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Do you have good or bad experiences in your host country or do you feel accepted or tolerated in the society of the country? Have you had problems because you were a foreigner? Can you tell us about them?


>family moves countries when I was like 6 years old
>growing up the other kids bullied me for being a foreigner
>teachers bully me for being a foreigner
>cant get a job or an apprenticeship because I'm a foreigner
>literally no succubus ever even bothered to look into my direction its like I'm invisible to them and always been
>only thing I could become here was a NEET wizard

and before you ask, no I'm not Black or Brown.


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>and before you ask, no I'm not Black or Brown
me neither
>>family moves countries when I was like 6 years old
>>growing up the other kids bullied me for being a foreigner
>>teachers bully me for being a foreigner
>>cant get a job or an apprenticeship because I'm a foreigner
>>literally no succubus ever even bothered to look into my direction its like I'm invisible to them and always been
>>only thing I could become here was a NEET wizard
all same as you but I was four when my parents moved out


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is tru


Are you from the Balkans?


yes, and you?


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That's a nice picture. I especially like the eye closeup. Me if I was born a succubus? (I would be like one of the single digit decent succubi in this world, ha ha) (No, I don't mean this like a tranny AGP fantasy)

Anyway, I'm not an immigrant myself per se, but my parents are. They emigrated from Ukraine into a "better" European nation (though I have to say that it's fourth world in practice, despite having a positive image for people who haven't lived here) before giving birth to me. I don't think that I get any different treatment on the basis of that, and I think that at a superficial level I manage to blend in with the rest of the people (in terms of ethnicity/nationality), other than my name. However, I lack cultural connection, and this probably contributed to my autism.
I should also tell my bizarre situation. Unluckily enough I was born just a couple months before a new law was passed that would've made me get a citizenship from this country, and thus I was assigned a Ukrainian citizenship. My parents have postponed the process of changing my citizenship for way too long, and only recently we started doing it, but because it's a de facto fourth world country, this is a deranged bureaucratic process that will take several years, especially with the new unnatural influx of shitskin and nigger immigrants. Maybe this is silly, but I'm somewhat afraid of being forcibly dragged out of this country and taken to the (((war))). Anyway, this is a shit country and I plan to probably leave it eventually, so maybe it could even be quicker and more efficient to just get a citizenship at a different country. Who knows.


I was wondering because I've seen a few Albanians and Serbians post here. I'm a minority, born in America to immigrant parents. My experiences haven't been too bad because I live in a diverse area.



Can you tell me more about "fourth world"?


sorry I thought you were replying to me, I answered but it wasn't for me


>La sad flat scruffy unfashionable anime succubus who has dark bags under her eyes and just wants to use le computer
This shit is why retards can get away with saying "tranime" because this image and all of those like it are 100% made for trannies


which country do you live in?


That picture is not an anime.


my brother in christ, this is just a cartoon picture. The tranies and anime shit is all made up by YOU


or maybe not, I dunno, nor do I care to be honest


I chose this pic because:
>neck forward
>always alone
>goes to the library alone
>alone on the train
>no friends
>always with dark circles and messy hair, badly combed
>always sad
that's me but as a male. that's why I chose this pic. it fits me very well

>That's a nice picture. I especially like the eye closeup.
thank you. also why don't you like niggers or sandniggers? you're also an immigrant, you should feel empathy about them, they're in the same situation as you but darker skin. I ask this but I kind of know the answer: they behave like monkeys




the fuck is AGP? damn, the modern lingvo is crazy


>you're also an immigrant, you should feel empathy about them, they're in the same situation as you but darker skin
I'm not a nationalist (=government worshiper). I see borders as a fake and gay legalistic scam, what matters is the natural division, race.
Autogynephilia, an alleged fetish about being turned on by imagining oneself as a succubus, which allegedly is the origin of many trannies.


are race real, aren't they? sounds fake psyops to me


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There's no way they aren't. And I don't even know how you can call it a psyop despite all the modern propaganda about race mixing and being "anti-racist" and whatnot.


I got bullied by spics for being white.


we whites need to team up to defend ourselves
we need to form a great white co-operative


I have a weird experience with this

>Be born in a first world country

>What is left of my family after the divorce moves to third world because parent has land alert brought there.
>The other kids at school either
>Tries to be friendly to me but just like in my home country, I don't really join their friend group
>I get picked on for being different
>I get socially ostracized
>Become a middle school drop out due to bureaucracy and very busy parent simply pushing that task away
>Become 17 and move back to first world home country
>Get socially ostracized again for not being part of home country's culture too.

Now I can only feel like I belong somewhere if I am on the Internet. Yay…


I got bullied by spics for being a white spic.


white spic? you're family is white only?


