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Japanese Culture and Media
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everyone thinks japanese people aren't racists and will be alright with foreigners if they respect japan. but this video shows the contrary: japanese people are like the rest of human, they know what racism is and they are also racists
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I wouldn't want to come across travel vloggers and weeaboos in my day-to-day life let alone shitskins so I don't blame the Japanese for being racist. Even then their "racism" is only so relative to how the west treats and practices the concept now, a lot of it is just uncertainty, not wanting to deal with someone who can't speak their language or assholes who shove cameras in everyone's faces. If I ever visited Japan it'd just be part and parcel of how they are and the society they've built.


I'm mexican, white-ish but still latino, short, with a moustache, I was in japan last month for 3 weeks and everyone was nice to me, they asked me where I was from a lot and 5 people tried to speak a bit of spanish.
Maybe it was because I'm a tourist, but I feel that people there were nicer to me compared to the US.


You were a curiosity just as much as you could've been shunned. They are not truly wacist bullies.


>everyone thinks japanese people aren't racists
no you were pretty much the only thought that way also that's a good thing


Honestly, what's wrong with depopulation?
It's good for the average jap. They will finally be able to buy a home at a good price. Same for us in the western world.
Why are the elite forcing that shitty propaganda? there's no such thing as infinite growth. All the ressources on earth are getting scarce, some will disappear this century.
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>Honestly, what's wrong with depopulation?
Nothing. Japan is overpopulated if anything and having the country shrink only worries people who know nothing of population trends and >>41954.


>there's no such thing as infinite growth

It's such an obvious truth that no one wants to acknowledge. Complete insanity. I think Japan could be fairly reasonable about it if not for the influence of the great satan.


>Honestly, what's wrong with depopulation?
It shrinks the base of productive class while dependents who rely on the excess production of the productive class to be supported.

If social services and the like weren't structured like a ponzi scheme then it might still be a issue but it would be a purely social issue rather than a state/governmental issue.

With a shrinking working population there are less and less young people that are required to provide for more and more old retired people.

There was a hope that Japan, of all places, would inovate there way out of the problem with technology to boost the productivity of the the productive class and provide for the dependent class such as robotic care workers and the the like.
But that didn't happen. Japan's long slow stagnation has significantly slowed it's ability to invoate it's self out of the problem. Now it appears they are using the same (imo stupid) tactic of importing outsiders hoping for them to be a new underclass to prop up the system. So far this tactic hasn't worked for anyone who has tried it. And I suspect it will be detrimental to Japan if they go forward with it.

Still, depopulation is a complicated and compounding issue. One that there are no easy solutions to. At least none that anyone is willing to actually implement.


I agree it would be bad if Japan went completely extinct, but maybe the population is just regulating itself to a proper amount for the environment?


It is. One of the reasons Japan invaded China was because the islands were getting overpopulated.

 No.23991[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

post ur fav amv's
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For Oorai.


come and get you some candy wizbros :D


Heh, I remember how pedo shit was used to be called, "Hard Candy" as a retarded euphemism some years ago.

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post all your favorite japan/anime artists. you can post hentai artists too since most of the good ones make hentai.

The first image is from 廃狼@新刊よろしく yotushiku something, I can only read the end of it. He is an artist on pixiv, I don't know if he posts his work anywhere else, but everything he posts is amazing.

The second picture is from an artist I found on pixiv called SPEC. I don't like most of his work, but this one is in a good style I wish I could see more.

The third image is made by Akyuun, another artist I found on pixiv. I like the colors, it looks dreamy.

I'll post more artists I like later. Please add whatever art you like.
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kanbayashi takaki
sakurafubuki nel
etori yuuya
kawasaki tadataka
dynamite moca
sennomori maitake
ayato ayari
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Spanking Shota it’s the best


>spanking male kids is the best
leave degenerate.
mentally ill tranny art




I like how he draws loli feet!


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 No.35069[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are you watching?
What are you enjoying?
What have you dropped?
What are you looking forward to next season?
Previous: >>31249
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Just finished Golgo 13 and now on Ashita no Joe 2


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I have finished Ninja Slayer From Animation.

The first 23 episodes were unique, well animated, fun, and proved how American source materials are worth adapting into anime because they didn't feel like they were unexpectedly rushed nor dubbed (and sure as Buddha didn't lag most of the time anyway), which by default means they made sense.


