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File: 1733506194486.png (50.69 KB, 225x300, 3:4, VivianPaperMario.png) ImgOps iqdb


i have no reason to live anymore. ask me anything.

- no, i will not kill myself
- yes, i have tried hobbies
- no, i am not diagnosed with depression


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that's all?


how old are you?


What delusions of failed normalcy do you still have?


Considering your choice of image, are you some sort of tranny/f*mboy?


what do you think might cause you to change your mind and revive the will to live inside of you again?


That just makes you normal. People in general don't have 'reasons' to stay alive. They just do it for the sake of living.


To be honest the best reason to live for me right now is to be better than I was yesterday at something like video games. Yeah eventually I will beat said goal but I can always set another one. Also testosterone is fucking incredible give the gym and some mild stims a try.

Side note don't be a faggot and your depression magically disappears


do you get up in the morning? why? that's your reason, stupid


not OP, but I wish there was something to live FOR, something to look forward to
rather than constantly running away from death and suffering
i want the carrot, not the whip


Because i need to piss to avoid bladder pain?

well said


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that cursed img, I can only think of "Alix" and her Sonic Passion forum lol

>pic related


I found God, holyshit it's ME. Semen retention is amazing. Porn is the jewsatan tool. I now understand the christian wizzies. I understand. Cooming is the pathway to hell. I feel like a kid full of hatred,wonder,rage,amazing. Feel human instead of the dopedup zombieporn brainfog idiot.


very good




yes, make wizchan great again


I didn't watch porn or fap for 30 days and honestly it doesn't improve anything. Life still sucks, things feel bland and not important. I'm not going to watch it for at least 100 days but I'm also not interested at all. In fact anything related to succubui disgusts me right now. I'm not even seeing the no fap as a challenge or a success, it's just something I don't do right now, also because it seems too much of a hassle to go in the mood, not worth the time and I don't need the annoying physical sensations which distract me from experiencing reality as it is, just plain continuous of empty phenomena.


Keep going, nothing to lose right? The disgust of the female form hits immediately. The male divinity is supreme, and if you practice the arts (magick), you experience weird shit. Shaman dreams, succubus attacking you, feeling like absolute shit, psychical/mental withdrawls. Yes, you give up addiction and heavy priced pleasure for the the weird ways. The easy peasy method really helped me in this. Anyways fuck porn.


fucking hell I thought I was the only one. after a few days the habitual urges were already pretty much gone and I flatlined completely. I got back into pmo but mostly due to boredome more than actual horniness. planning on quitting for good though


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He isn't addicted though, he just happened to not jerk off for 30 days because he didn't feel like it. If you don't buy into the nofap cult brainrot beforehand you'll notice there's actually no benefits because it's all in your head. You'll also notice there's much crossover with deranged /pol/tards who think it's a Jewish plot to keep da whit man down. The creator of the easy peasy method is also a male feminist who thinks men watching porn are going around beating up succubi, as if violent media causes violence, so he's a retard, grifting off other gullible retards and making a brand for himself.

The only thing which makes me feel alive is doing something which contributes to my goals, like getting better at a hobby, whether I fap or not is irrelevant. If your goal is: people on the internet said I shouldn't touch me willy, and you *want* to attribute everything good in life to not shooting ropes, of course, you'll get the desired effect. That doesn't make it true, though. Self-reported testimonials are not hard data.


Look i understand where you coming from. I'm not antifap, mast can def be healthy. PORN is not, atleast for me. It actually caused me severe physical withdrawls like an opiod addict. My stomach is finally getting better after years looking at the cause. My aches are disappearing. It's like a fucking drug. I will never touch that poison again. I'm just saying if you are depressed, feeling like shit and you a porn user. Try going without. And no it doesn't mean fapping. PMO is the problem here. I was on the other side for years belittling antiporn wizzies. But they are right. The easy peasy method is great for deconstructing the need for porn, dont give a fuck about feminist it's bad for females blablabla. It says it's a DRUG and you an addict, everything the brain thinks of tricking you back into it. And yes even boredom is a need to get that insta dopa fix. Do what you want if you happy with it and you can live and have it under control. I never could and never will. I'm better without that's all that matters.


you have some sort of core problem with self-control. You should work on that directly instead of focusing on porn as one particular manifestation of your weakness

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