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 No.295950[Last 50 Posts]

/!\ this thread is for low IQ wizards /!\
>(80-95 IQ)
feels bad being a low IQ. everyone mocks you and you say absurdities.


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Feels like a meme


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>when a rat is smarter then you
I swear all peop'e who said to me I was a smart guy, are all liars. I hate when people lie to me


The most hurtful thing about being dumb for me is that people act like it's your fault while smart people get praise as if they earned their intelligence. Being truly smart is life on easy mode. You can get a comfy job where you make 6 figures doing something like sitting in an air conditioned office or at home programing that comes easy to you and you enjoy while dumb people have to bust their ass doing monotonous and physically exhausting work WHILE being told it's their fault because they didn't study harder in school.


same thing with being handsome or strong or whatever else comes to you naturally. people don't care about where it comes from, as long as you use your gifts in their benefit.


It's unfortunate I'm a bastard who can't commit to anything, and that even if I did, it'd require me engaging in it 100x more than anyone else to see any fruitful result.
In college, work, or elsewhere, always dragging behind, always unable to get the job done. Small wonder my consistent streak is one of failure and failure alone.

There's some reprieve being so incredibly low IQ at least, and it's that, although you might rationalize your predicament, understanding it will be as awful as possible, it all fades away, not unlike the memories in a dementia addled brain. You'll look to the future, a vision of nothing but slavery ahead, the role of a harbinger of worthlessness, and you'll understand, it's terribly awful. You want to fix it. Right now. But, there's something else to be done at the moment, so you go ahead and do that. Concurrent or compartmentalized thinking? that's not happening. Too much processing power required. Too high IQ.

20 minutes later, and the vision, its consequences, all the embers of rage you felt have curled up. Smokes. They've become nothing. Your brain is too forgetful. So, you pop open an image board, and drown in meaningless drivel. Maybe masturbate later, to distract yourself from the nagging something you've forgotten, or has been distracting you. A distraction from a distraction.

A low IQ brain can't plan ahead. Can't think of getting itself out of the skinner box, as it were, and will always pursue the more immediate solution.
Even if the world is ending tomorrow, or some insurrection is being caused by a crazed group bent on killing everyone, you won't count yourself among their number, see yourself among the dredge. The realization of possibilities and accessing another dimension of thinking is impossible after all. Harm befalls only them, not me. I didn't do anything, see.

You know, stopping to think about it, when it comes to religion, isn't having a low IQ a one way to ticket to hell? you'll endure eternal punishment, your body and soul consigned to a purgatory awash with flame and fire, because you're low IQ. You've committed shit crimes because you're low IQ. You've raped because you're low IQ. After all, high IQ comes with a superior frontal lobe function, and so your executive operations aren't stifled. If you had the bare minimum IQ, you wouldn't think about something as heinous as killing babies, but there you have it.

Can't even understand God if your IQ is low, right? Again, think about it. We approach our understanding of God through a process of abstraction and metacontexual frameworks. We avoid sin because we know eventually they'll be repercussions for them, yet we simultaneous acknowledge where exceptions can be played. We've read the scripture in its original language so as to truly understand it, read it again and again and again, even committed aspects of it to memory. We've set councils. We've set doctrines and rules.
What does this all mean to a low IQ person though? he can't read. He's illiterate or functionally illiterate. The future, much less the future beyond the grave, does not exist for him. Right or wrong is something he decides on depending on today's mood. That there is a maker in this world who oversees everything? the fuck? he can't get it.

To be born low IQ is tantamount to being charcoal for hell, isn't it? all roads point to hell once you're given this limitation.
You suffer in this world as a maggot who can't do anything, who'll very likely be poison unwanted by parents or familiars, a tramp or dreg to everything else, and you suffer in the next as charcoal.

At least the low IQ aren't midwits, who've been given a crumble of the ability to 'do', but can only, as if by some absolute law, apply it in the most mediocre, retarded, useless way.
Shit engineering. Shit art. Shit literature. Shit advise. Shit translations. Shit video game creation. Shit conversations. Shit policies. Shit solutions. Shit crafting. Shit services. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit and then some.
I'm reminded of that stupid picture of the 140iq frog grasping the hand of his 80iq laborer, because the two will be able to get the job done, while the midwit will chop of his penis and screech about rights, censoring and white washing, destroying, defiling, detracting, molesting and raping everything the high IQ have done.

The world is rent asunder in two ways, and a massive latrine exists in between. To the right, the high IQ, whom we owe to everything good, in the left, the low IQ, who are thoroughly cursed, then in the center the midwit, right in that latrine. There he remains as he's pissed and urinated, defecated on by the left and right, by the low and high IQ.


OP here. sorry for puting this thread to 80-95.
from now this thread is for low IQ from 95 and less


OP again
I also never developped a skill in my life (i'm 27). I blame myself more than my IQ but it must be linked together because smart people sermed to have their things done


Just read a book.


reading doesn't raise your IQ.


you definitely don't get smart by doing anything other than being born smart.


