Home sweet home. The sweet sense of sadness and hopelessness is the only place I have felt home. After 32 years that's the only thing that gives me a sense of belonging. I love wallowing in sadness and depression and drinking. This is where I belong. Everything else is shallow and superficial and not real. Hello old friend sadness. I wish I could cry. That would be heaven. BUt I am still too emotionally dead for that.
I feel like I've been wasting my life and this year in particular but I never asked for this life and wouldn't mind dropping dead suddenly. Why do I care about something I never wanted or asked for? Depressed while slaving and studying. Depressed while a NEET. Nothing feels worthwhile but too scared to end my life myself.
I had a completely feral childhood. I slept without bedsheets, I never wore shoes, brushed my teeth, I had nothing but slop for food and suffered from iron deficiencies. I spent my entire childhood in front of a screen, and every morning mum would wake up and just start ranting about how we're the most horrible children in the world and no other mother suffers like she does. She made up stories about how the neighbors all hate us, and would tell her every week about how horrible us children are.
I was never hugged or shown affection. She'd bewilderingly spread rumors about how I was a school bully to all her friends. She told me my brother was going to die of a heart condition in a few years time and every time I upset him I brought him closer to death, she'd say the same about her rare super speshial MS condition and how I'm literally killing her. She paraded me out as a sickly disabled child and I'm on the cover of some disability magazine somewhere. She really got off on the idea of us being inferior and sickly.
One memory in particular that stands out is being five years old and at school for the first time, and just being around normal families when I was invited around. Where everyone sits at the table and talks, and is happy. I tried hanging around every night, desperate to be there. Once they started sending me home I threw a pear through their window in rage. A few years later I clinged to another friend's house and tried living there until they got sick of me and sent me home.
I just think of all the sad succubi out there who can't have children and childless people, who would love to have families, and contrast that with this person who lived on welfare, collected an exorbitant amount in child support, owned her own home, just being ungrateful for everything and doing nothing but moan.
Surprisingly though, I didn't grow up too fucked up from that. My brother who did have more problems got medicated by her to the point where he was a neurotic mess terrified in the corner screaming about ants.
>>294945>I was never hugged or shown affection. She'd bewilderingly spread rumors about how I was a school bully to all her friends. She told me my brother was going to die of a heart condition in a few years time and every time I upset him I brought him closer to death, she'd say the same about her rare super speshial MS condition and how I'm literally killing her. She paraded me out as a sickly disabled child and I'm on the cover of some disability magazine somewhere. She really got off on the idea of us being inferior and sickly.I need to adopt the mindset I often see online where people blame everyone else for their problems. Parents, cops, billionaires, etc. The "raised by narcissists" phenomenon.
Right now I blame everything on random acts of nature, like I was just born this way. Born ugly, born with no personality.
However, by blaming others, I at least acknowledge that these problems are human-made. This is a step towards believing they can be solved by humans. And ultimately, a step towards believing that I can solve them myself.
Humanity is fucked. The pace-of-life syndrome. A docu also says the higher castes in post-soviet prisons rob the maladjusted forcing them to scavenge in trash cans and then use the resulting bad smell as an excuse for raping them and making them harem faggots. Feedback sytems are a member of the recursive system class, with everything there essentally designed to produce exponentially more faggotry.
>>294949link to the documentary? Sounds interesting.
>>294945I had a similarly bad childhood, you know those sickly animals shedding fur and covered in bruises constantly scanning the surrounding environment for threats? that was me for years. I feel like I died a few times years ago; maybe I did. I used to try to hang myself every day with a belt (partial suspension) attached to my doorframe every single day for months; I passed out a few times, but I always managed to wake up on the floor due to my body flailing around while unconscious. That said, complaining about your childhood to others is just shallow narcissism disguised as depth.
Anyone else obsessed with the worst parts of life? I watch videos of slaughterhouses, wars, famines, true crime, nuclear and chemical weapons etc. I was reading a account of the first Mongol invasion of Hungary about a guy hiding in the woods for 2 days covered in leaves while hearing people being searched and murdered around him - it's strange how badly we cling to life despite being passively suicidal.
>>294953's in russian. Nevertheless, I will give the timing 51:31-53:00. Note the trash cans and the pictures of succubi on his walls. He is a prison chad (бугор). He tells how losers fall lower and lower on the hieararchy ladder until they become harem faggots (опущенные).
>>294955saw the end of the video, they're naked and touching other's butts. russian jail is full of fags
>>294955>age-restricted videoThank you bro.
>>294954All escapism amounts to the same result, which is as you put it, killing time. Doesn't mean it's bad, just that's what it is.
Anyone else noticed a huge uptick in bots/3rd world subhumans online recently? The entire internet is flooded with low IQ slop now, the only refuge is obscure internet forums and various articles and maybe the occasional actually decent yt video (with tons of extensions)
>>294964Has it not been this way with Indians and Nigerians?
>>294958I'm puzzled sometimes as to what people expect to gain from life other than killing time in comfort. If we look at nature, animals only act when they're stressed. Leisure is idle and conservative. If you're capable of leisure, you're at the zenith of living. Only stress is failure.
I hate my parents.
>>294971Why? What they do?
I got a knee injury at my shitty job because my piece of shit scumbag manager made me keep working moving heavy things despite me visibly limping. I don't qualify for workman's comp because I didn't work enough hours this month and I have no legal recourse because this state makes it impossible to sue employers for injuries. Potentially I will be facing life changing health consequences for a job that barely even pays me enough money to buy food. I hate this country so much
My suicidal feelings are on the rise again. When I hear of people who killed themselves I feel some envy and a longing for it. It feels like going on a placid vacation away from all the pointless tasks and busywork of normals in this world, which are in the end just glorified distractions from it.
do depression meds help for someone who has had suicidal thoughts and lack of drive to live for their entire life?
>>294978Some wiz wrote about this conclusively. The probability that it helps is about 50 percent.
>>294978it did for me. but I don't know if its the anti depressent or the fact that I rest at home for years because of my illness. my psychitrist said it may be the meds. I don't know. all I know is I don't have suicide thoughts anymore
>>294978>>294981>>294982And then, when for some reason you don't have access to the happy pills any more (likely because they became too expensive) your suicidal ideation will spike up tenfold.
A better living situation, an improved outlook, and a hobby are the only ways to combat "feeling suicidal because that's just how you feel".
>>294983>hobbyYou don't get it. When you are suicidal you barely have the energy to get up from bed. Hobby? Nigger, I even lack the will to eat and you are saying I should somehow engage in hobbies. I tried to force myself to get back to drawing I can't. It feels like torture and makes things worse, since I realize how much of a fucked ruin I am - can't do shit whatsoever.
>>294984>You don't get it. When you are suicidal you barely have the energy to get up from bedProjection. Don't use "you" when talking about your own feelings.
The majority of people who commit suicide in America are leading quite energetic and productive lives. People like YOU who try to normalize LDAR are harmful to everyone.
>>294989Well, some of us LDAR and that makes us happy.
>>294977Where is your hatred against this cucked world?
>>294973You cant sue them because it was up to you to abandon them
>>294994And then I would become homeless without a job to pay for rent or food. Either way I lose and they win. Because every law in the country is made to protect the rich and fuck over the poor. The same company stole wages that they owe me
>>294989How I am normalizing anything? I indeed speak of my experience. Being suicidally depressed saps the strength out of me and makes everything just tiresome. Energetic and productive lives fueled by zombifying meds and shit, of course.
Those of you who are able to have a good sense of humor and are able to joke around and generally be positive, how do you do it?
Do you watch a lot of Hollywood and Netflix content?
I want to stop being a downer and I feel like being in touch with what modern people are watching would probably help.
It's just kind of hard to watch mainstream content because any time they show an uncool, gross, ugly, character it feels like they're showing someone who's like me and it destroys my psyche. This show is massively popular, everyone thinks what the show says is gospel, and they just described someone who looks like me as the perfect example of someone who everyone should be disgusted by. It's really depressing. But to be fair with modern tv, usually when they describe someone negatively it's based on their actions and words, not their appearance. So all I have to do is agree with the message and I don't have to worry.
It's just hard for me to watch a mainstream show because I have such a hard time agreeing with the morals they show because the mainstream has chewed me up so hard and spit me out. It feels like when I watch a mainstream show, if I agree with the message, then I'm validating all the pain I've felt in life.
It feels like I'm saying it was good that I was bullied by my peers so hard that I stopped going to school and got transferred to a special education school that didn't even give me a real diploma. It's good that I felt so depressed that I got sent to a mental hospital multiple times. I don't want to agree with mainstream society because I feel like I'm validating all the bullying and pain caused by my peers.
Or if I watch a tv show that shows a certain group in a positive light, if I agree with that then it's like I'm saying yes it's good that those people beat me to the ground and mugged me and took everything out of my pockets that I cared about.
I just need to learn to forgive and forget when it comes to past wrongs. Or perceived wrongs. Because obviously those people felt like they were doing the right thing. They saw someone weak who needed to be taught a lesson. Unfortunately I was just too dumb to learn that lesson and remained a pathetic piece of garbage who just sits around feeling sorry for himself.
The truth is there are people who have it way worse than me. There are people starving on the street. There are people right at this moment who are laying in a gutter, not sure if they will have enough food to survive to the end of the week. I need to keep that in mind. I need to stop thinking I'm a victim when there are people who have it so much worse. That's the core of it, I need to think of other people and their suffering, then I can realize there are people beyond me who need help and my issues aren't worth obsessing over so much.
