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Did your social anxiety ever get better?

The main reason we are wizards. As kids they thought we would grow out of it. But did it ever get better for you?

it is a legit curse that i thrash against every day. But it never leaves me. I did martial arts, sports, had jobs where i basically just was just barely able to act normal enough to not break down. Anyone could take advantage of me, ruin my week with an insult and i know it and it tortures me everyday. I often wonder what faculty actually controls it. But i never find answers. I am convinced i am oppressed by god or some other universal powers that be like nature. It's ruined my life.
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I solved by backlashing it into those who caused it. Intentional or not.

Anxiety comes via fear. What do you fear? Visualize it, and know what your mind tells you you are unprotected before.


>Tried masking
Of course it didnt work
It is not done that way at all. You need to expand, not to contract. Do you even know what an omicron male is? If you work according to rules that are against your nature, no wonder you end up feeling shit. We are so uneducated…


anxiety is an easily, easily treated condition without resorting to benzos. I've already given you lot enough pointers to know where to look up the cures for this stuff. It's related to glutamate transmission, serotonin dominance. You can cut glutamate without amping gaba, and shifting away from sero is pretty easy.

Anyways early pass on this issue is just do SJ's wort. MAO inhibitor, if you take Ibuptrofen you can cut acute glutamate excess as well. I believe NAC helps with that issue as well?


>anxiety is an easily, easily treated condition
I laughed


He is just meaning for his specific example. Dont take it wholly

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why is so hard to connect with people?
everyday it seems like im different from other people, as if im in a different dimension from them. its almost like i was incompatible with them. the way they act, what they say and etc. i somehow feel close yet really distant from them.

why is that?
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>the need for conversation is a basic human requirement for brain maintenance
I am pretty sure you can get by on talking to yourself. No idea how insane exactly that's gonna make, but I doubt it will be any worse than with imageboards


There is no evidence of that. Maybe conversing is needed to maintain the ability to converse well, but it is not valid to say that the brain is objectively harmed by losing an unused ability









Humanity is not eugenic on purpose, so the subconscious forces against undesirable genome do manifest cruelly I guess.


I am here to support and instruct newbies. My head is actually funnier than whatever is often discussed here.

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It wasn't until a year ago until I had a weird dream when half asleep. A lucid dream of some kind where my thoughts and each scene were separate from me and fighting them felt like I was being held down by a hand or something. As of I wasn't supposed to know or not ment to know. Other moments id have screeches in my mind talking about something I'm not sure what it was about but it id have a suspicion that it was trying to annoy me. Another one is where a clump of patterns would try to communicate with me it had some weird African pattern/aesthetic to it or maybe Mayan I'm not sure. But I get the feeling that some cultures, aesthetics, or whatever we make artistically expresses a spirit of some sort. I'm genuinely terrified of realizing this and I don't think I'm ready mentally for this.


I am largely a objectivist, so no I don't actually believe in spirit in the metaphysical sense.


Symbols are essential for the human mind to express itself, specially the things that arent easily communicable by words. Carl Jung talks a lot about the role of symbols in the human mind. This is true even in occultism, see for example the works of Austin Spare.

Symbols are a powerful tool and we can say they carry a life of its own. This is why some people play a lot for expensive luxury goods of brands like Louis Vuitton or Chanel just because of a symbol they carry. Don't understimate the power of symbols and the impact they have in the human psyche.


I've had dreams where I realize some terrible and momentous truth only to forget upon awakening, this seems possibly related to me


Dreams aren't real. I have had many lucid dreams, and after a while was able to freely bend the reality of them and do all kinds of superhuman feats. You don't go anywhere when you dream, the people you talk to aren't real, the entire environment is simply a simulation of what your brain perceives normal situations to conventionally be like when the active thinking part of your brain is shut off. That's it really, do mental exercises in low consciousness states to create weird perceptions and maybe you'll have dreams where you fly around and shoot fireballs too.