It is a trainable skillset some people use more effectively than others. For this reason dual n-back raises IQ, as does the intensive reading and study during college. You lose this if you stop, that is true, but by the same token people who are smart keep these behaviors on upkeep. This is a conversation that comes up if you look into noots, if you don't use your brain for a purpose despite giving it enhanced neurogenesis you won't accomplish much.


Consider yourselves blessed lucky fortunate. [Your own country] never received/accepted/tolerated refugees/immigrants.


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okay buddy. I think you're right. there is no goal too high. we just have to believe in ourselves and work really hard.


i’m glad you agree. my personal daily brain workout is squeezing my brain, which does nothing when i’m awake, but works well when dreaming.


it happened that having a low iq is linked to being a lady nigger like myself


>isn't having a low IQ a one way to ticket to hell? you'll endure eternal punishment, your body and soul consigned to a purgatory awash with flame and fire, because you're low IQ…
No one makes it to heaven by their IQ, it's not an intellectual decision to acknowledge your own depravity and that you desperately need a saviour.

And that a lot of words to say nothing, fuck you.


cope and seeth midwit, cope and seethe.




my dream as a kid was to be a scientist, i was like, my life will be ok, if i can be a scientist,

i will be the weird, stereotype, loner scientist, it will be my life.

93 Fuckin Iq, i was told dont even attempt at a career in science.

i was the dumb ass needed to study all nite to get Ds. Smart people glance at the materials, As , full ride across school. Me, too dumb to even enter any school.

PPL: you re some lazy dumb ass, work hard!


i despise that term, gifts

i was born into poverty. 2/10, 93 Iq, 5ft6 , weak as shit, and unlucky as fuck.


i can plan all day. But first real mental challenge, and im stuck at it. And, as smarter ppl laug and run by


and, No, NORM TURD above, there is No Way to:

Study or Read or EARN Your Way to a better IQ,

you know how you get a high:

you are born w/ it. Like any other gene Lottery. and if your dad was a drug addict mental case, like mine was, you are fucked.


my final point to my fellow Low

Back Ai, if you re like me, and you re just smart enou to realize how badly you were fucked over in life, BUT you cant alter or adjust it a hair, cause you re like a handyman left at a job site w/ no tools,

Back Ai. in maybe 5, prob 10 years, Ai will out run all these fucks who

BY LUCK , were born smart. And, after, bein smart will be about as important as bein good at chess is today. ie not at all

And, when an important topic comes up, it will be, former Smart People : let me speak on it!! shut up, we will just talk to and Ask AI



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>Back Ai. in maybe 5, prob 10 years, Ai will out run all these fucks who

So everybody can be finally be slaves to the 1%ers, great fucking plan
Anyway theres already plenty of stuff you can do with your 93, probably not feynman levels of science but you can hold a technical job


Not to break your heart son, but the "smart" people will use AI to get ahead more. But it can help us who like using tools and not so much writing things like code or essays. Rejoice, for everything is going to get easier, and maybe we can avoid being enslaved to the beast system.



one of my favorite memories of te 1990s was watching gary kasparaov be Defeated in chess by an Ai

This dudes whole life / career / identity was : im best in world at chess, No One Can Beat me,

and dude is beaten by an Ai and flys into a rage.

LOL Like welcome to My World, welcome to my life.

Ai that comin in 5 to 10 years wont be: It Just Anoter App Bro.

It will be smarter than smartest person to of ever lived.

ask Kasparov how it turned out, and if anyone really cares dude Was Once Best in world at chess.

Welcome To My World (Evil Smirk)


I have a really bad brain, 0 short term memory (i forget the names of everyday objects at home, and i get the need to describe them with hand gestures to people) my brain has a verrry slow processing speed, it takes me forever to learn what the average person can learn in a much shorter time compared to me, I think ages of NEETdom fried my brain's muscles


I am also too clumsy, I tried unskilled jobs before, but, I've always had a hard time following directions and orders


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>keep forggeting things
I can understand, one time, it happened that I forgot my name, age, where I live or where I am



yea, serious, to my fellow Low-Iq cells, you need to be careful about manual labor jobs. not just cause they suck obviously, but especially factory warehouse jobs are potentially really dangerous. i forget story went exactly, but dude, Normie, probably low Iq, somehow accidentally cut off all limbs and most of torso from a fork lift, i would pass all similar stuff,


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As a fellow loW IQ retard I feel I should contribute to this thread. I don't know my exact IQ, whenever I take those online tests I fall at 90-100 which I feel is inaccurate, 80-85 I feel is more correct.

I have terrible eye–hand coordination, any type of manual labor is hard for me. I am clumsy, as if I'm not in full control of my body, like I am controlling a video game character with PS1 tank controls, even walking in a straight line is difficult for me.

Failed High school, got a D in every subject and failed math every single year.