I can't function at all. Can't watch movies, can't play games. Been like this for a month. Crying daily. Part of me feels like going to a doctor in desperation but im so scared of being sent a psych ward and I'm almost certain they wont give me any drugs that actually help. I dont know what to say to the doctor.
I already acquired a good rope and found information on how to use it but havent found an anchor point
If I imagine a blue 'social resources' bar over my head then it's always drained and the older I become the slower it recharges if at all. I always fell drained these days, every encounter completely ruins me.
>>294948Why should a human-made problem necessarily be solvable by humans? Why should a nature-made problem not be? Ultimately it isn't a useful distinction, both types of problems are external, out of your control. They're in the same category.
>>294989>The majority of people who commit suicide […]This site is not the majority of people, nor the majority of suicidal people. His description of depression and being suicidal is consistent with that of many others here.
>People like YOU who try to normalize LDAR are harmful to everyoneHe's not trying to "normalize" anything. He's sharing feelings about his depression on a thread intended for specifically that purpose.
>>294989>You don't get it. When you are suicidal you barely have the energy to get up from bed>Projection. Don't use "you" when talking about your own feelings.I've been suicidal for so long that i've experienced all different sorts of states. There is definitely no single way to be suicidal, there are all different flavors to go through.
>>295081Correct, but it would be interesting to know which states mostly occur when people actually go through with it. Not easy to research though as the sample of people to ask is dead.
You know who this is. I'm having a hell of a time talking the doctors out of euthanasia. My mother confirms I am being put to sleep… thing is the other night they tried again. I bawled so hard. It makes me want to cry right now. I hate that past of mine… I'm on the verge of tears all the time. I always wanted more of the good, moreover they wanna put me down over all the damage and it is bogus. I reckon they need an intervention for how they force a leucotomy over it all. I actfine but am universally hated by succubi.
should i try to get pregabalin (lyrica)?
>>295121Nope! "Antidepressants" don't work. It's all just a chemical lobotmy that will leave you feeling suicidal the moment you miss a single pill.
Why can't I enjoy normal entertainment? Like watching movies hanging out with people, playing bowling with them etc. My workplace organizes socialising events, so I have the opportunities to get together with workmates and drink beer or whatever, and I usually attend those, but they feel like such chores. I'd rather stay home, but only because it just takes no effort to do nothing. I don't really enjoy anything now that I think about it, and the things I do in free time, I do them to somehow pass the time. end of rant
>>295130Have been in such an anhedonic state for a few years now as well. Don't know what to tell you. "Going out of your comfort zone" is such an overplayed trope and all its done for me is make me feel uncomfortable and realize that whatever activity or event I tried out, wasn't for me. I'm tired of always feeling like I have to look so hard for something worthwhile to do. Sometimes I think to myself how nice it would be if I could just go into the woods and keep walking forever on a lonely, quiet path.
I share a room with a gay zoomer subhuman brother. He spends all day on Discord talking to his subhuman friends. I can't stand his voice any longer. I'm going insane. I need to leave this house.
>>294942I loved your post, anon
Fucking saved
im tired of pain. physical pain. everything hurts, always, if not one thing, then another. my body is broken down completely. i spent a year and all my money on doctors and they didnt help, now its 100 times worse. my stomach is fucked, all my teeth as well. public healthcare is collapsed and i am dying. years of pointless suffering. i cant do anything in this state because i have to focus on the pain. the only thing left to do is suicide, but now its 10 times harder. when you are in pain, nothing else matters. im so weak i can barely walk, my heart feels like its gonna give out, good thing train tracks are a 5 minute walk from me. its my only hope.
>>295143fuck I'm real sorry wiz. hope you can find salvation one way or another.
>>295143Can you describe what your problems are? I would like to help if at all possible.
>>295219Wizards, I remember reading these paragraphs when I was younger, and was so struck by them that I copied them down. I’ve translated them as literally as possible. Life has always been hard, but I think good things await us hereafter.
Agedum, si quis velut e sublimi specula circumspiciat, ita ut Iovem Poetae facere praedicant, quot calamitatibus hominum vita sit obnoxia, quam misera, quam sordida nativitas, quam laboriosa educatio, quot iniuriis exposita pueritia, quot sudoribus adacta iuventus, quam gravis senectus, quam dura mortis necessitas, quot morborum agmina infestent, quot immineant casus, quot ingruant incommoda, quam nihil usquam non plurimo felle tinctum, ut ne commemorem ista, quae homini ab homine inferuntur mala, quod genus sunt, paupertas, carcer, infamia, pudor, tormenta, insidiae, proditio, convitia, lites, fraudes. Sed ego iam plane ton ammon anametrein aggredior. Porro quibus admissis ista commeruerint homines, aut quis Deus iratus eos in has miserias nasci coegerit, non est mihi fas in praesentia proloqui. Verum ista qui secum perpendat, nonne Milesiarum virginum probabit exemplum etiam si miserandum? At quinam potissimum sibi vitae taedio fatum accersivere Nonne sapientiae confines? Erasmus.
Come now, if any man just as if from a sublime watchtower may look around, thus as the Poets preach Juppiter to do, with how many calamities the life of man may be bothersome, how wretched and dirty a nativity, how laborious an education, a boyhood exposed to how many injuries, a youth driven by how many sweats, how heavy an old age, how hard [is] the necessity of death, how many groups of diseases may attack, how many falls may threaten, how many inconveniences may assault, how [there is] nothing ever not dyed without much poison, so that lest I may recall these things, which evils are borne in to man from man, [of] which sort they are, poverty, jail, infamy, shame, torments, ambushes, betrayal, reproaches, lawsuits, tricks. But now I plainly begin to count the sand. Then with which things admitted, men may have deserved these things, or which angry god may have forced them to be born into these miseries, it is not right for me in the present to say. But he who with himself may weigh these things, shall he not prove even the example of the Milesian virgins to be pitied? But they who then especially by taedium of life have summoned fate to themselves, are they not similar to wisdom?
Tamen quoniam piorum vita nihil aliud est, quam illius vitae meditatio, ac velut umbra quaedam, fit ut praemii quoque illius aliquando gustum aut ardorem aliquem sentiant. Id tametsi minutissima quaedam stillula est, ad fontem illum aeternae felicitatis, tamen longe superat universas corporis voluptates, etiam si omnes omnium mortalium deliciae in unum conferantur. Usque adeo praestant spiritualia corporalibus, invisibilia visibilibus. Hoc nimirum est quod pollicetur Propheta: 'Oculus non vidit, nec auris audivit, nec in cor hominis adscenderunt, quae praeparavit Deus diligentibus se'. Atque, haec est Moriae pars, quae non aufertur commutatione vitae, sed perficitur. Hoc igitur quibus sentire licuit, contingit autem perpaucis, ii patiuntur quoddam dementiae simillimum, loquuntur quaedam non satis cohaerentia, nec humano more, sed dant sine mente sonum, deinde subinde totam oris speciem vertunt. Nunc alacres, nunc deiecti, nunc lacrymant, nunc rident, nunc suspirant; in summa, vere toti extra se sunt. Mox ubi ad sese redierint, negant se scire, ubi fuerint, utrum in corpore, an extra corpus, vigilantes an dormientes, quid audierint, quid viderint, quid dixerint, quid fecerint, non meminerunt, nisi tamquam per nebulam, ac somnium, tantum hoc sciunt se felicissimos fuisse, dum ita desiperent. Itaque plorant sese resipuisse, nihilque omnium malint, quam hoc insaniae genus perpetuo insanire. Atque haec est futurae felicitatis tenuis quaedam degustatiuncula. Erasmus
Nevertheless because the life of pious men is nothing other, than the meditation of that life, and just as if a certain shadow, it is made so that also sometimes they may sense a taste of that reward or some heat. Although it is a very minute little drop, to that fountain of eternal happiness, withal by far it exceeds all the pleasures of the body, even if all the delights of all mortals may be conferred into one. Unto such a degree do spiritual things stand before bodily things, the invisible to the visible. This no wonder is that which the Prophet promises: “The eye hath not seen, nor hath the ear heard, nor into the heart of man have they ascended, which things God hath prepared for those loving Him.” And, this is that part of Foolishness, which is not borne away by the change of life [death], but it is perfected. On this account for whom it was lawful to feel, however it happens to very few, they suffer a certain little similitude of madness, they speak certain things not enough coherent, nor by human custom, but they give sound without mind, from thence repeatedly they turn all the appearance of the mouth. Sometimes eager, sometimes dejected, sometimes they cry, sometime they laugh, sometimes they whisper; in sum, verily they are wholly outside of themselves. Soon when they shall have returned to themselves, they deny themselves to know, where they may have been, whether in body, or outside [of] the body, watching or sleeping, what they may have heard, what they may have seen, what they may have said, what they may have done, they do not remember, until just as if through a mist, and a dream, only they know this — themselves to have been most happy, while thus they would be mad. There they lament themselves to have regained wisdom, they may prefer nothing of all things, than perpetually to be insane in this type of insanity. And this is a certain thin tiny taste of that future felicity.
>>295143Have you tried a chiropractor?
How do you deal with NEETdom coming to an end? 5 years in and I've finally ran out of money. I still don't think I can accept the reality of a life of work and being a "member of society". It was never for me and it still isn't.
>>295257I would rather kill myself than work.