Maybe you are atheist

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What job are wiz friendly? I need a to have good idea of jobs that are suitable for a 30 years old wiz.
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Is welding worth it?
What is the process of obtaining a job on an oil rig?


I'd do it happily, but there seems to be quite the lineup for these mostly unskilled heavy labor jobs


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>great view of the sea
>clean view of the stars at night


all of these jobs are word of mouth or an impressive resume with credentials. The ones I'm familiar with have a cattle call where you're either lucky or you're not


I don't know, I'm from South America and there are hardly any people who do these jobs, and those who do will rip your head off with the prices.

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Junior Wiz in training here. (Interned successfully since birth for Truecel Crab Corp. Ltd.) I find myself literally unable to go through life I am in a perpetual state of rage as a man.
It's just that I find myself incredibly bitter, not happy with my career, not happy with my life, not happy with my anything at all, I am trying to self improve but still, when I see succubi getting jobs like bartending, being a flight attendant, a hotel receptionist, etc. etc. it's a big deal in my turd world shithole, which sucks as well because the audience of this website is primarily from the first world so people here don't understand what life is truly like in a shithole.

Either ways, I want to give up the desires to be with a bitch, how can I do that? Whenever I see a couple I almost end up crying, knowing that its something that is never made for me, whenever I look up the profiles of my former classmates it depresses me to no end. I hate the fact that nobody talks about the financial impact of being a ugly man, I can never have a well paying job in the service sector in this turd world shithole that I live in.

And while I am struggling to literally have enough money to feed my stomach, succubi get jobs just by existing, because of diversity and yada yada. Now, I understand that I am not entitled to anything, but the least that normie world could do is let me have a job, that gives me a sense of purpose or something.

I hate it, I am angry all the time, I can't sleep, I rage walk all night, I have destroyed my hearing by listening to loud music, I have tinnitus now. Just because I am born with inferior genetics with regards to attractiveness doesn't mean that I have to suffer. I feel like I am literally going insane, I spend a good part of my day just seething. How do I stop this? I have started to bald, and watching a video related to crabs reminds me of the tale of a man, who was crazy and homeless, I made a lot of fun of him when I was in grade 3, I now fear that I might become like him, a crazy hobo, literally mentally ill. I am terrified, angry, and incredibly sad and lonely at the same time.
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It's bullshit we have to live like this, but you'll go mad trying to change a society that refuses to the bitter end to change, because the people who benefit see no reason to ever do anything else ever again. It's not something you can struggle against with any reason or intellectual trick. The people who engineered this have more information than you on the relevant matters, because you have a life to live and the people who did this make it their career and enjoy it. It's the only thing this sick race knows how to do with any sort of efficiency, and they're still lousy at it. They only need to be better at it than us, who would rather not participate in such a shitty and pointless world.

I never said "hate 24/7 and orient your life around the assholes". Nothing about life requires us to live like this for their sake. I do hate most of my life, but I'm an unusual case where I have to. I made railing against this beast my hobby, so I enjoy the hatred. Not everyone can do that or should, and I do take breaks and find pleasant things. Hatred puts all of the good in this world in a framework that makes the good that much more for me. If I didn't hate, could I have any passion for anything? That is my weakness, though. I think most of humanity hates this shit, and the people who think this society is a viable model for anything are sick fucks who should not have been allowed to hold this authority. Eventually, they won't. The people who really rule the world use "those people" as their weapon to cull the population while they sit in their castle and get to live in relative luxury, with slaves and shit. It really is that easy "up there" and they laugh at anyone who thinks this death cult they set up for us is normal or acceptable. They laugh at you so loud that it's a wonder anyone can go on with the farce without bursting out laughing at its absurdity. I would have thought Trump was the point Americans said "seriously" and wouldn't even entertain the farce they're doing. A good number of Americans did exactly that, will tell me politics is fake and gay, and it really is. But, the tea leaves have told us something about the next shit coming down the pike, and this is intrinsically interesting for paranoid me.