Tried a handful of jobs, fucked that all up. I was a dishwasher for 2 months, until they fired me for being too slow and I also broke many plates. Worked in a warehouse, this job was given to me by the goverment as job experience and something I had to do in order to keep receiving neetbux. There was actually a real job waiting for me, but me being too retarded to learn it meant they hired some other guy.
They hired this other guy while I was still there, the day this motherfucker arrived he was already doing a better job than me who had been there for 3 months, my co-workers straight up asked me if I was mentally retarded.

After that I took a cleaning job at a school, who could fuck up a simple cleaning job? Well, it took me too long to clean the school and the kids and teachers would arrive to multiple classrooms still not clean. I started to go to work 2 hours earlier than I was supposed to just so I had time to clean all rooms. I did not get paid for these hours. Eventually some inspector came in and checked my work, it was not up to cleaning standards or something, that happened 3 times and I got fired.

I feel I can go on and on with my failures in the job market but by 29 I finally snapped and had a mental break down. I quit my job at the time and my plan was to live on my remaining money and then rope. The idea of going back to a job where I get mocked and humilated by my co-workers despite trying my best was something I no longer could handle. The guy at the welfare office got worried because I cut out all contact and stopped filling out the forms to recive neetbux. He had never seen anyone do this and refered me to a therapist, long story short, I got diagnosed with aspergers and now in the process of waiting to see if I get disability or not.

Would not wish this curse upon anyone, it's horrible how fucking every single door in life is closed off. I have problems even understanding simple anime and movies, I have to go to wikipedia to make sure I fully understood what happened after certain episodes.

I don't know if anyone else can relate to this, but when I was a kid I lived my life like a animal. The concept of the future was so distant to me, I always lived in the here and now, the idea that I could plan for the future was alien. When the other kids were worried about their grades or which high school they would go to I just felt like they were stupid, like why worry about something that far off?

I woke up to the idea that I might be retard level around 21/22, I always knew I was different but my ego could still not handle it. In my early 20s I always thought something could fix it, if only I eat healthy food, sleep enough, exercise, nofap, meditate, learning math etc. All that amounted to jack shit and I've just accepted that these are my cards in life.

I don't know why I even posted this, but I hope other low IQ guys can relate somewhat. I've come to realize that we truly are a rare breed, I've never met another guy like me IRL. Nearly all conventional wisdom and advice given to the general masses is unapplicable to us. Smart enough to know we are retarded but too retarded to do anything about it, a cursed existence is there ever is one. I sometimes feel I did something horrible in a previous life for this to be my fate.


I relate to almost all of this. I was a NEET for 11 years, tried getting a job numerous times but I failed every single time, it seemed like there was nothing I could do and learn. But you seem to live somewhere where they at least pretend to care about you, for me there was no help. At one point I even stopped reporting to the government unemployment shit, and dropped out of that too. I was getting ready to kill myself and then I applied to another job, lied my ass off on the interview and got it. I've been there for a year and a half now, it's easy as I'm just stacking boxes all day although physically tough (30,000 steps per day). I even got a driver's license in the mean time, something I never thought I could get. But the NEETdom left a deep scar, I'm still socially retarded, I don't talk to almost anyone at work, I don't go out anywhere, I have no idea how to talk or relate to people at all. I have no personality, none. And I still think of dropping everything and killing myself every day, despite my life getting "better". I recently turned 29 so my youth has been wasted and is behind me. I don't see a future either.


It is worth noting that a big part of why some people are smarter than others is the fact that they have spent an ungodly amount of time and effort to develop and maintain it. If you do not challenge your brain it will atrophy like any other part of your body. Sadly after about 25 this gets significantly harder. The real gift is an unsatisfiable curiosity, leading a child to spend his time hard at thought instead of wasting his youth with anime and video games.


No, it is 99% hereditary. A top 1% smartest person in Congo couldn't cut it in basic university level math in the lowest tier Japanese university.


I mean yeah, all the traits that would lead and allow a child to grow up into an intelligent person are in fact hereditary do you are not wrong there. One still can and must put in the work however. It is rare that children go against their nature though. If you got the smartest baby from congo and had him solve math problems all day by force I am certain that it would have results. If you get somebody under 25 and keep challenging them they will improve, Ive seen it happen. A lot of my own abilities that would appear intelligent to other people are also learned, no one comes out of the womb knowing how to reason. Ironically my ability to express myself is totally crippled compared to my peers and I have nobody else to blame but myself.


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OP here. I just got on the line with the employment agency and they told me that they couldn't find me a job because it's been too long since I've been inactive and that returning to work would be difficult. I had paranoid schizophrenia, so I couldn't work for 5 years and now that I can look for and find work, no one accepts me because I don't have much work experience. it's over for me, I will remain a NEET all my life except that I don't want that. I'm doomed


all of this wouldn't happen if I was smart.