>>295257Pull an Uncle Remus and do whatever you can to get on disabilitybux.
I am here for a good reason:
Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday was yesterday, and I missed it. ;_;
I'm a retarded subhuman who should be in a mental institution. Pushing 40, low income and alone in my shitty apartment. Roleplaying as a non-genetically inferior depressed male every day. I'm approaching another mental breakdown. I can't take this anymore
Here's my rant:
I fucking hate the fact that out of all worlds that I could've been born in I'm here. I don't really believe in all that shit, but I'm desperate and this is my cope.
So what's the "life" in this world? Well you get born. Where? When? How? Randomly of course! You can be lucky and be born in rich family, be blessed with beauty, or if you're for some reason not lucky you'll get ugly body, birth in 3rd world country, abusive parents, poor family. Then you go to kindergarten. Not sure how that works in other countries, but where I live I got the worst friends I could get. Why? Because fuck me I guess. Then you go to the school. This shit lasts at least 9 years where I live. What people you'll get? You can't choose either! You can have nice classmates, who are helpful and friendly, or, you know, like me absolute assholes who would bully someone like me, who did did not spent their life on some gang shit. Oh and what's next? Doesn't matter, by that time you'll look on other people who DID NOT DO SHIT and still got better randoms: not ugly body, normal family, heck even one of my classmates got a fucking car from his parents. For free! This asshole didn't even do that much, he was just lucky. Many such examples.
The point I'm trying to get is EVERYTHING is defined by random, and you can't change shit. If life didn't want you becoming someone, you won't.
There could be millions of alternative universes, yet I'm born in this one: gray, random and cruel
>>295292If you were born under different circumstances, especially if in a different world, that arguably wouldn't be you.
Though arguing about this would be just pointless intellectual masturbation.
Dry eye syndrom is the worst health condition if you live in a cold climate. Can't read, not even on paper. No effective treatment exists. Your eyes and skin are constantly dry.
Looks like somebody is throwing stuff at my window. In the past month I've heard noises like that several time
Why don't people just leave me alone
>>295299Please remind where this character is from. Going through my old video tapes I didn't realise just how many cartoons I watched as a kid.
>>295327The Hunchback in Courage the Cowardly Dog
>And I, peeps, are extremely baldis a quatition.I just googled.
Gee, I sure do miss those insufferable Gaza ads xp
Replied to someone's comment on YouTube, there was 1 comment below me. Got notification about my comment getting liked and saw that a new comment was posted below by a known public (yet not so much) person. I liked that comment. At about 1:30 am, I got the notification about the second like to my comment. Likely, that person got notified about their comment getting liked, returned and remembered that my comment was likeless and got 1 like since, saw no new comments in the branch below, and realized that likely I myself saw my comment getting liked and liked his new comment which was made later than mine. Thus, there was a probability it was me who liked his post. I saw the like on my comment, returned and liked his comment, he returned and liked my comment. Between my return and their return, it was like 6 hours in the video about 2-3 days old. No new comments below. Though it could've been someone else.
Today that man got killed.
>>295342How do you know he died?
>>295347It was in the news. Relative of a popular person.
>something pertaining to a container of glitter
Uh oh…
This will be the month i will unalive attempt to hopefully get on ssi
>>295259Does not work and he had documentation when he was a kid
Being alive is so fucking annoying. It's like, hey, you are here, now go be a slave, suffer, your parents never did their job, but it's for you to experience the consequences. I always tried to escape my schizo life but now I think it wasn't so bad. I mean it's fucking hell but life is hell so…
>>295300I know what that feels like. Never take Datura, eyes so dry you can't read. I like to call that cotton eyes, like cotton mouth
>>295390Nice picture, do you happen to have a source? I understand your feeling but I also think that we're negatively biased in thinking this way. Arguably, most things are worth experiencing (overly negative ones aren't I think) so this mode of being too is a worthwhile experience so long as it doesn't make you suffer or you're longing to do something else the entire time.
>>295405Anon, you using meme generators to make memes of yourself is really embarassing. These are the kind of things you should not post in public boards.
>>295405is this supposed to be funny ?
I just like math a lot and wish I could invest a lot of time into it, like 5 decades at least.
I wish so much I had gotten into math and computer science when I was very little, like when I was 3 to 7 years old. I wish I had spent my entire childhood and teenage years just studying math a lot every day and doing nothing but that, reading math books and using computers and the internet to learn more math and computer science, no videogames no anime no porn no friends no g1rls nothing but math. Then I wish I had gone to an university and become a serious mathematician and spend the rest of my life reading, learning, researching, writing proofs, solving problems, writing a lot.
If there's a god or an angel reading this, please give me a second chance. Please let me try again. I wish I could reincarnate or go back in time, to try again. I wish I could be born again. I wish I could start life again from zero, just to get into math earlier and go to a nice university and do the most possible. I didn't live my life to its full potential, I think it could have been different. I got fucked up early in my life due to extreme conditions, there was a lot of abuse, I probably got extreme trauma that really fucked me up, I developed a lot of mental illnesses. I was also forced to take SSRIs when I had a single digit age and it lobotomized me, I don't even remember most of my life.
I just love math a lot and wish I could have had it from the very beginning of my life, I think I could have gone very far. I don't care about games or anime or pleasure or entertainment or money or forming relationships or starting a family, I am just completely dedicated to math 24/7. My favorite areas right now are theoretical computer science and cryptography, but I also like other areas like combinatorics, number theory, algebra, logic, foundations, etc.
I really wish I could reincarnate or go back in time because I think I can't reach my full potential anymore, I lost the first and best 25 years of my life being a slave, being a clown, I just lost all that precious time and wish so much I had it all back somehow. I wish I could try again, I wish I could have lived my life the way I think is right from the start and achieve my full potential and go very far. Now there's a 25 year long hole in my chest and I don't think it can be forgotten.
There are so many things I wish I could say but I'm not good with words. I can never properly express myself. Nevermind all of this, it doesn't matter, I'm just very mentally ill.
>>295476Not this shit again
I wish I had been alive before that wizard was born so I could have prevented his birth and have dep a little less bloated
>>295482He figured out the way to bypass jannie seethe and still spam
>>295472I feel similar since I just fucked up choosing important modules in my uni which I shouldve applied to in september or earlier. I pretty much fucked up everything and now Im probably going to have apply for additionak semesters to fix this. The worst thing, I cant write my bachelor thesis without the knowledge from the modules so its a chivken and egg problem if I ant to do it in the added semester so I might even have to apply for two extra semesters. I pretty much fucked up thanks to my escapism…
>>295472>>295476you're back! I thought you had killed yourself
With great power comes great responsibility.
And even if its lyrics were 100% true, listening to Bite my Tongue, by You Me at Six a hundred too many times, by the end of last decade, wasn't really even a standard power =.=..
i remember when he used to write the exact same shit but instead of studying math and cs it was playing eroge 24/7
>>295495The crawl thread summoned him or it resurrected him from the dead I suppose.
>>295501Because, you know:
Their other song,
Room to Breathe is such a timeless testament to the credible success of your beloved "rationality" =.=…
>>295551if you want my opinion get a dog it will make you feel less lonely
>>295139Being alive is just really awful. The state of being aware of things is of no benefit. This keeps getting more and more clearly to me. Not being conscious is simply preferable. The horrors of being alive are not worth it. It will always get worse. It will always be in your way. Life is being forced into life. There is a 'having to be alive' that really cuts any other positive thought, you are forced to be conscious of things and there's no reason. This is true horror and only death is liberation from this. Every time I am here this is increasingly more clear. All the other copes of people trying to get by, to slave away, trying to stay sane, healthy and wealthy, all these attempts are merely copes, if even. It's all hopeless. I envy people that kill themselves, that die by accident, that cease to be. Only these people are free. I wish I would get a lethal illness, because I am too much of a failure of a human being to go through with it finally still. Fuck.
It really seems so obvious that the solution to suffering is to simply stop making things that suffer. But people insist and say they'll find a solution later, and thousands of years later it never comes. Even the bible has verses like, "And I thought the dead who are already dead more fortunate than the living who are still alive; but better than both is he who has not yet been, and has not seen the evil deeds that are done under the sun." Even some ancient Jewish priest in a desert knew the score, it's not hard to figure out.
Too bad I am too much of a pussy to follow through with it. I got pretty close once but couldn't do it even after an hour of sitting there with a gun. I know logically I can't regret following through with it or be put into a worse state after I die because I simply cease to exist, but I can't make my dumb brain do it.
Sex < One solitary verbal compliment, for fanstuff of something you've been extremely into, for the first time in years ;_;…
I haven't really used youtube seriously in so long. I'll watch a video that is linked here or on other sites, sometimes. But I don't follow any uploaders or even have an account anymore.
I recently made the bad choice of checking out the accounts of uploaders I used to enjoy.
I can't believe some of the "lets plays" I used to watch are over a decade old.
I can't believe these few accounts that are still active just have multihour-long videos that are just unedited streams.
(I suppose they are active streamers, I have just never enjoyed watching livestreams, because the chat-interaction becomes part of the content, and I am only interested in the subject and/or the commentator's opinions on the subject).
I actually found one uploader whom I enjoyed watching 10 years ago who still does regularly upload the same kind of "LP" videos I used to enjoy… he mostly streams, apparently, and most of his viewers only view the streams apparently, as his "non-live" videos only get a few dozen viewes each… and he, like me, is older now, and a lot of his commentary seems to have taken a turn toward health issues and financial issues, a lot of "I sure wish I could enjoy this game like I used to".
