that have C dependencies (they need complication) and use only packages that use the standard library. Don't bother with Python 2 support. For building your own packages I recommend you just put all your source files in one folder with one init file. Trying to over-complicate how you organize your project will lead to you losing to complexity.

(9) You need to get serious about continuous integration across different OSes and versions if you want to release something to actual users.
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Hey man, kind of in the same boat except I'm doing Ruby. If you want to become pro I'd try to use the best resources possible. They're probably books tbh. If you just jump around things on the internet you might not progress that much but a 400 page book is structured and edited for quality etc. You don't have to do it my way I'm just offering an opinion


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try leetcode and codeforce. This roadmap is organized in a way you learn techniques which you build up to solve more complexes problems. But the is a rule, after 30~60 minutes without solving yourself, read the solution and focus on similar problems which require that technique


a good post on wizchan? thats bullshit dont post here ever again


this seems very helpful, thank you

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 No.51836[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Does anyone here do deadlifts? I'm thinking about working to get a god-tier deadlift. My first goal is to make it up to 405lbs deadlift and then see how far I can take it from there. Right now I can do 255 for 5x5. Any wizbros here with tips?

Right now I'm 80 lbs overweight and need to stop eating so much food. The problem is I'm addicted to food and since I'm a 28 year old virgin, it's not like I have much else to do so it's gonna be hard to cut back on the food. Does anyone also have tips on how to feel full and not feel the need to eat food?
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When you're a fatass your stomach will make the rumblies from just eating a normal amount of food, the stomach has a mind of its own and wants the amount it's used to having no idea it's bad, that's why fatties when trying to lose weight they do OMAD one meal a day that's like 2000 calories just so they can feel full.


as the other wiz said, its mostly something you do once you have at the very least been lifting for a good while or have had a history of lifting in the past. it is very effective and also doesnt waste your time. if you are a beginner then do starting strength, get real fat and strong, then do nucleus overload and recomp until your body is in acceptable shape


also dont listen to the idiot telling you not to squat or overhead press. though when doing the OHP you really need to be strict and make sure you're not bending the hell out of your spine. shrugs are probably unnecessary though since the other exercises you have listed already are effective for back and trap strength


>get real fat
No way!


…and strong yeah

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