I got jack shit as far as gifts

ALL the success stories you read on te boards are always:

I was a lazy booob, never studied. decided to study and Wow holy crap

143 IQ, took some classes now im IT ntwork bla bla watever te fuck 200K$ per year,

i was screwed over in every fuckin gene lottery tier.

fuckin sucks


the worst is when you hear smartfags saying :" oh my god I didn't study for this math exam, I'll get a 0 😱", then these motherfuckers get the best note in the classe without studying hard


> Smart enough to know we are retarded but too retarded to do anything about it, a cursed existence is there ever is one.

yep thats story of my life,

smart enou to realize i was completely fucked in life, but too dumb to fix it,

and USUALLY someone as a back up:

attractive. Nope
Strong. Nope
Tall. Nope
Nice Personality???? Nope.

like wat te fuck was i supposed to do in life? LOL

my only answer to my fellow low iq cels is

the Ai thing, and after it, no ones Iq will matter,



no, te worst is when that person gets a full ride scholars. to Stanford or MIT, and everyone is like Wow,

hey Anon, didnt you want to be a scientist wen you were a kid ? LOL wat school are you doin?

umm not sure yet didnt really get in one


like tis is life I WANTED rite


This post isn't being pure enough. Either way, don't join the aspergers supremacy movement.


I will help you son, just stay close to me and you will do well.


it might be too late for me


This thread lowered my IQ


Anime and video games are all life has to offer.


Believe me it is not. I won't let you down, just believe me.


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how will you help me wizdad? (⁠っ⁠˘⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘⁠)⁠っ



he wont, and cant,

jaded / evil anon from above here, dont let randoms tell you they ll help you, tey wont, we re on our own


thank you kind wizstranger


Make me your refuge, and stay under the pinion of my wings. You will have plenty in a time of need.

Enjoy your time in heaven, haha!


can you secure me I'll found a job?


Trust me with all your heart/mind/soul/spirit/strength, and you will walk with me. Everyone has a job, but when you work for me I take care of you.



o look,

coo coo thinks he s Jesus


Thanks, the Holy Spirit does coo. Retard.



im seriously about to flag your post,

its a discussion about bein low iq,

mentally ill role plays are down the hall


coo coo


I'm sorry brother, I got ahead of myself.


>The most hurtful thing about being dumb for me is that people act like it's your fault while smart people get praise as if they earned their intelligence.
The blank-slatism stuff is just BS that a lot of people use to justify their artificial worldview to cope with the brutal nature of reality. Many people to some extent are aware that a person's intelligence is something that's usually beyond their control. They don't care if it wasn't your fault that you were dealt a bad genetic hand. They hate low-IQ individuals for existing by default because they view them as inferior beings who are a general inconvenience.


all we can do is basic job that is easy to understand and not social work (like talking to people)


Hello, been thinking of makign a thread, general, or gathering place of sorts for people who are dumb. I'm not tested myself, but I'm brown and ESL so at best my IQ hoovers around 100, most likely around 88 like my country's average.

Life is brutal to low IQ people ain't it. Everything takes you twice as long to process, you don't retain information, you can never connect the dots and although once I thought an advantage of this was that everything would always feel "fresh" (because you can't learn for shit nor understand things on a deeper level), that didn't really happen either because the things at your level (vidya and passive media consumption) get old really fast! And they're the same anyway. Same tropes, similar setting, "new" characters.

Speaking of dumb people things, anyone else stuck in the past? Like, I'm using the same computer I was using in 2011. Same OS too lol. Someone once asked "how often should you update your computer?" and someone else replied "when it can no longer keep up with your current needs, if your needs haven't changed then you don't need a new one, but you should be worried about being the same person you were 5 years ago!" and by god, it's not 5 but almost 14 years and I'm the same fucking retard.


I still use Windows 7, I should switch to Linux but they no longer have a decent support for 32bit machine


You're not the same person because you don't upgrade your computer. Whoever said that is a bigger retard no matter if his IQ was above 140 or not.


How does Linux not have decent 32-bit support? Debian for example offers i386 images and will do so long in the future.


lots of key softwares are no longer available/supported on 32bit editions even if the software of the O.S it self might still support 32bit editions


Excellent post.

>Nearly all conventional wisdom and advice given to the general masses is unapplicable to us.

I totally agree, it's something I have had to learn myself.


idk my iq but i struggled with middle school math and almost got kicked out of school for that
eventually i got kicked out for just not going cause of anxiety at 18


what do you think being high IQ is like? everything seems pretry easey when you look at normal people


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Who knows, there is a general idea out there that intelligent people are sad. Maybe there is an average sweet spot?





it all comes back to the social / society pecking order:

attractive vs. ugly

rich vs. poor

smart vs. dumb

your rank in society is 90%+ determined by your genes. Most of us on site, and in said post have ass genetics.