This isn't me saying "all the new stuff is bad and only the old stuff is good". Nor me saying that the stuff the kids like these days is all shit. This is just me lamenting the passage of time, how I don't even understand the entertainment I used to enjoy anymore.
Lamenting how I continue indulging happy memories to soothe current day-to-day ails, inevitably and permanently poisoning them into reveries of regret.
>>295648streamer let's plays are practically unwatchable. there's way too much random shit going on at the same time distracting you and the guy from the game. i have no idea how so many people can stand watching them.
>>295650It feels even more insulting if, for some reason, I try to watch a reupload of a livestream. Most of the "content" is the streamer figuratively or literally dancing like a monkey for donations, people wanting their names and memes and stupid bullshit splattered on the screen or spoken… I can't stand the fact that the streamer will stop everything every few moments to say THANKS FOR SUCKING MY E-COCK xXxDARK_ANIME_NARUTO696969xXx, especially since it's completely irrelevant to me as a viewer who is NOT watching it live.
(but if I actually DO want to see the video, I can't just ignore the bullshit, because it has fused WITH the video, and I feel completely alienated as some forgotten "audience" who just wants the game with commentary)
>>295567You are a human being, it's not your fault that you can't kill yourself, it's a biology issue. Not procreating is enough, from a moral standpoint.
I am afraid of the fact that I am going to lose all my friends, I am in college right now so I have friends but soon enough I will be a lonely unmarried guy, who will just become a thorn in their side. When all of them will get married they wouldn't like to see my face.
Soon enough they will take 6 days to reply to my WhatsApp messages, later they will stop picking my calls, they would stop calling by themselves, eventually they will forget everything about me.
I will become that guy. What good even is friendship at this point then? Not only I will not get to experience true intimacy and have a family of my own, even if I could I would not be able to have sex as I can't get hard without constant physical simulation and if hard I can't finish.
I will also not get to experience friendship. Nobody really cares for me. My entire life has been nothing but suffering, there is truly no point in living for someone like me. I have desperately sought help from outside and from within myself, yet I receive no answers. I just want someone; anyone to care for me so that I have something to live forwards to.
I want to kill myself but I also don't want to kill myself I can't live, right now I am just existing, I can't live. I want to live before I die. I want to enjoy and be happy and be carefree for once, be excited for the next day, and then sleep without a care in the world and without any stress whatsoever.
All I do is suffer. It's all suffering. Somebody please help.
>>295657your post is an insult to wizards who are already "that guy"
>>295657i've had zero friends since i was 12. you'll be fine bucko, grow a backbone and stop being a lil bitch.
>>295657You probably have no idea of what a friend is, like many normies only fear of solitude keeps cucked to your contacts, which is considered a dishonor here.
I am that guy. I couldn't feel insulted at all by some pathetic failed normie who mostly lives for others due to his mental instability.
Nobody ends up caring for you? Many times guys like you find the surprise too late: probably they never did, unless you were there in submission, as your FOMO gives you away right now.
March to the Void, to the shame, to the pressure and take it as a war. Your mere presence is a stain in this imageboard
>>295657The pillar/pilaster-like vein on the left arm seems to be the cephalic vein. It runs between the deltoid and the pectoralis major muscles. While the vein which crosses the cubital fossa on the right arm is obviously the median cubital vein. My Brother Throws Rad Parties is a cool mnemonic for the contents of the fossa if you are interested.
I just listened to Bowser's Peaches song (now that I finally saw the movie) and my silly Goombella ai song ( back to back…
This has been quite the year.
>>295711Dig deeper.
>Does anyone else here, have\is developing a "philosophical opposition" to life? Opposing life in an on itself- life is non-consensual because you never are asked whether you agree to HAVING-to-have life. First forced violation upon you is being born; on top of that you are 24\7\364 forced, coerced, blackmailed, extorted etc into HAVING life. No.295729
You know, I recently opened Reddit. I'm not from America, and English is not my native language. I was immediately given a bunch of information about how the middle class lives in the United States. Some foreign stories about the future and a lot of other things. And you know, I suddenly realized that I literally live in a godforsaken place among normies. But the thing is, when I come back, I should be interested in all this development of the world or the future. But I just don't care, it's like I live in another world, although that's how it is. I'm an outsider, I'm an outsider for everyone. I can't control myself in the closet or lock myself in a room from myself. My biggest fear in life was that I would become who I became, as if I had such moments as a child when I became a loser. I try not to think about it. I just understand why people drink themselves to death. Nobody needs us like this. Even though we are not people, people live and enjoy life and believe that cyberpunk or something else will come. And I’m afraid to live the next year of life understanding that I’m already literally in the grave.
>>295729And all that you realized by… opening reddit? That is kind of funny you know. Didn't know reddit was as powerful. Reddit really must be something from which you draw your conclusions. Oh well. It just rarely crossed my mind. Or did it. I. Am. Not. Sure.
I am so sad…
Had a 1,5 hour walk in nature. Feels good. I need to remind myself to do this more often. But I was off work for a few days so that's why I was able to do it. When I have to work, I just can't bring up any energy to do positive actions.
>>295773whats the vn? have you played chaos;head? the characters in it have the power of realising delusions
>>295776Fuck, i'd go for a long ass walk right now. I love october. But I live in Ukraine and the fucking headhunt is going on strong, might not come back if I do. It's a fucking nightmare.
I feel worthless
>>295776walking is great. Try it with a backpack and long distance. All you need is a podcast
Heh, there was a time when 63 was as powerful as 34…
>>295779wizard, and I'm from Russia. How are you? For example, our prices have increased very much.
>>295787will you get draft and kill on the front?
>>295777Weird i'm currently playing chaos;head. Who's eyes are those right? Wait are you my delusion, WTF stop it shogun!..also lea.lea..leave me alone demon gi gir succubus!
But playing schizo vns makes me feel like you can make your own life interesting by thinking crazy shit. I feel the tulpas. The youtube vid is Subarashiki Hibi, broke my heart that one. Higurashi my sanity because how long it was, i'm still there doing games in 1983.
>>295798I tried fata morgana (have the game on my steam) but didn't finish it. It's hard for me to stay focus on a story 'game' with no gameplay. if you kbow a VN with a gameplay, tell me
>>295795>But playing schizo vns makes me feel like you can make your own life interesting by thinking crazy shit. I feel the tulpas.i wish i had my own riruru-chan tulpa like takuji. she's even better in the tsui no sora remake because she also has supernatural powers.
>>295292Vanity of vanities, alls vanity.
Those are the words of the man that had it all, he had a kingdom, riches, and 1000 wives.
No matter your lot in life, there is no purpose in it unless you labour for God.
>>295711Sons of the last Adam will get tested on money/Mammon, but will ultimately be provided for. The righteous can laugh at times to come.
>>295657I'm a level 31 Cleric, I stopped having friends around 2015 and was saved in 2019. I want to encourage you, but when I joined a church in 2020 I had no idea God intended to pull me out of it from the beginning.
Apprentices and Wizards desire something real, and that empty hole can only be filled by the only God there is. Most churches are demonic strongholds that need to be shutdown, so my 2-cents are to read the new testament and psalms+proverbs, believe them and you will have a transformed life.
is it me or are imageboards kinda dying?
>>296001All anonymous communication is coming to an end, even most posts you see are made by bots
for some reason i got hypothermia. according to dr. google, it can be caused by drug abuse, not eating enough, infections, and a whole host of diseases - i probably have all of those. And apparently it damages brain and heart, great, i am dying already anyway. Well, not looking too good. My temperature is below 35 Celsius now despite dressing up like winter and the room being hot. Fucking piece of shit life.
>>296004you only need one (1) blanket tho
>>296007You survived 33 years without skills and money, I'm sure you can double that without a problem. What's there to cope about?
I don't know if Im genuinely a bad person or getting enlightened too much, but I've been fantasizing about "unethical maxxing" \immorality maxxing ie; basing my life on deliberately committing systematic Evil for the sake of fulfilling (my other, non-intrinsic to the sadism of the job) egoistic, selfish desires.
My main mental rumination\fantasy is becoming a Medical debt collector, or, working for a Repossession agency targeting people in despair, so on
for example I read this article part
> Such hazards can include landfills, power plants, chemical plants, oil wells, oil and chemical pipelines, industrial parks, sewage treatment plants, fracking sites, incinerators, quarries, prisons, adult entertainment clubs, railways, highways, airports, and seaports.
Courts can impose cash bail, requiring the accused, while presumed innocent, to make a refundable cash deposit in order to get out of jail before a trial, with the money not refunded if the accused is not on time for all of their court dates. Someone who is unable to pay the full bail amount may purchase a bail bond, under which the accused pays a non-refundable percentage of the bail amount and promises collateral
I see OPPORTUNITY. Note, tho: Im not a yuppie fornicator from a (((college))), I hate every human rich and poor. if the rich could be my Prey, I'd take delight in it.
Even if Im becoming pro-evil, I also say humans=bad, so Im an anti-s*ual anti-natalist and promortalist "pink" libertarian.
>pic related. also Dzogchen, Neville Goddard's deep dive, non-dual Shakti Vedanta and antinominist KRSNA currents No.296011
>>296010Thank God people like you go to hell.
>>296010If you're going to fulfill the service-to-self path, at least be subtle and judicious about it.
>>296011I wish there was a Hell.
