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 No.297444[Last 50 Posts]

Can you drive?
Can you parallel park?
Can you survive without parallel parking where you live?
If you don't drive then how do you get by in the country you live in?
Do you feel unmanly if you can't/don't drive?
How does one cope knowing that foids can drive while you don't?


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>Can you drive?
no I forgot how to after 5 years of no driving
>Can you parallel park?
no I suck at it
>Can you survive without parallel parking where you live?
idk but you must know how to if you want to survive in a car world
>If you don't drive then how do you get by in the country you live in?
train or walk
>Do you feel unmanly if you can't/don't drive?
not really but it kills me I forgot how to drive
>How does one cope knowing that foids can drive while you don't?
it kind of stress me, I can't do anything if one doesn't have a car in a car world


Yes, parallel parking is pretty easy imo.
If I was immobile then I would start with a motorbike tbh. Half a day's training gets you on the road in my country, albeit with learner plates.
Public transport is not wizard friendly imo.


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>Can you drive?

>Can you parallel park?


>Can you survive without parallel parking where you live?


>If you don't drive then how do you get by in the country you live in?


>Do you feel unmanly if you can't/don't drive?

no I wouldn't, many men at my workplace don't own cars, and they drive so rarely that they admit they're not very good at driving, and I don't think any less of the because of that
only stupid assholes think this way

>How does one cope knowing that foids can drive while you don't?

eh? what's wrong with other people doing things I can't? there will always be someone better at what I think I'm good at
stop comparing yourself to other people and live your own life


never even tried to get a license


Should've also asked what the country of the people responding is. Additionally, should've asked about the involvement in accidents as well and whether they can live without a car in their country or not.
Anyways, add your country if you read this message. And if you've been into an accident.
As for me,



>Can you drive?

I think I can to a good extent, I drive like 10 times a month on average.

>Can you parallel park?

This is the toughest one, I feel like parking and driving are different skill sets. I tried parallel parking once but I almost bumped my beater car into an expensive BMW. Thankfully, my younger brother was there to guide me otherwise I would've been done. I think if my car had a rear camera and a 360 camera, then I would at least not bump and maybe able to parallel park.

>Can you survive without parallel parking where you live?

To some extent you can, I have rarely encountered parallel parking here. But even then I find a different space to park.

>Can you live without a car in India?

Yes, I can't believe I am saying this but this might be a positive about being in India, we have an alternative to driving that is riding. So people who can't drive can use their scooters or motorcycles, but dealing with tuk tuk drivers is a nightmare as they are very aggressive and ready to thug you, they are known for doing this all across the country. We also have buses, metros, and trains, but public transport is way too overburdened.

>Do you feel unmanly if you can't/don't drive?

Quite frequently, I am not the best driver, I struggle with the actual length and width of the car so I always drive with a margin on all sides, I have been involved in a fender bender with a foid who was ready to assault me, as I was turning I incorrectly gauged space in front of me and bumped her car.

>How does one cope knowing that foids can drive while you don't?

There is no cope, its pure emasculation, given that driving is a mandatory skill because of the world we have designed, I wish it wasn't and public alternatives were better but they aren't in India and in most places across the world.

Getting back to the topic there was recently an incident where I met a bunch of fair skinned Indians to the point that they were almost pink, and that couple of fair skinned Indians and their children mogged this shit out of me, the succubus drove a large SUV and managed to parallel park it with ease out of my house in after a long night drive. I felt racially inferior that time, I can't put into words how much threatened I felt by this succubus who was so assertive, skilled, and good looking, and even had good looking pink skinned kids, mogging me into oblivion.

>Do you feel unmanly if you can't/don't drive?

I do, I can't do two things.
1. I can't see shit in the night because I get blinded by oncoming headlights, doesn't help that I drive a low slung sedan so the bright white lights from the oncoming crossovers and SUVs almost destroy me. While a lot of succubi manage to drive in the night confidently.
2. I can't park, which is so emasculating as it is a test of vision, spatial awareness, and skill. Being outclassed in this department really leaves me feeling unmanly.


Honestly speaking, half the posts about driving on this website are written by me, I am worried that one day that I get a chance to live my dream that is to travel to the first world (here comes the alt-right wizzes) I won't be able to parallel park in Europe, I have seen a lot of street views in European cities and people there seem to park closely, and I am afraid that I won't be able to do that, what scares me even more is that I don't think I would be able to get a licence in countries like Germany or Netherlands, and not being able to get a licence will only feed into my inferiority complex.

I am not that worried about America though because people there don't parallel park but on second thought, in a lot of American cities parallel parking is probably the norm, so if I won't be able to do that, the problems could be significant, like what if I bump into somebody's car and they pull out a gun on me, in America I imagine most people are armed all the time, and when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail. Plus: I am brown so people would be more willing to shoot me because I don't meet objective standards of beauty.

