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Is being a male with bpd a fate worse than death? Do any of you know for certain you have BPD?


BPD is a succubus condition.


I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder as a man in the psych ward when they saw my scars. I was there for suicidal thoughts man. Listen soldier, I know you're scared but you can do it, you have more strength inside you than you could ever know. God bless you dude I love you more than you could know, even though we've never met.


What's the purpose of those threads asking whether some specific condition is the worst thing to happen? There were threads with autism, being Indian, being short, being ugly, being this, being that. Yeah, I don't know, I guess it's bad, but seriously what answer did you expect, OP?


I vote "being Indian".


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Pic related.
>Do any of you know for certain you have BPD?
First I was crying to the point that the neighbours threatened to audio record me, my sibling ostracized me for angry outbursts, in my twenties I was doing exercise like 2-3 hour push-ups to get rid of psychic tension. I lost weight and got addicted to caffeine, so now I'm practicing sleep deprivation to dissociate, otherwise I can't cope. If I wasn't labeled with it (I punched a psychiatric nurse in the belly among other things), I would self-diagnose myself with depression/neurosis and don't even care what BPD is, but now carry the STIGMA attached to it. A sort of negative attention. Unless I'm a really good, reasonable person, I can't tell whether or not I have this disorder.
>a fate worse than death?
No. Mental instability doesn't imply that you can't get over your traumas. Your life must not be miserable, a lot of normies with BPD are happy-go-lucky hypersocials. Try taking the whitepill.
Also, not just BPD self-harms. Meme/not meme anyway I believe cluster B diagnoses don't deserve to exist.


How much do psychiatrists make out of you by the hour nowadays, I could pretend to be your friend too, for a nominal hourly fee


Psychiatrists and therapists hate BPDs as much as they hate subhuman males


Being bipolar just means you aren't as emotionally secure as you think you are and thus you unconsciously suppress the necessary inner monologue which helps you cope with trauma. So, naturally, it all tends to dump out at seemingly random times. The reason bipolar people are tragic to us is because we, the onlooker, assume they possess the self-awareness to realize they're spiraling or acting irrational. But we're misunderstanding their plight in the first place.

The issue isn't "You don't know yourself enough to handle my own emotions" it's more along the lines of "I willingly ignore inner peace because materialist pleasures can massage the bad thoughts away like shampoo on the scalp." Nobody who meditates is bipolar because the practice literally exists to combat and snuff out the negative energy which causes BPD in the first place.


BPD? I have this plus autism, anxiety, depression, OCD and PTSD.


No, because you could always kill youself.

Being worth than death and being able to kill yourself you should do that, and so the few cases worse then death are the inability to recognize it and the inability to execute it.

Either kill yourself or cheer up.


what about being a short indian autist with BPD?


For real it surprises me how ruthlessly indians still reproduce given their country's situation.

What do your neighbours answer when you talk to them about the generous wisdom of antinatalism?


Neurotypicals are 100% animalistic and live based on animal instincts only.

There is just as much chance of you convincing them to voluntarily end their bloodlines as there is of you convincing them not to eat food or piss.

They will laugh you out of the room and ridicule you.


Are you with long hair and obsessed with rock music especially frank zappa era?


from my point of view definitely. if you were dead I wouldn't have seen your shit thread.


This do not try to appeal to empathy it's non existent


Lick my ballsack


It's still present but it has an effective field based on its strength, so in practice it's non existent. There's also the way that even while having empathy, a lot of people are genuinely too intellectually stunted to grasp when they're hurting others and so the empathy they are capable of won't even trigger.


the only good and based indian was osho. he wanted the whole villages in india to be sterilized.


Why not take meds?


i was diangosed with Bpd at age 20. im 24 now and it doesnt get any better


yes. personally I cannot think of a worse fate than having a made up illness.

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