>>296010you're not going to be able to extract shit from no one. the average humanigger is much more evil and slippery than you can imagine. the moment where you started to question morality you've already lost because it meant that you have decency enough to consider foregoing some of it. the average person doesn't even have that.
everytime i try to do something like draw i remember that i'm too retarded to even beat most video games or to finish a book in a year and then i go back to bed
>>296099I love you.
>>296070Many don't, but find out anyway.
I think I'm finally doomed. I frequently find myself in a state of mind where I literally can't function cognitively anymore. I can't think, I can't write on the computer, I can't comprehend a text, I have trouble understanding and retaining new information. I can't work like this. When someone talks to me I'm completely on auto pilot, I can't even control what I say, I just find myself say something which I hope makes sense but I don't know which words will come out, I can't even mask and fake mimic and body language at all, all the while I feel awful and detached and in panic, dull and emotionless at the same time. I am dysfunctional, I am afraid of myself, thi5state seemingly comes out of nowhere, and the past weeks it happens more frequently and I live in anxiety of it that the next moment I literally can't function anymore.
I have bipolar disorder (real, mental illness to the point of manic delusions) and I want to die.
Any other bipolar here?
>>296129Are you obsessed with 70s rock music and have long hair/facial hair?
I have really tried to be a normie, finally landed on a “dream” job that that is appropriate for my qcademic qualifications. Given a probation period with reduced pay (150 dollars a month, literally impossible for a living in the SEA city I’m living where the minimum wage is more than 3 times that), no benefits (lol lmao even) and a promise they will give me a full year contract at the end.
My job involved reviving the dead analysis division of my department (works in a pharma company, our department specialized in skin products and has apparently been heavily reduced in prior to my entry, relegating my job desk to another body that doen’t give a fuck about my current depatment needs).
So no one to really shows the rope, me being basically being my own supervisor, in a technically oriented field with lots of regulations. Not to mentioned my severely reduced access in the company’s bureaucracy, forcing me to depends on my (entirely, including my boss) succubi colleauges.
Granted I suffered from ADHD (self diagnosed) to deal with this unstructured mess. But hey, I’m finally getting the hang of things! My succubi colleauges even come to be quite friendly to me after continuing to smile against whatever bullshit I was given.
Well my boss informed me that she finds my performance lacking, and that the reduced pay probation will be extended for another 3 months.
You might be able to tell from the way ai write, tthat I am really close to becoming a normienigger; not only in life’s milestones, but in body and soul, giving myself to oblivion. Hell I’m even reconsidering my relationship with my parents, thinking that maybe my anger and resentment towards them for so thoroughly trampling on my le wiz doomer values I developed myself as a coping mechanism isn’t really justified. That mayb, I can live as a normienigger after all, albeit as a wiz LARP-er that apperciates doomerism as an aesthethic.
Yesterday I snapped back into reality. I actually thanked God for waking me up from the drunkenly sweet dream. But I’m even more at a loss now. I have a feeling that I will truly lost my soul if I carry on and be a good wagecuck. Bur I’ve no options to support myself either. I said before that this is coincidentally my dream job, but this is literally the only job offer I got in 1.5 years. If you call me a fail normie, I won’t hold it against you. I am neither hoping for advice nor comfort. I decided to march on. What else is there left to do?
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, and all the poor souls here, for we are just poor sinners.
Have to kill myself in 2 weeks. Only available option in this city is train (or drowning, but I dont know how to tie myself with rocks). Works?
Anyone else having a hard time finding an escape or even having a hard time going with your current one because even then it's too expensive or you see how much your escape has devolved since your childhood? Like you no longer enjoy it because of how it's had the soul sucked out of it by suits or shitty people? Like I used to enjoy the fuck out of gaming…now I don't even want to even touch a single game because the fun is gone.
>>296168Yes. I enjoy nothing partially because of the depression, partially because i have simply worn out the novelty of consuming media like films and games, and partially because culture has devolved and nobody produces good content anymore that i can find
>>296170>nobody produces good content anymore that I can find. Ain't that the truth? All I really "consume" is just background noise while I do other things because let's face it, do we really properly consume anything?
It's all just noise.
>>296129Am I the only one?
>>296181sorry I'm schizophrenic paranoid
My wisdom tooth started coming out again and it made the left half of my face so swollen that I find it hard to chew or swallow properly. My teeth have always been fucked in general, my body seems defective to me with how it can't even grow them properly. I have to suffer for no reason other than the combination of genes that I have. Don't let yourself be convinced that anything bad that ever happens to you is your own fault. People just like to delude themselves that's the case to feel in control. If they blame themselves, that's the same as believing they could change or could have changed the outcome. Then they push that delusion onto others to reinforce it.
>>296192>wisdom toothShit, I have the same issue. It is queit now but sometimes the sharp pain returns for a day or two, then disappears again on it's own. But usually I used cheap anti-inflammatory stuff, takes away the pain for me. But that kind of pain is a massive bitch to experience. Can't sleep, can't eat, can't even think…
Our own fucking bodies hates us.
>>296195aren't you supposed to remove youre wisdom teeth?
>>296196It would be nice but that costs money I don't have also not every dentist does it. Thank god it is doesn't hurt at the moment. Just gives a tight feeling on the right side of the lower jaw
ive had a major family emergency in the last few days
anyone else feeling depressed cuz their immediate family sucks balls?
>>296200The opposite sucks as well. My mom died three years ago after a period of what you are facing right now. My aunt, uncles, cousins don't really give a shit so I am stuck all alone, feeling like on a deserted island or something. the isolation messed up my brain.
Can't even sit at the laptop without disturbances. I was listening to the second to last song from Marilyn Manson's latest album while editing Wikipedia in my headphones. Thought it was usual alarm, but it was usual drone engine sound (except with a bigger noise). I exited my room and heard the biggest explosion here so far.
145 meters (475 feet) from me the 2-storeyed house got destroyed by UAV. Neighbor's window now has a crack in it. He's on disability and has big debts. Hopefully some fund or state will help him if necessary.
About 30 minutes went to waste due to waiting for some time to pass.
>>296244Are you in Ukraine? How did you avoid getting drafted into the army and becoming cannon fodder for Putin's hordes?
>>296245Hikikomori for +10 years. Easy-peasy. Plus even according to the law as previously unfit I still have time till January/February. Obviously, had I been on occupied territories I would already be in the filtration camp or sent by Muscovy to fight in Syria/against other Ukrainians like it had happened before in Donbas and Crimea. The choice is simple.
>>296246Do you have to go to the front lines after February? Can't you just hide from the authorities?
>>296247I don't plan going for the health examination before/after that term as I'm useless either way. Regarding their summoning and fines, time will tell.
Fun fact: there's only about 950,000 men who don't work, pay taxes or in the army in Ukraine. And with shadow economics, the number is even smaller.
>>296248While in Russia each year about 1,3 million men hit 18 years of age and are conscripted.
And the state doesn't give a shit about their lives either so they get sent to the front lines after short training.
I really don't see how Ukraine can find a way out of this with such a small population.
To Russia even a million further casualties don't mean anything. To Ukraine it would completely deplete the remaining men of fighting age.
Fortunately (for now) I'm in Poland, but if I was in Ukraine I'd do anything to illegally escape as a man.
>>296249>I really don't see how Ukraine can find a way out of this with such a small population. there isn't one. once soviets ramped up the artillery campaign against finland for a 50:1 artillery advantage in the continuation war, finns had around a week before they'd be completely overrun.
they had to cede 10% of their territory to the soviet union and pay gigantic reparations to make stalin stop the offensive.
a smaller country can't win a war of attrition, they can only make it stop through major diplomatic concessions.
depending on how you view it, thats still a victory over being completely conquered.
>>296249This isn't true. Just look at the population pyramid. Ukraine has almost 8 million men from age 20-49. Most estimates for the number of Ukrainian soldiers that have been killed so far is less than 100k. Manpower is not what will be decisive in this war. Weaponry is more likely to be decisive. If you destroy all their tanks and artillery tubes you win basically even if they have men. Political will to keep fighting is another factor. Economics is the third which is highly related to both of the first two. If one side suffers an economic collapse it will impact both their ability to produce weapons and their ability to maintain the political will to keep fighting. Russia has obvious advantages in that category because they are a fascist state with a controlled media and brainwashed slave minded people, but they are at a big disadvantage on the economic front considering the west is way richer than they are and are bankrolling Ukraine.
>>296252>so far is less than 100kI am a ukrainian soon-to-be wizard and I urge you not to believe anything that the 'goyficials' spew. The real number is about 600k only dead, and about the same severely injured. They hunt men like animals here because the cemeteries are filled with fresh graves.
>>296267I really do wonder what the reaction will be when blackrock repopulates that country with Pajeets for labour, and westerners learn about the true causality rate and mass enslavement that is conscription.
I'm expecting the veterans to feed into the european far right in general and be ISIS tier radical, it's just too much of a betrayal. Zelensky in particular will be seen as an attention whoring warmonger for prolonging this thing.
>>296267I don't think that makes any sense. Ukraine has no incentive to underplay the amount of Russian casualties, if anything they have the opposite incentive, and yet they are only claiming a little over 700k Russian casualties. Typically there are 3 soldiers wounded for every one that dies, so we can assume ~180k Russian deaths. The side that is attacking generally suffers about double the number of casualties. This puts the Ukrainian deaths around or slightly under 100k which aligns with what the US government is estimating.