Overall, while I can drive for now during the day, I struggle with driving at night and parking, which means that I won't be able to become a taxi driver in my country, so that takes another avenue of supporting myself out of the equation. And hell, maybe I can learn how to parallel park (I hope I can) but there is nothing I can do about being blinded at night.

All in all, I feel pretty inferior as not being able to drive in the night and parallel park is ruining my fantasy life of being able to drive on AutoBahn and Route 66.

What makes all of this particularly heart breaking for me is that growing up, I was obsessed with cars. I used to memorise car magazines, fantasise about cars. And being an adult who is still a massive car guy, it is pretty shameful and emasculating that I am not able to parallel park or drive at night. Like can you imagine how emasculating and heart breaking it is to be a car guy and to not be able to parallel park and drive at the night and to not have the idea of how big the dimensions of you car truly are, it would be an even greater problem in the West where the Sedans are like 5 metres long.

So yeah all in all, I am in a pretty bad situation, my fantasy life of being able to travel to the West and drive is ruined (I say fantasy life cause I don't know if I will ever have the means, money, opportunity, and luck to travel to the West), but more debilitatingly I can't become a taxi driver anymore in case my current endeavour with college degree fails which directly affects my real life.

I wish I could drive well, see at night, be able to parallel park. These are my only wishes.


a reversing camera makes parallel parking so trivial that anyone can do it.
really you just need the right technique, I do the same thing every time and it's always fine.


The problem is I can't gauge the front either, like whether I would be able to fully turn without hitting the car in front of me while turning inside, which is why I always keep margin while driving, although keeping margin doesn't work while parking. But yeah, a reverse camera would at least guarantee that I don't bump into the car behind me.


no, ive never liked or cared about cars in any capacity and im european so in the event i have to be somewhere (i dont) i can walk or take public transport.

i dont give a fuck whats considered "manly", masculinity is a slave collar. i think you need to drop the whole concept of "emasculation" from your thoughts and vernacular - i understand india is very much a caste system, both in race and sex (men get falsely accused and there are succubi only buses so its not this ebil patriarchy the west likes to paint it to portray brown men bad (this post will probably get a bunch of flak from /pol/chuds lol)) so its not your fault. but still you need to somehow stop framing it like its a test of your innate worth as a human male or some shit. you know what else is manly? getting conscripted and dying in a trench. manliness can go fuck itself.


Is it the same way across all of Europe? I thought that it is only the case in Europe for cities, for rural areas or for smaller cities, you need a car. At least that's what I have heard so correct me if I am wrong.

It's true, you're right about India, it's bad but it's not that bad for succubi. Tell you the truth, if I had a chance at the time of the birth, I'd rather be born a succubus in India than a man, as a succubus not only are you 'equal' to men but your supposed "oppression" is offset by society trying to compensate by various rewards.

Anyways, getting back to driving, I don't know why I feel emasculated, I try not to but when I see succubi (and other men) do it better than me, I feel inferior, it's honestly like being mogged. I don't like that feeling of being mogged, I have been mogged enough as is, so maybe a part of me can't tolerate mog anymore and compensates by seething and hating myself for not being able to do something that most people can effortlessly.

Back to what you said, how do I stop feeing the way I feel? I feel like I can't help it but to feel this way. And also, thanks for not being bigoted towards Indian Men and understanding that India is not exactly as bad for succubi as they portray it to be.


Indian succubi are fucking unhinged. Back in the day, when I used to browse reddit which is a website that eventually blackpilled me and took me to crabs.is and eventually to here, when I realised all I can do is give up.

I used to browse reddit very aggressively, I used to read all the comments by females and look into their profiles, It is when I realised how lopsided India actually is and how succubi there are benefitted both from the patriarchal privileges of the past and from the newfound equality and simping of the new.

It was one of the final brutal moments I had before getting blackpilled when I read a post about an Indian succubus criticising Indian Men because they looked at them funny and then later posting on r/rape about how she enjoyed being raped by a white guy in a party when she was 16 and how she would like it again. That was the moment where I finally got out of succubi are wonderful effect and saw succubi for what they are, a bunch of disgusting and rotten filthy humans.

But then again the succubi of my race (east asian), you know how they are, I don't need to say much but in a way it was comforting to know that the reason they hate us is not because of our culture or our behaviour but because we aren't white, I am Japanese but completed my studies from San Francisco and am employed in Netherlands. My mental faculties aren't very good as of the moment so I can't write very comprehensively. But Indian succubi in a way are even worse than our East Asian succubi.


I don't understand, youre a indian or an east asian or japanese??


I am East Asian and Japanese.
Indian sucubbi are a lot like our East Asian succubi. Indian men are going through the same thing but on a more extreme level that we go through. I learned this in SF which is a haven for WMAF.


your father is japanese? and your mother east asian? do you speak japanese?


Japanese are a type of East Asians. If someone is Japanese, then they are East Asian. There are various types of East Asians like Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc.

My mother and father are both Japanese. Yes, I do speak Japanese.


