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No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

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Gonna take a break from chans for a good portion, if the majority, of next month. Tricky times are imminent, yet not only have I at least contributed to something greater than me but there are also things that are helping me move forward. Not gonna let them be in vain. 諦めない


Good luck and hope the best for you, dude.


Anyone here is a true recluse?


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Nah man, I have no idea what you are talking about fellow human.
don't let anyone know you are a spider


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Este es una especie de experimento, he visto a algunos hispanohablantes por aca, veamos si podemos crear un hilo(please remember this is an english-speaking website. posts must be in english.)
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why are catholic cultures such party animals when they are supposed to value volcels?


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Uy, hicieron esto cuando decidi pasar la navidad en EE UU. Pos bueno, aqui estoy de tal forma (aunque obviamente aqui es un poco mas leve que lolnada, al menos que vayas a /b/)

Welp, bad timing on my part, but this board welcomes anyone so long as they're not too wild..


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Being a Wizard in Latin America is different than in the Anglosphere countries since Hispanics families and people in general are commonly closer and force you more to interact with people instead leaving you on your own.


that's why hispanic wizards are extremely rare yeah.

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Why does every time I dare to go outside something happen that ends up giving me anxiety?

I was walking in the city when something hit my ear. It didn't hurt but, and I'm starting to forget it already, made a sound. At first I thought a pigeon grazed me but I heard no flapping and saw nothing. Then I thought as I was walking under trees maybe something fell on me but I didn't see or hear something falling down. I looked around and saw nothing. I'm thinking it might have been a fly as it was warm but I don't know if it would feel that way.

I can't check closely of course and had to use my phone but I can't see any wounds.

Now I can't stop thinking about what it was and assume the worst that I am going to get some kind of infection.

And shit like this happens like 50% of the time I go outside.
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The only cure for anxiety is accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour


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Could he be truer than I thought him to be from a start? Huh…


Well OP, at least you didn't get shit on by birds two times in the span of 3 months. The first time, I received the bird turd right on my face.


Whenever I go outside, I get harassed by the Walmart greeter asking for my receipt, like I look like a fucking thieving nigger


Yall Just need a routine. Once you get used to external envitoment, those things eventually stop happening. If you are neet, choose a time of the day to take a walk and then do I
it everyday

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Do you think discovering imageboards early in life fucks you up?

I already had ADHD symptoms when I was young but I feel like imageboards made them worse with how fast they are, the ability to jump through boards each discussing different topics and the total lack of barriers for making new threads. I got used to making a thread for whatever question or thought I had instead of trying to think a bit for myself first. Also something I thought about is how my PC is full with images from years of imageboards and how that made me a very visual person. I just feel like imageboards molded my brain and behavior and every time I think I can quit them because I am tired of the shallow level of discussion that comes from the fast pace and lack of barriers I somehow end up back and spending my entire day on them even if it makes me regret it at the end of the day.
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Those are just are the first phases OP. Read more schizo stuff and you may end up adapting.


you eventually will learn media literacy and start questioning whether the answers are coming from, who the truth-tellers really are and which communities are stupid or fake.

Anyways, get into nootropics. They're surprisingly cheap and unleash your genetic potential for intelligence and concentration.


you can reverse the effects of cocaine addiction is little over half a year of abstinence. And that's without interventions. There is no way computer brain is a premanent adaptation, just walk away from the screen and spam plasticity promoting supplements while doing something more healthy for a change


by repeatedly scrolling through and half reading the same posts over and over


Yes, i do think.

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It is often said gifted individuals have powers either to help or to harm. Intelligence, creativity, and talent can steer toward both negative and positive ends of the moral/ethical continuum. Bright individuals can be either creatively malevolent or creatively benevolent depending on the interweaving of their values and behaviors. Gifted individuals are possibly at greater risk for adjustment difficulties, especially during adolescence and adulthood, due to their heightened sensitivity to interpersonal conflicts and higher levels of alienation and stress as a result of their intellectual and creative abilities. Some gifted students struggle in their school and community environments due to emotional intensity, motivation and achievement issues, lack of peers and isolation, identification problems, sensitivity to expectations and feelings, perfectionism, and other difficulties. These gifted students endure and survive in school rather than flourish.

what you think about it wiz? are you gifted?
i think there's 50/50 in wizard community, some just not able to get in to normie life or don't want to.
and some self isolate himself because his IQ creates huge gap in social harmony this basically alienates him and makes impossible to get into normie life because he sees normies as subhumans.
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What exactly would you call them if not that?


Poltards are among the the dumbest people i ever met. They are like a failed, worsened version of normalfags. They have NOTHING to do with wizards.

They are much more like boomers on facebook with a little bit more of tech literacy.


you quoted my post first, and then i replied. im just sharing my opinions about the thread that op made. you are angry for nothing


just ignore him. Anyone that hates white people is stupid by default.


you're quite right, It's just irritating to see this kind of cancerous thought-policing spread to previously open spaces once quite receptive to alternative topics.

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Anyone else have tooth problems and are scared shitless over it? Currently I can't chew with any part of my mouth or I'll get a tooth ache, but I have no money for any dental work…
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If you are so low IQ you rather die of an infected dental cavity instead of taking a simple ethanol remedy… That's just natural selection at work.

Why would someone capable of creating entire universes and planets care whether some random arab in a desert puts ethanol into their mouth?