As for Fight Club, it was very obviously about the author being a homofascist at heart and thinking that this was a meme to spread foPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>If being ugly is your biggest problem, then you must be smart and socially skilled already?
That really depends on how ugly you are. If you're normalfag-tier, sure you can cope by being smart or by being a clown. But if you're a walking abomination, you won't even have the chance to develop social skill and being smart won't be of much use to you. I speak from experience.


As an older wizard, I have bad news for you. It doesn't get any better with age unless you're a conformist normalfag who managed to blend in with the rest of the cattle. It gets worst actually, because you realize that your best years are behind you and all that is left is decay. If you think you're full of hatred and rage now, wait until you get older.


It does get better with age if you take the effort to integrate your experiences. I'm an older wiz and am grateful for all that life has put me through, all the external hardships, damage, learning lessons and also internal happiness and beauty. This is the only place you will find happiness. The outside world is a desert, you are the fountain.


I agree with >>217390 on ways it can be better, but I'd also say that age doesn't cure it on its own. Really comes down to finding something you actually want to do in this world. I'm angrier than ever, but I'd rather be angry and hateful than live in the trap I was in during teens, or trying to deny it like I did in my twenties. As soon as I got out of the school trap I was trying to live some sort of normal life, only to see the whole country going insane - just as I predicted would happen since I was a child, and kept asking why anyone went along with what they were doing to the country.

The way age helped me was to have a worthy target for rage, to understand better why humans turned out the way they did and how it really was their fault. We had the misfortune of living in a Nazified country where "project, project, project" was violently imposed, because they had all of this wealth accumulated by better men to loot and destroy. All of that shaming and all of the ideology exists purely as a cover for them to keep stealing everyone's shit - all of it. There's no great secret or purpose to any of it, and it was particular to our time. In another time - say I were born 30 years earlier - I would have reached middle age just as the country and the world went full Nazi insane, and would have been among those purged by the "boomer remover" trend, if I could live that long. Since I know of Boomers who knew everything they lived through was a travesty, and the worst of them prevailed, I have enough standard of comparison to know how it goes. The millennials did the same thing but much worse, just as they were trained, and like the earlier generations, the victims were made to suffer all of the costs. The aim of the looters is to tell you "this is all there can ever be", but history doesn't work the way their theories insist it does. They have to edit history to sell their idea, and when that doesn't work when people retain a few brain cells, they have to produce hitherto unknown volumes of shit, and then forcibly drug and destroy the mind to make this plunder a thing to sell. The past was hardly "good", but there were actual struggles and a concept of class mobility. By the middle of the 20th century, class mobility was effectively destroyed, and the aim of thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I lived my days having a special itch against all the retarded shit normies pull, defend and throw not only on their own but also against me, extracting pleasure from breaking it down into pieces or flipping it upside down to gloat on their seething. It seems I got addicted to this, anyone relates? Should I stop or am I fine?


And what exactly are you doing to tear down the Big Normie establishment?

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I try not to think about them. I don't know what's inside of me, that keeps kicking me. Like I have to go out everyday, cause I can't be a NEET, so lot of my time is sadly spent out of my house, and I like nature and seeing things.

But all I see all the times are couples, get my blackpilled views vindicated, which sucks cause blackpill is killing me. It hurts knowing that you're trapped in a chain. But it hurts even more knowing that there is no prospect of losing it.

And I find it hard to hold back tears when my coworkers and trainees talk about succubi, I just feel so inferior. Years of being mogged as a child has destroyed my confidence. I want to live myself and I can't even do it.

All I do is spend most of my time in the imaginary world that I have concocted in my imagination and it's killing me. It's truly killing me. I see no meaning of life, perhaps no one.

But I see the purpose of life, which is to continue itself, every creature does it.

I hate the fact that I will never have a son, I saw a man with his son on the back of a scooter on a mountainous road. I will never be able to pass down the tenderness of the old and wise to the young and brave. I don't know why I live and what for and why seemingly everyone is out to punish me online and offline. My biology and longing for companionship is killing me. I wish I was born earlier or later when there will be Android Femoids.
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What cristianity does to a mf


Satan wants slaves. And you disgust me with your simping


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There's better websites than this for you to spread this rotten ideological breeder nonsense. Fucking schizo.