>>296267>Ukrainian from lowercase dog whistle>goyficials dog whistle >numbers not according to the ISWMeanwhile it's more difficult for Muscovy to recruit soldiers even for 3 million rubles, successful drone attacks by Ukraine lowered the ratio of ammo from 1:7 to 1:2. Egg crisis, then butter crisis, medical equipment crisis in Muscovy, Kyiv in 3 days turned into more than 1,000 days. At the beginning Muscovy lied about the tanks they had hit. Even though Ukraine never had those numbers of tanks. That's about being caught red-handed. Slide on dem oppz.
>>296276>It's all so tiresome.It is, but light dawns in the darkness. Stay a while, you won't regret it.
Just another day of waking up jobless in India and being dependent upon my parents, I am pursuing a degree in CS, from a local college which has no value. Soon enough, I will have nothing in life. Most of the extended family has stopped caring about me, my past friends have moved on from me. I am left with the parents who hate me and soon enough when they will realise that I will always be dependent upon them will hate me even more and one day they might kick me out and it is that when I will be homeless, get kidnapped by thugs on the street, and be forced to live a life of a beggar and gangs will cut off my arms and my legs as to gain sympathy will begging.
All I ever wanted in life was to lead a normal life, have a job, have a family, but it is too much to ask for now. I really wish I had someone who cared for me and would keep me with them but no such person exist cause why would anyone keep me because I have no value.
I have also started crying more often, I randomly start crying from time to time now whenever I think of my conditions. The only temporary relief I get is while sleeping.
>>294941on top of physical pain, dying(confirmed by doctor) and 20 physical diseases, being broke and in debt, losing a court case soon and getting my bank account blocked for not paying a loan shark, i will run out of benzos in a week max as a hardcore addict, which will trigger a grand mal seizure at least or maybe give me heart attack or brain hemorrhage. Also told my 'parents' im leaving and not coming back some time ago already. Too bad in this city there's nowhere to even fall from, i need to sedate myself enough to step in front of my train, the end.
>>296285(1) find a new doctor who will prescribe you what you need. you have actual medical problems, therefore getting a prescription(s) to alleviate those problems is your right. again find a new doctor who understands that you are in pain, and be sure to show him full documented proof of any/all conditions you have. also, there are patient advocates you can talk to who work in emergency departments that will fight on your behalf to ensure you are receiving adequate care and pain relief.
(2) in the meantime, research how to temporarily taper off of benzodiazepines safely. and don’t despair.
(3) who cares what you said to your parents? you need a place to live, just make up whatever excuse is necessary so you have a secure place to stay.
(4) have you explained to your bank that you are being manipulated by a loan shark? this is the first thing i would do. is there anyone at the bank with whom you could sit down and explain your case?
(5) when was the last time you got a full night’s sleep? before doing anything, you need to find a safe place to sleep where you can recollect your thoughts. after you’ve done this, immediately seek out the medical attention and pain relief you deserve. you can always find money – your mental and physical health are what need attending to before all else.
>>296284"All I ever wanted in life was to lead a normal life, have a job, have a family, but it is too much to ask for now. I really wish I had someone who cared for me and would keep me with them but no such person exist cause why would anyone keep me because I have no value."
This train of thinking is completely false. You're in a dark state of mind and insulting yourself for no reason. You may well end up leading a normal life and having a job and having a family. You have no idea what may be waiting for you in the future.
"Soon enough, I will have nothing in life."
Are you healthy? Can you walk around your house without any physical pain? If you can answer yes to these questions, you have more than you could possibly imagine. Also, you're young, yes? If you have youth and a healthy body, you are miles ahead of 90% of the human population. I'm not in India as you are, but I can tell you being in a Western country that the majority of people I know are quite ill both physically and mentally.
"I am pursuing a degree in CS, from a local college which has no value."
Can you transfer to a different college, one whose bestowal of degrees carries more value?
"Most of the extended family has stopped caring about me, my past friends have moved on from me."
Can you reconcile with your extended family? Or with your friends? There must be a way to get out of your parents' house (if you dislike being there so much).
>>296291While I agree that I can't agree the future in certainty. I have an idea of where things are going and from the current trends of my life, the indication of future is largely negative. I hope I end up getting a job though.
I am not healthy completely, I have certain skin conditions. I suffer from mental illnesses and I have other physical complications too. But yes, I can move around my house without pain for now.
My friends no longer give a shit about me, I am beneath them. My extended family sees me as a worthless human whose existence in and of itself brings nothing but misery. They probably tell their kids about me and say "That guy's a loser if you don't work hard you'll become like him".
As for college, it's hard to get transferred into another college. But that is something I am working on by giving entrance exams of other colleges. But I suck at academics and have a memory span of a goldfish so exams don't go very well, to say the least.
Got a massive bag of poison hemlock. I feel a lot better now having a suicide kit on hand.
Gonna plant one as a tree.
>>296296eat their green fruit if you want to die.
>>296289>you can always find moneywiz… I didn't see anything on the street just lying there in the last 30some years. Yeah maybe like 5 $ altogether but that's a bad yearly pay.
For the last several days I've been experiencing strange, sudden dissolution of every mental issue I have. I wasn't depressed, anxious about anything. Thoughts didn't give me any dread, disgust or fear - they were just streams of information. I felt like laughing all the time.
But now it's gone. I am back to my usual self. I fucking hate it. This brain deserves to be blown to pieces.
>>296315did you stop eating bread?
I've been holding down this job for 3,5 years now and I don't even know how I did it. I still feel fucking lost all the time, like I don't know what I'm doing, I'm just functioning like a automaton and I hate this. Just every day waking up knowing I have to give my whole life time to this shit which I don't care about. Life is really pointless. I don't even meet or answer my last friends anymore. I just don't have the energy. On the weekends I just want to get wasted and sleep the whole day. I don't feel pathetic, it's just what it is. Life is an error, it has to be.
Anyone have that pic of the crying succubus with the caption "life seems to be a black and white silent movie about nothing superimposed into the retinas of my eyes. The movie is almost over.
>>296350uhh not your search engine, honey!
ive got my first job at a warehouse at age 21 recently. been working there a month and i am completely miserable, especially with these 6 day weeks. father will not even take me to work anymore because i didnt buy him cigs, so i have to either bike or pay expensive driving services which i hate using because i have severe social anxiety. he was begging me to buy them for him everyday.. hate my fucking life, cant handle working, might quit. cant believe i have to do this for another 60 years.
i want out of this world
Never had a happy thought, and I never will.
>>296363just go back to neeting. say you got fired for being late cuz your daddy ain't drive you.
>>296369>daddy ain't drive youniggerspeak
>>296371problem, mayo monkey?
>>296363>60 yearsHow old are you and what kind bigger country do you live in? Where I live the worst would be something like 49 years and that's when you never studied, neeted, or similarly made a break.
>>296363I'm younger than you and I recently also got my first job, at a warehouse too. But they fired me after a couple days because they said that "I can't keep up with the pace" or something like that and they even mentioned that I'm autistic (I have no idea how they figured this out, is it really that noticeable, or do they hire detectives to investigate their employees' backgrounds?). I don't want to get another job, I want to be a NEET 4ever… but there's no helping if I want to rent some place for myself (and get nice things like dakis) because living with my family is quite bothersome.
The ideal job for me would be some tech-related remote one, though. But the market is oversaturated and it would be hard to get one without a degree, so I want to go to uni next year. Apparently there are some "remote learning" unis (not like Zoom lectures with set times or whatever; you actually can study and do anything at any time) which would also be ideal for me since I've always been a quick learner in school (and lost a lot of time in classes for nothing just because the system is designed for retarded kids), and it would probably allow me to maintain a full time job while easily doing uni…
>>296391I don't want to be mean, but how can you be a quick learner while at the same time you can't keep up with the pace at a warehouse? Something seems off here.
>>296393probably means he's a quick learner for abstract type of information which helps with school, but a warehouse job requires more of a spatial-kinetic type of intelligence. i'm sure he had no problem understanding what needs to be done, but his speed and efficacy were probably less than the other people there who more easily embody meatspace.
>>296393>>296394I'm not him but I am like that myself. I graduated university fine with a physics major but in a situation like a warehouse job i would not be able to function. My psychiatrist says it is just anxiety
how do i get on ssri's? should i just call a clinic near me? i have no idea about anything, but i cant get out of bed anymore and i feel like im about to kill myself. so im desperate to try anything.
when i was 18, i was on ssris for about a month.
>>294978Depression meds made me numb and dumb for 20 years. I'm trying to get off them now and I've bawled my eyes out no less than three times in the past week. My feelings go from furious and violent to suicidal and empty, sometimes flipping between them several times a minute. I don't want to be addicted to the pill jew anymore but I wish I knew how to make the hurting stop.
>>296277>170,000–180,000 wounded24 February 2022 – 18 August 2023US estimate[68][69] Amputations On 2 August 2023, a Wall Street Journal investigation found that Ukrainian amputations in the war came to between 20,000 and 50,000 including both military and civilians. In comparison, during World War One 41,000 British and 67,000 Germans needed amputationshalf a million of crippled russians, the streets are full of them. but I wouldn't be surprised at 2+ millions casualties by the end of the war. if the afghanistan war caused the breakdown of USSR the victory in ukraine is of great importance for russia's integrity, that's for sure
>>296489Press X to doubt. Since 1,5 million fresh russians hit 18 years of age annually and are conscripted.