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cool. can you answer this question: why japanese leave their on the train when a foreigner seat next to them or no one wants to sit near a foreigner?
also is everything tatemae?
how to know what japanese think?
can you explain why hikikomori is a japanese thing mostly?
are you a hikikomori?
cool youre japanese👍
are japanese people racist?
do the untranslated manga/LN in japan are far better what we got translated overseas?
can you read this free trial of a LN and tell me what's the story so far/what happens if possible please? I don't read japanese: https://www.kadokawa.co.jp/product/310898200010/


Generally speaking people in Japan always try to leave a gap between them and the next person sitting whether they are japanese or not.
With people that we don't know largely everything is Tatemae. It's a bit like cleanliness we value it a lot when going outside but a lot of us have messy homes lol
As to how to know what japanese think, I cannot speak for other people but normies are alike everywhere. They are all full of shit.
No, I am not a hikki, I am a wagie in Netherlands for an assignment from my company, I'll soon return back to San Francisco where I completed my college from.
As for hikkis they are dependent on their parents much like other wizzes on here. Maybe I'll be too in the future cause I can't focus on the task at hand and keep zoning out, which is why my employer sent me to Netherlands just to work on an easier task.
I assume, untranslated are better but I have never liked too much manga or anime. And most Japanese people aren't racist just a bit closed off. We're closed off to each other a bit as well. Japan too is very degenerate in a lot of ways, the old days of arranged marriages are gone, I suggest that you don't glorify the life that we live here too much. As for the manga you linked, I will read it when I get some free time. It's surprisingly long lol and without illustrations.


thank you answering my questions. don't worry about the free trial of the light novel, do it when you have free time👍


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This is all I do, one full turn of the wheel left, then a full turn right.
If you practice enough you'll get it.


Will practicing with cones work? And how to accurately gauge that I will be able to park between two cars, ie, whether the two cars have enough space between them or not. And you talked about turning wheel right after turning it left but isn't there a part where you have to keep the wheel straight after you first turn left?


There was a 🇯🇵 neet here years ago whos dad was a professor, is that you?


It's just that it really bothers me that I am so close and yet so far, I can drive perfectly fine when I am driving forwards (or turning or in traffic or on challenging terrain) but when it comes to reversing, I am bad at it, I have no way to get the idea how close my rear end is to the car or fence behind me even if I turn my head around and look out of the rear windshield, I need to depend on a rear view camera to know how far away I am from the fence.

The other this is that it is perfectly acceptable in my country to stick your head out of the window and reverse, when people see you reversing they automatically stop and assume you have no idea of the other side but that is one way that we reverse.

Now, I am reading so much and learning so much, about how hard it is to get a licence in a country like Netherlands, UK, Germany, and Japan. Not only that you also can't use rear camera and rely on other aids. And how hard it is to park in European Cities, and major American cities, as I struggle with parallel parking in tight spots too. And I struggle with driving at night. Because oncoming headlights blind me.

Quite a depressing thing to realise, when you grew up as a kid loving cars and obsessed with them as an adult, only to realise you can't even drive properly and not being able to drive a car seriously limits you and cut you off from rest of the world and you have to be a dependent cuck. And watch succubi and normies out-skill you and emasculate you, very brutal feeling.

I don't even know if I practice will help with the nighttime driving and reversing as there is nothing I can do at the night as I am blinded by the headlights and as for reversing, I can't see much out of the rear windshield so I don't know if even practicing would help me even a bit as it's not like seeing through the front and being able to gauge distances.

Realising that I am not a true driver truly shattered my ego. If there is one wish that I have it is to be able to drive and park in all circumstances, but I am feeling very demotivated and the depression from it is spilling over to the rest of my life. I won't blame the system or these first world countries a bit cause other people are able to pass their tests so there must be something wrong with me. I just hope that I am not one of those who is not cut out for driving. Driving is the only bit of pleasure I get in my lonely life.


Driving isn't hard, but I don't like it because even if you only drive a short distance, you will encounter other drivers doing something crazy.


I can drive but yeah parallel parking gives me anxiety. Especially if it is on a busy street where people are waiting for you to pull in. But cities are cancer anyway.


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and there are assholes who do this


How do you know that there is a spot empty for parallel parking? And when you do see it, is it too late to attempt to parallel park and what do you actually do when someone is stuck at your rear because they were driving bumper to bumper or tailgating you?


And people who live in rural areas of countries in Europe and NA and don't have a car or can't get a licence. How do they get by? Do they have to always depend on someone? But what if let's say you're an immigrant or a socially dysfunctional adult and for some reason you aren't liked in that rural area. How do you get by then? Do you depend upon your parents?


tbh when there is such heavy traffic, I only parallel park when there are at least two empty spots and I can drive in going forward, then I only correct and adjust without stopping the traffic


I'm terrified of the idea of getting behind a wheel. I can't even keep constant attention in one single thing without doing anything else for a short time, I don't understand how apparently almost everyone can keep so many things in mind at the same time for a long period of time and manage to maneuver a 3000 pounds constant explosion machine without making humanity extinct every day.