And, Norm Scum will gas lite us into belief MAYBE we can earn our way to a decent part of ladder, so we dont wander off,


i was ok w/ math til about 5th grade. After, my eyes sort of glazed over , and my brain was like Yea Fuck You, sorry lol


my best guess. From actually knowin a few people who were actual genius level, 140+ IQ.

its like having cheat codes enabled in a video game. That puzzle you and i could never solve, solved, that school you and i wouldnt be let in to clean, attended, passed, sweet job, six figure income, etc….

And, people will come by and say to me, Yea Well Fuck You, Ok they worked for it!!!!!!

to which i say, fuck you back, give me a 50+ IQ point Booost i will out work em all,


its BS talk, like crap poor people used to say about rich people must be sad cause they re rich, they re not.

here is what genius people ARE sad about:

didnt get in some exact PhD program,

didnt get 200K a year job, only 150K!!

paper didnt get accepted at some jouranl

didnt get some grant.

They d fall over and collapse if they needed to deal w/ my 93 IQ BS Turd of a life doin jobs can do w/ a ged.



And, ive said it before, and will say it Again.

My Brothers. Back this Ai shit 1,000%.

Ai is moving to be smarter than Everyone, EVERYONE, by about 2030. These genius people are nervous and scared now, cause the cards they are holding wont be worth jack shit after.

we have nothing to lose from deck being re shuffled,


>Ai is moving to be smarter than Everyone, EVERYONE, by about 2030.
You really are a total idiot holy shit.


sorry, think machine broke


I think I've learnt to imitate some narrow aspect of intelligence, and that's what I've been doing most of my life, but now I've grown tired of it.


i love the anti Ai temper tantrum. LOL

IF you have nothing to lose why care about Ai reaching ASI in 2030.

Unless, of course, you re The Turd. Every success story you read on The Boards goes about like this, kinda like findin treasure in your attic, so person was a lazy dumb ass , coulda breeezed across school, spent school doin fuck knows wat. Finally around 20, takes an Iq Test, Wow its 150+! takes a couple IT classes, now is makin six figs as an IT network analyst data bla bla fuckin bla, and occasionally wants to come back and gloat over us, and if you really prod em will say , You Can Too!! lol

is that you buddy? LOL

ASI will arrive 2029/2030.

only people furious about it would people who s intellect will be made


im havin a part about it on planet 93 Iq LOL

stomp your tiny feet


>release shitty chatbots with no reasoning capabilities that use statistics to spit out sentences that are full of errors but follow basic sentence structure and regurgitate training data like a search engine
>93 iq tards think it's actually intelligent because they are too dumb to understand how it works
very sad


Nobody cares about your smartness here. Fuck off.



called it, LOL, we have a Winner.

Tell Me, if Ai aint shit, why you so worried about it, and tellin me its useless junk lol.

My Bros, see how worried these smart people are about this Ai shit lol.

Yep im a 93 Iq Tard. Self admitted. Wen i was a kid i dreamed to be a scientist til found out i was a 93 Iq, i didnt pick tat, i was just born w/ it.

BUT, ya see, i was able to spend my life realizin my Iq aint shit. No one cares about my Iq, i will never be admitted anywhere for it, no special job for me from it, etc. etc…

I had my entire life to deal w/ it.

But you, yea you, used to bein Special cause Iq bla bla bla.

here comes this Ai shit. Ut O LOL

im not smart enou to build it, but i am just smart enou to know you smart people Are Fucccccccccked LOL

rite now Ai is comparable to me or a normal person in intellect, And if projections hold, it will be smarter than 170+ Iq by 2030.

Now, i spent my life w/ a dog crap Iq not worth shit.

5 years from now, you re ridin on my boat LOL

Party on Planet 93 Iq.


I do kinda of feel redeemed of never having been able of learning how to draw well or basic programming.


Checking in




i was never able to draw well. Ai is takin all these art jobs. And, Ai is not quite there yet to do all programmin stuff, but the easy low fruit jobs Ai can do no problem. supposedly. i talk to some IT people and IT jobs are suddenly a lot harder to come by,

and Ai isnt just gonna do and take art and IT stuff. If it really plays out Ai can become smarter than Einstein in 2029/2030, no desk jobs are safe.

to whic i say, what do we ave to lose. we re the bottom of te barrel. let people on top sink. i dont care. and i know that sounds crass, but let us remember these people didnt lose any sleep when we left school for a warehouse or a call center. And they went on to nice normal well paid careers.

i say back Ai 1,000%


>>297226who is this nigga and why is spammed in all over this chan?


First time coming round here in months and I'm sondering the same thing..lmao


The people at the bottom will still be at the bottom, but them and their quality of life will sink even lower. There will be less or no sto support the bottom. I dont understand what you expect from your scenario that will be anything but horror for the low IQ


I feel it's just more people on the bottom, for the ones on the floor it won't be different. Like how mad people are about the "you will own nothing". Guess what, I already own nothing. And I'm unhappy either way.