Even if two million russians died in the war (which is outlandish) they could replace them within a bit over a year. The value of human life in Russia is zero.
How I can change my life?
PC is dead, and i am using mom's phone to post this, pray for you hiki-NEET wizbro, I will have to endure life without all the stimulation I got used to
>>296628Theres a comfy asthetic with shitty screens
>>296628get some shitty job at a store, work there for a month or two, quit, and build a new rig.
I get paranoid about my devices dying because I have nothing else going on in my "life"
Got fired after working for 8 years. I'm getting severance pay, but it's weird i'm actually gonna neet again. Those 8 years were miserable. People are fake and will stab you in the back. I actually was one of the best, and the females who were most sick and didn't do shit get to stay. There is nothing good under the sun.
>>296638why did you get fired?
>>296639Last months took too "many" sick days, yet succubus had like 5x mine. I'm actually glad because i was on the way out, couldn't stand it anymore. Gonna enjoy the time off and eventually start looking for something else. Though I do hope aliens kill us or ww3. thx for asking wizzie, cuz nobody cares in my real life.
>>296644>Gonna enjoy the time off and eventually start looking for something else.That's my plan too once I get fired. I feel like that will be soon because my power level is beginning to show at work.
I was a neet for 10 years and now a wagie coz I want to replace my shitty laptop with a new budget pc
If you live with your mom you don't need to worry about the rent, bills and food (if your parents aren't cruel) so you can easily afford it after some time even if you live in third world
>>296520>>296520 No.296676
Anyone else in their 30s started to accept that they will never make anything of worth? Gave up on competing with others as you are too retarded to actually win? I feel defeated. I just start to think that I am actually just retarded even though I shouldn't be considering my life. Maybe I just lack drive and motivation.
>>296676I've come to realize things like that are for 20-29 year olds just seeking approval and a group to belong in.
Also normies will never give someone not their own the recognition they deserve. Even if you ever succeed no one will congratulate you or say nice job anon. People will just tell you "oh i can probably do that if i had the time but you know i have work,gf, friends etc".
>>29667639 and I feel about the same, though I'd call my case "bleak resignation" rather than acceptance because I'm still extremely bitter and angry over the fact that I'm a good for nothing, perma-virgin waste of space and I'll never amount to anything but a useless leech all on account of being shaken as an infant.
>>296679>take these addictive poisons to make you feel perpetually numb and empty while contributing to my third megayacht, goyimLeave.
Just straight-up leave.
>>296680>"oh i can probably do that if i had the time but you know i have work,gf, friends etc"ah yes, being busy, one of the highest virtues of modern times
a saint is he who gave up his own interests because he is too busy making dolla and pleasing succubi
I hope the towelheads and the tiny-hats kill each other.
>>296686Yep it took a while to realize but normies are actually the biggest crab in a bucket mentality. If you ever make it out the gutter normies will just say oh you have no friends no crew no bitches it's pointless being rich.
i cant believe how fucked up this world is, most animals die by starvation or being painfully ripped up by the razor sharp teeth of another animal and taking forever to actually die.
>>296691there's no rational thinking on making babies
>>296691Many animals and insects are unbelievably cruel to each other. Ever seen how parasitoid wasps reproduce? Only they could make you sympathize with spiders and cockroaches. Imagine what it must be like for a fish or a baby bird to slowly suffocate in scorching stomach acid after a pelican swallows them whole. Lions and tigers and bears (oh my) don't bother to wait until their prey stops screaming before they start eating. But none of that tops what we humans do to cows, chickens, and pigs just to eventually eat them. Even worse are what scientists do to mice and rats in their experiments. And then we breed different kinds of dogs and cats and so on with genetic defects that leave them to suffer their whole lives just because we think they look cute that way. If we're that way with cute animals, imagine how monstrously we treat other humans whom we think are beneath ourselves, who are low on the social totem pole, who make less money and get less pussy than ourselves. Can you imagine the unbelievably cruelties dealt by the hands of bloodthirsty apex predators?
>>296691I know I sound like an ungrateful whiner but I find insidious how beautiful life can be, teasing you or giving you a taste of heaven, only to take it all away at any moment.
Like you could be a millionaire enjoying all the fruits of life and then suddenly get into an accident and become permanently disabled or get chronic pain.
Every single time I try to invest my time into something such as a hobby or even video games, I burn myself out within a week. I can't seem to focus my energy on it after that and just it becomes like chugging through molasses. I just feel like after a certain point my brain refuses to engage with something, and I literally can't pick it up until after a longer period of time. I can't let this keep happening but it's hard not to. Specifically, I have been trying to learn programming and drawing. I know it's probably a bad idea to dedicate my time to two somewhat intensive things at once but I was enjoying it a lot at first. I just get to a certain point and then begin to feel like I am too low IQ or retarded to continue.
>>296734Do you have a certain goal that you wish to achieve through programming or drawing? Something particular you want to draw, but can't yet? If not, and you're doing it just to pass the time and for the sake of hobbies, I think it's perfectly fine to drop activities once they're no longer giving you fun. It's going to be very hard to make progress without either genuine curiosity or a set goal. Or you might want to think back to the fun you had while drawing or programming, and develop in that specific, narrow area which was interesting to you.
>>296735I admit that with neither of them I have no set goal in mind, and anytime I try to think of one my mind is blank. I think my goals are too broad or vague at the moment. With drawing, I just seem to draw whatever interests me at the moment and I also try to follow some books, as well as draw from my mind. I guess it feels more like I am doing it as some kind of exercise rather than wanting to really make anything. I do want to make something, but I just don't know what, and I feel that it would be out of my scope anyways. With programming I wanted to be able to utilize art I create somehow. My fear when it comes to dropping these is that I will fall back into a pit of doing nothing at all, and that I'll lose any progress I might have gained from my consistent practice. I know I need to approach this from a different angle and ask myself what I really want, but I honestly don't know. I appreciate your reply Wiz and I will try to think on some goals for myself if I can.
This guy just drove into a lot of people with his car on Christmas market and killed a yound child and another person at least. People say they hate them. I don't feel a thing. Things just happen and life is madness, why would anyone even force you into life, that's so fucking dumb. What are you going to do about it?
>>295057I've been feeling like this for three weeks straight. I mean, I've been depressed all my life, but I still did things. Now I can't watch anything. Can't read anything. I feel so lonely and isolated. I am so sad. I just smoke cigarettes all day and do nothing. I fucking hate music now too. I am already seeing a psychiatrist. I have bipolar disorder, but manic episodes barely occur now because of my medication.
i have no one to talk to who would actually listen, not even online
imageboards are the only place where i can be honest
>>296840time to start going for long walks daily, I am in the same position as you, I walk 2 hours each day
ex-muslim here, decades of not believing. I'm in a terrible place right now, and i begged Jesus to save me. Still begging. I have nothing. The pain is immense. I just want to be saved spiritualy and on this earth. You might think i'm coping, maybe i am but i can't stand it anymore. Please save me Jesus. Forgive me for all my sins. Sorry everyone this is my only outlet.
>>295057Don't do it anon. I'm
>>296855 , don't. I should get professional help too, it's hard to make that first step
>>296855>ex-muslim>save me jesusYou could've let go of all religion.
>>296858I did, and have nothing. That path brought me nothing but pain, so i'm trying a different one.
>>296859do you eat pork now?
>>296860No, out of habit. I did try it once when i left islam as some kind of exit ritual. Pathetic when i think about it.
>>296855Ex-muslim who tried to christmaxx?
you are literally me, but, trust me, it is only a matter of time until you stop deluding your self, even if it feels good, it's impossible to de-irrationalize your self forever, regardless, I wish for the best for you, good luck
>>296855The problem I think is that you are trying to know Jesus through the idea of religion, try rather to invite Him into a relationship.
>>296855I just talked to him, i don't know the christian/catholic rituals/stuff. I feel much better, i'm gonna continue on this road and better myself. Thank you Jesus. And i'm really glad no one here ridiculed me, proper wizgentlemen.
>>296869Bravo Anon! And Wizardry is indeed the path gentlemen take. Enjoy your new found freedom from worldly grief.
>>296869I don't believe *any* religion is anything more than a control tool for rulers to manipulate their subjects with. Fables, manipulation mechanisms.
But if it brings you any kind of joy or fulfillment, and you don't try to force it onto others, then it's a positive thing and coping mechanism & I have nothing against that.
I've seen enough transformations where (mostly very high IQ) muslims first go from islam to christianity or buddhism and then no religion at all, to say the second phase is often still experimental and not final because their mind tries to cling on to religion as long as possible.
To continue my message, as an anecdote, I talked to a bosnian who had been an imam in Turkey. And has no religion now in his mid 50s.
There is a strong pervasive idea in the culture that you are born muslim and it's your identity like ethnicity or skin color.
Some believe you can't renounce it, because if your father was one, then you also have to be one no matter what you do or choose in life.
That is a very strong psychological manipulation mechanism and not one an average-minded person can ever overcome especially if this mantra has been ingrained intl their brain since being a toddler.
i crave warm, soft pressure
>>296894Buy a dakimakura and stuff her with heavy foam
>>296897no way, i live with my parents and need to maintain an illusion of normalcy
wizardry is an undercover op for me 8-)
Feels like for most of my youth I was treated like an inanimate object or some type of non human animal that was just supposed to be fed and be taken care of as much as possible without any type of consideration for how I might have felt for most of my life. I wouldn't even have had an issue with that, but the consequence of being treated as an object has made me think of other people as objects too, and that can sometimes make it difficult to form relationships with people since I don't have much consideration for anyone anymore.