Where do you live and how do you manage without a car?


I got my licence but i am very bad at driving and find it terrifying. Last time i drove i crashed. And i dont want to pay for a car. For many years i lived in a place where this meant i was basically trapped in my suburban house like a prison. I almost killed myself.

I moved from a different continent to a european city. now i can actually go on walks regularly and do everything i need without a car. it changed my life completely.
It isnt worth being alive if you're stuck without the ability to drive in a place that needs a car.


I assume you're from the US.
In my country (India) getting a licence is easy, I have been driving for years now, and have no problem at all driving, but when it comes to parking, it's an entirely different ballgame, like here our instructors teach us to reverse with our heads sticking out and periodically checking the other side, this wouldn't work in the West.

Parallel Parking and reverse back-in parking are also very uncommon here, so at my first parallel park try I fumbled up.

Now since it's my dream to visit countries in Europe, it kinda depresses me that I might not be able to get a licence, now what's funny is I have no money to travel outside of my city in India and it's unlikely I will ever be able to travel to Europe, but for some reason my OCD brain is fixated on the idea of getting a licence in Germany and countries like Germany just so that I can prove to myself that I am capable. It's very weird as I spent most of my time thinking about this, and people around me can't understand it they are like you'd hardly even leave India, if ever, so why bother, but I can't help it, my OCD ridden pain is desiring some sort of perfection. It'd be great if someone suffering from similar problems of OCD like me could chime in and tell me how do I deal with these thoughts? How do I stop worrying about whether I'd be able to parallel park or not.

I guess its because the first attempt of me parallel parking for the first time resulted in a failure. (read more: >>279449) because of that my confidence is shattered, but yeah people around me find it very weird how I am fixated on the idea of parallel parking, that too in a different country which I have no real plans to visit and just a fantasy. Wish I could do something about my OCD ridden brain.

Anyways, I digressed a bit too much, you probably live in a major city in Europe, it's cool if you enjoy living in a city, but if you'd like living in a countryside or a cute little village, I imagine that a car is still an absolute necessity no matter which country it is on the planet, only exceptions would be country like Singapore, but even there a lot of people find cars necessary.


Can you drive?
No, I only have 26 hours driving time.
Can you parallel park?
No, I did a reverse parallel park today though.
Can you survive without parallel parking where you live?
yea ofc, I don't enjoy driving as much as most people and my life isn't crippled without it anyway.
If you don't drive then how do you get by in the country you live in?
Barely, I don't even really know.
Do you feel unmanly if you can't/don't drive?
Yea, it seems some people had their parents drive them and they have 0 fear of crashing.
How does one cope knowing that foids can drive while you don't?
Nothing I can do about it. At least self driving cars will be the norm in my lifetime (hopefully)


What is reverse parallel parking?


>I moved from a different continent to a european city
Use your license to drive back to where you came from and stay out of Europe forever.


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what's your story man? how did you become like this? xD


An immigrant broke in to my car and stole my country roadmap and the 7 euros out of my cup holder. Then he started it up and parallel parked it and I had to wait for one of the adjacent cars to leave so I could pull out.


how do you buy and store groceries without a car?


Latin America and I don't really. When I lived in a capital public transportation was satisfactory, I think I may need to go back.


Man, I don't really get people like these. Like at least inquire about the guy's religion first, if he's muslim then I can understand telling him to fuck off lol cause they don't assimilate and have only one goal which is to kill non-muslims. And they achieve it by multiplying, raping, lying, deceit, and everything dishonorable.


And btw discriminating people on the basis of race is wrong, because they didn't choose their race. But discrimination on the basis of their beliefs is right because they are actively terrorising other people.


don't get too excited or you won't be able to sleep


I don't live in the West, at least reply to the correct guy in question. /pol/ is that way.


not a poltard


>don't get too excited or you won't be able to sleep
what do you mean


>"who hurt you?"-type post
How did wizchan become like this is the question. Do we have actual succubi passing by?


I think it's more curiosity seeing a wiz behave like that than anything tbh, but each to his own


Absolutely disgusting. At least muslims oppose the jews, kill the faggots and put succubi in their places. I'd rather Europe be inherited by the caliphate than run by kikes and their meek mongrelized servants.


>And btw discriminating people on the basis of race is wrong, because they didn't choose their race
That's no different than saying we should allow black mambas to roam our gardens as garter snakes do because the mamba didn't choose to be born as an aggressive venomous hunter.

Race isn't skin deep. There are more inward mental differences between races than there are outwardly observable ones. Most races just aren't compatible with eachother.


Oh fuck off you don't even know anything don't try to act smart here .christions and muslims both hate Jews . Jews, They did horrible things in the past and whip out all the evidence. they try to control the world and world economy many times And somehow hitlar know that if this race keeping growing like this they are going to take over the world and put all the religions under there foot that's why hitlar stated killing Jews . He knows that's this people can't be trusted they are horrible most selfish human beings. Just look at American, Hollywood is under the control of Jews ,most the property of America and land are under Jews people name . Most of the Jews tv channel are controlled by Jews and Kanye has one shown the evidence. And if you think about Hindus , they don't have much brain to do or even things this thing they just enjoy living dirty in a mud full of shit . That why they take shit anywhere they like .