Are schizos breeders?
>illiterate idiocy


none of that is what schiz looks like. A schiz will misunderstand literally everything you say and can't understand metaphors. They talk in a disjointed fashion with no logical connection between paragraphs usually. I hate this LE PILLZ LE SCHIZO meme so much.


dopa excess in the pfc
>flattened effect
receptor blockade from ap's, overstimulation of d receptors causing dieoff
>disorganized thoughts/speech
again pfc
prolly overstimulation of 5ht2a, which has been damaged by excitotoxicity
>reduced speech, lack of initative
again damaged d-receptor groups

It's a disease where your basic receptors all get blown out from too much nt, and if they ever get activated again in an abnormal brain even weirder stuff happens. Not some meme poster on the internet posting about ayyys or communism

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I'm a 18 year old KHV. Not having any social interaction and not being able to enjoy youth is weighing on me a lot. I'm past the stage of dreaming with finding a girlfriend and more into a state of apathy. I can't interact with other people, I'm socially anxious and etc etc.

I'm working on myself and (sucessfully) trying to lose weight. But still, it's pretty dark inside my room. The light coming from my window, showing people my age, dudes and gals having fun hurts my eyes.
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OP here. It's really comical to see people saying to just stop caring about succubi, kek. Wanting to fuck chicks is only natural for healty men (this is not to say that we should make succubi the primary goal of our lives, but we also can't just "disregard females"). This talk just sounds like a coping mechanism. As I previously said, if people here weren't mad for not fucking g1rls, they wouldn't be using a forum specific for male virgins, kek.

Podcasts are a meme. You're also a meme for going on your first date at 37 lmao.

Also I've been reflecting on previous advice given for me on this thread and perhaps some of you are right about normalfags. My current and permanent stance on other people is I shouldn't mix with normalfags, only normal intelligent people (which aren't rare among the people I see daily at uni. I should just talk more to them).


Heh, I remember when I was 18 and i did these kind of posts both on the old (more fun) wizchan and /r9k/, now I'm 28 and still the same, never had a gf, never kissed anyone etc.

But I just care anymore, I learned how to be happy without that, and you know what? is definitely possible, besides when you truly realize how fucked up adult relationships are you stop giving a shit, maybe when you're a teenager or young having a gf and a fun relationship may be possible like the ones on anime and eroge, but once you become and adult you realize that most relationships are just some kind of power struggle, taking advantage over someone else or just trying to resolver your own fucked up issues using others, and people in general become much more awful and physically uglier when you're my age, so even the "pretty succubus" argument starts to lose its importance, I wouldn't have a girlfriend now even if I had the chance at my immediate disposal (the sole exception would be if the succubus was rich, but that would be me wanting to be rich and not really wanting a relationship tbh).

So yeah I don't have much to say, just to comment that relationships are not as good as you believe, if you're looking for the kind of true love that exists on movies and anime that thing doesn't really exist after 23.


*I just dont care anymore


It's OP again. I know relationships and marriages between adults are often fucked up. I know some cases myself, like a couple of relatives about 60-years-old who hate each other, but are still married because if they divorced, they'd have to split their money, and the man doesn't want that. My parents also didn't have a good relationship. They are divorced now, lmao.

Maybe we just have a romanticized view of marriage, especially North Americans (I'm from South America and I feel like marriage isn't as much romanticized here). Perhaps marriage is more about stability than love or anything else. I mean, if you love someone anyways, what's the point in signing an official document to prove you are in a romantic relationship with your partner?

But then again, as you said, relationships for us young people are different than they are for adults.

As for me, in the end I know that I don't want to be in a relationship right now. I just want to talk to people and have friends. And know that I am avoiding dating a g|rl because I want, rather than because I'm unable to have one.