Didn't Muslim arabs invent distilled spirits mainly for medical and perfume uses?
I just think they aren't allowed to get drunk for fun.
Sort of like Mormons banning basically anything that can have a effect on the mind unless it's for medical reasons.


>Didn't Muslim arabs invent distilled spirits mainly for medical and perfume uses?
No. Alcohol has been found in tombs all over the desert, but not in those associated with Islamic burial practices. It was likely carried by silk road travelers and militaries not of Muslim stock. They do use it to disinfect wound todays, but again, dental hygiene isn't considered a wound and the wrath of allah for putting alcohol in the mouth outweighs the benefits it has for decontamination.


Clove oil makes great. No need for booze, but be sure you have a nearby glass of water when taking the drops. Some people also claims vinegar and salt make do, some other use baking soda.


ive never been to the dentist my entire life. i drink 3-4 energy drinks a day and i dont have a good outlook on how long my teeth are going to last. i was supposed to get braces as a kid and i never did, and i dont think my front teeth have stopped projecting outward. fucks sake lol

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to those who like to daydream, what do you daydream of?
I like thinking about a 12 yo succubus being my neighbour and coming too my home time to time to talk with me and treat her like my daughter and her thinking I'm cool and asking me a lot of question about my hobbies and have fun, and trying to teach her things. haha
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it's just what I was daydreaming lately. before that I was daydreaming about making a video game and being a hit


God bless piracy


It's pretty dickish to pirate indie games.


weirdo pedo


Well, i day dream something similar, except that the little succubus takes my precious magic by force.

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 No.311496[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

do beverages even make sense? do they deserve to exist? i don't think so. beverages are shit. i question the general concept behind them. when i see someone drink lemonade i instantly consider that person an idiot; that someone who is drinking sugary industry juice because they made it taste nice. that's someone who was tricked into selfharm to me.

myself i like to drink fruit juices. i very much believe in the juices i make myself from real fruit. a fresh juice from an apple? that's so nice that everything else compared feels like a waste. occasional get distracted and resort to buying in boxes from the supermarket. currently i drink nothing but water. drinking only water is fine too though. that's plenty especially when the food is as dense as modern food. that's plenty for the body.


people drinking alcohol is so funny to me. i use 99% isopropyl alcohol to dissolve spraypaint off when some asshole spraypaints my car. and the same stuff people drink for fun. that's just more self-harm. why they keep harming themselves.
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i don't believe in this kind of interaction, i look down on it.


>so is eating an apple and a banana
i'm surprised by that given the comparatively higher carbs, it's not like that wiz is doing anything athletic when writing a paper


All I know is that at the time I would always do it. Gummie bears, caffeinated sugarwater, late nights typing. It worked and in retrospect I can see the high energy source was beneficial to the task


Then you shouldn't have started slinging insults then asshole.


>i'm surprised by that given the comparatively higher carbs

i don't even respect the macronutrient perspective enough to know what they believe is happening when 'higher carbs' enter the body.

unless it glues up the body something that is easily digested like banana will just flow through the human body like a river and the body will take from it what it can use and leave the rest to flow out. it's not like people study the energy content of their poop after it has flown through so you might be repeating myth.

>It worked and in retrospect I can see the high energy source was beneficial to the task

i guess you don't even know who you could have become if you had rejected these industrial science experiences and opted for something better. to just describe the feeling of it: maybe you have used an old skateboard or worn down inline skates once in your life and knows how it kind of works but it it takes a lot of effort to go forwards because the bearings aren't clean and don't roll that smoothly anymore.

and then when you change out the bearings into functioning ones that roll very easy, suddenly everything is easier.

>Then you shouldn't have started slinging insults then asshole.

this is such pathetic ugly-female-personality rejection-denial theater. that's how the ugly females do it. they start a conflict because they simply do not get the attention they want and then unless they are fled from, refuse to get the hint. play dumb and pretend, trying to get a conversation going and then slowly maneuver it into the thing they want to talk about. breaking the ice. well the ice is there for a reason, not for you to ignore it and keep talking.

if you had dignity you would not even care about these false-pretense compliance-based interactions and seek consent-based interaction. must be you growing desperate because nobody wants to talk to you. btw just to make it harder for you to play dumb: this is a rejection, not an invitation for further discussion.

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>been drinking sugarfree energy drink (160mg caffeine) or a large cup of coffee in the morning
>energy drinks are becoming too expensive and I worry too much about all the other stuff that is in them
>try caffeine pills instead (200mg)
>feel nothing
>try a 2nd one (400mg)
>feel so sleepy I have to lie down

What do I do now to get some energy?
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>poor knowledge against fatness
"MetabolismoTV channel in English"




Diet is to lose fat, exercise is to increase blood flow and heart health, which improves mental clarity and increases energy while also decreasing the amount of time you need to sleep to feel rested and decrease the feeling of tiredness you feel throughout the day.


contains it and several other components. Very very legit noots vender, although they don't seem to have phenylpiracetam hydrazide anymore for some cursed reason


No need to demonstrate a thing to me. Just letting you all know where help can be found

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 No.311920[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's have a "official" NEET/Hikikomori thread on /lounge/.
If you're a NEET or a Hikikomori, feel free to post something you think is worth sharing.
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thank you


I can't find available scans for- Ore wa mada honki dashitenai dake, do you have a link, please?


How much is your NEETbux? Can you survive on it?


970 disablebux. I live with my parents. no spending


Agreed, you expressed this very well

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