There's a big difference between, say, the bottom in india or finland. If AI is created then it will be horrors beyond our imagination like a sci fi horror film where you cant get fresh food or use a computer. There is no reason why the rich people or the intelligent machines would provide resources to some useless neets


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us, low iq, can't lift up ourselves apon others or claim being the best. our brain is beaten by clever people, while our brains runs like a snail, theirs run like a tiger. the only thing to do to not look like a low iq in public places is to not talk too much, be polite and try to avoid as much as you xan other people. because if they see you, they're going to to tell to themselves:" yep, thats a low iq, lets make fun of him".


Well said.

I really like that AI exists because it allows me to do stuff I could never do before due to low IQ. I've been able to ask it for exercise and diet advice and I've lost 50 pounds so far. I've been able to ask it to make Userscripts and AutoHotKey scripts to make using my PC more convenient. It's been really nice.


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I really want(ed) to be a writer, poet or comic book artist. I really, really wanted that for myself. Instead I have been relegated to a life of waiting around for nothing in particular to occur. Someone in my position would probably find it beneficial to cultivate some sort of ruthlessness or vigor but I am irenic by nature so it never takes, it would always be fraudulent. On those rare occassions when I can muster up the energy and fortitude to comfort myself effectively for a few minutes I tell myself: If I can't create then I may as well appreciate. So for now that is the play. I will do my best to make those that were blessed with the necessary intellect and acumen feel appreciated for using their time to benefit my own. Thems the dice I guess.


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wanted to go to chess, go and shogi clubs to play but I forgot I was a brai let so I wont go there. I wish I was smart


plus I don't want to be among normalfags that beat me because hes 3 digits iq


too many antipsychotics made my brain stupid


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We can fix ourselves with god


where is located video game maker on the graphic pleas? I need to know


Videogame maker isn't a job


"Computer Occs"
Would be the closest to "videogame maker". You need programming and math to make games.


damn it I'm low IQ (maybe 85?) I can't do video games (I wish tho)


Given sub 80 is the limit for mild mental retardation, it's kind of scary around 5-10% of cops are literal retards.


Well going by that chart would you be fine with around 90


yes…I just am jealous of smart people (>^<')


You don't need to be "smart" to create games though. You're likely average intelligence which is enough.


thank you for cheering me up (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)


I'm in the minority but this is my opinion:
IQ is a pseudo science because it's a psychological measure and not a physical or chemical one. It doesn't strongly correlate with job competency or academic performance.


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I really hate this crap, but pic related says a lot.
Rather you be a retard than a midwit.


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damn I'm a midwit under dunny krueger effect. I'm lower than shit. it's not my fault, it's my ego who wants to seem smart and deep and acknowledged


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>I'm a big dummy boi ;_;
>I'm worthless
>Everywun is smarter than me T_T
>*crying chibi transvestite-icon sadsuccubus neet thing*


Back my bros,

and i am Please to report

best Ai is now solidly at level of comparable to a 120 IQ,

now are Ai doin stand alone PhD level stuff,

Ai now in vertical take off scenario, will be super powered, smarter than most genius people in about 2 years.

Watch out. i guarantee smart normies put out of work by genius Ai will try to start to come by, join our anti Ai crap. no way, future is Ai,

This is it my bros!


Most people are midwits though.



Are you on your parents PC?


Fixating on the pseudology that is IQ is much like parents calling their children "gifted" – it's really just social proofing that is treated with seriousness only by two types of people: (1) insecure people that want power over others (overestimate their intelligence) (2) insecure people that have low self-esteem (underestimate their intelligence).

I remember growing up around many "gifted kids" – boys esteemed by their parents to be uniquely smart. They passed through the long prescribed educational course of advanced classes and special programs, but ultimately not a single one of their number ever did anything that could be considered answerable to the estimate his parents had of him when he was young. I also remember thinking as a child that many of the "gifted kids" were very emotionally stupid and lacked even the basic intelligence to act courteously toward others.

And now as an adult I am pushed to ask – What is intelligence? Scoring high on math tests? Earning however many PhDs from within the masonic educational system? Being told by family, friends, colleagues, that we are smart? Being selected for participation in GATE programs? Yet when it comes to actions that are proper to true intelligence — creating justice, creating fairness, showing kindness, showing sympathy, crushing advanced systems of evil, etc — who can provably claim himself the author of any of these things?

What gifted child in his adulthood has reversed jewish power? None.
What gifted child in his adulthood has removed freemasonry? None.
What gifted child in his adulthood has re-established true monarchy? None.
And just as fairly: where is the “200 IQ” adult human man who has even neared to achieving any of the above? He is nowhere.

Who imparted to us this notion that strength of wit is definable by scores on formalized tests? Just look on MENSA fora to see how many self-regarding idiots with "high measured IQs" took the (((covid))) vaccine. Who can be so dumb to arrogate to himself the title of genius while jewish demons still run the world unchallenged?