So this website too is filled with muh joozers. It's unbelievable. Give a little nudge and so called wizards start acting like normies.




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Look at it this way - normalfags are controllable cattle driven by animalistic instincts. You know this, and so do the Jews, except Jews call this kind goyim instead of normalfags. Jews taking over the media and spreading degeneration affects only the normalfags. You are left as you were, you don't have to consume the same goyslop as the goyim consume. And do not be fooled, the normalfags were just as retarded and promiscuous before this, as they are now, only then they kept their behaviour hidden, and now they are open about it. So it's actually good that the goyim signal their degeneracy because now you can easily spot and disregard them.


There are several grocery stores within like 5 minute walk, even though im in a small city. I can just carry it and walk easily. Most people go several times a week instead of doing one big shopping trip like in more americanised countries. But despite that, these days i still just get groceries delivered to my door because it costs almost the same


1) fuck you
2) ill have you know i am white and have european genetics


>But despite that, these days i still just get groceries delivered to my door because it costs almost the same
nice you can become a hikikomori


I know rare but I am interested if there are any wizards from USA who don't have a licence. I have heard that every job in the United States (whether the job itself is car related or not) requires a driving licence. Must be incredibly hard for those who don't have a driving licence there.


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I never felt the need to get a license growing up in a big walkable european city with a dense public transport infrastructure.

Nevertheless everyone but me got a license at 18 and I didn't and I see it as another sign how exceptionally inept and stuck in arrested development I am.

It's not seen as anything special with even the dumbest people having one but for me it feels impossible. I can't picture myself navigating this big car through the dense traffic and narrow roads of a city where you have to constantly watch out for people.


>Can you drive?
>Can you parallel park?
>Can you survive without parallel parking where you live?
>If you don't drive then how do you get by in the country you live in?
I walk or bike
>Do you feel unmanly if you can't/don't drive?
No, because walking and cycling are healthier
>How does one cope knowing that foids can drive while you don't?
I don't cope, because I don't need to.


Where do you live?


I learned how to drive pretty late but I don't think I'm bad at it, so I don't feel too deficient :P
I'm also so unsocial this point I don't really think of anything in terms of manly/unmanly, and thus feel unbothered.

American here. The majority of my old friends didn't drive to their first job, they either walked or took public transport. I used an electric bike to get to my first one. As long as you live in a city I think you can see plenty of young people who don't drive to work because they can't afford a car yet. Having the option to drive is still frequently preferable when because you have a wide sphere of job options to choose from. I can't say anything about more rural areas.


I can drive but I dislike driving. Makes me feel inept that don't have a car or drive. Public transport is OK here and I barely go anywhere so.


I can but I don't like it. normscum are as aggressive and unruly in their cars as they are in real life. I would have to be one of the very few people on the road for this activity to be truly enjoyable for me.


i feel like every car that comes within a few metres to me is a social event with difficult social rules communicated by subtle movements. The slightest mistake can lead to death. I dont understand how normal people with 100 IQ or lower can do it so easily


yeah i get those worries too, like when a car drives towards me i can imagine it suddenly turning into me, and i get shivers
i understand its just paranoia though, its not rational to be afraid of this happening

most people, myself include, drive sort of unconsciously, by muscle memory
the car becomes an extension of your body and you dont even think about what how to drive, you just use that car like you use your hands or legs
its like you can "speak" with your fingers through a keyboard if you're used to typing, dont even need to look at the keys


>its not rational to be afraid of this happening
But it is rational. Horrific crashes happen all the time. I know someone who died in one, i was once a passenger in a car when the driver almost ran over a child, and i have already crashed once myself. Driving is incredibly dangerous, and especially so for me because i have so much anxiety and bad spacial awareness, so i just shouldnt do it


>Can you drive?
>Can you parallel park?
Yes, just reverse in.
>Can you survive without parallel parking where you live?
>How does one cope knowing that foids can drive while you don't?
Get a license, it's piss easy, as you said, even succubi can drive.

Driving a car sucks, it's boring and you're perpetually stuck in traffic. Get a motorcycle, cheaper and more fun.
Get a license and motorcycle, nothing makes you derealise like driving aimlessly at night.


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How do I calculate whether I'd be able to fit in a parking spot when it comes to parallel parking.
I struggle with parallel parking and reverse bay-in parking. How long would it take to learn parallel parking and the kind of reverse bay-in parking shown in the video? I have been driving for 4 years. Do you live in a city like NYC? And am worried that I wouldn't be able to get a licence in a country like Germany. It's my dream to drive on autobahn.


How do you manage to drive in the night? I have a low slung sedan and the lights from SUVs pierce my eyes. And sometimes when they are on low beam. When I flash my light at them the faggots then turn on the high beam blinding me even more. I have no vision issues diagnosed but what do you guys think do I have vision issues?