>>296921I feel you, though it was mostly only my dominating mother who I guess had it all planned out like a fairy tale - I was supposed to go to this school, get good grades, then go to that university, graduate, then get that high status job etc. She would get angry when I turned out to be a real, imperfect human, with individual needs and feelings, instead of a studying machine. I was doing well at first, but then I realized that the other kids got rewarded for their efforts, while I didn't get any because "you're smart so it should be easy for you" and "your reward will be 20 years later". Well, it turns out kids (and adults too, who would have thought) like to have fun, and if studying gets me nothing, then I thought fuck it, I'll just bear through the punishments and play whenever I can. Since then, that has kind of been my life mantra - minimum effort, maximum fun, accept suffering as inevitable. Learned helplessness perhaps? Anyway, back to my parents, I'm sure my dad felt some compassion for me, but was suppressed by my tyrannical mother. She acted like a literal nazi sometimes. I'm sure this is one of, if not the main reason for my misogyny.
it is an un-usually lonely night for me, there something about seeing everyone joyfully celebrating the xmas and I am just doomcrolling in my dark room, I.G it is about not being a part of it
but on the other hand, at least i do not need to interact with normalfags
Seeing holiday post about "ungrateful kids" from parents makes my fucking blood boil. My parents were the type to use that language all the time, just for me wanting the same stuff/opportunities my peers had.
>>296989you should be grateful just for bringing you to existence in this wonderful world
A relative of mine is dating a black guy and her dad is just doing the most cringe jokes about mixed babies every family gathering. It's honestly horrendously vile and makes it awkward and he just refuses to stop. Just jokes about "peanut butter babies" and how his dog with gobble up their future children, mistaking them for peanut butter. Everyone just goes quiet and people tell him to stop, but he refuses to.
I don't know if it's old age causing him to lose inhibitions, or if it's his way of coping with his daughter being a racemixer, or if it's legitimately a deranged sexual fetish of his or if it's a means of bullying to dissuade them from ever having children. Except he does sound pretty accepting of the relationship outside of those guttural jokes so maybe it's a way of coping. It actually might be a deranged sexual fetish on his part because it's a disgusting boomer version of those racial jokes you see on 4chan.
I understand being against interracial relationships, but this is just unnecessarily cruel to the daughter, crueler than saying you disagree with it.
>>296997The dad sounds based af
>>296997Here's the perfect solution. Next time the dad starts up with that stuff again, join in and start backing him up. Then he'll see how weird it is and stop doing it.
>>296997i find those jokes funny
bitch just digs big black cock, that's all there is to the relationship, and peanut butter goblins are absurd because there won't be no children from that relationship, it's temporary and only for sex
the culmination of funny will be when they break up, and they will for sure, and i bet the they will come up with some intricate reason, but the real reason is, your relative will get bored of his dick and look for a bigger one
i would bet like $2000 on this if i could
>>297007I don't know, you're probably right to an extent. I don't really give a shit either way. I'm pretty /pol/chud but it's just that you don't care if it's something they choose and it's what they want. And as you said, it's not exactly the average white succubus going out with a black, there's a reason for it.
Every year I make a similar post complaining about how people just have foul mouths around the dinner table. What's wrong with keeping family time PG 13? Why does everyone have to bring sex and shit into everything.
>>297008>Why does everyone have to bring sex and shit into everything.because it's disgusting to bring a fuckbuddy to the family table and pretend like this stranger is more than a walking dick and wallet
so of course people would see through the facade and only her father has the balls to point out the obvious
The more you strap off the superficiality off any person as in you get to know them better all their faults, deficits and bad sides are revealed. However it's merely a self reflection and it's exactly our own very thoughts materializing in front of us that will burn us alive. Thus the only way is abstraction, as in a re-dematerializing and getting back to thought and then getting rid of it completely. Personally I don't think it's worth it to think about the psychology behind things. This is where reddit is wrong. It's self torture. Conscious committing to the physical, mental and technical world is the way, acting but not moralising, accepting powerlessness as a strength. Don't judge, just commit to action. Getting lost in feelings is never worth it.
>>297010yeah don't think about it, mind your own business
My dad died in 2020 but only over the past month have I really understood the scope of his selfishness.
The guy made 100K a year by the time I was in 3rd grade and put aside absolutely nothing for me. If he opened a savings account when I was a baby and put in $50 a week I would have had $20,000 when I needed it.
He made like $2,000 a month. Bought his new wife a house. The amount I saw when he died is as much as he made in two weeks.
>>297047sorry, but you yourself sound like a selfish bitch
>>297047>100k a year>2 k a monthThat's some giga dummy math you got there bud.
2014 after failed normie killer publicized it, i found the only place that understands me
11 years later after several grossly unsuccessful escape attempts I am worried about the feeling of calm that I get from visiting this place, tourists be damned
>>297051 your father should not have "opened a savings account" for you, what are the complaints?
I have very little contact with anyone, but even with such few occasions I have been asked more than once if I'm foreign, despite living in my home country. The first few times I thought I might have an accent since this is not the city I grew up in, but last time the people who came to my house to fix the roof asked me if I spoke the country's language, and they were from the same city as I was. Isolation might have made me barely intelligible.
>>297067and anyway, I'm looking after some cats right now and I don't give a shit if my 'beatuiful' worthless death is delayed.
Don't worry about it so much, man.
>>297067Dying under a blossoming cherry tree with a fast-acting poison would be my idea of a beautiful death.
Doesn't have to be in Japan, but it would be a plus.
How the fuck should I feel when something is announced as "fool-proof" and I fail at it?
>>297110I actually tried this, I remember my vision getting black around the edges but I ripped off the bag from survival instinct. It's very hard to actually commit suicide with something that requires so much willpower, so much so that I really have no idea how anyone manages to do it.
>>297134Lots of 70iq subhumans also rate good products as 1 star because the UPS mailman was so rude.
The world is full of inexplicably retarded folk.
I realized that I fucking hate alcohol and the only reason I drink it is when someone talks me into it. How can I refuse? What words should I say, that would reach through a normalfaggot's thick skull? These fuckers can be incredibly insistent on pulling you into their misery.
>>297147>i don't drinkhow difficult is it to say 3 words ?
you're a drama queen
>>297147It's your skull the hard one who should matter to you. Saying NO and ghosting whoever insists after that is what would give you some honor after such degrading taunt.
Put those pants on, please.
It's not so bad. Things could be worse. I guess. Fuck you.
>>297185This is a very common life experience for many people. They have this very same experience in different circumstances and 'levels' but it's essentially very basic.
Also stop caring about 14 years old life's or other people's lifes in general. That's as meaningless as it gets. Maybe read a book I don't know.
>>297161I fuck you too man
>what's wrong?
>why are you like this?
must I have an excuse to be unhappy?
why can't normies just accept that I don't enjoy what they do?
>>294941I was too bored of the same NEET/Hiki routine today, and I decided to give a visit to some distant family members that live nearby, I planned to stay there for 1 hour, I spent a half hour and decided to leave after noticing how much everyone there is giving me "bad vibes", everyone seems to look down at me, I can smell their indirect disgust at me, I felt too scared around them, even the shortest form of talk, was difficult, even thought there were not many people around at all, I still felt too anxouis, everytime one of them passed by me, I was able to sense their passive hatred toward me over being a good for nothing leech, I have to repeat again, the worst part was having to talk to them, it was like a burden on my chest, when I finally decided to leave, I found out the door was locked, and I had to ask the household's man to open it for me with the keys, when he opened it and i was able to leave, I felt relieved.
"just go meet people man" does not work, I feel way more lonely around people then when I am alone at my room. being around people is scary and frusterating for some people.
>>297362they have a butler???
>>297371no, I meant the head of the family.
>>297388oh ok, can you describe what happened when you came, stayed and leaved the house?
>>297390They opened the house for me, I entered, sat in the guests room, at first I liked it, going to another house felt so refreshing at first, and i have a bit of nostalgia value tied to that place, but they started to "interact" with me, basic stuff, greetings, shaking hands, they seemed friendly, even offered me tea and snacks as expected, i wasn't hungry, hence, i refused, i kept being greeted by more of them, and it started to cause me more anxiety than i already felt, people who i knew don't like me even if they show don't express it to me in fact, (but i know what they say about me behind my back), so yrd more anxiety and negative thoughs until i decided to leave earlier than i expected with the regret over the idea of ever coming out, if anything i was lucky, there were other people who were absent from the house at that time.
>>297151It's not that simple because drinking is a shitty part of my national culture, and a "manly" thing to do. If I say I don't drink, my family will think I'm either a faggot or I have an "alcohol problem" because teetotalers are mostly alcoholics who can't have any or they'll relapse. But I guess you're right, I shouldn't give a fuck and take their stupid shit like a man.
>>297158not easy to ghost a drunk family member who barges into my room and physically drags me out of my chair
>>297508Have made the same observation for myself. I usually get up around 7:30-8:00 but tried waking up at 6:00. It was okay during late summer but waking up when it's dark out is just fucking demoralizing.
cant stop watching gore
>>297632When I feel that way, I think on using them as cannonfodder. Pretty much my experience at WoW's dungeons when someone pissed them.
You ever just walk into your room and almost start crying because you just realize you are becoming just like your parents and everything you tried to do to escape from this is meaningless?
Well I just had that experience.
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