Answer me in Latin, wizzies:

Quinetiam addam hanc quaestionem quolibet iam legenti haecce verba: si te aestimes sapientem, capacem intelligendi et discendi, fer consimilem responsionem latine quae det probam tui intellectus. Quoniam vere supponerem quod quisquam modernus vir qui fuerit descriptus a sodalibus quasi nimis intelligens potius e contra debuerit censuisse suam vitam victuam esse incassum nisi per unicam virtutem eius mentis minorasset potentiam tyrannorum iudaicorum impraesentiarum enecantium omnes nos, ut supra dixi. Attamen num nos, infoeliciter viventes in hac aliena aetate perperam recta iudaeis, inveniamur citra sapientiam intelligentiam viratumque deponere manifestum satanicum principatum malivolae veteris gentis poenicae subtrahentis cunctos in servitutem? Proh dolor ostendenda est modo veracior forma sapientiae eis vocitantibus sibi nomen sapientium, una quae erit sufficiens ad nostrum mundum liberandum. Sperarem ut omnes perlegentes has apices adipiscantur hanc maiorem formam.


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>(1) insecure people that want power over others (overestimate their intelligence) (2) insecure people that have low self-esteem (underestimate their intelligence).
both for me. I don't know why I'm obssessed with intelligence

Commentarium tuum adiuvisti me. Gratias agimus tibi. Ego denique caput calcibus sum. At verum est mihi intelligentiam esse mathematum et creantem res et ens lingua bona. Puto me sapientem esse sapientiorem quam esse intellegentem.

sorry if I sound like a faggot


IQ is objective and hereditary just like hair color or height and not reliant on our perceptions of jealousy or superiority. It just is.

Magnus Carlsen and Stephen Hawking are several standard deviations of IQ higher than me, and that is due to genetics, not studying or hard work.

For crying out loud, Carlsen was a 13 year old Pokemon playing kid when he became chess Grandmaster and beat gm's 3 times his age who have written doctoral thesis' on chess.


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IQ is derived from psychology, how can it be objective if its basis is not on a hard science?
There is little correlation between chess ability and intelligence:
Would you call AI intelligent because it can dominate any top chess player?
GO is a much more complex game than Chess. GO masters and novices had around average IQs, the masters were slightly lower.


Impossibile est, o amice in arcano, hos daemones in thronis positos deponere, qui stultae pecudum causa agunt, qui novos edendi stercus ex asinis dominis elaborarunt, et sordida mania in omni aetati impudenter possident. Eodem modo ut venenatum corpus bacteria oriatur, societas degeneris primum daemones habebit, et nolo esse tam ineptus ut putet paucos posse removere aberrantem gravitatem medii archetypi, quod mundum impleat, hoc est omnium maxima causa.


es sapientior quam imaginatus fueris te esse. nemo inveniatur veraciter catus qui dirigeret impetum in semet per contumeliam voluntariam. teque reducto in confidentiam ergo omnino sepone hanc perniciosam increpitantem habitudinem abs tuo cerebro. quinimmo da tibi maius spatium venerandi vires tuae mentis, nam non addubito quin sunt magnae. memento temet habere in honore.

hi poenici-iudaici daemones et deponi et destrui plane possunt. tu non dignanter apparens exspes ne permitte te delabi in desperationem, amice digne. cum dixisses quia “Impossibile est, o amice in arcano, hos daemones in thronis positos deponere” sentiebam primitus misericordiam in meo recensente corde quoniam etsi norim eorum satanicos thronos non esse inexsuperabiles sed potius magnopere vincibiles. eva humana caeca iamiam tam multa absque ullo sensu perpessa sunt hosce machinantes iudaeos persistere in secreto regimine, sane nuncupetur maestus cothurnus evidenter egens ratione non vero cogitetur aliquid immedicabile malum quasi induraturum in aeternum. aliena incuria inrepserit in humanum genus quae negligenter et contra communem sapientiam indulsit licentiam principatus viris nequaquam promerentibus principatum. quocirca iterum declaro tyrannidem eorum praesentem non mansuram. “venenatum corpus” cuius egeris orationem est quidem peculiare omnibus humanis civitatibus, autem attamen sit capax recipiendi curam si inducta fuerit in custodiam curialium virorum quaerentium meliorem mundum futurum exsortem praeteritorum malorum. itaque de novo exque diverso adhortarer quoscumque lectitantes haec mea scripta verba praecipere fidem et fortitudinem ut clare intelligant in suis mentibus istoc monstrosum imperium iudaeorum non recte extensum in hanc incommodam aetatem certe per multum potesse percelli tollique; et ista bestia vetere enecata, novicia pax et diakosmesis rerum politicarum instauretur incoram omnibus hominibus excogitantibus atque desdierdantibus iusta. nos boni magi victoriam habebimus in nostris manibus.


Me ipsum venerari, ius?