Hmmm, sounds like you suffer from one of these extremely rare diseases. They are so little known, that you are unlikely to get it diagnosed though, especially if you live in one of those shitholes like India. I would advise you stop driving lest you die in a car crash and not cute gf will look at your mangled face.


Yeah, I try to avoid driving in the night but my father insists that the more I drive in the night the better I'll get at it, surprisingly my father is pretty good at driving in the night even when being absolutely blinded, I guess parents exhaust all their ability before they pass on their genes lol


PS: I think the Chinese might just be the best drivers of all time, I have been watching Chinese "parking in the yard" videos like the vidrel recently, and even their succubi are pretty good at it, I have also been analysing street view in Germany and seeing so many people parallel park huge vans. I just don't understand why I am the odd one out and can't do these things properly despite driving for 4 years. It's quite bad, sadly where I live there is no place to practice, and I don't even have the money to buy cones to practice, and I would have to buy a lot of cones to replicate that yard, I wish I had a parking yard to myself with cars lol, I would spend my whole day learning how to park, its so weird it feels like there is something 'pending' until I don't fully learn how to park like this, it's unreal how much I obsess over parking, more so tha crabs do over succubi, I just hope I manage to become a pro at these kinds of reverse bay-in parking and parallel parking, these are my only wishes.


Trust me anon. I live in Germany and tons of people suck at parking. Half the time I look for a parking lot some retarded boomer is taking up 1.5 lots with his crossover suv he doesn't need.


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>crossover suv
I'm tired to see these cars everywhere in western europe and tesla too


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SUVs are the worst thing that happened to cars
cars produced after 2000-2005 generally aren't worth attention
they're made for retards who sue the manufacturer for crash injuries because they were too stupid to wear the seatbelt, and now cars have annoying fucking beepers to remind you of the seatbelt
and don't get me started on how fucking ugly these cars are, i could write a book shitting on every little detail of modern cars

okay, time to calm down…


Okay, now I want to learn how to reverse park like this. Has anyone here done this kind of thing shown in the video? I feel like this only happens in East Asia.


yeah all the time
it only looks impressive because its sped up
with enough time you could do it to

i feel like like 90% of you "bad drivers", your problems stem from angry tuk tuk drivers and honking normonkeys who rush you, so you try to do it quickly
just relax, take your time, try as many times as you need, and you'll do fine


This is true. Most drivers keep honking incessantly it puts me into a lot of pressure. I will try keeping my composure. Although I would say that Audi A8 parking in the video is still impressive even though it's sped up (Maybe not for you as you are already good at it). Btw I don't get much chances to park like this any idea how I should practice? I am trying to find a free and open space (challenging in India) and using some cones but they are still kinda expensive for some reason even though it's just plastic. So what can I do in the meantime? Is there some other way or is there ultimately no remedy except practice?

I have some more questions too like, when you try to do reverse bay in parking the corner of your car or the rear left part of the rear is more likely to touch the other car? How can it be gauged through camera? Given that camera is usually in the middle of the rear of the car.

And while parallel parking how do I know it's safe to turn inside without hitting the bonnet of my car in the front car. I don't know accurately where my bonnet ends as when I drive I usually keep a margin of 2 ft. and that margin while helpful in traffic and avoiding accidents can be a pain in the ass when you try to turn in or make a manoeuvre in situations which depends on accuracy. So how do I accurately gauge it?

And lastly how the hell did people use to reverse and see thing like low heighted walls and other things that are not visible through the rear windshield when you get close enough when there weren't any rear view cameras?


My mom (blessedly I live at home) got some crossover ev electric car as a work car. I shit you not the only interface is some retarded touch screen, EVERY TIME you enter the car you have to go into some submenu to turn off the "automatic lane keep" (aka I'm gonna jerk you back into lane if you even breathe on the markings funny), "driver attention" (aka the infrared scanner that looks at your face constantly and beeps at you if you look out the window a bit too long) and "speed warning" that will beep at you if you even go 1km/h above the limit (and btw it doesn't read the signs it just takes the latest speed limit it has in its database and sometimes it's outdated).
I fucking hate this retarded shit.


>and don't get me started on how fucking ugly these cars are,
lol I would read that. also those who drive suvs…are they assholes?


In addition to this >>297771, I have some other questions as well, like when you are turning and trying to reverse between two cars, and you see the mirror and the car parked in it, how do you know how far away the boot of your car is from the parked car when you're seeing it in the mirror?

And the same goes for the lines, like when you see lines on the ground while doing a reverse bay-in parking and see the lines in your side mirrors, how do you really know how far away the line really is while looking in the mirror, I can't seem to gauge it correctly, and have been driving for 4 years. Would you say that I should give up driving or is there something intrinsically wrong with me?

Sorry, English isn't my first language so I am unable to explain my question well, ask me to re-explain and I will try using ChatGPT's help to better elaborate my points.
PS: I know on /wiz/ there was a taxi driver here maybe he can answer my question.