You know this is something that I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about bullying, I have come to realise that western society have high levels of bullying, which is to say that people who bully there are no consequences for them, and people try to talk to bullies and make them understand that not bullying someone is the 'right thing' to do.

Where I live there is little to no bullying. People don't bully not cause it's not just the wrong thing to do but because they are afraid of bullying as the consequences are so great, while I don't support beating kids, but in some cases like stealing money, doing drugs, harassing succubi, and bullying. It's okay to thrash them as it makes them afraid to do it again. I don't support thrashing children over minor things.

Tell you what, I was the shortest kid in my school in India, and I was never bullied because bullies were afraid that the teacher might beat them, that their own parents might beat them for bullying me, and if they didn't take the punishment their so called "character certificate" would've been ruined and they would be unable to get any jobs or admission anywhere.

So if there is one thing that is good about India is that there is little to no bullying. And nobody really picks upon the silent, shy, or awkward kids, and people generally mind their own business.

Tell you what, as a kid watching all the American Movies and hearing about how there is no corporal punishment in the West made me envy the west, but now that I use internet, I doubt I would be able to survive in the West if I was a short and small 5'4 Indian kid over there. Like the bullying I would face in the West would be relentless had I been growing up in a red state in America or a country like Norway or other countries where I would be the shortest.

Like man things in the West are crazy, teens almost grow up to be as tall as adults, do things like drugs, get involved in violent gang wars, carry knives with them, and are in an uber sexually charged environment. Not only that there is no consequences for teens, I remember talking to some Norwegians I met in India about this and they say that the police in their countries takes no action against the teens, and teens go around doing a lot of crime.


But yeah as an Indian I wouldn't dare step foot in the West given how trusly extreme the racism their is against Indians. But in a way I feel like I have already been to the West because I spend so much time on the internet browsing anglosphere spheres and engaging with Western Media, it's clearly deteriorating my mental health, and not only that it makes me feel inferior and unattractive something that I didn't use to feel quite often. But they constantly talk about how attractive and white passing Indian succubi date white men in the West and how Indians are so unattractive and this and that. It has even ruined my body's sexual functions like I can't manage to cum because I am disgusted by myself and don't find myself attractive.

All of this mental deterioration was caused from oceans away without me ever stepping into the West. I can't imagine how truly hellish the lives would be for Indians in the West, but maybe it's not that bad for Indian Normies. As for Indian succubi (particularly Hindu), I can understand they will do anything but like support their own men. They do this with the Muslims do like the Whites even when Muslims in 1971 Bangladeshi Genocide raped 500,000 - 800,000 Hindu succubi in 13 days yet no one talks about it, and Hindu succubi still support Liberalism and Muslims, and how Indian succubi were kept in sexual slavery by British but they still judge Hindu Indian men Collectively and Non-Hindu Men individually.

I think I am one of the last luckiest generation, browsing so much interent, has made me do one of the things that weren't possible, I thought, and that is to make me fall in love with India again, as this is the only place where I am safe for racism for the time being as Muslims are rapidly replacing us and we Hindus are in for another genocide, we've got no allies and even our own people are self-hating and liberal muslim supporters, not realising that the Muslims would kill the liberal Hindus as soon as they are done dealing with the Hindu Right Wing which is the only thing standing in their way. BTW I am not religious but an atheiest but it's pretty clear Hindus are in for another slaughter.


all you can do is go to school, find a job, make money and found a little apartment/house and live there, maybe some company will need your knowledge and will ask you to travel to their country to work there, so you can travel the world


My family is, at the very least, white passing.


do you have blue eyes and blonde hair? and fair skin?


Yeah I am going to school but I am not sure if I am going to get a job. Seems to be very hard at this moment.


Nah just light skin and black hair.

This is enough for me to be targeted by non-white people trying to use the racism card while I am at work.

I had a couple of stories from retail about those events but that is a story for another day and isn't that interesting.


It might be that because I don't go outside that much, my skin is far more pale than even my parents.



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Yea, my family's Hungarian but my parents came to Australia in the 90's. I have blonde hair and green eyes and look mostly Australian but people can still tell I'm a foreigner sometimes. I have dual citizenship and can speak Hungarian but I'm not very nationalistic over a post-soviet shithole with almost no accomplishments. I feel a bit of envy over the rich upper-class whites here; my family's from a poor area here so we have to deal with druggies and shit, it sucks but you get used to it. I can't really complain too much though, the only major difference is that the only family I have are the ones I live with. Also no, I haven't had any major problems being eastern european here.

My family are refugees from the Hungarian Revolution basically, although my parents never talk about it; I'm 22 and I still have almost no idea what happened besides my mom's birth certificate lists her as born in Austria and she had to go into hiding from the government at one point - probably explains why they're so fucking neurotic.

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