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It is the normalcattle who worships scammers and celebrities, it is them who are ok with trusting the insitutions and monopolies, who trust the banks who take away houses and also whatever is already paid of mortgage when this cannot be safely paid anymore, it is them who yell at us autists and conspiracy minded people but fear and lick the boots of street criminals. They are ok with not being able to have a minimum of land to selfsubsist without getting taxed heavily, and they spur you into joining their misery and slavery meanwhile. Is is the cattle who says "authors rights" should be respected and then they all are taxed for suing whatever someone fasted than anyone else managed to discover before them. They loved being treated as trash and expendable beasts even taking pride on their cuckery, daring to breed even knowing that they are literal slaves of scammers who do not spend nor time not effort as they do for merely living.

The microbes grow inside a badly fed, intoxicated body, as the illuminati and other sects grow within mankind like this one nowadays surrounding us. But if from middle ages, peasants were refusing to live in such filth, where even education was lower and possibilities of keeping up were restricted by their own rulers, if they only had refused breeding, those tyrants would have just learned the lesson. But no, the cattle doesnt so that, they live disregarding important matters on purpose and out of filthy hubris and telling theirselves lies to not confront reality when shown (that's why "manners" exist) and the existence of the corrupt elite will always the consquence of all the enablers. Who won't learn no matter how tough shit be falling upon them all, disgraced by am mixture of cuckery and arrogance.

I cannot even have an underground house away from the eyes of IRS. I couldn't kill nor threat myself armed gans near where I live because the normalcattle is tied to bootlick and trust the very same wolves that proved theirselves unworthy of any trust. I cannot have my own cultives, so I am tied to the taxcuckery system they all adore, and they get angry with you if you do not the very same shit they stupidly accepted upon them, as if it were a mercy from God Himself just because the scammers know how little rests of food to give back so the cattle believe theirselves honored by being fools as slaves.


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"If the media and the institutions say it is because of something da da da… you are being arrogant da da da… better for them if they get rich…" and whatever booteating crap they ever dare to spur out of raw imbecility. Many of them deserve every ounce of disgrace brought by the shithole statu quo and my only hope is to briefly escape them while causing damage if needed, because the world is flooded with normalretardcy.

If anyone were to live in faraway planets sure some fools here would then resent them because they do not pay taxes or are vaxxed or have their kids brainwashed or bullied at schools ("like everybody else"). It is all authright vs libleft and the anus in the middle pushing away the shit with both wings to splash every corner of the Earth with illuminati agenda, taxcuckery and normalcrappiness. Whenever they put away an evil they cast another so people start miss the "good old times"…

Thoreau showed us all the dangerous filth of the invasive mindset, he tried to go off-grid, even away from the city but he got jailed. Do you think were psychos who jailed him? No sir, it were normies. Regular cops.


Your point about midwits was interesting - I thought before that the only reason for that idea becoming popular was so people could jerk themselves harder while insulting someone's intellect (implying the speaker is NOT a midwit), but you're right that in contribution to culture the midwit is harmful while the idiot is not. Although there are other positive traits that can compensate. By the way, maybe I'm a bad judge but you don't sound particularly low IQ to me, how did you come to the conclusion that you are? It's possible to be medium or high IQ and still have poor executive functioning or low amounts of mental energy.

Are you the guy who used to run /hikki/ on 8chan? Your typing style is quite distinctive, but maybe that's just an IQ thing. That was a nice board.



not me, was never on 8,


I'm getting ruthless bullied by a female coworker. She doesn't say anything that'll outright land her in trouble but she makes snide remarks and talks to me in a condescending way - always excludes me from training and is just generally super bitchy towards me.

Since my brain is too slow to respond immediately to her boorish behaviour, I have no option but to just take it.


I bet she talk behind your back. what a piece of shit I hate succubi


figure out her insecurity (it's a foid, they always have one) and then either subtly point it out in front of everyone or just spit it in her face when she does her little routine. she'll probably do that "excuse meee???", just look her dead in the eyes and "yeah, your heard me".

anyway, that's my manbaby fantasy. i'm scared of gurls too, good luck lol



this is succubus co worker bs 101. its probably too late to be nice to her. so just completely stop talkin to her, for any reason,


>i'm scared of gurls too,
not that wiz but me too



I was nice to her but she went out of her way to be as rude and bitchy to me as possible.

I'm trying my hardest to ignore her but I'm still new here and need guidance from a senior. She will outright ignore me, make rude bitchy remarks and just generally behave in a demeaning and exclusionary way. If I try to work around her she will interject on the radio channel/walkie-talkie to butt in and make me look stupid/incompetent to the management.

It's a very painful situation. I don't have the IQ needed to fight her. I can't think deeply nor can I think fast on the spot, so I just stand there and take her assaults.

I'm a lifeguard at a swimming pool btw, I'm too stupid and my brain is too fried from drugs and other health issues to be able to hold down a normal job. My body is to frail and injury prone to do anything physical, so this is the only job I can do while the rest of my income is supplemented by state sponsored welfare (Australian).

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