Man this is getting beyond emasculating. I tried to parallel park today but I got it right only after a few tries and I had to get out and physically look whether I can turn in or not.

While a rear cam solves a lot of problems.
I have three questions, I'll be glad if someone could answer them.
A) We know that we're supposed to: (i) turn 45°
(ii) then turn wheels straight
(iii) and then turn wheels again in the opposite direction compared to original.
So in during the second step how to get an idea how close the back wheel of thr car is to the kerb and when are ready to do step (iii)?

B) While doing step (iii), how to know that whether your car's front corner is going to rub against the car in the front?

C) While sitting in the car, how to judge whether that spot is big enough for your car not?


It's all about geometry
>put your car as close as possible to the one which is going to be in your front
>turn wheels to right fully
>select "reverse"
>go slowly, until getting an angle of 30º or 40º
>turn wheels fully to the other side
>backwards again, slowly
Practice makes mastery. You must get yourself used to the previous distance you need to be from the other car (closer side to side, a bit behind or the opposite, the angle when you change wheels orientation), it is basically two moves, both with wheels fully turned.
>practice makes mastery


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My mom doesn't let me drive her car, probably because i'm too autistic and failed the drive licence exam twice, but even if i could, i'd still feel like a baby that needs parents permission to do anything.


Thanks for taking the time to reply. With regards to the steps in the photo where you're parking to the right. Even after a lot of practicing I always end up either on the kerb or either too far to the kerb. This is the hardest part. How do I know when to go for the final turn even the side mirrors of the car don't properly show the distance between rear left/right wheels and the kerb. Btw let me know if you're able to understand what I am asking as my English is crappy so I apologise for that.

And hell, I can't even get the first part right which is to see a gap and be able to judge whether I would manage to park in it or not? How do I practice for that and improve my judgement?


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Basically I am unable to judge the distance in blue when backing in after completing my (first) 45° move before finally tucking in the front. And I can't seem to gauge in side mirror how close the kerb is to my car's left wheel. So how do I figure that out? And ofc if the space is big enough to park in the first place.


You cannot sense the distance with accuracy. Only changing parameters and trying different combinations you can find the accurate one:
>being a bit forward or a bit more backed than the blue car, rather than at its same length
>trying different angles for the moment of changing wheel direction

The side mirror should be focusing more of the floor. Also, driving schools recommend you to step down the car and get back in for better checking.

The blue distance is not judged, you just try and try… after many times your memory and intuition should do the job.


isn't that like learning anything?
you just repeat it over and over until your brain unconsciously develops the circuitry that works


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I can drive, manual even.
I can parallel park if space is not too tight.
I could if I really needed too but fuck paying and walking extra for parking.
I can drive but I don't own a car, I live in Mexico City. Public transport is excellent in terms of coverage and distribution despite the buses and drivers themselves being awful. Our subway, or metro is amazing, super cheap and quick. Never left my state though.
I don't really care nor think less of someone if they can't. Actually I think that driving anxiety is a valid reason to not drive here specifically and I'd imagine the same happens with other large cities like New York or Moscow, driving culture in such a congested city is like a jungle, you really need a lot of visual contact with other drivers and a lot of aggressivity to make your way through. If someone doesn't want to put up with that it's fine.
Foids can drive, but zoomers can't. I don't care much about that.

The cars I drove were all subcompact class with their axles pretty much on each longitudinal end, dunno how to explain it but it's like they had no hood and no trunk. They had them of course but they weren't hanging like they would in a large sedan like a Crown Victoria. So they were easy to park. Anything bigger I wouldn't be able to judge space correctly.


I see. The first ten times I tried, by the end of it I was still unable to gauge that distance where I should start for the final tuck in of the front. I just hope and pray that it's something that I can learn and not something that I am unable of.

I do point my mirrors downwards when I start reversing. I talked about this with some of my family members as well. And it was a bit frustrating to know that they could just gauge the distance in the question by just looking at the side mirrors and that they "just know it" while I struggle with it.

I will do as you say though and keep practicing and hopefully I would be able to work it out of it anything discuss some reference points. Also let me know if you have any tips on how I can figure out if the space between two cars is enough to park in the first place.

I learned and have only driven manual as well cause they are cheap and easy to maintain. I do drive a sedan though and you're right, I have to be extremely mindful of how the boot of the car and the hood of the car swings so to speak.


I have another question. When parallel parking, how do you judge how far behind the rear parked car is from the boot of your car without camera. I mean people have been doing parallel parking for years, how do they manage to judge this?

Or same goes while parking when you pull inside a slot in reverse, like how do you judge how far you're from the kerb, bushes, or the car parked behind, given that it's bonnet is below the boot of your car and you can't see the rear parked car's bonnet or the kerb or bushes from your rear windshield. How the heck did people manage to do this without cameras?


>try to park in
>cant see shit
>get out of the car
>walk around and notice the distance
>get back in
>park in
>if not sure repeat the process
alternative is having someone to look while you park and giving you hand signals.