Still, I find your post quite hypocritical
>relationships past 23 are fucked up because people only care about your monet
>i would only marry a rich w()man
It really makes you think…


>And know that I am avoiding dating a g|rl because I want, rather than because I'm unable to have one.
OP you want relationship but you're too afraid of rejection to tell the succubus, don't be a pussy and get out of wizchan for good.
You don't fit here as a wannabe sex haver and you'll never have sex if you remain here.

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Holy shit, got this really awful epiphany in the middle of the night, I'm a 30 years old man that never had sexual experience, by now, a man at my age has like maybe 14 years of sexual experience and relationship experience under the belt. I know, sex isn't everything, but still, it dawn on me that I never had some (in theory) fundamental aspect of human experience, or something. Honestly, I just don't know if I'm either sad, mad or just don't care. Feels like a door has closed to me.
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You mean that it's a doggy-dog world?


> being gaslit since childhood about the reality of darwinistic society.
you're supposed to learn the truth by yourself, wiz.


If you haven't woken up, now's the time!


It's pretty clearly "don't care" but you haven't come to accept that so much of this shit was always a lie. For what it's worth, I've heard enough horror stories to see that "experience" isn't all that great. All of the "real sex" is in the secret societies and clubs anyway. The "normal experience" was to get the bad news that it was all a lie, and be a sucker - and then be told you were obligated to enter a fake marriage to be a wageslave, and no one was happy with any of it or got anything out of it. When there were no more jobs, because the rulers never wanted us to live, the outcome is obvious.

If you really want to "know", I can tell you - this is something I reverse engineered and a few men have told me - there is nothing you would learn at 16 that you couldn't learn at 30 or even 40. We were given this ideology which said our life had to pass by us, that we were "on rails". That "on rails" life only led to the slaughterhouse, and the people who insisted that is what we should be have laughed that they made us obey that. It's a joke to them.

The point being - I do not believe in encouraging men, but if you really want "the experience", you can go out and try to find it. You'll find "the experience" is regulation rejections, until someone takes pity on you and you get this paltry and sad thing, knowing the whole time that she's probably been to the orgies. The succubi who aren't part of that usually find a man early specifically to have an excuse to participate less / separate themselves from the entire affair. The remaining succubi are either committed to having nothing to do with men, or are retarded succubi who don't have any "experience" to give you. Most of those are afraid, and even if you did fuck them, they're retarded. You would feel icky afterwards, and she will be unhappy, and nothing good can come of that. She knows it, and if are yourself retarded, you'll know it too. It would be better to let her find happiness, and these days the "retarded" succubi are expected to fully sterilize themselves. They do a lot of hysterectomies, and birth control is straight up chemical castration and practically mandated. They push the injections which last years very aggressively, basically treating the succubi they threw away like sex offenders. That's the sort of "experience" you'd get. There's nothing good there.

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Poor thing if you allow succubi making you regret what you are just because you did not fulfill their standards.

They rule you.

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How many of you wizards see your appearance reflect on some antics that make you unique in personality that you just hate. That every expression of who you are is dysgenic as hell. When people say "god made you unique" doesn't make me feel better. What makes me feel better is knowing my identity is temporary and my real form is nothing.


I don't know, wiz. I'm pretty isolated and it'd be retarded to think that my ugly looks played not role in my seclusion and withdrawal from society. With time we forget those things, but what happens after the fact doesn't change the past.
I don't hate myself tho, I live a pretty happy life, you can learn too with time. It took me 15 years to be where I am.
the first thing you have to do, is work on yourself and do the basic, such as stop hating yourself and recognize that negative thoughts are not healthy at all and that despite all those faults you have, you can have fun and enjoy your life. I am not going to say stupid shit like "you deserve happiness" but content and enjoyment is a choice. You don't have to be a top model or less some hollywood star to be happy. Accept that some parts of you are mediocre and live the wiz life my brother. I am winning every day since I changed my mindset. Don't give a fuck about loser and depressive talk because it adds nothing to the table. I say "fuck that negative shit" I am going to live my best possible life as a wizard and that's what I've been doing and so far life is good.

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