Just the first 23 episodes out of a total of 26 .


Goblin Slayer and My Hero Academia


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Surely there will be more to this than the, *ahem*, pizza sauce jokes I was spoiled, prior to watching, by the second half..


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Finally getting around to watching Accel World..

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how can I dress\ do some body mods to larp as an anime\hollywood "demon lord" villain? I do not mean cosplaying a specific character but dressing like someone who looks as-if he is a black warlock, a master or goetic entities or darkness priest.
Bonus stuff needed for this fashion, I need to learn:
>thousand yard stare
>try to learn to go minutes without blinking without any noticeable strain
>constant poker face\ no body language, no use of hands for communication
>absolute monotone voice
combining "rainbow six style" fake military uniforms with freemasonic\ shriners\ jesters regalia is another Great Idea, I had, for this goal.
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it has to do with cosplay and cosplay is an anime topic and this board's topic title includes anime


ok. mix military stuffs with gothic


How the hell would anyone here know? Go ask DeviantArt


stupid normie shit.


What do you expect to achieve with such mannerisms?

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Why is Tower of God considered an anime when it is adapted from a manhwa? If it is solely because a Japanese studio did it then why isn't the same logic applied to Cannon Busters? So basically anyone with money can just pay a studio to adapt their source material and it will be "anime"? Seems like a bad precedent we are setting. How does Japan feel about this?
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Still not as bad as some of the 3D Chinese "anime" I've seen posted around.


Isint that ONA? There is hand drawn "chinese anime " that is decent looking (rakasha street)


Reminder that for Japs all cartoons are "anime" even spiderman and Disney shit is anime.


That's not true in the slightest and is just an old /a/ meme.


No it is true, if you went to Japan and talked with actual Japanese people you would know that “anime” is the term they use for ANY animation, only retarded westerners think that “anime” applies to Japanese animation only.

Isomething similar happens with manga,hell some manga magazines literally say “Comic” on the title.


RIP Toriyama. Thanks for making my wiz childhood a great one. All wizkdis tried to do the kame hame ha at least once and we thought that we could fly if we trained our ki long enough.
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It's having all kinds of effects on some of us..


Are you niggers finally gonna close the book on anime and manga? We're old now.


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Not that damn old.


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Didn't weep but i'm surprised that i got a little misty eyed for a moment. The only "celeb" that has or ever will get that kind of reaction from me. Figure DB is too 'normie' most wiz's here but i've always been a fan of Tori's art and silly story telling. Truly the end of an era.

>I remember the 4-5 times I tried earnestly watching the show as a boy

Not trying to sell you on it because it's probably just not for you but i've always thought the best way to get into DB is reading the manga. For a show that is notorious for it's padding the comic is maybe one of the most breeziest things ever made in the medium.


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I was wondering if this kind of appatments/house exist in america and europe, or it's japan only. You know satou from welcome to NHK lives in this kind of house too. could you please give examples (links)?
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does someone know the name given to houses like this >>40343 (pic related) I saw some on google street in japan, they give them a name but I forgot, do you know perhaps?


hum, did you lost your way? I don't understand the link between your comment and this thread, can you explain to me please?


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They seem to be just called 「2階建てアパート」 and their proliferation was driven by avoiding the additional regulations for 3 story housing


thank you very much! I wish we were friends and traveling both in japan!


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the problem with YouTubers who make videos about Japan is that they spoil Japan for you like someone could spoil a film for you. they show all the facets of Japan. everything is discovered, nothing is hidden so that once in the country, you will be amazed by things that you did not know about Japan. Japanese youtubers are worse than weeaboos.
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is english your first language by the way?


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Sure, Japan isn't perfect, but I've been trying to learn the language for years. I quit, but 9 to 10 years later I return.
Even if I quit now it is still verified I'll return to it a decade from now like I did anyway.

Otherwise I'll at least try to write 2,200 kanji (which is what is known by average) if not more.


>I would say it's worth it just one time or two, I was able to have some fun and paid for a little show of the succubi singing one of my favorite songs, and it was good, like a mini idol event, but the price is high.

….seems blasphemous for post-2014 wizchan.


Same except I quit only for a few months then try learning it again.
Made a lot of progress these two last years.


anyone who also hate these guys with guts

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