That is how I park for now, while this is better than hitting someone's car (and risk being beaten by the other car's owner), this process is kind of embarassing because other people manage to do it without stepping outside their cars. Any ideas on how I can get good at this?
Btw, thanks for replying, I really appreciate it.


eventually if you do it often enough you will be much better at judging the distance and wont need to get out that often anymore. the car at some point becomes like an extension of the body.
>is kind of embarassing
thats like just in your head dude. being careful is not a bad thing. if I saw some guy parking in like this next to my car I wouldnt think hes retarded, I'd think what a careful intelligent man that cares about his things and the things of others.


The problem is that I've been driving the same car over past 4 years. And while I have no problem in driving in front or even in traffic. I even feel like I have gotten better over last 4 years when it comes to driving in the front but when it comes to reversing and understanding how far things are in the back, I literally feel like I am as blind as I was on day one of driving. It's just so hard to look back out of rear window and barely see anything or look at side mirrors and judge distances accurately tbf I don't even know how to practice for it. And then there is doing it in the night as well where barely anything is visible or you're blinded by the lights in the side mirror.


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I think I have figured out what my problem exactly is, the problem is that I can't judge distances in the rear with enough precision using my side mirrors, that is what my problem is.

Not only does it not help while doing this >>298015 but there is another unique scenario where this causes problem consider this you've got to do a u-turn on a road which is not wide enough to do a complete u-turn in just one try, so you have to reverse a bit and then turn it again.

Now, consider this photo here, a guy has to take a u-turn but the road isn't big enough to take a u-turn in one time, so the guy (blue) has to reverse, but turns out a guy in the red has already stopped to close to the guy. So the guy in the blue has very limited room to reverse.

So the question becomes how does the guy judges the distance between his car and the car in the red using his side mirror, the distance is indicated by green colour.

Last time, I was in this scenario where I had to take a u-turn, I ended up bumping into the red car and almost got lynched by the public as I bumped into a stationary car.

So what can I do to avoid it, just by using my side mirrors, how do I accurately manage to judge the distance in green?


maybe you should get a different car, some cars are build like that that you have poor visibility and all kinds of retarded blindspots, the mirrors are shitty, seat too low etc.
my first car was a huge mini van but I was sitting up high in there with huge windows and large mirrors and had good visibility so I never had a problem parking it anywhere even in somewhat tight spots.
when I later sold it I had gotten a station wagon and in there I was sitting low and had poor visibility and I fucked up the bumper and the paint multiple times.
and this was all before parking sensors and cameras and all this shit and if you have that in there then parking is basically automated piss easy mode and you know the distance by listening to beep sounds. some cars can even park automatically I heard.


>just by using my side mirrors
you are supposed to turn your entire upper body and head around and judge the distance that way. not just look at the mirrors.


I live in a rural area which means I have to drive to get anywhere. There's no need to parallel park, though. When I did that section on my driving test I bumped into one of the cones, but I was still able to pass. I've never had to do it outside of the test, thankfully. If I were in a situation where parallel parking were needed, I'd drive somewhere else and park a mile away if I had to. I'm bad at backing into a parking space as well, and I won't do it unless there are no other cars nearby.


I used to drive for a living, if you do the same shit every day it becomes like second nature, just do the same shit over and over again and your subconscious will automatically do it for you eventually


I primarily drive two cars, a hatchback and a sedan. And I can't gauge distances in the rear using just side mirrors in both of them, so I thought that the problem is with me, the thing is both of my cars don't have a rear view camera or sensors, so I have to do it only visually, I can judge distances in the rear using side mirrors only when the disparity in distances are huge.

Like when I have to reverse let's say towards a bush/kerb in a parking lot, I generally stop 3.5feet away from the bush/kerb looking in the side mirror, any closer than that and I can't judge the distances accurately, and when there is a situation like this, the rear windshield is essentially useless and turning back doesn't help either.

And this is the problem that I described here >>298119 while making a u-turn and >>298014 while parallel parking.

Well doing that in the case of the u-turn situation that I describe, the red car's hood dips below my door windows and the C-pillar get's in the way of view. And in the case of parallel parking the kerb is also below the car's door's windows so you have to rely on mirrors.

And the thing is, I believe that the parallel parking situation can't even be solved by rear cameras and sensors because it only helps to aid you in how far away you're from the car in the rear but doesn't tell you when to turn in such that you don't end up too far away from the kerb or on the kerb.

I have the same problems but live in a city so there is no option for me but to learn.

The things is I have been driving a lot for past 4 years, and I have gotten better at judging distances, like for example you can't see the tip of the hood/bonnet but now I know where it is because of experience over the last 4 years, but when it comes to the issues that I described, would you mind taking a read and suggesting some sort of remedy? Because no matter what I do and how much I do it, I just can't judge distances accurately with the side mirrors, and I just feel like I am as blind today as I was on the first day of starting to drive, it's like I have not made any progress at all.

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